deamare · 1 month
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♡ ˚·   @anruraiocht asked:
[ 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 ] : unable to handle their fondness towards receiver, the sender lashes out and they end up in a heated argument. ( ehehe )
Ishtar stands stock still, paralyzed with wrists still stretched between iron bars and palm held open. It's empty now, carefully wrapped remnants of her untouched dinner knocked from it onto the floor. She is frozen as though she expects to be scolded, even though the only person here to do so is a girl covered in filth and bound at the ankles.
"I thought..." Mother had taught her that people would weep to receive gifts from her one day, that there would only ever be gratitude for the Goddess of Thunder.
But this girl shows none, her face contorted in an anger so raw that Ishtar cannot bear to look at it. She thinks first that she should be angry-- that is what she has been taught to be when disrespected by someone labeled as lesser-- but then that feels wrong. What was it that made this girl lesser? The cage that she had been shoved in? The kingdom that she had been stripped of? The blood of her father still drying on his throne? All done in the name of Ishtar's own.
She steps shakily back, distantly aware that she should not be here any longer than she has to, and yet she finds she cannot bring herself to run. "I was trying to help, I-"
It hits her then that to help would be to restore what has been taken, to free her from this prison built within her own home. To help would have been to never allow this to have happened at all.
Footsteps echo from further down the corridor and her time for useless apologies has met its end. There is evidence of her disobedience plainly strewn across the floor of the girl's cell, and with one glance Ishtar knows that her fate rests in the hands of the other.
As the cell disappears behind her, she thinks that perhaps it is only fair. If she is to be punished, let it be at her discretion.
And the next time that Ishtar sneaks away in search of Miranda of House Ulster, she is nowhere to be found.
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princessmacedon · 4 months
eclair - do they want to one day be married?
it would be nice, for sure, but it isn’t a need! I think the primary example of romantic love in her life is Lena & Julian — and what she takes from that, which aligns with her own personal views and feelings, is that being together with your person is the most important part! sharing your lives together, making each other happy and apologizing when you hurt their feelings instead, finding solutions together… you don’t explicitly need a pretty ceremony or a special title to do that, and you don’t need to be married to be together for a long, long time!
basically, she cares more about the spirit of the word than the letter of it, but for sure she would like to find someone she can act married with HAHA ^^ she’s someone who thrives off of being with other people, and who truly feels that happiness shared is doubled.
that being said, while a wedding also isn’t a necessity, having one would make her really happy! it doesn’t need to be a grand thing, but i think she’s probably internalized it in a simple but romantic sort of way — a day with pretty flowers, where you share a meal with the people you love and promise your special person that you’ll keep cherishing them the way you have and more… or something like that NDNNENND sugar sweet, like the seed of a fairytale that grew into a simple, if flowery dream, Maria would be happy to… well, simply be happy!
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lycianlynx · 4 months
eclair - do they want to one day be married?
// hold on, they have an opinion on this. lemme get them on the line real quick.
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// ... yeah. they haven't so much as thought about it, much less as something they could do. yes people get married and start families or whatever. what's his place in all that? zip and nada. he's probably never even been to a wedding, much less talked to a married couple at length. too young to conceptualise it in a fashion. (though, arent you always a bit too young to conceptualise marriage until you are married?)
// ... but, let's say we give them some time on think on it. in the end... it's such a huge commitment, and that's scary as hell. but someone to always share a home with? no, yeah. they'd like that. the real problem, they think, is that there's a snowflake's chance in hell for anyone liking them first, and in that case:
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hosannan · 6 months
Luminary Trail: Just outside of the party is a path lit by luminaries. It's a perfect place to get some fresh air or escape from the hustle and bustle for a moment. Make sure to watch where you are walking. Those paper bags look pretty flammable!
She doesn't know how to interact with Nanna.
Every time Miranda visited the wing of the castle where the party from Leonster was staying, she would be entranced by those golden curls. Her own hair was a chestnut brown color only several hues off from Leif's ruddy brown. Her eyes, too, weren't the brown standard of the Munster District, but green as the forests dotting the horizon.
Tip to toe, they were completely different.
Even still, she had been sad when Nanna left. Then resentful that she had been the only one left behind.
And now...?
They had been young children when they first met and parted. The second time they met and parted, they had been teenagers. Now in the present, they're both on the precipice of adulthood.
She doesn't know how to interact with Nanna, but when they've been seated across from each other, there is no way to avoid one another. Not even when Miranda steps outside for a moment can she escape Nanna's presence.
The luminaries dotting the ground outside the hall glow with the same warm gold as Nanna's hair. The soft lighting suits her well, framed by the warm golden glow. The harsh light of the party, blocked only by Miranda's back, seems only to intrude.
"...Have you been well?" She asks the other girl.
They aren't friends, but they might have been at one point.
Nanna always knew how to interact with Miranda. Even if the act, in and of itself, was sparing.
She had a fire to her soul that could cinder every man down to his knees, and a wit quick enough to size a person up with a single look. She was brilliant, though fleeting. Nanna could never catch her in one place, in one conversation for too long. And just like that, after Lord Leif was called to arms with Lord Seliph, that time together with her flame was cut short. But Nanna still remembered how Miranda's shoulders were cut, bold and powerful despite her lonely frame, fighting for all that it was worth.
Tip to toe, they were rather alike.
Nanna wondered what it would have been like if they were given more time. (If she and Lord Leif had managed to successfully hide away, shrouded into nothingness, to be raised in secret with Miranda.) She wondered if one more smile or one more shy stitch into a handkerchief could have changed the paths their stars took. All night, Nanna smiled warmly across the table, knowing that she would be met with nothing. Because she didn't do enough to make the stars align the right way.
But even lonely stars tossed and turned on their way down. And sometimes, they would meet right down the middle again, in the corridors of some strange castle, in some strange place. In a country that wasn't their own. At least the lights were pretty.
"...I have." Nanna answered, more than pleased that she had managed to catch Miranda in her descent. "Miranda... I..."
"I've missed you."
She wished they were friends. The way they were before their lives were claimed by the gods before them.
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"I hope you're staying a little longer. I want to grab a gift for you, and--" Well, the news that Miranda was here was entirely new. It wouldn't do to say that she didn't have a letter prepared. "A letter for you, too."
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nagaficat · 7 months
✧ fool's guilt: a pulse of shame you feel even though you've done nothing wrong.
She should get used to this, the woman explains, as she very gently removes her circlet. The future Duchess of Velthomer will have maids to tend to her hair, help her dress, even fix her bath for her. Deirdre is not sure she needs all that but she smiles politely, not wanting to upset the woman now applying a serum to her hair that is supposed to tame her curls. Deirdre is not sure she needs that either but it smells lovely, sweet and floral so she simply watches in the mirror until the woman focuses on her bangs.
There is a gasp and the bottle drops, breaking on the stone floor. The woman's face is white and her eyes big and wide staring at the mark in the middle of Deirdre's forehead.
She knows it is there. She has seen it herself in the mirror after each bath she has taken. She has tried to scrub it off but it seems it is stuck there. Deirdre paid it little mind since realizing it will not wash off but she had never considered it might cause such a reaction.
Deirdre is asked if the duke knows. No, she answers, no one does. The duke needs to see this immediately, the maid explains and rushes off to find him.
No one bothers to explain and Deirdre is left alone with her reflection in the mirror. What is this mark that it would elicit such a frantic reaction? What will he think when he sees it? Will he take one look at it and turn away?
The door is thrust open and her fiance storms inside. She hangs her head, frantically trying to cover her forehead with her bangs.
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ulircursed · 5 days
It would be foolish to assume that every blond person is related, but the blond man stalking around with a pigeon on his shoulder does remind her of someone in a way Miranda can't quite place.
He doesn't look a thing like Nanna or Diarmuid, so he's probably not a Nordion. A relative of Fergus, perhaps? No, the shade isn't quite right. It's entirely possible that he isn't related to anyone, of course, but she can't shake the feeling that she knows his features from somewhere. But where?
But who?
It is only after staring at him across the floor for quite a while that she comes to a haunting realization of who he reminds her of.
"You," Miranda says. "You wouldn't happen to be related to Patty, would you? She has been" —a pregnant pause to search for how to word it diplomatically— "very... friendly to me. She recently spent time with me on my birthday."
She unclasps her crystal pendant to hand it over.
"Here. As my thanks."
Andrei almost startles when the young woman mentions Patricia by name. It is more difficult to differentiate between different accents in the Fódlan tongue, but she does sound like she could be of Jugdral, as well.
(If she had been part of the Chalphy heir's army as his niece had, then it would be easier, for all three of them, if he does not make his identity fully clear.)
"I am charmed to meet a friend of hers," he says neutrally, "And I hope your birthday was most enjoyable in her company."
Taking the crystal from her hand with a nod, Andrei pauses slightly, before unpinning his own and offering it in return.
It is an exchange, after all, and besides...
Perhaps the fact that Patricia is surrounded by friends is something that he is grateful for, as well.
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beholdenning · 9 days
[Coffee ] - More specifically, a mocha brewed with Almyran coffee beans and Dagdan chocolate and served with hot milk. A sweeter variation of the drink taking Fódlan by storm. 
It shouldn't be a surprise to run into her silent companion from the Battle of the Eagle and Lion at the ball, but it is. His (their? she isn't quite sure) quiet presence ill suits such a loud and boisterous event, standing like a toy soldier out of the line of foot traffic.
"Are you working today?" Miranda asks, gesturing at their uniform. "A shame that you cannot enjoy the festivities. Ah, give me a moment."
She disappears and reappears momentarily with a mug of coffee in hand.
"I am not so shameless as to distract you from your duties with alcohol, but you can at least partake in the refreshments while you're here, can you not? Here, I will give you my pendant, as well. Even if you're working, there is no shame in dressing up."
He is customarily adept at remembering faces — This is a student, yes, but it takes Denning a moment to identify the higher degree of familiarity: Yes, that mock battle, that victory-in-failure that failed to cut his existence short. That girl that could scarce move before she was struck down.
Miranda, her name was, he thinks. He makes a mental note not to mention that circumstance to her.
Denning hums a greeting, offers her a small salute. A hand quietly comes up to smooth out the fabric of their uniform at the inquiry, a tacit kind of answer, punctuated with a tilt of the head — He cannot 'enjoy', is meant to serve. What is the point of doing otherwise? Last year had been regrettable, a waste, a collection of oddities.
Though, the involvement of those elementals can still scarce trump the inherent oddity of those of flesh and blood. The oddities continue to pile up. The girl leaves, then returns with some kind of beverage, the scent of it richly sweet rather than fruity and acrid. Offerings are meant to be accepted, so both the mug and teardrop brooch naturally fit into the knight's hands. The sentiment does not entirely follow, but there is intent and courtesy in the action that does...
... No shame in dressing up, is it. If it is practical, perhaps. Trivial, even. With that mention, their free hand wanders to their own white feather, unpinning and offering it in turn.
(Though they cannot imbibe the offered drink, they will hold it warm in their hands regardless, lingering in the scent of it.)
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luminousrider · 3 months
♡ joke about how there are always two kids in fe4 since you also sent me one
Just when you thought the whole Leif-Nanna-Miranda situation couldn't get any worse, it does! Instead of a political marriage with Leif, now Miranda is politically married to Altena! This concept is very amusing to me skdhdkdb.
Anyway, Miranda and Altena have a daughter that is like the most cheerful, happiest person alive. I think this would be really funny for them like this girl is always smiling. She loves the little things in life and is just easily amused by the world around her. Does this maybe coax a smile out of her moms sometimes? We sure can hope so.
Inheriting Miranda's skill with magic and Altena's minor Baldr blood, she ends up being a kickass mage knight. This kid does not inherit the Gae Bolg but she's fine with that! Seriously nothing brings her down. She's happy to follow in Miranda's footsteps (and sorry to Miranda but she is much better suited for this).
There's no way she ends up with anything other than brown hair and brown eyes. Decently average in height. She wears her hair down a little past her shoulders and it's thick like Altena's. I think she should get a cute circlet not as big and chunky as Miranda's but I feel like they all rock a forehead covering.
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damegalantea · 2 years
they don’t let just anyone into tea school you know
Reason and Faith band together to put on this month’s special seminar: the history of tasseomancy! You will be learning the “magic” behind divination and how the old masters used the remains of tea leaves and coffee grounds to predict future events. Just in time for the moon of love, you will all be divining your romantic futures from a delicious cup of white rose tea. [Grants Reason or Faith +1]
It had started with a quip, though Felix’s or Sylvain’s she can no longer quite remember; regardless, the thought of a magically inclined mounted rider had entered Ingrid’s head that way and she fears she had never quite shaken it out.
The proof was right here in the courtyard where a joint house session on magic was taking place, tea magic at that - apparently, though as she starts to jot down notes one after another she thinks she may be in over her head.
(There are two professors here - one more gifted in reason, the other in faith, both united by their love of tea - but listening to each in turn has Ingrid very much wishing she had gotten the basics of each theory down first. Surely, that was why she was confused.)
“Now, that you’ve truly inhaled - nay - inhabited the tea, look to your partner and.... Winnie, you did remember to partner them up didn’t you?”
“Oh, no no, for a class as monumental as this we simply must let the Goddess decide!”
Ingrid hides a sigh beneath a long sip of tea. To think she was missing lunch in the dining hall for this...
“In any case, turn to your partner and trade cups now. It is time to divine... your love!”
Ingrid looks up from her half-finished cup of tea, frowning. Did it always have to come back to that one subject? Some of the students were clearly taken with it, leaning their heads together and cooing over wanted results so perhaps she was just too uptight. Still.
By chance Ingrid’s eyes catch that of another student’s, a Blue Lion she has yet to become acquainted with - but one of some nobility if she recalls, and she sees something in Miranda’s expression that speaks to her.
“Lady Miranda, yes? If you would not mind pairing up with me I would be in your debt. You see, I know only the basics of tea and as for magic and divination... I must admit to even less.”
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alfvangr · 2 years
Rumor has it that life-giving fairies reside in a nearby forest. They say if you’re dexterous enough to catch one, she’ll stay with you and heal you even when you’re at death’s door. Investigate the forest and see if you can’t put these rumors to rest—or prove them true. [Grants Reason +1]
          It isn’t entirely unlikely, at least from Alfonse’s (admittedly skewed) perspective. When all manner of beings oft regarded as fantastical have been proven to exist in at least one realm or another — up to and including the gods themselves — fairies are not nearly so outlandish an idea as some have vocally expressed since the rumors first began. That does not necessarily make him a believer, mind; rumors bear little weight in the absence of proof, and as tends to be the case in these instances— they sound much too good to be true.
          All that said, still he agrees to accompany her into the forest allegedly serving as the fairies’ home. While only loosely acquainted with Miranda of Ulster at best, it is undeniably safer to travel together rather than alone— particularly in the pursuit of what is most likely a tall tale and nothing more. Not like the álfar that reside in his own world. Alfonse expects they’ll traverse the woods to no avail, return to the monastery empty-handed, and that would be the end of that. 
          How nice it would be if things could be that simple, for once.
          “Do you believe we’ll encounter any fairies, Princess Miranda? I’d be pleasantly surprised to see one for myself, with only rumors to go on.”
for @anruraiocht !
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gentlenekomata · 2 years
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ?what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?
Botanical headcanons ❀ | @anruraiocht
Since Sakura belongs to a noble family, one thing for sure would be remembered and that’s because of her family heritage: a noble princess from Hoshido who cannot help but seeks for aiding and soothening the sorrow of the others. She’s a very charitable individual, always striving to pursue her goal to help weak people as well as every single person who needs any kind of curative treatment, especially care of the soul and body.
Following this thinking, the petite priestess actually doesn’t really want to be remembered for something important or that matter enough to be actually remembered: she simply wants to put at ease the ones who suffer the most and most of all, she wants to be helpful for her family and her kingdom. In other words, she doesn’t really care about any kind of legacy on her account, since she prefers living the present, in the present. It doesn’t make senso for her to speculate on something that will or will not happen in the future, instead, she focuses on what she’s living in the moment, she concentrates on every action she takes and she happily thanks for being able to help every day her family and all the people around her.
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Sadly for her, she will be remembered for something and that something is her actual heritage, her role, her membership to the royal family of Hoshido: not that she despises this, but she would certainly do without being remembered as one of the royal members of the Hoshido family.
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deamare · 6 months
♡ ˚· @anruraiocht asked:
Cookie Decorating - Cookies and biscuits of all shapes and sizes, fresh from the oven and ready for your own artistic flair. Will you make a custom tableau in gingerbread and royal icing, or dot shortbread with chocolate kisses, or smoosh jam into a linzer? Careful not to make too much of a mess! The two of them could ignore each other, pretend they didn't see each other like they always had. They have no real reason to interact, no reason to get any further involved in each other's lives. But misery loves company and like a moth seeks a flame, a familiar face that Miranda detests is better than one she doesn't know at all. She already told Ishtar that she had no sympathy to spare her, but seeing her seated with someone else's family, perhaps she sees herself reflected in that miserable visage. "Have one," she says, holding out a store bought cookie like a peace offering. She has no earthly clue how to make cookies herself, but luckily someone already brought some pre-prepared. "They aren't as good as the ones your cooks used to make, but they're serviceable, I suppose."
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She had thought perhaps that Miranda would rather not see her at all. Admittedly, that hasn't been entirely disproved. Ishtar thinks she ought to be confused (concerned, perhaps) by the girl's sudden willingness to gaze upon her with something other than disdain.
But she is neither. She can bring herself to be nothing other than grateful.
With fingers that know far too well how to disguise their tremble, Ishtar accepts the offering. It is neither warm nor particularly soft, but when she brings it to her nose there is a sweetness that neither fact has changed.
Miranda is right, they are nowhere near what she had the luxury of considering common back home, but Ishtar doesn't much mind. Comparable or not, these are a delicacy to her now.
No less than the kindness of the girl who had offered it.
"Thank you," she murmurs, though whether for the cookie or the moment Ishtar does not specify.
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ladyleonster · 1 year
🎄+ 💋 mom kiss for one very unwilling cat
Ethlyn knows better than to think Miranda of Ulster would ever want a festive mistletoe kiss from her of all people. And she gets it! Of course Miranda blames her for everything that went wrong in Northern Thracia. Ethlyn blames herself too. She would never hold those feelings against Miranda.
But she also knows how hard it is this time of year when loved ones have passed. She misses Quan more around the holiday season than any other time during the year. And Sigurd. And her parents. Altena too even if she does at least know her daughter is alive and well. And Ethlyn knows how badly she could use a really good hug herself. She can't imagine that the same wouldn't do Miranda at least some good.
"Do you know you're standing under mistletoe?" Ethlyn smiles and points overhead as she approaches Miranda. "I've seen some students hanging them up all over. It's kind of sweet, I think."
And with that, she wraps her arms around Miranda and pulls her into a safe, comforting embrace. The mistletoe is as good an excuse as any to give her a big mom hug. She owes it to Miranda's mom. Ethlyn laughs as she pulls away. "I didn't think you'd want a kiss but I had to do something to follow tradition!"
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peerlessscowl · 3 days
[ Mulled wine ] - Warm red wine spiced to perfection, ideal for staving off winter’s chill.
This man, hadn't she seen him before? In the Blue Lions classroom once upon a time, distrust (or maybe distaste instead) burning in his eyes, he had been a face in the crowd. And then one day he had vanished from the crowd as if he had never been there in the first place.
An early graduation? A transfer? Dropping out entirely? There's no telling the reason why someone might stop showing up to classes. People come and go all the time; wondering what happened to each and every one of them is nothing but a recipe to worry endlessly.
This is why Miranda feels no more than mild surprise to see a familiar face around. Not the happiness of seeing an old friend, but the pleasant surprise of finding out the stray cat you hadn't seen for a few months managed to survive the winter unscathed.
"You," she calls out to the stray cat, a glass of mulled wine in hand. "Take it. They were handing these out, but I have already had enough to drink tonight and it's not as though I can merely set it down somewhere. You would likely appreciate it more than I."
...Or so she says, but isn't the stand self-serve?
What Miranda holds out to Raven is not only the glass of mulled wine, but a teardrop crystal brooch as well.
"I intend to retire to my room after this, so I have no further use of my brooch. Toss it if you don't have any need of it."
Raven was well acquainted with that inflection of you - had heard it often enough, unwilling as he was to give a name when unnecessary, but wanted enough all the same to be called out for. He couldn't help it when he tensed for a fight, but upon turning met the eye of...
Previous classmate? M-something. He wondered if everyone from that continent was so...overbearing.
"Ah?" The glass of mulled wine was shoved into his hands, and his brow pinched at the sight of it - they were handing them out, but last he had seen the stand also had a line... - but his finger curled into the handle regardless, cocking his head at the girl, assessing, trying to recall the many dossiers of people at the monastery that he had read, but discarded upon leaving.
M-something. It was on the tip of his tongue.
"Thank you?"
By the time he noticed the brooch, fitted into his palm alongside the mug, the girl had already turned to leave. It might have seemed convenient, for a moment, for him to be in her path as she was trying to leave, his hands empty as they were to take the supposed burdensome beverage and brooch.
But it didn't escape his notice that the delicate crystal was the one thing he had yet to collect in his short circuit about the ball.
Lifting it slightly to catch the light, he frowned.
Miranda. That was it.
She claimed she didn't need it, but he plucked a feather from his own brooch and set it aside. At some point, he would repay the favor.
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obsidiendo · 4 months
to love is to be seen. (part one)
@thelightofcreation asked: baklava - does your muse believe in true love? soulmates?
not in the traditional sense, no. after everything that happened to Grado, how so many people loved it with all their hearts and still failed it, he to some extent believes in the inevitability of all things.
this applies to relationships. he believes he was meant to meet Amelia and help her reunite with her mother, he was meant to be rescued that day by Ephraim so that he could help the rebuilding efforts of his homeland later on (even if sometimes his decision to abandon his emperor still haunts him). he doesn't believe in soulmates in that he is destined to love someone in particular, but he believes that all of these people have a fate intertwined with his (and, he loves each of them, in a familial, friendship, or rarely a romantic point of view). Every relationship he's ever had has had its importance -- so therefore, every love was a soulmate.
also, his true love is grado. it always will be.
@reprisalet asked: croissant - what is your muse's ideal date?
he would spoil his potential date -- and i think he has in the past. he's definitely not new to courting, but he's never been serious about it; he always had something more important to attend to. so if he were to have an ideal date, it would be to spend time with his lover alone, somewhere quiet where they can relax and just enjoy each other's company. no pressure to 'do something later', just the two of them (perhaps after Duessel makes him a delicious meal).
@ofradiances asked: eclair - do they want to one day be married?
he's honestly never thought about it but if pressed he would say 'i'm too old for that now". he wouldn't bring it up, but if his lover wanted it he would be 100% on board.
@delicatevalentine & @anruraiocht asked: cannoli - how does your muse express love? how do they act when in love that differs from how they act around others normally?
quality time & acts of service & gifts! need armor to be repaired? you need not even ask. he's already doing it. your tome needs to be rebound? on it. you mentioned needed something mended? bam. done.
he does this with friends, too, so it's not odd and out of the ordinary. he's not overt when he's in love, but he will spend more time with the person he's in love with. it'll be pretty obvious because he will let his guard down around him, and not feel the need to get up and do things all the time.
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thewitchsaccord · 7 months
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Night does not fall because it never left. The stars are trapped in place and the moon will offer no guidance if asked. A procession of spirits arrives outside the monastery's gates to escort you to what was not long ago an abandoned town left to ruin and rot, recently overrun with some new, decaying faces.
The most observant among you may soon realize that despite their frightful appearances, the ghosts and skeletons occupying the town will only assail those who draw too close to the hordes of candy they guard.
A tall white shadow looms on the highest building, humming a melody that is likely to be less familiar than the voice itself considering the host makes no effort to alter her inflection and pitch.
"Fufufu..." she murmurs, seeing that some of you have grown restless. "I am Nihil. You have been chosen to participate in a game."
🍬 Candy Tracker 🍬
Ewan (@eagerfutureflame) vs Azama (@carefreemonk) Hilda (@delicatevalentine) vs Sonya (@excalibris) Andrei (@ulircursed) vs Ephidel (@artificidel) Azelle (@fjalarspark) vs Caspar @berglietz Lukas (@redmessenger) vs Forsyth (@viridescent-lance) Lucius (@semperiuvare) vs Niamh (@boundlesschaos) Grima (@fellincantation) vs Felicia (@maeido) Lilian (@divinecrest) vs Emma & Miranda (@shiningfalcon & @anruraiocht) Corrin (M) (@duskofendflame) vs Jakob (@indevouement) Knoll (@pryings) vs Caeda (@arcaeda) Selena (FE8) (@fluxrspar) vs Eldigan (@lionheartsoath) Sigurd (@bxldrsdraumar) vs Skrimir (@galliason) Leif (@diadic) vs Sylvain (@gauldheri)
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