#anyways hehe! they are all such messes :thumbsup:
homoeroticvillain · 2 months
reasons why geistverse ocs have relationship issues
geist got turned off romance pretty early since they dated one of adam's friends when they were younger which was the world's worst impression and resulted in adam cutting off said friend. either way geist just generally doesn't prioritize romance at all, they don't really see the need in some one and only since y'know they already have angie. but they do flirt which is how they kinda ended up with luci although of course they end up leaving cause of the commitment issues [commitment to romance, their commitment to the bit is unparalleled]
angie wants romance so so bad. she wants to sweep a girl off her feet and by god does she try, it just never seems to work out. she is not by any means someone to pine, if she's interested she's going to ask them out, and the sheer number of times she gets rejected doesn't seem to stop her from getting up and trying again. sometimes the girl rejects her immediately, some inexplicable part of her intolerable, while other times its after the first date, maybe after a few, and on one absolutely soul crushing time it was after a year. sometimes its her, she's too butch or not butch enough or they think her interests are stupid. but most of the time it's geist, they crosses some line on the acceptable level you can mention your best friend [and the acceptable number of times they can crash your date or cause you to leave cause they've gotten into some sort of trouble]
adam thinks he would like romance in theory, the idea of someone loving him and being obsessed with him sounds great. but by the time he's actually in a relationship or on a date he finds himself picking out some minor flaw about them and why it would never work and how actually he kinda hates them. its just a constant loop of flirting with someone, being genuinely interested and thinking maybe this time it'll work, but never going on another date after the first cause they're too blond and two blonds dating is weird or something similarly inane.
bianca self esteem is so low and she doesn't put herself out there at all that she just never gets anywhere. she gets a crush on almost anyone who is nice to her, especially guys, but she finds the idea of actually confessing to anyone paralyzing so she just relegates herself to hoping someday someone will confess to her. an idea she thinks is incredibly unlikely despite how much her mom tries to reassure her that she is very pretty and that guys should be swooning over her
luci just doesn't have good taste. a fact he didn't know until recently since he just really find himself interested in dating anyone until geist. if he was anyone else he might have thought he was aro but if you had asked him he would of just said it wasn't something he worried and he was sure he'd find someone who was his type. it just turns out his type is short twink-adjacent thieves who are going to end up manipulating him and then leaving him. unfortunate :/
dan surrendered himself at a young age to just forever being in love with luci [someone who he assumed was straight and just very picky] and never having someone. of course this wasn't a fact he told anyone, except watson, the rat, as he was very good at keeping secrets. he just decided to devote himself to studying and his work and dying alone but hopefully accomplished. to say the least he took the revelation that the man he was in love with was dating the thief he was chasing very badly
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happistar · 4 months
my only major downfalls in remembering all 179 titles of episodes of nuwho is my god awful spelling (especially of alien names) and the like 50 episodes that all have the same "the ___ of the ___" title scheme. like guys what if we were a little more creative. as a treat
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