#anyway I just think people are cowards and everyone should explore more with HEAVILY reworking canon even when writing bog standard stuff
annyankers · 2 years
The cons of this fandom and how old as fuck it is is that sometimes I don’t think it can handle massive shaking up of the characters. Like we have to address all the character changes in the work of the fic but why not just fucking???? Make a new one and yeet them into that spot???
like I could create a platonic ideal xander but if I just started off the story in media res with an Elite Chad Xander and act as if this is just the Xander we always had bc we all have issues with the canon one I feel like I’d get shit about it even from people who hate canon xander.
Tl;dr: Mohawk weed skateboard adhd xander is a superior xander but if I ever used him in my fics I would likely be hunted like an animal and that’s honestly a failing of society and not me
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