#and yhm! i really really appreciate it. it means a lot more than you probably thinm haha
hollypies · 2 years
Man. I am sorry that you are having such a terrible time at work. I'm sorry so many grown adults in your life seem to not have figured out how to be decent. I'm sorry you're not being listened to and respected like you should be. Make sure to remember that ypu deserve better so you don't end up settling for worse <3 I hope your situation improves soon and you get the things you need from the people around you. I know you're trying your best, you're a tough kid, keep hangin in there. Sending good vibes your way and wishing you some really good rest and some good laughs real soon <3<3<3
Hi sorry this took so long to answer ougha I've been pretty busy lately!
And thank you, I really do appreciate the good vibes hehe! It's been. Rough to say the least.
As for the adults well. There's just nothing I can do about it. They won't listen to me and my mom just thinks I'm melodramatic ooof. And lately my mother has noticed I've. Put on a few pounds and now I can't eat food without feeling like shit agh .. i wish she'd just let me be about my weight but whatever
I do hsve a new friend though! We're both the same age, and I think he's pretty neat. So it's not all bad ha. We even got to hang out at my house and play Mario party for a bit!
And yeah, I'm gonna keep trucking on! World can't knock me off, I'm to cool to die h gh hgh
But seriously, I'm gonna keep going. Try to get back into the swing of creating things ! Do what makes me happy !
And uhm! Yeah! That's about it hgghgf! Sorry again it took me a while to answer, work and school are killing me atm. I dont get breaks for holidays with school and on weekends I have 6 hour shifts. I just wish I had more time
Anyway here's a cat pic!
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She eepy
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