#anyway ive seen people really wanting a seraphim of ace
moonpaw · 1 year
ohhh, I overlooked this last week, but I was under the impression that vegapunk was getting copies of living user fruits from current impel down inmates
Up until we see that S-hawk's is from number 1 who was an inmate for only a few months 2 years ago
really uh, makes you question what other kind of dna they have for use
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missingn000 · 4 days
I instantly popped onto discord the second I saw the words “missingn000” and “seraphim ace” pop up in my notifications. 1. It completely slipped my mind that you liked one piece! 2. Seraphim ace is something Ive desperately needed ever since seeing a particular piece of fanart and 3. The combo of YOUR writing + seraphim ace + a long fic makes me FROTH at the mouth, the second you post anything related to it I’m going all in
Also your seraphim ace concept? S-Flame (ugh love it)? S-flame having the same relationship with og ace that og ace had with Roger? Thinking about how og ace would feel if he knew that he was to someone else who Roger was to him? Losing my mind
I love kid ace so much, that’s my son and I really wonder how s-flame will turn out without a kid luffy and kid sabo to grow up with him. Also the heat-heat ability? LOVE IT, it shows even more that hes both extremely similar to ace yet completely different, like being seen as the younger sibling that’s just a worse/discount version of their older sibling. Living in their shadow forever and wanting both to BE them while also wanting to be recognized as your own person.
I wonder if the people who knew ace will meet s-flame and how that’ll go down. I can see Marco being mature about it and understanding that it’s a separate person but I bet that luffy will go through a crisis, knowing logically that it’s a different person but not FEELING like it’s a different person. If sabo meets him, that’ll be a COMPLETELY different reaction than both of them!! Sabo meets s-flame and KNOWS that that’s not ace but….. how? THATS HIM. Sabo doesn’t remember adult ace because he never met adult ace, but he has a clear image of kid ace in his head. It’s like being given the opportunity to see your brother again except that is just a kid that LOOKS like your brother and ACTS exactly like him and is BASED off him, but nooooo that’s not him.
Anyway sorry, I saw the notif and had to word vomit this out :)
NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE!! this message has me beaming,so you're all good (not to mention getting this from someone with an ace pfp has me like HELL YEAH, WE'RE REACHING THE TARGET AUDIENCE)
i'm so happy you like my seraphim ace concept!! he's something i've been cookin' for a while and have put a lot of thought into, and i hope it shows. i thought the idea of the heat-heat fruit was cool too (in my mind, vegapunk bribed big mom for oven's blood with a fuckton of candy) especially since it's both better and worse than ace's original fruit at the same time.
i love kid ace too ;_; he's so precious, i need to hug him and tell him how loved he is. the idea that s-flame & ace mirror ace & roger grabbed me in such a chokehold the moment it occurred to me, i just knew i had to inflict it on the world too
as you said, luffy and sabo are both gonna struggle immensely with s-flame's existence, especially without context. without prior knowledge as to what they are, the seraphim really look like angels, so that first reaction of "oh my god i'm looking at my dead brother's angel" hits them both like a truck. and you know what they say about first impressions: very hard to shake, even if they logically know s-flame isn't ace.
this reply got long, so more below cut:
you're so right to catch that sabo never knew adult ace, and only knew kid ace! he's kinda caught between a rock and a hard place here, because:
this is the only ace he's ever known and s-flame acts pretty much exactly like him
he knows better than ANYONE how much young, angry ace hated being compared to roger, so he'll know better than anyone how much s-flame would hate being compared to ace
and yet...how can he avoid it. same with luffy, since ace literally died in his arms. meanwhile, it's ingrained in s-flame's soul to love these two, and even though he doesn't want to be ace, he suddenly finds himself wanting to if only so luffy and sabo will love him. oughhhh ;__;
to answer your question: a ton of people who knew ace will meet s-flame in this story!! marco is there ofc, he's a major character, and you're right that he's more mature about it than most. s-flame's got a lotta people to learn from who once knew ace: yamato, tama, garp, shanks, makino, dadan, and more, plus new people who will have a strong reaction to his existence, like rayleigh and king. this really is quite the journey for everyone involved, and i'm so beyond thrilled you're gonna hop in for the ride :D thanks so much for your message!!!
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