#anon u r always welcome to drop more of ur thoughts i eat them up every single time!! u get them so well!!!
Another brain moment….. (I formed a thought) I think that in a poly relationship with stsg a lot of problems that would occur in regular relationships with only one of the boys would become much easier to work around and figure out. For example, One of these things, I think, is satorus dislike for emotional vulnerability and sincerity because it makes him uncomfortable and/or scared, since those things can be used against him (which he knows is irrational because you and suguru would never use those things against him, he knows). But then when you add suguru into the mix, communication about these things would become a lot easier — because it means he’s there to step in when he knows satorus usually endearing childishness isn’t necessary in the situation and is most likely upsetting you. Because emotional vulnerability, I think, comes a bit easier to suguru than it does to satoru and he’s there if you really want to have a serious conversation about things that either of them do that might be upsetting you. Obvi not hate to my gorgeous babygirl princess wifey satoru! But he’s got trauma and trauma comes with trauma responses that make things like showing his emotions to people (even if he would hang all the stars in the night sky for them) hard and suguru is just the perfect man to help both him and you with that. Ughhhh I love them so hard….. I need to wrap them both up in a fluffy blanket and kiss them silly :((
STSG ANON u’re back!!! and here to feed us once again!!!!!!! :D
I AGREEEEEEEE U GET THEM. i trust u w my life. this is so real so true AND such a genuinely interesting discussion …. this is just me spitballing my thoughts so might be a little incoherent but!!
i think that individually both satoru and suguru have their issues, mostly related to intimacy and emotional aspects, and i think having each other would help them deal with that. not that i dont think reader could help them improve because they definitely could!! but i think the relationship benefits so much from all three of you.
first of all!! like u already mentioned anon; satoru absolutely has issues with showing emotions and being vulnerable and thats something that i think suguru in particular would be so good at managing. hes patient and gentle and he would never judge either one of you. def the best communicator too!! i see suguru as the anchor of the relationship, in a way, a safe place for you both.
and and and!! i love how u mention this: he’s there if you really want to have a serious conversation about things that either of them do that might be upsetting you. bc!! its so true & important!! i think theyre both caring and understanding and very kind, but theyre not perfect, and even suguru can probably appear a little condescending and arrogant sometimes.
but i think u’re so right anon — sugu will take ur worries seriously, and i think gojo would step up if sugu wasn’t hearing u out. (which wouldnt be a common occurence at all but like.. i think that if he’s 100% convinced that he’s in the right and maybe feeling more stressed than usual then its kinda like talking to a brick wall lol. but when that happens gojo knows he has to step in and make sure both of u communicate properly <33)
and on the topic of suguru… here’s the thing. i think sugu and gojo have very similar issues, they just deal with them differently. i see suguru as a bit of a hypocrite; he urges you and satoru to open up, but wont really do so himself. in a way i think he might be even more closed off than satoru. he’s in tune w his emotions and definitely good at dealing w them himself which is why i think he chooses not to talk to you about it — because why should he bother you with something he can handle just fine on his own? and in this case his tendency to just give and give works against him, because obv you want him to open up to you too!!
and i think this bottling up of emotions is something toru would be good at managing. because he would push suguru, maybe a little too much, maybe they’d argue for a while — but suguru would open up. for sure. i think he’d benefit from that push. and if you’re there to be a kind of mediator, to soothe him while satoru takes the more assertive role, then i think things would work out well. you just balance each other out!!
and and and!!! i think these two are such a good duo. sugu covers the bases that gojo doesnt and vice versa, and i think that no matter what issues reader has they could manage it. intimacy issues, trust issues, emotional issues in general — they can handle it!! sugu is just so endlessly patient and easy to open up to, and satoru can give you the push you need while also being so endlessly supportive and reassuring and i think they could fix me i mean you.
i got carried away again phskdjd I LOVE HEARING UR THOUGHTS ANON <333 i ALSO need to bundle them up in blankets and kiss them silly . tysm for feeding my poly stsg brainrot ily 🥺🥺
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