#anyway next time anyone wants to know my taste in blorbos i will direct them to this post. hoo boy have i connected some dots tonight
markantonys · 1 year
i was thinking about my blorbo francesco pazzi from medici s2, and i realized that he is exactly what you would get if you crossed demandred with gawyn. he is a sexy sexy villain with weird bone structure, a flair for the dramatic, and a tumultuous breakup with his best-friend-turned-mortal-enemy that he is Not Over. he is also a pathetic wet cat of a man who can never pick a side and who makes clown decisions based on obviously false information he believes at the drop of a hat, despite everyone else he knows telling him it's not true, whilst the audience looks on in absolute dismay. and most importantly, he wants to fuck the hero so bad it makes him look stupid.
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