#anyway here’s me attempting to look cool while hatchet throwing
raulasniteonearth · 4 months
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Forgot to post this but remembering to since yesterday a student called me a lumberjack
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littlestarofthewest · 4 years
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Title: Matthew’s Monster Mystery | Words: 2759 | Rating: Mature
Pairing: Gen | (past John x Abigail) | Tags: monster AU, modern AU, WIP
Credit: inspired by @veradia‘s art | with input from @fangirl-ramblings and @sad-sweet-cowboah
Summary: When John insists on going to a Halloween party, Abigail worries that people might catch on that she and her friends aren't just dressed up as monsters. If only she knew that the night would take a turn for the worse.
Arthur hears voices the second he opens the apartment door, meaning that his three roomies are home, and judging from the sound of it, they're arguing.
"Come on, Abby. It's a party, not a matter of life and death."
"John, you're literally dead," Abigail counters, making Arthur huff a laugh.
He checks the mail on the counter while the argument continues in the other room.
"So? Doesn't mean I have to act like it," John says. "Back me up here, Sadie."
"He has a point," Sadie says, and Arthur enters the room right as Abigail scuffs at her in disbelief.
"What's going on here?" Arthur asks, and when both John and Abigail attempt to answer, he points at Sadie. "I'd rather hear it from her."
John leans back against the couch like a sulking child while Abigail crosses her arms and glares at Arthur.
"John brought home this flyer for a Halloween party he wants to go to," Sadie says, nodding to a piece of paper on the table. "Guess what Abigail has to say about that."
"I can imagine," Arthur says, and Abigail huffs.
"And you know I'm right."
It's one of those times Arthur wonders why exactly he lives with these quarrelers, but as a werewolf, he can't exactly be picky. After all, he's lucky that they want to live with him. If only they left him out of these disputes.
To stall, Arthur picks up the flyer and reads through it, feeling everybody's eyes on himself.
"I understand your concerns, Abigail," Arthur begins, only to be interrupted by John, who jumps up from the sofa.
"Oh, come on. Not you, too!"
"But," Arthur continues, emphasizing the word as he looks at John, "I don't see the harm."
John slaps his hands together, throwing a triumphant "Ha!" at Abigail. She only rolls her eyes at him before turning to Arthur.
"You can't be serious," she says. "Us? At a party? I thought we agreed to fly under the radar. After all, we're not exactly the fitting in kind."
"In this case, we are," Arthur says, holding up the flyer. "Everybody's going to be in costume. I wouldn't have to worry about any teeth or fur showing, and John could go out without having to hide the fact that he's nothing but a rotting corpse for once."
"Appreciate the support, brother," John throws in with a sarcastic tone.
Arthur grins at him before Sadie snatches the flyer from his hand to read through it as well. "Look, Abigail, it's not even a Halloween party. It's tonight, not tomorrow. And it takes place in an abandoned factory. The area is huge, and nobody's going to look at us twice. And if they do, we'll just claw their eyes out and eat their hearts."
"Not. Funny," Abigail says, looking like she's about to claw Sadie's eyes out. She might have done so if it wasn't for the fact that Sadie could just pop them back in without harm.
"You could use a day off yourself," Arthur says, trying to set Abigail at ease. "You might not have the physical problems we have, but we know you're struggling with hiding all the time."
"Yeah," John throws in before Abigail can disagree once more. "Imagine a night out. Putting on a nice dress, dusting off the pointy hat. And if you throw some sparks, people will think it's a cool party trick."
"I don't know," Abigail says, the fight leaving her.
"Come on," John says. He walks over to Abigail and takes her hands. "Let me see those sparkling eyes."
Abigail tries her best to hide it, but a smile creeps onto her face. It's moments like these that make Arthur wonder why the two of them are not a couple anymore. They'd be great if they could just stop with the constant fighting.
"Show us, Abby," Sadie says, and when Abigail shakes her head, Arthur chimes in as well.
"You know you want to."
"Fine." Abigail takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. When she opens them, they're glowing with golden spots. "Let's go to the party."
Arthur shoulders his way through the crowd to get back to their table. The gang turned him into their personal waiter since he has the best assets to get through the dancing people. 
"Coming through," he growls, and a steampunk Sherlock jumps to the side, dragging a person in a full-body fox costume with them to make room.
Climbing the stairs to the upper level, Arthur has the same effect on a few more people. Although they must think that it's a costume, they still seem mighty impressed. To celebrate the occasion, Arthur didn't bother to even put on a shirt, his fur and general body heat enough to keep him warm. The only thing he's holding back at the moment is the claws. It's kind of hard to carry drinks with them.
At the table, Arthur hands Sadie a beer before putting down two bottles of whiskey. Abigail's still nipping on her first cocktail, her eyes growing big at the sight.
"What are you doing? I thought we were at least trying to be inconspicuous."
"We are," John says before grabbing one of the bottles. "Nobody's even looking at us."
He takes a drag from his joint, and Abigail rolls her eyes. "Why would you risk getting in trouble with that? You can't get high anyway."
"I just like the taste," John says before opening the whiskey bottle and drinking from it as if it was water.
He's clearly baiting Abigail, but she doesn't lay into him for once, looking at Arthur instead. "Why do you always indulge him?"
"Maybe I just want to see how much his body can take before it falls apart."
Sadie laughs when John makes a face, and even Abigail fights a smile. Arthur pulls up his glass and pours himself a drink before pushing it over to Abigail.
"Think you can give it a little kick?"
Just like John, Arthur can't get drunk from alcohol alone, but being roommates with a witch has its perks. It didn't take them long to figure out that Abigail's magic can spice things up a little.
Abigail looks around as if to make sure that nobody's watching. Arthur's convinced that even if somebody does, they wouldn't care. Most people here are drunk, high, or otherwise engaged. Abigail shrugs before holding out her fist over Arthur's glass. She opens it up and then moves her finger in a circle. The liquid in the glass glows and moves with her finger, then a small puff of smoke goes up in the air.
"Thank you kindly," Arthur says, and Abigail smiles.
"I guess it's really pretty safe."
"Told you," John chimes in before pushing his bottle over to Abigail. "Now do mine."
Abigail frowns at him, venom in her voice when she speaks. "John Marston, when the hell will you finally learn some manners?"
"What? You did it for Arthur."
"He asked," Abigail spits, but before she can say more, Sadie jumps up.
"That's it, you two are killing my vibe. I need something to do. You coming, Arthur?"
The chances of John and Abigail getting into another fight is pretty high, so Arthur gets to his feet. "Right behind you."
They make their way downstairs, and Sadie keeps looking around as if she's searching for something in particular.
"You got a plan?" Arthur asks, and Sadie smiles.
"I think I do."
A few minutes later, they're standing beside a table that's filled with cups. Sadie found a few "easy boys" as she called them, and challenged them to a game of beer pong. While she's playing, Arthur stands to the side and enjoys the show.
Since Sadie doesn't even have a bloodstream the alcohol could get into, it's no trouble for her to have a drink or two. Not that it really comes to that. All of her balls hit their targets, and the "easy boys" don't stand a chance.
A few people come closer to the table, watching as Sadie's opponents do their best to beat her, one of them swaying dangerously from one side to the other. They didn't stand a chance from the start, but the drunker they get, the funnier it is to watch them try. After a while, even Arthur begins to feel his pumped up drink and cheers for Sadie. At least until a small figure appears next to him.
"Hey, big boy," the woman says, smiling at him.
She's wearing a tight black dress, her hair falling in waves over her shoulder. Arthur's eyes are drawn to her blood-red lips and then to her nails when she trails them along his arm.
"That is such a great costume. The fur looks so real."
"It is," Arthur says, regretting it a second later.
The red lady doesn't seem to care, though. She keeps touching him and looks up to him through her fake lashes. "I wish I would have dressed as Red Riding Hood. You could have been my big bad wolf."
A shiver runs down Arthur's spine, something he rarely gets to feel. "I- uhm," he starts while drawing a complete blank for what to say next.
"Told you, I'll win, honey," a familiar voice says, and Sadie grabs Arthur's arm before dragging him down to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Let's head back."
She doesn't give the red lady a second glance and pulls Arthur along. When they're out of earshot, Arthur sighs. "Thank you."
"You looked like you were about to pass out."
"I'm not even sure what she wanted."
Sadie laughs. "Climb you like a tree would be my guess."
"But why?"
"One of these days, we'll get you a nice box of self-esteem, and then you'll see." Sadie leans in, putting her lips right by Arthur's ear. "Big bad wolf."
"Just keep walking," Arthur grunts and maneuvers Sadie up the stairs.
Surprisingly enough, they find John and Abigail sitting on the same side of the table. Judging by Abigail's rosy cheeks, they buried the hatchet and gave John's bottle a little kick after all.
"You seem chipper," Sadie says, and Abigail shrugs.
"When you can't fight them, join them. Right?" Abigail says, looking back and forth between Arthur and Sadie. "What have you been up to."
"Sadie dragged some guys," Arthur says, and John and Abigail both laugh.
"They had it coming," Sadie says, waving her hand dismissively. "Way more important - Arthur got hit on."
"By who?" Abigail asks.
"Sexy vampire lady," Sadie says with a grin.
John leans back in his chair with an expression on his face like Christmas came early. "Bet you loved that."
"Just shut up," Arthur grunts before emptying his glass and reaching for his bottle to fill it right up again.
Abigail pats his arm. "She probably wasn't the one. Doesn't mean we can't keep looking."
"How about her?" John asks, nodding to a small group next to them. "The fairy. What do you think, Arthur?"
The woman in question is about Sadie's height, with long silvery hair. She's wearing a dress that looks like the wind blew up some leaves, and she walked away with the ones that got stuck.
"That I'd snap her like a twig."
"No, don't say that," Abigail says, and Sadie leans over the table to get a better look. 
"You think she's the real deal? That doesn't look like a wig, and she sure has the physique for a fairy."
They all stare at the woman now, but it's hard to tell if someone is a monster or not. After all, they might be pretty good at hiding, just like the four of them are.
"Bet you 5 bucks she's real," John says, and Arthur takes another look at her.
It's been a while that he ran into someone like them. To him, the fairy looks as real as the vampire lady.
"Fine, you're on."
"I say fake, too," Abigail says. "From what I can tell, there's no magic on her."
"You might be right, but I still bet on her being real," Sadie says, leaning around Arthur for a better view. "I wouldn't mind a little magic from her."
"Let's find out then," John says, and before Abigail can hold him back, he already stumbles over to the poor woman.
They don't understand what John's saying, but while the woman smiles at first, her expression quickly changes, and she slaps John before storming off. 
Despite the harsh treatment, John comes over with a smile. "Guess I was wrong. She's no fairy."
He throws money on the table, and Arthur pockets it while Abigail studies John's face.
"You just got slapped, and you lost the bet. What are you smiling about?" she asks.
"Fake fairy was very excited when I asked about her number for the pretty blonde at my table," John says, winking at Sadie. "She only slapped me when I asked if I could watch."
"You're an idiot," Abigail says, but Sadie jumps to her feet.
"You're a genius," she says, clapping John's shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.
John sits down and takes a swig from his bottle. "One down, one to go. So, vampire lady, huh?"
Arthur only shakes his head. The last time John tried to set him up didn't end well, and Arthur has no desire to try again. 
"Why one to go?" Abigail asks. "What about me?"
"Oh, I know who you're going home with," John says, and by the way he looks at her, she and Arthur can tell what he means.
"No way," Abigail laughs, but Arthur has seen those signs before.
"I'll get another drink," he says, getting up from his chair.
Abigail shakes her head at John, who's still giving her what he might think are bedroom eyes before turning to Arthur. "Your bottle is practically full."
"You two take that one," Arthur says. 
He doesn't want to stick around. Either John and Abigail are going to fight again or they'll get along way better than Arthur cares to see. Although he's not that interested in going on the prowl, he'll rather take his chances in the crowd. Maybe he can find somebody nice after all. Everything, as long as it's not a vampire.
When they leave two hours later, Arthur's just tired, Sadie has fake fairy's phone number in her pocket, and John and Abigail whisper and laugh with each other about things only they find funny.
Therefore, Arthur's happy when his phone lights up with an incoming video call.
"Hey guys, look," he says, waving the other's over before answering the call. "Hey, Hosea."
Their friend and somewhat father figure waves back at them. "Hello, Arthur. How are you doing?"
"We're just walking home from a party."
"Party, huh? That's smart. Blending in with the Halloween crowd."
Both John and Abigail break into fits of laughter, and Sadie huffs. It's funny to hear Hosea call John smart of all people.
"What are you up to this late?" Arthur says, trying his best to focus on Hosea.
"I'm meeting a friend, we're-"
Hosea trails off, and Arthur can see him look around.
"You're alright, Hosea?"
"Yeah, I just thought I-" Hosea starts, but then he looks away from his phone again, his eyes growing big. "Hey, what are you-"
The picture shakes, Hosea disappearing out of the frame. "Let me go," he grunts, then the image goes dark.
"Hosea," Arthur shouts, but his phone switches the screen, showing him that the call has ended.
"What the hell was that?" Sadie says, and John and Abigail both stare at Arthur, all happiness drained from their faces.
"I think someone attacked him," Arthur says, his whole body tingling at the words.
He looks down at his phone and finally has the sense to call Hosea back. It rings again and again, but nobody answers.
"What now?" John asks. "We should do something, right?"
"Find him, of course," Abigail says.
"Was he in the park?" Sadie asks. "I think I saw that ugly fountain in the background."
The picture of what they just saw comes up in Arthur's mind. "You're right, we should go. Maybe whoever he was about to meet wasn't a friend after all."
They quickly make their way along the street towards the nearby park. Another shiver runs down Arthur's spine, giving him a bad feeling. He'd never admit it out loud, but he doesn't believe that they'll find Hosea so easily. 
Something is very, very wrong.
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