#anyone know the magnus archives? anton reminds me of the episode about the bodybuilding gym.
bestbonnist · 1 year
Chapters 172.1 and 172.2
172.1; 172.2.
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Weirdly, the apartment where the bounty hunters live is an older, western style townhouse, even though everyone lives in a giant tree and there's no historical/cultural reason for their houses to look like that. For some reason, Ooima chose clearly dated architecture instead of something imagined for a future setting. Even the TV is an older model. Maybe it has something to do with the hunters having less stars? Does the technology go further back in time the lower you go?
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Adey = the knife guy. I still have no clue why he's searching for the doll while everyone else is only looking for the immortals, but I guess that's just part of the mystery.
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This bit freaked me the hell out. For the first time, we see Anton's new body in detail—up until this point, only his silhouette has loomed in the doorway—and it's a distorted ideal of what a human body should be. It's reminiscent of the way Mimori's knocker added muscles to Mimori's arms for greater force. Anton's head—the only part of him that's stayed the same—is cut off because he's so large he can't fit through the door. Only the outline of his features is visible through the glass. It's like he's just a body, if that makes sense? Like, the door separates the part of him that's "him" from the part that's just meat. Creeps me the fuck out.
I thought the bounty hunters were one-off characters but apparently not. I don't really see the point in dragging them along if they're not going to be given depth and/or development (otherwise why do we have to stick with these guys specifically), so fingers crossed we'll get some of that. The power dynamics with Anton alone should be interesting enough to work with.
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At last we have an explanation for what the establishing shot of the wish era is supposed to be. Trees. Maybe that was obvious to some people, but it was not to me. And can I just say, this is fucking crazy. I really badly need to know how things ended up like this. I can't imagine Fushi creating huge trees for humanity to live inside unless something went really wrong. Kanitarou didn't touch on it, but there were broken buildings underneath the trees. Also the hole in the middle of each layer where things get passed down lower seems to be where the doll was cast down before it woke up, possibly from Kaibara itself.
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In very abstract terms, the knockers have been trying to bring Paradise to earth. They succeeded, as both Paradise and Kaibara Cybernetics are described as the place where "all of your wishes come true." But Kaibara is more like Christian heaven than Paradise, in that you can get thrown out. The diagram even depicts five and three star humans as winged, and two or lower star humans having their wings taken away, like fallen angels.
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