#anyway in terms of activity spam yours was mundane
thanksvideogames · 1 month
had to hang out in your unicorn overlord tag for a bit. im enjoying it ty for the posts 👍
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that's what its there for
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tmntreasures · 7 years
Back Together (Leonardo)
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A continuation of the Breakup Prompt.
     You were one of the lucky few who had managed to land a job within six months of graduating. Though it was not exactly in your field for now, the more you worked your way up, the closer to your goal you would be. Even better, the job was located back in New York. After a month and a half, you finally felt settled in your new but familiar home. There was just one thing that lingered over you: how to tell your mutant ex that you were back.
     Granted, you did not have to tell them anything, however they had a special place in your heart and they at least had the right to know you were back in town. After all, how awkward would it be if the first time they saw you was after you got mugged? In the end, you decided a quick e-mail telling them you were in the neighborhood an invitation over would be best.
Leonardo:      When you had left New York three years ago, you had left someone behind; despite being states apart, you could never get him out of your head. Of course, trying to get a giant mutant ninja turtle out of head would be close to impossible without the help of amnesia, but that was not why he was constantly in your thoughts. Leonardo had been so supportive of your choice of college and had been understanding when you had told him your relationship had to end. It had still been hard to leave, especially when he did not show up to say 'good-bye' one more time, but you knew he had done his best to make it easy for you.
     Despite not having any communication with him those three years, you had found yourself pining for him during class, and even comparing other possible romantic interests to him. Of course, no one had even come close, and not just physically. When you and Leonardo had been together, everything just seemed to click. There was never a moment where you were afraid he would judge you, no matter how weird you thought you sounded. He had supported you and encouraged you in your passions, praising all of your hard work whenever you would show him a project of yours.
    There had been many times when the memories would tempt you to write out a message to him; and there had been many nights when you stared at the screen of an electronic, convincing yourself that you could not send him a note of any kind. It would break your heart, but you knew it was for the best in the end.
     That was why you invited him over now. You wanted to thank him for being so nice about the whole thing and to try catching up on missed time. A part of you even hoped the two of you might try to get back together, but you tried not to get your hopes up. Three years was a long time and he might not be the same Leonardo you had left behind.
    The night you invited him over came and went with no sign of the giant turtle. You checked your phone and laptop every hour. Maybe you missed his response? Perhaps it was sent to the spam folder? You checked to make sure you were on the right account and that you hadn't misspelled anything. Everything was correct and had been sent properly.
     You leaned back in your chair and sighed. You could not help but feel disappointed and a little upset about his absence. Did he hate you? No, he couldn't have. You two had left on such good terms, why would he hate you all of a sudden?
      Your hand scratched at your head as you tried to calm yourself. Of course he didn't hate you. He was probably busy doing ninja stuff. There was no way he would be expecting a message from you anyway, especially after all these years. You decided to give it a week for a response; if you got something, great! If not, then you would have an answer regardless.
     In the beginning he had tried to forget about you entirely; he would do anything to keep his mind occupied, including listening to Michelangelo rant about mundane things. Donatello would pry at him, trying to get him to open up and talk about it, but Leonardo would not have any of it. He had figured keeping something this intimate to himself would be the best option.
     On one particular night, Donatello and Raphael had both been more aggressive about it during a patrol; apparently, he had been acting cold and silent to his brothers for too long that the red and purple ninjas finally snapped. The three of them argued while Michelangelo tried to be the voice of reason, but none of them noticed the Foot that approached them. They were easily ambushed and barely made it out alive; especially Donatello.
     A blade from the enemy had found its way into the purple-clad ninja's exposed side, burying itself deep into his flesh. When the lean turtle collapsed from the shock, Leonardo called for a retreat. They were able to escape and patched the wounded brother up as quickly as they could before tending to themselves. Afterwards, Splinter had summoned Leonardo and asked what went wrong. It was then that the leader broke down, confessing to his father all that had happened between the two of you; how he had thought it best to just keep it to himself.
     Splinter had been understanding but still firm in his punishment. Donatello could have been killed because of Leonardo's lapse in judgment. The wrinkled rat reassured his eldest son that there was nothing wrong with seeking help from family, no matter how personal the situation may feel. He stepped out of the dojo and approached his three brothers. Donatello was still on the bed, but he was at least sitting up and conscious. Both Raphael and Michelangelo had their arms crossed and eyes narrowed expectantly at their brother.
     Some tears threatened to seep out of his eyes, but Leonardo blinked them away. “I'm sorry,” he bowed his head and stared at the ground. “I'm sorry I let you all down tonight. Especially you, Donnie.”
     “And?” Raphael pressed.
     A little sigh came out of Leo. “And I'm sorry I didn't talk to you guys about the break up.”
     “Aaand?” Michelangelo urged.
     A more aggravated sigh came out of him, but there was also a smile on his face. “And I'm sorry I've been a dick.”
     The three brothers smiled and it was Donatello who spoke up, “We forgive you Leo.”
     After that, Leonardo felt the weight of your relationship disappear; he was more open to talk about it with his brothers and father, and made sure to apologize to Donatello again the first chance he could. From then on, he was back to his regular self and an even better leader when he needed to be. He still had some hope that you would come back, but it did not consume him like it did three years ago. It was more of a pleasant thought now rather than a fantasy he longed for every night. The memory of you no longer haunted him during missions or patrols either.
     “Hey Leo!” Raphael called out from the rooftop. The brothers had been on patrol for days due to some increased criminal activity. The only time they returned to the lair was to sleep before returning to the surface under cover of night.
     The blue-clad turtle snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his larger brother. “What is it?”
     A large finger pointed at the police radio he had taped onto his chest. “Just heard about a mugger runnin' 'round south-side.”
     “Alright, let's get going then,” Leonardo motioned for Michelangelo and Donatello to follow as the four of them slid into the night.
     You had decided to spend the day exploring the city; it was a great way to get yourself reacquainted with the place and it kept your mind off of Leonardo's lack of response. All day you found your favorite spots and even discovered some new ones. Even though three years was short for a city, they still managed to change a couple of things.
     After stopping by a bakery to grab a snack, you noticed just how late it had gotten. The sun had nearly disappeared and night was closing in. Your apartment was an hour and a half away, so it would be dark by the time you were halfway there. A regular person would have used the subway to get home, but the threat of night did not bother you and you were still feeling adventurous.
     Despite the dull ache in your legs, your feet kept walking. You had not really paid attention to your surroundings, your mind too focused on the cloudy skies above. You were more worried about getting caught in a downpour than anything else. It was not until you felt someone bump into you and grab your arm that you finally came to.
     “H-hey!” You snarled, yanking your arm out of the stranger's grip. Adrenaline began to pump through your veins as you sized up the man. “You got a problem buddy?”
     The large man took a step forward and glared down at you, “Yeah. You. Now give me your money.”
     Your heart began to race in your chest and your eyes widened. Was this really happening? You had never been mugged in New York before, and that was because you had--
     “C'mon!” The mugger growled and began to grab at your shirt. His hands began to search for any trace of money.
     You screamed and began to punch him in the side of his face. The man grunted and grabbed your arms tightly. He did not say a word, even as you kicked at his legs and clawed at his arms. Without warning he shoved you onto the concrete, your skin scraping against the rough surface before he grabbed your arm to pull you back up.
     “You ain't too smart,” Your attacker snarled, rearing his hand back to punch you square in the eye. Just as the attack was about to happen, a large green hand clasped his. 
     “Neither are you,” a familiar voice growled before the green hand twisted the mugger's arm around. The man screamed in pain as he was shoved into a wall. His head smacked against the brick, knocking him out cold as his body slid to ground.
     You stared up at your rescuer and your legs began to shake. The blue bandanna was still the same shade as you remembered, and his eyes the same cool blue that you dreamed about. This was like a dream come true. Not only was Leonardo standing here, but he had also saved you from an attacker. You would have pinched yourself if the scrapes on your arms and legs weren't burning so badly.
     When he finally looked at you his eyes narrowed into a steely glare. “What are you doing wandering around the city at night?” He began to scold. “Don't you know better by now? Also, what are you doing in New York!?”
     The other three turtles jumped down from their hiding spots the moment they heard their brother start to raise his voice. This wasn't exactly the type of reunion you were expecting, but it did sound like he never got your message. You shrugged your shoulders and couldn't help but smile. “Well, I moved back. I uh, guess you never got my e-mail huh?”
     “No, I haven't.” He stated, crossing his arms. He was so tense; he was never this tense before was he? “I've been busy. I got brothers and a whole city to look after.”
     You could hear it in his voice that he was upset. But why would he be upset with you? Was it seriously because you were out by yourself? You tried not to let it get to you, but it was hard. “Well, I'm back,” you announced, shrugging your shoulders.
     His lips were pressed together in a thin line as he stared at you. “Okay. Cool.”
     The air was tense enough to cut with a knife. You couldn't believe this was happening; when you left you thought everything was fine. But now that you were back it was suddenly a problem?
     Your tongue clicked and your arms crossed, mirroring his stance. “You don't seem too happy that I am.”
     The other three turtles inched closer, clearly intrigued by the argument that was bound to happen. Leonardo huffed before calling them out. “We're gonna need some alone time guys,” He turned to face them. “If you don't mind.” The last word he said in a demanding tone.
     Donatello and Raphael left reluctantly, but Michelangelo was the one to hang around. “Well, we just want to make sure you won't do something stupid like last--”
     “Now Mikey,” Leo practically hollered at the younger turtle.
     The tone made the nunchuck wielding ninja jump before retreating with his brothers. You waited for a couple of minutes to make sure they were out of hearing distance as well.
     “I thought you were okay with me leaving,” You wasted no time getting to the root of the problem. If he was going to act passive-aggressive about this then you weren't going to beat around the bush.
     “Of course I wasn't okay!” He snapped, uncrossing his arms and taking a step toward you. “No one would be okay with that!”
     It felt as if someone had stabbed your gut. He had been lying to you that whole time? Guilt made your insides twist as you recalled all the times you would talk about your college to him before you left. “But...y-you were so supportive--”
     “Because that's what a good boyfriend does!” He exclaimed. He could feel his vision blur from the tears that started to well up. “Of course I was going to support you no matter what. If it made you happy then I wasn't going to stand in the way.”
     You covered your mouth with your hand, completely blindsided by this. You were not used to him exposing his heart and soul like this. Your body shook in shock as you pulled your hand away. “Wh-why didn't you say anything?”
     He shook his head and wiped at his eyes. “I know what I am,” He spoke, lowering his voice. “You have a life here, on the surface.” He gestured to the open city but kept his eyes on you. “I couldn't get in the way of that, and I could never ask you to abandon it for me.”
     There was a silence for a while. You weren't sure what you could say to make it right but you knew you had to say something. “Leo,” You started, taking a step forward and reaching out to touch his arm. “I'm so sorry. I had no idea you felt that way.” Your hand squeezed his bicep comfortingly.
     His eyes shot to your hand before he gave you a longing look. His chest rose as he took a deep breath in and he shook his head. “I...I lost it when you left.” He shrugged his arm out of your grip and took a few steps away. “I shut out my family. I couldn't make good calls,” He paused and licked his lips. “Donnie almost died because I couldn't stop thinking about you.”
     Your mouth opened in a silent gasp. “Wh-what? But h-how--?”
     “The Foot ambushed us while I was arguing with him and Raph,” He admitted. “We barely got out in time to get Donatello patched up, let alone ourselves.” When he turned to you he lifted his arm, showing a long scar running down his triceps and stopping just past his elbow.
     Tears rolled down your cheek at the sight of the scar. “I-I'm sorry...”
     He lowered his arm and nodded in agreement, stepping toward you again, “It's okay. I know it's not your fault. But you need to know the impact you have on me.” He was letting it all out; restraint be damned. He should have said all of this three years ago.
    “You should have told me how you really felt before I left,” you told him when he was in front of you. “I'm not your subordinate, I'm your girlfriend,” you saw his eyes twinkle at the word, giving you more fervor. “You can't hide things like that because you think it's best! We're supposed to share what we're feeling with each other no matter--”
     His lips crashed over yours and he pulled you against his hard body. You were shocked by his aggressiveness but that didn't stop you from giving in. Nothing was going according to plan, but you liked it that way. For once, he was giving in to selfishness.
     The two of you parted with shaky breaths and quivering limbs. His eyes widened a bit, surprising himself at how forward he was. “I-I'm sorry!” He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back a little but he hesitated. It felt good to let go for once, to give in to how he felt. “You know what? I'm not sorry.” He bent down for another kiss before resting his forehead on yours and closing his eyes. “I want you back,” he breathed. “But I have to know you won't be doing anything like that again soon.” His three-fingered hands grasped your smaller ones and squeezed tightly. “I don't...” Tears rolled down his snout and onto the concrete below. “I can't go through that again.”
     A small smile crossed your face as you rubbed your forehead against his. “It won't,” you promised, sealing it with a kiss on his nose. “You know, I was going to ask if you wanted to get back together when I moved back here. But I guess you beat me to it,” you giggled, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
     He opened his eyes and looked at you; this was the Leonardo you knew. The one you had fallen in love with years ago and couldn't forget. “I always have to stay two-steps ahead of my target,” he teased before finally noticing the red scrapes on your arms and legs. “C'mon, let's get you back home and patched up,” he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and lead you away from the lonely street.
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