Dark Forest Residences: Rabbithollow & Antwave
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Flinteyes (mother), unnamed father, Currenttrip (sister), Dropletkit, Featherfoot (brothers), Crestfrost (sibling), Plumetimber, Fuzzytumble (mates), Coldrump, Pricklefreckle, Weedcliff, Cougarsmoke, Gentlekit, Whistlespots, Blackbush, Nightgoose, Rubblekit (daughters), Sandykit, Moonbreeze, Sloeclaw, Garlicshard, Plumetuft, Stumpysmoke, Lynxpelt, Shardstump (sons), Antwave (adoptive son), Silverfoot (kit), Clawcry (descendant)
Other Relations: Siltchaser (mentor), Moonbreeze, Greenfern (apprentices)
Clan: WhistleClan
Rank: mediator
Characteristics: vengeful, deceptive, good decorator, great storyteller
Murder Motive: simply desire, grudge
Number of Victims: 72
Number of Murders: 72
Murder Method: unspecified
Known Victims: Lightshard, Snowyfrost, Petalwind, Roarstreak, Summitfox, Weedcliff, Irisflood, Salttail, Silverfoot, Ottermunch, Sloeclaw, Bokshiri, Saltleopard, Blizzardtail, Fuzziwig, Shardrump, several unnamed cats
Victim Profile: whoever offended him, whoever he desired
Cause of Death: greencough
Cautionary Tale: ??
The rabbit awoke
Like fire and smoke
Stars heart shook
When the rabbit awoke
With a smile and a slash
They would be gone in a flash
Then he ran in a dash
There was a smile and a slash
Even darkness feels love
Care it wasn’t above
Plume and Fuzz were his beloved
Because even darkness feels love
He wasn’t alone
A foreign apprentice, disowned
By the cats Antpaw called home
With his partner in crime, he wasn’t alone
Draining his life
Quicker than a twoleg’s knife
Greencough caused them strife
When draining his life
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: male (trans)
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: Rabbithollow, Plumetimber, Fuzzytumble (adoptive parents), Kinkfoot, Fuchisiashade, Rateye (adoptive daughters), Shellfoot, Hatchkit (adoptive sons), Stormwatcher (mate, formerly [exiled])
Other Relations: Baystripe (mentor), Nightspots (Dark Forest mentor)
Clan: WhistleClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: ambitious, good singer, ghost sense
Murder Motive: Black Rabbit Legacy
Number of Victims: 20
Number of Murders: 20
Murder Method: unspecified
Known Victims: Crestfrost, Bokshiri, Saltleopard, Blizzardtail, Fuzziwig, Dryfreckle, Curlstripe, Nightingalespots, Murkrush, Gillpounce, Sunnypeak, Eagle, Prickefreckle, Fleetmound, Aloepelt, Breezeshriek, Jumpsong, Darkwave, Sloespots, Greenfern
Victim Profile: those who had done something wrong
Cause of Death: poisoned, killed by Hiddenstrike
Cautionary Tale: ??
Antpaw didn’t trust StarClan, and in the zealotry of PartridgeClan, that was a death sentence. 
So he snuck away, hiding near the border of WhistleClan, despite the horrific stories, begging to join. Plumetimber vouched for him, and begrudgingly, Sapstar let him join.
That night, Nightspots confirmed some of the stories were true. And a black and white rabbit sat next to him in camp, pointing a single paw at Crestfrost.
Rabbithollow found him burying Crestfrost, and to his surprise, winked and left.
That’s when it started.
He met Stormwatcher, an exile from JuncoClan, and they fell in love. Antwave soon was expecting their kits.
Going throughout life was tough, vigil after vigil as one after another his beloved parents died. Even though Plumetimber and Fuzzytumble were the ones who felt like true parents, Rabbithollow was still his partner in crime.
His grief was strong. But ridding the Clan of the horrors softened the blow.
Hiddenstrike eventually gave him a piece of prey. Dizzy from heat stroke, he ate it.
The deathberries killed him quickly.
Additional Information:
--Submitted by @frightnightindustries
--One of Rabbit's kits, Whistlepaw, was mentored by the same cat.
--Rabbit's great great great great great ... .you get the idea, was the cat who’s story became the Legend of The Black Rabbit, Clawcry.
--Fishstar murdered Plumetimber :(
--Rabbithollow knew nothing about the legacy, and was very surprised.
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Been thinking of just making Rabbithollow's dad Blackrabbit.
Which means Antwave would have to reckon with the fact that his grandfather is some kind of evil deity thing
oh, evil deities! every family's got one
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frightnightindustries · 9 months
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Antwave and Rabbithollow!
Anyone else think Rabbithollow looks like a cat version of Erik?
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firztborn · 7 years
- *Now Playing* @berabentley feat. #AntWave - Wavin' (Prod. By Firzt Born) 🔥 🔥 🔥
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Rabbithollow is just a dad
Like when Plumetimber convinced the clan to accept Antwave as Antpaw, he just looked at the tiny child, looked at his mates, and Plumetimber & Fuzzytumble just both went "yes. we know what you're going to ask. yes."
I imagine in the Dark Forest he likes helping out at the Daycare, singing silly songs for the kits and telling them stories
aww :]
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Daisyheart: So, Antwave is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. Stormmark: Why? Daisyheart: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. Antwave, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
the br legacy really is like a murder family
hey man, if you have the chance to make a raccoon army, you do not pass that shit up
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Rabbithollow calls Antwave "little whistling partridge" as a nickname because he fled from PartridgeClan, and in his mind it made perfect sense. Also, want me to submit Wrathscale, Twistedmask, and Ravenrot from my turning characters to warrior cats blog?
and of course!
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AMV ideas
Alastor’s Game (Claudrat)
Friends on the Other Side (Rabbithollow)
Phantom of the Opera (Rabbithollow and Antwave) (COMPLETELY PLATONIC)
Let’s Go (Poor Mans Poison) (Belugastar)
Who Could Win A Rabbit (Hollowheart, Hiddenflare, and Clawcry)
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Dark Forest Resident: Mousecrawl
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: male
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: unknown mother, Fickletooth (father), Wingfern (sister), Cavernpaw, Palebush (brothers), Lucky (mate), Dryspeck, Whorlhaven (daughters), Blizzardhiss, Oatmount, Dahliahail, Firpatch (sons)
Other Relations: Fickletooth (mentor), Cavestar (Dark Forest mentor), Whorlstripe, Storkstripe, Needleshade, Flickerspot, Rimepaw (apprentices)
Clan: WhistleClan/WhisperClan
Rank: mediator
Characteristics: charismatic, very clever, good swimmer, has Wasting Disease
Murder Motive: Black Rabbit Legacy, wanting to prove that he wasn't weak
Number of Victims: all Future BR Legacy Victims (unclear)
Number of Murders: all Future BR Legacy Murders (unclear)
Murder Method: influencing others
Known Victims: 1+
Victim Profile: murderers, abusers, those who would harm the Clan
Cause of Death: redcough
Cautionary Tale: ??
"Cavernkit, Wingkit, or Mousekit...."
"Cavernkit seems like a good cat."
"But they won't last long."
"Wingkit is a fighter. I like that."
"She wouldn't accept the offer."
"So, Mousekit? I don't think he'll last long either...."
"Who knows what the future shows, any cat can go far and become a star.
"I'll be his guide. He wants to be strong. I can help with that."
From the moment the medicine cat gave Fickletooth the news, Mousekit's life was abnormal. They called it Wasting Disease. Mousekit would probably die before he gained his full name.
Even if he didn't, his life would be plagued with health problems and disease.
With a heavy heart, Mousekit chose to become a mediator. He would get to spend more time with his father anyway.
But as a cat much like him appeared in his dreams, Mousepaw began to defy fate. Surviving two bouts of greencough, it was encouraging to see this.
The Clan still doubted him.
He wasn't enough.
There were two cats who didn't doubt him. The guiding light, and the light of hope. Cavestar and Lucky. Lucky even brought him a litter of abandoned kits, asking for Mousecrawl to take them into the Clan, not being able to find someone to care for them.
But soon enough, Mousecrawl lay dying in the medicine den. And with a heavy heart, Cavestar inducted him into the Black Rabbit Legacy.
With his kits all around him, Mousecrawl died, his final words promising a new era for the dual Clans.
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @frightnightindustries
--WhistleClan and WhisperClan are two halves of the same whole! They have some separate rules, but they do help each other and share prey and medical advice. Cats flow freely between the two, and they share territory. Mousecrawl was WhistleClan born, but will gladly extend a paw to WhisperClan.
--Lucky is the great grandchild of Antwave! They are a rogue.
--Blizzardhiss murdered Coyotebeam lol
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I bet the br legacy makes allowances for cats that are close to the living members, or cats who would be too dangerous to try and kill. Otherwise Antwave would've had to kill Rabbithollow, and all the legacy members couldn't be anywhere near the eye out poly.
lmao I bet
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I can't wait for everybody to meet Antwave, just part of the br legacy and lump him in with all the others. And then here comes his serial killer dad who is much more terrifying...I'm having story ideas.
can't wait to get to it!
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Just submitted a nice father-son murder duo! Rabbithollow and Antwave! Rabbithollow's name is very fitting for him.
can't wait to get to them! :D
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