glamsamberg · 16 days
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If you were to ask Andy if he ever saw himself getting dinner with Anne after finalizing his divorce he would just laugh in your face, everyone knew how much Andy was in love with his wife but after having they second daughter they just kept getting more and more distant to a point where they wouldn't even talk with one another unless it was about the girls, so after Christmas came and come they made the hard decision that divorce was probably the best route before they became to hate one another, living with Seth was interesting, but having his own place was what needed, not that he would know since right after he got an apartment in New York he flew to France, now sitting with Anne at the Les Fenêtres feeling completely out of place, the guy who was used to getting hot dog from down the street.
"Okay question, me speaking French, would that be cool or cringe?" He asked Anne as she scratch his neck as they were still waiting to order some food, he quickly reached for his wine to distract himself.
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swanepoelglam · 2 months
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I didn't pictured Coachella being your vibe but i am glad i was wrong, are you here on your own? because if you are then i say you and i should link up and get a drink or two, i have a feeling my roommate is going to be pretty popular so i need to step up my game here you know?
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margrcbbie · 2 months
anne, darling, you are simply splendid and i mean it when i say that we need to have your face in this world more often. you are a gem to the world and i hope you are doing well. @annehcthaways
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glamourcityrp · 3 days
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Due to personal reasons, eeryone please unfollow:
Anne Hathaway - @annehcthaways
Henry Cavill - @glamourcavill
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andgarfield · 6 days
So your new movie that just released on Prime not long ago. They knew what they were doing when they cast you, simply because the moment I saw your name attached to it I figured it had to be good. Not to mention, some of the songs have been stuck in my head ever since. @annehcthaways
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candceswan · 21 days
text ↳ the queen of genovia 👑
candice: i had a little movie night last night and happened to come across the idea of you. i have to tell you that i was instantly obsessed. definitely will be a go-to movie to rewatch when i need a good rom-com. @annehcthaways
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crturner · 22 days
i think i can speak for everyone when i say we were all expecting to spot you at the met, but you were a no-show. i only made it to the after-party myself, but hey, missed seeing you there. anyway, how's the buzz around your new movie? heard there are some steamy scenes in that flick. haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but it's definitely on my radar. gonna catch it as soon as i get a break. / @annehcthaways
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scarletgossip · 2 months
is Anne Hathaway hooking up with anybody?
I highly doubt she's doing anything interesting enough to make someone want to hop into bed with her. come on, for someone to even consider her "fuckable," she'd have to make herself remotely interesting. But as it stands, she's just another fish swimming in a sea full of fish. - @annehcthaways
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nichclasgalitzine · 2 months
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——- Annie, please tell me after all this press it's not the last i'll see of your beautiful self and your glowing personality ? i think that'd be a real shame if that were the case. ( @annehcthaways )
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alghulnyssa · 3 years
thanks for the tag @deckerr 💞💞
1. Why did you choose your url?
because nyssa is my all time favourite character
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
nope i throw all my interests right here
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
i made my blog in like summer 2015, started actually using it early 2016, and started posting stuff in 2019 its been a journey
4. Do you have a queue tag?
also nope i just occasionally use queue when i feel like im reblogging too much at once
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i honestly don’t remember, probably bc i had a fanacc on instagram so might as well look around on tumblr
6. Why did you choose you icon/pfp?
again because i love nyssa more than anything im very predictable
7. Why did you choose you header?
i really liked this panel i made for an edit in 2019 i think and i just havent found anything else that would be nice as a header even though i really wanna change it up althOUGH i might be onto something
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
i think its the legends of “fuck arrow” tomorrow post
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i have no clue
10. How many followers do you have?
324 can i add my 4k on instagram here i sound cooler then
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
not really i think, i mostly use ig story for the random things i wanna say and yeah weird stuff has happened there not gonna lie............
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
probably too much just to fill the time (read: procrastinate)
14. Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? Who won?
nope ive never been involved in any drama kinda proud of that since ive been in fandom since i was like 13 years old
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
oh i don’t like those its pointless to guilttrip people like that
16. Do you like tag games? 
yess so much only half the time i keep forgetting to actually do them
17. Do you like ask games?
exactly the same answer as before i totally have skills
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uuuh i have no idea dkdkkdkd
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope but there are a lot of people id love to be friends with
20. tagging some newer mutuals!
@meminger @annehcthaway @leosnart @kenobitrash @starkozova @danielsousa
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glamourcityrp · 26 days
jennifer's here! anne's @annehcthaways :)
Everyone please follow our Jennifer Lawrence and our Anne Hathaway @annehcthaways
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glamourcityrp · 2 months
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The following characters have 24 HOURS to show increased activity or they will be unfollowed:
Jade Thirlwall - @jadesthirlwcll
Jennifer Lawrence - @jlawrencehqs
Due to not following the activity rules but forth in our guidelines please unfollow:
Rhea Ripley - @rheariipley
Chase Stokes - @hichasestokesfms
Anne Hathaway - @annehcthaways
Ariana Grande - @aricnasgrande
Emma Stone - @emmajeanfm
Lili Reinhart - @missreinhxrt
Alycia Debnam-Carey - @alydcs
Madison Beer - @glamorousmadison
Due to the player relinquishing their role please unfollow:
Ashley Benson - @benzofms
Zac Efron - @zacfms
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glamourcityrp · 2 months
annehcthaways is anne!
Please follow Anne Hathaway : @annehcthaways
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