#anyway i need ppl on youtube to stop misinterpreting my comments!!! i mainly pointed that bit abt greta out not only bc its MASSIVE esp
curiosityjams · 4 months
not even gonna throw my hat into the barbie (2023) discourse because at this point, everyone has said what i wanted to say and more eloquently at that. (my feelings on that movie are very well known to anyone that's followed me for some time now btw) HOWEVER, i can't believe you can point out that greta gerwig is THE first filmmaker ever to ever get their first 3 films (solo directorial efforts to be more exact) nommed for best picture and that it's a record that 2 of the nominees in best director haven't achieved (for ref: scorsese didn't get a best picture nom til raging bull while nolan didn't score a bp nom til inception. funny enough, tdk was a HUGE part of the reason why the academy decided to expand the number of slots in bp from 5 to 10.) and you have ppl in the youtube comments accusing you of belittiling their accomplishments to lift greta up all bc you stated a damn FACT. youtube, like twitter, has the same exact kind of "oh so you like pancakes?? then you must HATE waffles" energy that i find insufferable, sdhfjkgjh.
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