#and you geniunely end up doing the workload of two people
bizarreandjarring · 1 year
OK so i live in the US and let's say that i hypothetically work for a certain four letter german grocery chain that likes to value efficiency. now i get a lot of customers who like to tell me about how they don't understand why nobody wants to work these days, and why is everywhere understaffed, people are so lazy and don't want to work. while i stand there doing 3 jobs for the pay of one and slowly having my humanity melted away
so we recently put in self checkouts and now i have a whole new set of complaints (from exactly the same crowd) who tell me they hate the self checkout and wish it wasn't there and how its making the service worse etc etc. and incredibly, multiple people have complained to me after going through self checkout "why would i want to use this machine i have to do so much more work, i should be getting paid to check out my own groceries. it's like why are you making me do it i don't want to work at the grocery store"
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