#angie ๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€
thrillridesz ยท 3 years
congratulations on getting accepted !!!
holy shit i did not get a notif for this but THANK YOU!!!
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thrillridesz ยท 3 years
ok ma'am,,, what spiritual things do u practise for u to get this perfectly, what kind of sorcery is this huh I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR A VIBE READING ??!??
well,,,, i don't know how you look so i can't really say if light colours would suit you, but if you want to change something up, i think red works really well with dark brown ! purple too, but i think toned red, more like,,, maroonish is a safe bet. i would say purple & dark blue works better with black hair ! although my personal favourites are vibrant/light colours with black (and blonde with dark brown !!) , i think it looks very funky ! but if you don't want it to be that noticeable, then dark colours are the way to go :D and if you have long hair then if you don't like your ends, then you can just cut those off (as they're gonna be ruined by bleach if you're gonna use it anyway) and you're gonna end up with another change - short hair ! i think it would be fun, but of course,,,, it all depends on how you feel about it <3 but me being me, i would say go for it so you don't regret not doing it later on in your life
oh my, your bosses really sound like nice people. i've heard of some horrible employers so i'm happy you don't have to deal with them (โŒ’โ–ฝโŒ’)โ˜†
ahhh i'm not really... learning a language as it's for my polish classes & that's my native language ;-; but we started watching pan tadeusz in class and i plan on finishing it since it's not that bad actually (and the main lead has such good outfits i'm literally just admiring them throughout the whole movie ๐Ÿคฉ). still need to reread the book for september as well as many others heh :) but it was relatively enjoyable so i'm not really worried about that
oh? have you learnt many languages? which ones did you like learning the most?
so sorry for the late reply! i haven't really come on here in the past few days.
i honestly don't know lmao i just read a lot of astrology stuff and watch an ungodly number of tarot reading videos. i think it kind of influenced me to like to read people in a way?
hmmm im thinking about it. i just don't want to dye it a certain colour then regret it you know? i wear a lot of black and darker colours so maybe bright colours aren't really my thing. i might just leave it for the time being, not to rock the boat too much.
they are! they're strict and detailed but they don't make you feel like shit for messing up. they're pretty nice too so it makes you wanna try your best for them.
ahhh i see! maybe i should check it out, i have a lot of time on my hands right now. also need to learn how to fashion lol my fashion sense is pretty much nonexistent ^^"
hmmm not really? i know basic french (like introduction, directions, how to tell time) but im interested in learning cantonese, japanese and korean! wbu?
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thrillridesz ยท 3 years
embody my vibe?? well that's a new one, but i'm definitely not complaining. don't know what my vibe is, but i'm digging it THANK YOU
i'm naturally blonde ! a bit dark-ish blonde to be exact, but i've been dyeing it lighter for a long time so it doesn't even matter. but before this hairstyle i had a,,,, blue hour era yeonjun inspired bob hdhdhhd but i would say: go for it !! maybe i'm not the best person to ask because i'll surely not stop you, but i think everyone needs a bit of a change sometimes :D and i'm assuming you have dark hair (pls correct me if i'm wrong hdhdh) so purple or red ends will look really good imo !! and it's ends, so once your hair grows longer, you can always cut it all off ใƒพ(๏ฝก^ฯ‰^๏ฝก)ใƒŽ
ohhh that's good,,, hopefully you won't be forced to quit this time around and you're gonna stay until your contract ends <3 don't know what you do but if you have to interact with customers, i hope most of them aren't rude !!
as for me, i'm just going to re-do my carrd and just,,,, get my shit together and organise everything on this blog. and maybe, maybe if it works out, i'll start a writing side blog but we shall see how it goes ๐Ÿคง but my whole 2 months of summer are just gonna be me taking biology & chemistry notes for my finals and then reading a couple book (+ watching a movie; at least the main lead is nice lmao) for my language class ehhhh
if you like,,,, click on a word or a text and you have all those options for editing it, there's this one sign that should look something like this: <s> then you just click on it and it becomes small font dhhdhdud
hmmm to me you have a very restrained vibe? like in a way that you seem very calm and collected but it feels as if you have a more fiery kind of spirit underneath that you don't show often! think a phoenix maybe...?
OH WOW a bob is very bold, not a lot of people can pull off a good bob tbh haha and yes i do have dark hair lmao im not sure what colours i can pull off honestly so that's why im kind of hesitant to really try and my hair grows stupidly slow so idk ><
oh it's not a contract so technically i can leave anytime haha but it's treating me ok so far so i don't rly think i will? not gonna jinx it though HAHA it's given me quite a few panic attacks when i thought i fucked up but my bosses are nice people and they're understanding (the just learn from your mistakes pls kinda ppl rather than scolding you) which is great!!
that's nice, if you do start one, do share it with us all so we can drop it a follow XD also what movie are you watching and what language are you learning? learning languages is so fun to me haha
ooh ok wait lemme try
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thrillridesz ยท 3 years
ahhh thank you for the offer :(( that's very kind of you to be ready to listen to people. but remember that if you ever need to vent to someone, you can hit me up and i'll try my best to be a great listener (โ‰งฯ‰โ‰ฆ)ใ‚ž
and i dyed it red !!! well,,, currently it's a mix of a red&orange because i used orange conditioner, but,,,,, it's still a big difference from my normal hair, because it's much more vibrant/fire-y. what colour did you think about for your hair? something crazy or more tame?
i am glad to hear you became closer to one of them, it's definitely nice to have someone you can talk to <3 but i hope you don't feel bad nor sad about not interacting much with the rest of them :(( but how's your part time job treating you so far?
and please let me know if i can use the small font, because for me it just takes up less space and looks more,,,, neat ? hdhdhdhd but if it's hard to read, then i'll just use the normal one mwah
of course, i just want to be there for mutuals like they have been for me when i was at my lowest point and pay it forward... i remember how sweet and understanding they were and i'm eternally grateful โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ ^^ i just want them to feel appreciate and help uplift their spirits when they're down! and thank you so much ^^ i'll definitely keep that in mind
ooh red!!! that's bold as hell, it's certainly a very daring colour haha seems to embody your vibe as well XD what colour was your hair before? I was thinking of just dying the ends of my hair purple but i'm not sure tbh, might just buy those temporary dyes?
hmm not really tbh, i think i'd be uncomfortable acting like i was close to them when i'm not and don't feel like i am so i'm good with just maintaining a friendly relationship :) i do feel a bit lonely sometimes but i like my alone time too much so sometimes it works out HAHAHA the job is going okay so far! i'm going on my 3rd week haha and i don't feel like quitting yet (compared to my previous job where i quit after a week bc i hated the environment)!!! what are you going to do while on break?
yup sure haha go for it, how do y'all even do that?? like the small font o.o
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thrillridesz ยท 3 years
well,,,, if i were to be completely honest, i haven't been feeling the greatest. had to take a break because of uhh,,,, mental problems ? and with me having to come back to normal learning, we were not having a good time lmao
but it's all good now ! my school year finished and now i have 2 months of not having to wake up early, interact with my classmates nor go outside when i don't want to <3 and i dyed my hair so that's fun fun (โŒ’โ–ฝโŒ’)โ˜† i still have a lot of stuff to do tho, but if i plan it all out, it shouldn't be that bad ;; and it's for my finals so i definitely need to just suck it up and do it dhfhhf
but i'm happy to hear you're doing alright !! do you have a break now when you can rest a little or do you have to study & attend classes?
also,,, if i remember correctly, we talked about your friends some other time and you not really being on the same wavelength as them or not having the same classes together, so if i may ask, did you find some new friends or did your relationship with them become better?
i'm sorry to hear that things weren't the best for you... i'm really glad you are feeling better now though! if you're ever in a down mood and you need someone to hear you out, feel free to hit me up ^^ i want to be there for my mutuals when they're feeling sad!
2 months of not waking up early is the real dream HAHA what colour did you dye your hair though? i've thought of dyeing mine but always chicken out lol >< all the best for your finals too (finals suck but i'm sure you'll be able to take them on)
i'm on semester break now! i actually have a part time job while waiting for school to start again ^0^ and yeah haha i actually haven't been interacting with them much tbh, i spent most of my second semester alone now that i think about it but i did get closer to one of them!! and she's the only one in the group i can talk to comfortably :))
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thrillridesz ยท 3 years
ahhhh no, it's totally okay ! i haven't been on here for half a year, so i would understand even if it wasn't accidentally or sth. but thank you, i also hope life will treat me well dhdhdhdh
but how have you been !!! we haven't talked in a long while i'm sorry about that ddhdhhdhd ๐Ÿคง
thank you so much >< how has it been for you though? definitely haven't heard from you in awhile
i've been ok haha just a bit tired these days but pretty content where i'm at for the moment! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
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thrillridesz ยท 3 years
OH MY GOD I HOPE I'M NOT LATE BUT,,,,, happy birthday, qiu !!! i hope you have a wonderful day, full of love & happiness and i wish you all the best MWAH <3333
also please take care of yourself ! drink lots of water and dress accordingly to the weather so you don't overheat your organism nor catch a cold,,,, love u <3
HAHAHA you're not! thank you so much angie ^^
i will! i hope you will as well and i hope that life is treating you well as we speak. please stay safe, rest well and stay gold ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’˜
(also as i was clicking on your pfp i accidentally unfollowed agsfdgd)
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