vtae-rs · 11 years
tagged by anuglystar
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you then make 10 new ones (also tag the tagger)
Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them
top 5 fave korean groups? bangtan, btob, bap, beast, b1a4
fave dish to eat? food. idk. i eat everything that is food... >___>
fave hairstyle? straight, long hair with side bangs
what’s the first thing u draw when u have a pencil and paper? a circle and a happy face. idk
what drama are u watching right now? HEIRS!!!!! and other hk dramas that are airing rn
who is ur ultimate bias? some asscracks called v and peniel im sob
how did you find out about ur ultimate bias? like how did u know about his/her group? i found btob on fb when other kpop pages were promoting them then watched variety shows (btob diary!!!!) and peniel's just alsdfjalsdjflasdfj and yea. bangtan...all the btob blogs i follow turned into bangtan blogs and i was like 'no do not get into another fandom nO' but yea. i gave up and watched their mvs and stuff and v happened so i am crying rivers everyday now.
fave idol actor/actress? lee jongsuk, park shin hye (believe it or not but i used to dislike her a lot)
what did you eat today? food. noodles, egg, chicken, bean sprout, donut (dinner tonight: turkey, potatoes)
what do you want to major in when u go to university/college/etc? architecture/interior design...if i can't get in, then gunna go for music :P
my questions:
i'm bored so how's life?
do u play any instruments? if yes what are they?
im hungry. are you?
fave school subjects?
i dont have hwk. do u?
do u like to sit and stare at the wall?
fave clothes/outfit?
fave season? why?
where do you want to travel to in the future?
do u have a pet? what is it and name?
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