#anyway. im glad i learnt the Big thing when i got back to school bc now i have an enjoyable place to exit to much of the time
spaghett-onaplate · 26 days
it's all difficult to stomach sometimes
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taikanyohou · 2 years
totally totally agree with that anon, in fact i was about to send you a similar ask but they beat me to it ahsjdkfkgjs but yes!!! feel like we can learn a Lot from you. thank you for being here and sharing yourself with us, im really SO glad i found you, yknow? anyway since im here, just wanted to ask- whats it like being a teacher, especially to kids that young? what did you study in school? how do you interact with your kids and teach them in a way they understand (i guess thats what you wouldve studied in school)? ((ofc you dont have to answer these)) sending you love as always 🥰❤️
hiiii anon!!!
chfhd9f ANON!!!! thank you!!!!!!! this means a lot!!!!
aaaaah okay!
whats it like being a teacher to kids that young? im gonna keep it real, its Hard Work. but then you remember the fact that until they dont learn how to sit still for a prolonged period of time, until they don't learn how to hold a pen, how to gradually prolong their attention span, how to get their own coat, how to ask for more, how to eat by themselves, how to express their preferences, you know, these simple but fundamental skills, they can't fully move onto the next step of their learning journey. so its Hard. and it requires soooo much repetition. a lot of patience and willpower. and it can be very mentally exhuasting bc as an adult you're like "come on, all i'm asking you to do is get your coat!", but then you see the child process what you're asking, and you realise just how much is being asked of them, at 3 or 4 years old, and how big the world is for and looks to them. and its just. you know. you realising that. oh. so i need to break this down step by step for them. they need to understand what a coat is, where it is, if its theirs or not, how to stand and get to their coat and come back with it without getting distracted etc. so yeah. it just makes you appreciate it all, when. like. in september, i Know my kids won't be able to sit for more than 2 or 3 minutes. but by november/december? they'll be able to do so for 10 minutes straight. and that's a Lot for a 3-4 year old child, but that's what we need for them to work up to. and by december, when they can do it perfectly, its so worth it. because then we can move onto. like. teaching teaching. before you even THINK about teaching, you need to get the sitting and listening and attention and communication parts checked off first.
what did i study at school? ok. so. at college (ages 16-18), i did biology, chemistry, psychology and ICT for my a-levels. then in uni, it got a bit messy. i did psychology for 6 months, then dropped out, hoping that it'd help me understand my eating disorder, it didnt. it only made it worse and sent me in a really ... urm ... yeah odd place. so i took a gap year and tried to sort my head out (and oh boy the older desi generation Do Not like gap years ... as i learnt that year, bc life's literally like a checklist for us, its about ticking things off quickly one by one, with no time to pause). then i got my undergraduate degree in food and nutritional sciences. and i had a Lot of options to choose from: i could go into sports as a sports nutritionist for athletes and sportspeople, or be a clinical dietician, or go into food innovation and new product development.
i didnt. i only studied food and nutritional sciences to help me, once again, understand my eating disorder. and it did. it helped me so so SO much. bc i got to Know about food at a microscopic, atomic level. and ive always always wanted to be chef. but i didnt quite know how to get there. and being Desi ....... has its own ... urm. barriers. you should go into science - i did. yeah but not That kinda science though, more like medical science - yeah but i dont WANT to.
and being desi means noone has a fucking clue about what an eating disorder is. so. i could only help myself. and im so glad i did.
because then i got my pgce and became a school teacher! and i can teach kids upto the age of 11 (so, primary school), but i chose to specialise in early years, so here i am!
how do i interact with my kids and teach them in a way they understand? i mean, yeah you learn the theory during your degree. but all that? goes out of the window when you're in the classroom. because yeah, you teach the kids. but they teach you how to teach them. some kids dont like learning in big groups, others like colour or puppets or visual aids, some like stories and singing and audio aids, some need sensory play and novelty whilst some can just sit and do it and learn in the traditional way. so you've gotta go with how they work best. more of it is observing and learning how they work best, and then adapting to it. praising them for the good they do, and more of showing them how to do the right thing and less of reprimanding them for doing the wrong thing. bc yeah you can tell them what they did was wrong, but thats just the half of it. its my duty to show them how to do whats right. bc they need that more. and repeating that over and over again until they can do it independently!
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
a/n; congrats to jihoon for being accepted into uni;-;-; and btw pls pardon the mb that was the closest thing i could find to college jihoon in my laptop
masterlist// requests are open
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major: theatre/acting
wanted to take up aerospace technology, but decided to go for his real passion instead
got in through rolling admission, didnt have to face the stress of college entrance examinations
however a very talented actor, able to shed tears in 30 seconds
havent had his first kiss despite acting since five,, and people are shook lol
has looks crafted by the acting gods, visuals made for acting
able to pull off both bad roles and good roles
honestly very friendly and humble young actor, seniors are certain he will make it big in the industry one day
will greet classmates and lecturers good morning and bid them goodbye
lowkey enjoys classics like romeo and juliet, lord of the flies, julius caesar, animal farm 
does well in the prose section in tests because he reads widely 
actually a well all-rounded student, perfect 4.0 gpa in every semester
took up ballet in high school oops and hence knows every scene in ballet classics like sleeping beauty
sings and raps decently, a good dancer too,, a literal golden child lol
but below the perfect boy surface,, jihoon is an avid gamer who always occasionally stays up till the wee wee hours of the night to play games
like overwatch sorry guys that’s the only game i know
sometimes will arrive to class late, hair in a mess and last night’s pyjamas 
but at the end of the day he does well in everything without even trying so the lecturers just let him be
you didn’t even know why you took up theatre,, maybe its because you scored an A in literature during your college entrance exams
communications was too controversial for you anyway
you had zero to little acting experience, the only experience you had was pretending to be sick in school
like jihoon, for the prose section of tests you would score full marks most of the time
but drama section was your pitfall
not that you couldn’t act, but you had a fear of being on camera
selfies with friends are fine, but you just don’t like your pictures being taken in general
one day, your lecturer gave out an assignment, apparently it’s paired work and your partner has already been chosen beforehand
you liked pair work, and honestly one of the only ways you can pull up your grades for the drama section
once you received your assignment, you read the name below yours in bolded itallic,
park jihoon
you sighed, you were afraid of being a burden to the golden student, since he already has secured his own distinction anyway
you were acquaintances with jihoon, but not that close to be friends either
“y/n!” jihoon settled into his seat beside you, “i’m glad we are partners, at least you won’t be like some of the girls in this class…”
you smiled weakly, thankful that he didn’t have a bad impression of you already, “what about them?”
“they always wanted to add a kiss scene in the plot, just to kiss me, its just, ugh.” this was the first time you’ve seen jihoon getting annoyed, and you found it cute honestly
“that’s gross, but don’t worry, i wont make you kiss me, i don’t think you’d want to either.” you patted his back, and you swore that you saw a tinge of hurt in jihoon’s eyes momentarily 
“thanks y/n.”
for the first 2 days, you and jihoon practically breezed through the prose section, sharing your favourite scenes of the classics
“romeo and juliet was a good ending”
“no, they should’ve ran away with each other”
despite conflicting ideas the both of you worked well together and became much closer than before
at first you thought jihoon was a little bit of a tsundere, but the more you knew him, the more goofy he seemed
like how he liked penguins, and has a few penguin stuffed toys on his bed
and you also learnt that jihoon used to do classical ballet in high school, which was lowkey a surprise for you
then came the drama section, the both of you decided on romeo and juliet
wow im so basic sorry guys
you didn’t force jihoon to kiss you too, so the both of you just settled with jihoon putting his thumb in between the both of your lips
or almost kissing
bahbam y’all “kissed”
jihoon told you it was a method actors use so that they don’t really kiss the actress,, and he pulled out that card for all of the girls who wanted to kiss him lol
he even was super sweet about the whole thing, asking if you were uncomfortable and stuff
you always said you wouldn’t but your heart would race whenever he did a tiny bit of skinship like hugging or holding your hand
ultimately, it was just for the grades, right?
jihoon had the biggest crush on you ever since the both of you were in the same class
he was just scared of approaching you, scared that you would think he’s trying to get into your good books
so he was really excited when the lecturer announced that you were his partner
and when you said “i don’t think you’d want to either” to the kiss he was lowkey slumped bc it meant to him that you thought of jihoon as a normal friend and not something more
so on the day of the drama showcase, jihoon could sense your nervousness
usually you were ok but today you werent
“what’s up y/n? are you not feeling well?”
“i have a phobia of being on camera,” you wrung your hands together, “sorry jihoon, i’m bringing down our grades–”
“no, y/n, look at me.” jihoon made you face him, his features gleaming under the light, “we’ll overcome this together. i promise.”
jihoon then swooped down and kissed your lips, which definitely took you aback
“just imagine the camera isn’t there, and there is no one in the classroom except us.” jihoon smiled, as if the kiss didnt happen
you were definitely calmer than before, weirdly, and nodded.
when it was you and jihoon’s turn, he gave your hand a small squeeze 
it went pretty smoothly, with no camera-fright for the first time
until the kiss scene, jihoon actually kissed you for real
and the whole class was shooketh bc park jihoon,, kissing a girl for the first time?? wowzers
in the end, both of you got your As and you got yourself a boyfriend out of it too
honestly jihoon is more of a homebody than you think
he would want to stay at home rather than go out on dates
so he would invite you over to his dorm, to watch movies or just cook for him lol
sometimes he would ask you to play games with him too, but you’d fail
he would be somewhat addicted to his games too, so you have to get through all means and ways to get his attention back on his work
dont be surprised if he calls you at like 3am telling you hes hungry
and you only read it the next morning
“did you see the message i sent you?”
“i sent it at 3am and it said 2 ticks…”
“you’re gaming again?? YAH PARK JIHOON”
“hahaHAHAHHAHAHAHAH yes im sorry babe please forgive me:
has his designated seat beside you in every class
sometimes the lecturer has to call him out for being too clingy to you and its embarrassing when everyone just has their attention on the both of you
save this clingy baby please
will help you hold your notes,, and sometimes clean up with you at your dorm or home
your mother loves him already even tho she only met him through facetime
likes to go to find all the ramen stores in the vicinity and try all of them out
also likes taking pictures of you when you dont notice
and sets it as his kkt bg
your contact in his phone is saved as baby girl💓💕💖💗💘💞
and his contact saved on your phone is baby boy❤💙💚💛💜
you know those boyfriends who treat their girlfriend like theyre their entire universe? yup thats jihoon
and like his eyes light up whenever he talks about you its just so endearing
likes to be the big spoon when cuddling just so he can engulf you in his arms
hardly gets mad but even if he does its not that serious and over something stupid like him losing his notes or something
jihoon knows where to draw the line, when you need to study he tries not to disrupt you
keyword: tries
overall, a clingy but sweet koala as your bf, you could never ask for more
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