#anyway i would also accept the theory that beratna is used to designate people one thinks of as family
so i was rewatching the ankawala one ship short (known colloquially in my household as Six of the Most Emotionally Devastating Minutes of My Life) for, you know... reasons... and for the first time i actually paid attention to the info that's displayed on drummer's hand terminal during these videos.
okay. okay.
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(naomi, you huge fucking nerd, i love you so much)
first of all, i love that this message is saved in drummer's favorites. i mean, of course it is, but. cute. and then we have these categories listed to the left: naomi, behemoth, music, birthday, beratna, shipmang. all well and good, although as someone who is (maybe) (just slightly) invested in the enduring love between these two, i'm giving "beratna" the side-eye insofar as it could be read to imply that they're like, bros. but okay, fine, whatever, we are used to this sort of thing in the femslash trenches, we soldier ever onward.
we also get to see a list of a few of drummer's other favorites:
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the text on the right is gibberish, as far as i can tell, but the way the messages are numbered seems to imply that drummer gets a LOT of messages. (girl, this is why you need a separate phone for work.)
anyway. back to naomi.
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('i wish that YOU could have been down there on ilus with me,' she says, in the outrageously flirty tone one uses with friends with whomst they are definitely not still in love. yeah, we see you, dom.)
this one is also in drummer's favorites (can you blame her? and also spoiler: they all are). and it's got similar categories to the previous message: naomi, rocinante, ilus, beratna, shipmang.
still slightly annoyed by the "beratna" category, i move onto the final message:
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annnnnd here is where i started laughing and have been unable to stop. we've got our usual categories here: naomi, rocinante, beratna, and shipmang. but that category in the middle? it's a little hard to see...
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but that says fucking GIRL POWER.
oooookay. so that is (a) absurdly hilarious, and (b) clear proof that whatever in-universe messaging program they use has GOT to be automatically categorizing these messages. because you cannot convince me that there is any galaxy in any universe in all of time and space where camina drummer – who has just allowed one of her family members to be murdered to save naomi's family, and, by extension, naomi – would watch this absolutely gut-wrenching message, get to the end, think for a moment, and then say to herself, "yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and file this one under 'girl power.'"
girl power. honestly.
so. in conclusion: that beratna category is bullshit and draomi is real.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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