#and zik is just. an little dude
galionne-speeding · 2 years
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I'm making a height reference sheet for The Old Guard and it has no right being this funny I swear-
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #30: Cured
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After the epic battle between Super Sonic and Super Silver & Kaiju!Zavok, as well as removing the Metal Virus from everything and everyone, we are left with a nice little epilogue to wrap things up and finally end The Metal Virus Saga. Welcome, folks, to The Out of the Blue Arc.
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We are met with Super Sonic and Super Silver, just moments before the explosion in the last Issue happened. Super Silver cries out for Super Sonic that the Metal Virus is gone, so Super Sonic decides to ditch the Warp Topaz. One moment later, Silver crashes into the ground, explaining what had happened as Knuckles and Tails help him up.
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Amy is horrified at the implication of Sonic being gone, but Knuckles is confident that Sonic just wanted to be dramatic and that he would float down in front of them, all smug and golden, any minute now.
Aaaaaany minute now.
Honestly, I love Knuckles here. I love how he knows Sonic so well and believes in him, thinking he’ll just appear out of nowhere, completely fine. It just shows that, even if Sonic does get on his nerves, they’re still friends and respect each other’s strength.
Amy and Tails meanwhile are not as hopeful, wanting to search for Sonic, but they have no idea where to start. Knuckles then gets annoyed, noting how Sonic makes him look bad, yelling to knock it off and get back.
Meanwhile, Eggman sneaks away into the shuttle, figuring that Sonic is gone, one way or another, and while everyone’s distracted, he can get away.
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Meanwhile, as everyone in the background is celebrating, Cream and Vanilla are discussing how Sonic is nowhere in sight. Vanilla tries to comfort her, only for them to get approached by Gemerl, and Cream realizes he’s being controlled by Zavok. Pissed off, Cream yells at him to go home, but Zavok replies with a curt “No”.
Despite his ominous presence, he is still injured from the fight, clutching at his sides, but swearing he won’t suffer from another humiliating defeat at Sonic’s hands and since he lost the Zombots and the Metal Virus, he’ll tear the world down with his brute hands. Apparently, dude never heard of tactical retreat, huh?
Cream wants none of that, so she sics Cheese on him, who lands a hit on him. This is followed by Tangle wrapping him up in her tail. They then get joined by Vector, Espio and Charmy, as well as Silver and Whisper.
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Zavok refuses to fall, throwing everyone off himself, but he gets hit by Whisper and held down by Silver, unable to counter the former’s psychokinesis. We even see Shadow in the last panel, just walking away. I guess the mighty leader of The Deadly Six isn’t worth his time.
Or maybe, it is something else. 
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Meanwhile, Knuckles is still staring at the sky, holding out hope for Sonic’s return, while Amy and Tails are taking a moment to breathe. Amy has clearly enough of everything, on top of Sonic’s disappearance, but Tails reminds her the Zeti are still loose. We then see Zazz, Zeena, Zor, Zomom and Master Zik deciding to just ditch everything and reunite with Zavok.
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We also see the Babylon Rogues, who had survived the Zombot onslaught, Storm hugging happily Jet and Wave. Jet tells him to put him down, while Wave asks Jet whether he’s okay. Jet assures her that he’s fine, with Wave wanting to find Zik and turn him into prune juice. Jet notes that Zik is probably on the run, with Wave pointing out who didn’t run - Jet! He remained with them, and Wave and Storm admire him for that, calling him brave and noble.
Gotta say, I absolutely agree with Wave here. Jet is a badass... even if his ego is bigger than the Babylon Rogues’ airship. Nevertheless, I like the moment here, even with Jet bragging about him being the greatest leader of all time.
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Back on Angel Island, Amy laments about going back to whatever is left in the Restoration HQ, with Tails telling her to take a break and asks her why she took the role of the leader. Amy replies that she took it upon herself because a certain someone dissolved the Resistance. Knuckles responds how the War was over and his place was on Angel Island, and how Amy could’ve just refused, but Amy didn’t want to let the people rebuild without any help. They then realize the shuttle is gone, with Big pointing at it in the sky.
Tails and Amy realize it is Eggman who is flying it, while Knuckles leaves them, noting how there’s one more headache he has to deal with.
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Knuckles approaches the Master Emerald, with Rouge still lounging on it. Knuckles informs he calmly about Eggman’s escape, asking her why she’s not keeping an eye on him, but Rouge responds how he’s the Guardian of the Island, so isn’t that his job? Knuckles responds how it’s time to scram, with Rouge telling him to give her another minute.
Honestly, I’m surprised that Knuckles hadn’t punched her off the Master Emerald. One would think he’d do that, but no, he takes a more diplomatic approach and just tells her to leave. Again, it’s great to see him like this.
On the other hand, he does threaten to throw her off the island, but Rouge gets down and seems to blush a little when Rouge says good-bye to him, calling him handsome.
Again, I love these two.
Knuckles then once again looks up at the sky, still waiting for Sonic to show up.
“Any minute now.”
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We then check in on Gemerl, who finds Orbot and Cubot. The duo tells Eggman they’ve been discovered, so Eggman commands Metal Sonic to retrieve them, punching a hole through Gemerl(!) and grabbing Orbot and Cubot, flying off. Damn, Gemerl is lucky he’s a robot, or else we would’ve seen blood.
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Whisper fires at Metal Sonic, but Metal just activates his Black Shield, dropping Gemerl, Orbot and Cubot, then drops the Black Shield and snatches Orbot and Cubot, flying up again. Charmy attempts to go after him, but Vector holds him back, not wanting to go through losing Charmy again (Dad Mode activated!) and tells Silver to grab Metal. Silver, however, is too busy holding Zavok down, so he calls out for Shadow, who zooms right away.
Now, I genuinely like this sequence.
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Shadow uses his air shoes in an attempt to catch up with the shuttle, but gets elbowed in the face by Metal Sonic The two fight, with Shadow jumping off a branch and using the air shoes to fly at Metal Sonic.
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He spin-dashes into Metal Sonic, with the two continuing their fight.
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Metal Sonic blocks another spin-dash, knocking Shadow into the forest below, and flies back to the shuttle. Shadow follows them, but he cannot reach the shuttle anymore, glaring at it, his hand shaking.
All of this is done in complete silence and honestly, I believe this was Shadow’s attempt to redeem himself for what happened at Sunset City. I know, I know, some might say that “oh, this is Shadow trying to get payback for his bruised ego” and I get it. However, my interpretation of this scene is that Shadow is frustrated at himself for not listening to Sonic, so he listens to Silver the moment the latter alerts him to Eggman’s escape. He tries to catch Eggman, but is beaten by Metal Sonic, failing once again at his duty at protecting the world. I believe that this will carry over into the next arc because of a specific scene that happens in this arc.
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Meanwhile, in the Sol Dimension, Blaze enjoys the quiet evening, happy that things are peaceful...
...and then the universe itself decides to prove her wrong; and I swear I laughed for a solid minute at this panel.
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Blaze runs up to the crater, swearing she’ll deal with anyone who dared to intrude and is shocked at whom she finds.
It is none other than Sonic the Hedgehog! Bruised, beaten, and a little crisp, but alive nonetheless.
#Previous Issue
#Next Issue
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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ghosticalz · 5 years
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Isnt it exciting??? if you read somewhere at the 2nd last paragraph, would you like to join the theory time?! don't forget to join the fun ;3
My first design of all my Ocs.
Here are the explanation and some facts
● Zinzin(2016) - first, he supposed to be the leader of the dark cult summoning ghosts and stuff and he supposed to be Minmin's cousin( later changed to Minmin's lil brother cant remember the reason why)
● Minmin(2016) - She is basically a nerd. Her interests about aliens and some science stuff make she met with a vampire boy named Hamton
In the comic, she has a very good grades at school but in the end she ended up suicide (jumping from the top of the building on src - 40s) after that her death cause Zin(her little brother) depressed.
● Hamton(2016) - a vampire boy who is very rich but a coward formerly Minmin's boyfriend. We dont have much information about him but we know he lives the smell of new books. He disappeared after Minmin's death.
There once was a video on tumblr about Hamton went on party with the aliens and landed on the sun and died. Unfortunately even the author not quite sure that video should be official or unofficial. However the video got deleted.
● Jamin(2016) - surname was Hokian before the author put him into in comic. And then changed his name to Jamin Chularin instead of James Hokian.
He is a young man that dont know what to do with his life or even his purpose. Even though he looks so calm he deeply trying to survive the world of nowadays society. Always taking a part time job and make money for himself.
Jamin is an orphan when he was 7. Both of his parents died from Tsunami in Phuket(2004) after that his grandma(†), uncle(†) and his aunt took care of him.
We dont really know about his age, but probably his parents and Zin's parents are very close so that's one of the reason why Jamin and Zin seems to be so close to each other.
● Killy( late 2014 ) - the first sketch of killy is on my sketch notebook if you scroll down to the last photo, that's the first drawing of Killy.
Killy is one of my favorite ocs. He is a little psychopath. Got an inspired by Jhonen Vasquez's comic called I feel sick, JTHM, and Squee.
I didnt plan any story or plot when i first making that comic called Killy Death (with a shitty grammar) and it ends in 2015 or 2016
It turns out well so i continued the comic. Later, in mid 2017 i make a reboot of Killy comic called Killy Valentino.
● Darling Dear(2015) - my favorite female ocs. She is a crazy witch who kills men to make a meal for another men. She is very good at cooking but down in her kitchen is such a horror. She only save her love for a vampire demon name black. She keeps killing those men who fall for her to make a meal to teach them a lesson, but she has gone too far. That's why she is a crazy woman.
Mostly spend her time in a laboratory, making love potion and death potions and stuff which she's enjoy making them. Even interested in science and magic.
First was supposed to be a sweet cute horror fantasy comic about 2 brothers, a rich ghost and a handsome vampire falling for a witch. But for me i think that's too normal boring and cliche, so here I created a dark comedy romantic homicidal love story for a witch who kills man to make a meal for another man and make a meal out of that man for another man until her love interest, vampire dude comes to her.
Unfortunately, The story of witch girl was never a comic due to the time and efford. But sure enough that one day, the author (or i) will look back at this and bring her to the comic too.
At least i hope so. If ppl will like dark humo
● Zik and Lukas(2014) - the oldest Ocs of mine(comics) zik is the demon were banished from hell cause he is a trouble maker and Lukas is the angel who is so grumpy and bad so the god banished him to human world.
They met together later when the comic start. Was a very good friend.
This comic was quite successful in russia, ukraine countries.
But then i stop cause of the word 'copycat' which i dont wanna be like that.
I abandoned those two character and move to my very own comic Killy Death. And know waiting for them to come back. Probably they would be so mad at Zin and Lee or Jamin.
Maybe all of my characters ocs are the reincarnation of the old dead Ocs, Who knows?
My comics are all in the same univerese just different world and story, they could have lived in the same neighborhood.
Make a theories. Maybe your non sense could be the key of all Eyeb0nez's comic universe.
You know Darwin is a dimension traveller, right? And what's my name again? I give you a tiny hints in a comic background ;3
Try to find it and have fun.
That's it for today, if sometimes i clean my room and found an old sketch book to re think if my memory, then maybe later, i'll show you my old ocs and some other stuff. Hope you enjoy reading this and dont forget to comment down below c;
What do you wanna know next? Feel free to ask me anything down below in the comment section. Have a nice day! Good night! ;3
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pikkington · 4 years
Finished up ‘Body Banks’ at midnight because I’m bad at budgeting my time.  ANYWAY,
I'm so glad Birdie's in this show, too.
Oh hey PKE Meter.
Oh that's not a PKE Meter.
Fight scenes are better here, too.  Very nice, very nice.
Knock-off Donald Trump!  This is an 80s TV show, I should have expected it.
Is Edison's story about nuclear waste storage?  That's...unexpected.  Kinda thought this was something we swept under the rug.  It’s never explicitly stated what this dangerous material is, maybe that’s how they got away with it.
Cheviot, that was kind trying to to speak Japanese while meeting with execs.
NO COME ON SHOW.  You were doing so well!  Why'd you have to go racist.  (I was previously appreciating how this show didn’t do the whole ‘native Japanese speakers switch ‘L’ and ‘R’ around but nope they did it.)
"Uncooperative."  Yes, that's the word I'd describe Max.
Just spill all his personal info on the table, and to freaking Bryce no less.  I bet Bryce didn’t even ask for a specific one, Max just decided on the most personal one he could show a teen.
"As long as they don't care if he comes or goes, or what he says or does, it's fine."
Theora, that was crazy brave!  But stupid, why did you take him to Edison's house.
I do like how Theora is considerably more tech savvy than Carter.  I don’t know, it’s appreciated.
Oh, poor Rick, he has to do it by foot.  Guess there wasn't time to rig up the motorcycle.
Aww, I was headcanoning Dom as Black.  I shouldn't be surprised, it's the 80s....
You were doing GREAT, show, you were doing GREAT at not being obliquely racist.
Yeah, I don't know what the heck's going on with this club.
I love that Bryce seems so disappointed at the idea Max hid in finance.
Edison you're really blase about going back to a body bank.  I guess he wasn’t really conscious the first time.
"Mental umbilical."
Cheviot sure does know how to push buttons.
You just...brought a teenager to a murder.  An actual murder.
I really wonder if Max has just...admin permission or is acting more like malware, just sort of brute-forcing his way in through every gap he can find.
Bryce knows what's up!  Use your powers for good!
Oh dang, Max can feel himself being messed with!
Evil boardroom!  It showed up earlier but it didn’t have that inherent evil boardroom-ness to it.  By which I mean it was mostly close shots.
This one was a lot tighter than the last, and we finally meet Blank Reg.  I hope this means Rick doesn’t go away, though, I like him.  Anyway, lots of good stuff in this one, most of it personal preference because it explained a little about how Max interfaces with the system and a good chunk of glitchy aesthetic in the middle.  Did NOT care for the whole ‘stereotyped Japanese speech’ thing the Zik-Zak execs had.  Xing has a heavy accent, but his grasp on English is still great.  You could argue it’s to show the audience who deals the most with the day-to-day of foreign companies, since the assistant only had the stereotyped R-L switch and the dude that was forcing the doctor to cooperate just...did not have the best grasp of it, but still.  STILL.  There had to be a better way.  Maybe it’s not as racist as I think it is and I’m just freaking out.
Anyway, besides that, pretty good, can’t wait to have my headcanon for A-7 blown right out of the water next episode.
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galionne-speeding · 2 years
Sexuality headcanons?
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Zavok: Just a classic gay dude who likes guys. Doesn't have a huge amount of experience and doesn't really know what his type is (unless "pink and feral" counts as a type).
Zeena: She's mean, and a lesbian, but not a mean lesbian. Does not understand how someone could not be attracted to women and often jokes that "Zavok has no taste".
Zazz: Unhinged bisexual with the specific type of "Big, beefy and strong enough to break me in half".
Zomom: Doesn't have a type ; he sort of just 'goes with the flow'. He's happy as long as he can feel respected and comfortable with someone.
Zor: Sexual attraction is just not for him. He's given it a lot of thought, talked about it with Zeena and just... No. He does feels romantic attraction, although the idea of an actual relationship feels a bit overwhelming to him.
Master Zik: All these labels just weren't a thing back in his youth, so he's a little confused. Respectful, but confused. Doesn't really care about picking a label for himself- who he likes is nobody's business but his own.
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