#anyway that was fun BYYYYYYE THE END
chandelierslayer · 5 years
I did it! I beat Twilight Princess! One more under the belt. Now I need to get back to LoZ...
Can I just say??? Beast Ganon’s theme is SO GOOD! It was easily the best out of the four boss fights, too - way more fun than the other three. It kind of makes the Beast Ganon in Breath of the Wild seem even more laughable, sad to say. Not that I mind as much since I first saw that sequel trailer - if what we’re going to get in number 2 is a more cognizant Ganon, like an actual character, it’ll be like ALttP vs. the linked Oracle games - only in reverse. Not that I’m not sick of Ganon, and haven’t been for literally years - because I have been - but y’know, whatever we get. *shrugs into the sunset*
SO YEAH. That was cool, except when Link had to say goodbye to his soulmate friend, that was really sad.
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gothic-gnosis · 3 years
hi again
2nd day of the journal prompts lets fuckin go
Lucky number 7. Make a list of 7 things that inspire or captivate you.
Okay so, I talk about this constantly, theres a specific dress worn by Violet Chachki in the finale of RPDR season 8. (See the end of this entry for the dress btw lol) I think about this dress fucking DAILY. Literally every day, I think about it. I wanna get to that level of beautiful. It inspires me to out do myself. I also am inspired by gothic fashion, notably Siouxsie Sioux. I'm a goth so, the music also inspires the shit out of me and the way I dress and how it makes me feel. I'm very inspired by hair and makeup, even if I don't find it interesting to look at, I've learned to appreciate things I wouldn't normally enjoy. I'm inspired by other people to be a better person and to be kind to everybody even when I'm not very kind to myself. I'm very inspired by people who are recovered/recovering from BPD because they're doing what I've been striving for. I'm inspired by people whose brains work at full capacity lmfao.
Anyways, lemme tell you about my 4/20 lol
SO RACIST WHITE MAN WAS CONVICTED FOR KILLING GEORGE FLOYD, BEST FUCKING 4/20 EVER JUST FOR THAT. Hope he fucking rots. I watched it on the news, everybody had a sigh of relief but we still don't know if justice will be served because we don't know if there'll be maximum punishment. So waiting on that.
i haven't smoked since last monday cause my brain struggled to function, which is fine by me. my instructor logged into zoom and went "yooooo, my wife and i are the only ones roller bladin, happy 420 or whatever, have fun, byyyyyye" and ended the meeting so thats how that went LMFAO.
judas didn't wake up until 6:05, 25 mins before stream, and he refused to talk while he set up. soooo. yeah. stream isnt more important than me thooo :P yuuuuup. so that felt rlly great. we got into another argument last night because he thinks me needing reassurance is the same as me being mad. i just need to be told "hey, you're good enough, i like being around you, theres nobody else and you're important to me." sometimes, and theres nothing wrong with that, i KNOW theres nothing wrong with it. maybe it has to do with how i ask, i need to work on that. i wouldnt wanna be bullied into reassuring him, i need to be more aware of his feelings.
anyways. i also got a new tamagotchi! i now own three tamagotchi ons! its really nice having a magic, a fairy and a wondergarden. i'd LIKE a sanrio one but theyre $180 sometimes. i'm okay on that. hopefully the magic hut will work again soon so i can send all my tamas coins again.
alright, i'm out for now, i hope things don't get fucky.
7:29 pm tuesday april 20th 2021
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aosrae · 5 years
Day 14 - Roller coaster
That’s the progress and emotions of folks in capstone (a classmate depicted it this way. Accurate). 
Did the demo and my goodness those can be both inspiring and depressing. 
***WARNING: negativity***
I really want to chuck my app out the window and hide under something until presentations are over.
Anyway, attempting to create a load screen between change scenes. It’s not perfect. Loading a scene is fairly quick but loading the assets, resuming and interrupted AR Session? Not so much. I thought a loading scene would help. Or at least give the user some kind of transition. It ended up breaking whatever helped to limit instantiation (I had infinity cactii/cactuses(?). It was actually kind of fun). Oh well, if it doesn’t work --> SCRAP IT and go to an alternative.
But took some photos while I was waiting for a bus and dang, it works better outdoors. Or at least looks better (the pre-loading screen version, that is):
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Hm, I should really make these objects smaller when I upload.
Well, about a week left till code freeze so...byyyyyye (for now).
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