#antui reylo
poeedamerons · 4 years
I have so many opinions on the new movie and shockingly not all bad. I had low expectations for this new movie after the last jedi, because I hated that movie will all the strength in my body so I had all about given up even liking anything but what a wild ride people.
• I LOVED how we FINALLY got our trio. This is what was a mission on both the force awakens and the last jedi: the trio working together and being focused on the common goal instead of being apart, doing their own thing and in Poe and Rey’s case they only met at the end o episode 8. This a very big win.
• What made me like this movie way more than the last jedi is that FINALLY everyone is back to being the character we were introduced and loved back in the force awakens. What makes me despise the last jedi is that everyone acts out of character so all the things they did were off to me. I mean Poe would have never done have of the stupid shit he did on episode 8 if he was acting like himself and not the Rian Johnson version of it. So I felt that this story linked way much better with the force awakens and I will just pretend the last jedi never happened
• This whole saga would have been better if the last jedi had never happened and JJ had been able to kero his narrative for the 3 movies. I am not saying it would have been perfect, but it would have been way more star wars like
• All of this saga would have been perfect if Rey was Ben’s sister a la Jacen and Jaina Solo. I hate reylo but they didn’t even make it decent, it was ridiculous and pathetic and embarrassing. They could have taken 2 roads with Rey being his sister, with it being a revelation on the rise of skywalker or something everyone knew from the beginning and Rey had started the force awakens a path to ‘save’ her brother. That narrative would have been perfect and 100% star wars vibe
• I can’t fucking believe they did Domhall and Hux this dirty. His character was delegated to be comic relief and they made Domhall show up to be that ridiculous. The wasted Hux crazy nazi potential, because if he had broken the first order in two sections after his and Kylo’s fight would have been awesome.
• Palpatine? Really??? Everything about the Palpatine storyline was unnecessary and desperate. Rey his grandchild? Doesn’t that make her related to Ben? This is fucked up and really bad and desperate writing.
• I am still stuck on what Finn was going to say. Was he going to tell her about his love or that he is force sensitive???
• THE LENGTHS OF NO HOMO DISNEY TOOK TO KILL ANY POE X FINN POSSIBILITIES IT MAKES ME WANT TO SET DISNEYLAND ON FIRE. They shoved two new female characters just to say LOOK, STRAIGHT BOYS. INTO GIRLS. JUST GIRLS. NO BOYS. Honestly, it would have been perfect. That moment they hug at the end? Perfect moment for a kiss. I would have died happy.
• Rey is such a Mary Sue. She does shit that not even Master Jedis did and they trained way more. She instantly knew how to heal and how to do that thing where they tell people what to think. She could fix anything, she knew how to fly anything better than anyone and she has a connection with Ben/Kylo that is basically royalty in the star wars verse and he became connected and into her enough to chase her through the galaxy so they can 'rule’ together. She is sensitive, kind, pretty, funny, gets Poe’s droid in the end. And she wasn’t 'anyone’ like we all thought, she is from Palpatine’s line and super ridiculously powerful. Like I am legit annoyed with her character.
• Rose. Never saw what was the point of her character on episode 8, but wow. They just… threw her to the side and gave her existence no meaning. Big injustice to Marie.
• I was not upset by Leia’s death. I know it had no BIG MOMENT OF AWESOMENESS, but I thought quite poetic that she died trying to reach for her son
• The whole Leia jedi and surrendering her saber because she felt what her son would be was the dumbest shit I have ever seen, dear lord why.
• Also, the fact that they knew who she was and just carried on like that would not be relevant at all was ridiculous
• Luke. What was up with that wig????
• Also, Luke found everything and still stayed in the island and later when Rey was there he said shit???? I am sorry, but have they seen the same OG movies as I did??? That is not the Luke Skywalker we know. His fucking ship was there with all they needed to find Palpatine, I mean. I just can’t.
• I can’t believe they WITHHELD THE GOLD THAT IS EVERY INTERACTION BETWEEN POE AND C3PO. We have been BLESSED. I loved every single moment of it.
• Loved how Poe took leadership, but this time, unlike episode 8, the risk he puts everyone in is with an actual plan, their last hurrah and not some ploy just to reckless.
• Kylo. I like star wars villains, but Kylo I had weird feelings. Loved him during the force awakens but hated on the last jedi. For the rise of Skywalker I was upset that they did this white boy redemption arc like he was some poor child that was forced to do it all like he was a victim. I hated this “he only went dark because he heard voices in his head” and not because as a Jedi and Skywalker the dark side is something that calls to a part of him and he eventually followed that path. ALSO WHY IS EVERYONE SHOCKED HE DIES??? Redemption arcs came with a price or do you think Anakin was the only one that was going to die??? Its been obvious bitches.
• His death and the kiss. Oh boy. Horrible and embarrassing.
• All the tears to the voices of Ewan MacGregor, Liam Neeson and HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN when Rey calls in for the Jedi. That scene was too emotional, thank you JJ.
• The moment Lando calls Poe and we see all the people that answered their call? Chills. Also, Poe’s speech rings SO MUCH with what we are going through in the world.
• I can’t believe they killed everyone in Poe’s squadron. It was hard seeing Snap go. RIP my boys.
• The fact that Poe was a spice smuggler had me annoyed at first but is very him. Smuggling is kind of dangerous and it fits in his wild and reckless persona, but it was SPICES. So it wasn’t dangerous enough to be something horrible and criminal, but stupid enough to give him the adventure high he craves. Honestly, brilliant.
• R2D2, C3PO, BB8 and Chewie: ICONIC from the BEGINNING TO THE END. I will not be taking other opinions on this.
• Poe and Finn going: General, General gave me LIFE. Cute morons.
• Oscar, Adam and John were SEX ON LEGS every second of this movie. Special thanks to the figurine department for all the choices they made for Poe (scarf and no scarf? Loved thank you for those moments of chest hair). And Kylo’s final clothes? That shirt? Everything.
• Babu Frik was cuteeeeeeeeee.
This all I can remember now. Will add more when I watch again or after I talk to my friends about it more.
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