#and/or they’re all simps for Dark Choco Cookie
quibbs126 · 1 year
Another thing, I feel like it was a missed opportunity to have the flavors of milk simply be Milk Cookie costumes instead of each being their own Cookies
Now granted, I don’t know what you’d do with them all, but we have multiple chocolate cookies, why not have multiple milk cookies?
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m00r3-starzz · 2 years
Cookies from kingdoms and republics!
Revived Vanilla cookie
Died in the great flour war, this cookie has been brought back, they’re memories are a bit fogy, but they are nice!
Hollyberry kingdom
Wine Berry cookie
From the hollyberry kingdom, they are a bartender who host party’s at their bar, they are very talkative, never letting the energy down!
Flower eye cookie
A cookie who has their own flower shop, they are so sweet- but don’t let their looks fool you..they’ve attacked and murder many cookies..
Dark cacao kingdom
Ice choco cookie
They are a watcher in the cacao kingdom, they’ve got a good relationship with Carmel and crunchy..but seem to have an interest in affogato
Creme republic
Coffee boba cookie
A researcher who is trying to make magic like the legendary’s have, in their space time they hang out in the night market
Holy light cookie
A priest at the church, they look shy and nice by day, but by night..well lets say the’ve done some unholy things
Poison rose tea cookie
A cookie who was once a sane scientist, who was forced to hurt cookies, now has turned insane, trying to replace the poison nightshade had..they now hunt for cookie flesh
Thats all for now!
@rebuilding-paradise @your-nyacromancer-cheesecake @r0gu3f0rt-c00ki3-simp @kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares
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