#anyways here is why kaishi is valid cause he would totally treat Shiho right!!
letstrywritingmaybe · 2 years
So it’s been ages since I read a book book cause fanfics run my life now but I’m finally reading The Summer I Turned Pretty and I just… ugh. I’m only on chapter 12 but my brain is just like and this is why I strayed from the grey otp. Also why I can totally be convinced to ship other Shiho ships. I hate ships where one person is low key an asshole and takes them for granted cause there are things they need to deal with. Like you’re not ready to be in a relationship, so just don’t! Especially against the first love equals only love trope (mostly cause of my other fandoms, since I see things differently for this ship depending on the day). So yeah in case it wasn’t clear I don’t like Conrad and I swear if this is another Peter Kavinsky bs I’m gonna lose it.
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