#and yet alastor only sees him as a mere annoyance
ohbother2 · 5 months
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...you're saying you... fight other people?
I was inspired by @moon7shine
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circeyoru · 3 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 6 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 (here)
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Alastor nearly dropped the tray containing your food when he felt your darkening aura. He immediately got over and set the tray of food in front of you while explaining what was cooked for you. Ignoring the obvious death glare you were sending across the table at Lucifer who was still proudly introducing you
It was amazing for Alastor to see you silently seething with annoyance yet do nothing. Perhaps it was because Lucifer has yet to step out of line? Or because you had your dose of terror because of the Vees?
You were introduced as the mentor of Lucifer when he came to Hell all those years ago, meaning you were older than ancient. A hellborn, so you were able to travel throughout all of Hell, basically to other Rings that’s why you weren’t around for so long
Now the ‘Collector’ title was an interesting one. They didn’t know you hold the souls of the Overlords, they only know you hold a number of souls at your command. How you can do so while being a hellborn was beyond them. But they were aware that there were hellborn nobles, and that’s what they chalked it up to
Still though, it doesn’t help the fact that your cover was blown
“Dear student of mine.” You spoke softly with a smile. Alastor got a chill at the gentleness and eerie feeling of an incoming scolding.
“Yes, Teach?” That got Lucifer’s attention as he stopped with his flattery and turned to you with a brighter smile.
“Do shut up now.”
Your disguise dropped, revealing your true form to the others. Your eyes now closed, and an aura of authority and power radiated from you that commanded control and pressure
You politely asked Lucifer to leave the seat and continue with the hotel tour with his daughter. You had Alastor sit down while you two enjoyed a meal together. Alastor took the liberty of casting a barrier around the two of you to ensure privacy and uninterrupted moments
Peacefully, you listened to Alastor as he told you tales of what happened during his 7 years absence. The poor deer was gone looking for you after he realized your absence was a bit uncalled for, even going as far as to submit to demonic summoning in the human world to see if you would call him back to your services
It was amusing and you chuckled at the silly stuff humans had your deer do, Alastor’s cute ears pinned back at your mocking laugh, but returned to their position with joy when you said you meant to offense
So Alastor continued to share his stories to entertain you, all while you listened and enjoyed his cooking with a content smile gracing your lips
Never has he asked question about you, for you’ll never tell. You have your secrets and sacred knowledge and information that is only for your knowing. He knew, everyone else in your elite  collection knew. All they ask for was your presence and support in their time in this Hell realm
It was obvious how while you have all this power to squash them like mere insects, you never did so and instead supported them and given them a title that would be feared. You established a system for them that will be recognized by all of Hell
“I was afraid you’d be gone forever, My Liege.” Alastor’s ears drooped down.
You smiled, “Forever’s a long time. I should know. I’ll never be gone, no need to fret.”
Alastor remembers that day well, when he was approached by you. The shadows he controlled ran rampened, out of his control. He was suddenly brought to a forest, he saw the city buildings over the treelines, but he couldn’t leave this forest no matter what. Even when he tried to use his powers and his more demonic form, nothing worked. Something kept him there by force
For the first time since his descent to Hell, he felt powerless and caged. There was no one in that forest to exploit or ask questions. It was truly just him
It felt like he was held prisoner yet not since he was free to do as he pleased. He could conjure things, so his daily necessities were met. Then there were the deers that were nothing like the hell creatures, it was one he was familiar to back when he was alive. So he enjoyed the game of hunting
It felt like he was well-provided. All but his freedom to leave
He didn’t know how long he stayed there, but there were whispers here and there. Creatures that were a blend of ravens and crows were in the trees watching him, Cages as they introduced themselves
The Cages whispered ideas into him, he ignored them. Then they continued to repeating the same thing to him. He had enough and tried what was suggested to him. For some odd reason, it worked. It was like a power upgrade from what he was capable of, a boost if you will. The Cages spoke words of praise that felt oddly pleasant
From then on, he looked forward to the Cages’ suggestions. Everytime he accomplished what they proposed, compliments came to him with a wash of comfort, then another tip came. He found himself growing more and more reliant on the connection he had with the Cages and anticipated their presence every time his eyes opened from a nap or long rest
Yet the time came when all the Cages seemingly disappeared from the forest. He searched high and low, turning desperate for their presence again. He long forgotten his goal of escape since this place made his entertainment worthwhile and his power was growing
At the sight of that one Cage, he followed it. He knew then, it was on purpose, everything that happened had a purpose. The Cage led him to you. You who sat in the clearing tending to a number of Cages that were around you
When he materialized out of the shadows and saw your form, he felt like he was in a trance. That presence he was feeling through the Cages, it was all so strong around you, passing by those winged creatures, he confirmed it was all you. Everything that happened here was all your doing
Instead of rage and bloodlust like he had in the beginning of his time here, there was a longing of passion and an urge to stay by your side so he wouldn’t be separated from you. He didn’t understand it, but he knew you were the key to his pillar. No, you are his pillar
“Radio Demon, Alastor. Overlords before you has met me one way or another.” Your voice was so angelic that it felt like a crime that you’d be in Hell. Wait. He was in Hell? It felt like paradise. “I have a collection of souls at my disposal and I control the Overlords I have picked to be in my collection.”
“I wish to join.” He spoke so urgently as he fell to a kneeling position with his eyes staring at your form, he felt like if he delayed, it was life or death. 
A melodiously chuckle came from your curved lips that was a small smile. Your hand that had a Cage perched on it flicked and the Cage was airborn. You offered your hand to him, “If you do, you’ll be giving me your soul. I’m sure you know what that means.”
“I don’t care.” Alastor spoke with confidence firmly. “As long as I am by your side.”
Alastor held his heart stop when your eyes opened, it was captivating that his eyes focused on that the moment your eyelids revealed them to him. It felt it it was his birthday present and Christmas gift all wrapped in one. He saw his reflection from your eyes, the softness of your hand broke him from his trance, and the joyous tone from your voice got him melting into you, “As you wish. My Dear Alastor.”
Over the next few days, you have been observing the hotel residence after you little reveal
Lucifer was acting like a kicked puppy but soon recovered after you joined him in making breakfast for the others. He happily started singing and skipping around to make your smile last. Of course, he apologized for not realizing you were trying to hide your identity
You brushed it off since what’s done is done. Better now than later since no bonds were formed just yet. It was similar to how you gave Alastor a taste of what was to happen after he gave you his soul that day. The entire situation in the forest was to show him that he was free yet caged in your hold, he knew what he was getting into
Well, Alastor did seem to be the type of soul that wanted dominance so you did that to test and see if he can obey commands before offering him your contract. You expected him to fight for control longer and more fiercely, yet that wasn’t the case since he committing to you and proving himself the moment he saw you
Charlie was an interesting case. There was some time where she was more careful with her words around you, perhaps scared that you’d snap at her like you did with her father. And the fact that you were his father’s teacher that he respects and prides himself with associating with you. But then when Alastor gave her a word of caution that you weren’t as scary as you seem, then she took her chance
You got it through to her that she could act the same with you as before. She did not hesitate after that, of course, still keeping in mind some boundaries. She was back to her cheerful and fun self around you. Even enjoying feeling like a grandparent was taking care of her and spoiling her. Though that didn’t mean you were lenient with her that you’ll overlook things
You offer advice from time to time when Charlie was busy planning activities. You advised her on how to use her authority and power when necessary, her kindness is her strength and weakness. More on the latter since this was Hell, a number of demons will take advantage of her and push her down. Sure she can fight back, but it wouldn’t be enough when they are perfectly aware of what buttons to push
Vaggie showed obvious suspicion and caution around you. She went as far as to avoid you and not stand in your path. When it was obvious Alastor listens to you without another word, it raised even more red flags in her mind because you were that powerful. Lucifer speaking highly of you was even worse
She heard of ‘The Collector’, some demons she killed when she was still an exterminator screamed that The Collector will reign supreme or that a terrible death will be passed down as judgement to them. Hellborns move to other circles when it’s extermination day, some might be unlucky to escaped but exterminators weren’t taught to tell the difference between hellborn and sinners
When she was abandoned in Hell, she learned that The Collector holds a vast ocean of souls at your command. It was a terrifying thought to know that if you wanted, war can beginning at the drop of your command
Hell has 7 Rings, each represents a sin and only the Pride Ring has sinners of human souls. But Heaven was just that one. A paradise on top of the clouds. Now that angels can be killed, if you so wished, can’t you take over Heaven as well?
You were aware of all Vaggie’s little fears. You didn’t mind it at first, but her paranoia was getting out of head when she tried to deter the others to stay clear of you. Namely Charlie since you have been caring for her since you was too young to even remember. Though being the sweet princess she is, tried to have Vaggie under you weren’t a threat
A duel, you offered Vaggie. If she won, you’d leave the hotel and never step near any of them under any circumstances. Alastor nearly snapped when Vaggie pushed you to offer since an absurd wager, you own all of Hell, why would such a rule even apply to you? But you raised your hand to Alastor so he’d calm down. If you win, well, Vaggie will stop with all this ‘you’re the bad guy’ talk
Everyone came to watch. Charlie tried to persuade Vaggie to call it off but failed. Meanwhile, Lucifer urged you to hold back since this was his daughter’s beloved girlfriend. You planned to do so anyways and everyone stayed on the sidelines
Vaggie readied her spear and summoned her wings. You smiled, your form changing to a familiar one. Carmilla. You skillfully dodged all the attacks Vaggie launched at you as though you were dancing. While the duel was still ongoing, you pointed out Vaggie’s flaws and weak points before you attacked once and the winner of the fight was decided
Afterwards, Vaggie was persistant in asking for your fighting lessons and techniques. It got to the point where Alastor would try to move you to another spot so that his time with you wouldn’t get continuously interrupted. To his dismay, you found amusement in the entirety of the situation
“How dare you try to steal what precious time I have from me!” Alastor glared at Vaggie.
“This is a connection between warriors! You butt out of this edge lord!” Vaggie remarked back.
You merely chuckled at the exchange and never said anything to side with either. 
Angel hid his discomfortable of you from the others and acted as his usual self, as much as he can. The only ones that noticed his awkwardness was probably Husk and you. You had a hunch it was due to the fact that you own too many souls to count, he was under contract with Valentino. The poor soul
Pity as though it may be, it was his choice to be under that sorry excuse of an Overlord in the first place. He’s merely living the life he signed himself for. The same for Husk
Now Husk had the best reaction. He was the latest Overlord to be rejected from your collection, but not the fastest. He didn’t get anything guidance like how your current Elites (excluding the Vees) had, certainly never having Alastor’s treatment as well. For you saw gambling as a dangerous bet to support in. Where there’s a win, there’s always an even bigger lost
This was something you warned Husk after accepting him as an Overlord among your ranks. It certainly didn’t help when he was hosting more and more gambling parties and inviting other Overlords to join in. They participated but were quick to give him their input and warn to change a domain since you’ll be more supportive of it
Husk didn’t listen. He was winning and was blinded by that. So the other Overlords counted down till Husk was removed from the collection. It didn’t take long for your Overlords to realize they had a chance to pin down the former Overlord Husk to their command and show you their ability. Alastor took the job and the role of relying that he was abandoned
He didn’t know, he never knew. He reflected on that and found times when his fellow Overlords tried to help him and teach him the ropes, since these things aren’t something you’ll tell them. You like it when your Overlords are independent when they need to
So he shifted his focus like you advised so long ago. He gained the ability to read demons like a book as time gone by, so much so that he’d love to show it to you, but Alastor would never let that happen
When he saw you near, he tried offering you a drink or two. He wanted to talk, to say that he was sorry and that he was wrong. It’s always when he got to a suitable time to tell you that you were pulled away by one thing or another
He thought he lost his chance again until you met him in the hallway when he was retreating to his room to get some shuteye
“Husk, my former soul.” Your words made him freeze and turn to you, there was that small smile on your face that made you look so serene and neutral to everything. “I hope you continue your time here in service to the dear Princess and the hotel as Alastor has assigned you.”
“But I…”
“Until I call for you.” You cut him off as your smile widened, “Don’t worry about anything and try to build your power back, I see that you have learned your lesson.” You snapped your fingers and a card with an eye design on it appeared, you passed it to him, “Alastor knows my thoughts on the matter, so I hope you won’t disappoint me again.”
Husk bowed deeply, his wings relaxed that they touched the floor almost entirely, “Yes, I will, Master.”
You chuckled and showed him a hologram of him protecting and caring for Angel. “Do you know?” Husk looked up, unsure of why you showed him something like this. “That an Overlord can challenge another to gain the soul contract that’s signed?”
Husk’s eyes widened at the message you conveyed.
You made a hush motion over your lips as your eyes peeked open, “Let’s keep this between us. If you manage to prove yourself, there’s more to come and more to receive. Though that all depends on your willingness. Husk.”
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Note: I'm so curious on your thoughts for this one~ There's Alastor's little backstory to how he became the way he is and then the little ending here~ Hehe
Well~ Like I said before, the next uploads are for {Unwanted Soul}
Circe Y. 
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theoddest1 · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel episode 5 is a rushed mess.
May just make this a continual thing where I review the episodes from here on out.
-Right off the bat, the pacing for this episode is probably the worst out of all other episodes so far. Things just begin abruptly (Lucifer's first song with Al for instance), no build up, 5 months have passed in only 5 episodes of barely any progress or focus on Charlie as a character, a random character that didn't need to be introduced but was anyway ruined the flow further, and this stupid ass rivalry all on the basis of who's the "better dad" is legit the most random conflict of any conflict so far. That will get a point all on its own along with some of the other things mentioned. The pacing left no real breathing room aside from 2 moments: Al's rise to power and Husk n Al's convo. I wanna say the second song would be a 3rd but it just resolves an issue that was present for seemingly years and pulled a "Stolas" with having a song or sob story as an excuse for the lack of effort to reach out and be a better dad. Lazy writing and pacing overall.
-5 months....5 months have passed with barely anything revolving around helping sinners or trust built around the main cast SHOWN ON SCREEN. We are told important information opposed to witnessing the progress itself. This is not only lazy but extremely jarring cause it feels as though episodes were skipped and bonds feel unearned. They get easily resolved in what feels like seconds, and we're just supposed to....deal with it. Angel and Husk barely interact throughout this episode, which, after the crazy ride they had, with the knowledge of a SEVERAL MONTHS passing by as well, you'd think Angel would be shown to be more chatty with him....which he doesn't. Nothing crazy, just small bits of them interacting and enjoying each other's company. Nah. We get that next episode, and even THAT'S lacking. I'll tackle that in a separate post. But yeah, 5 months, and we have yet to see the other guests' views and how it has changed for the better or the process of them realizing WHY they would go for redemption. How that has affected them. Nothing of note has come about from any of these. No other sinners have joined. No other demons seem interested in Charlie's Hotel. Nothing. We are told things have been done, yet it feels like we are still at the starting line, or well, a foot away from it and miles away from the finish.
- Lucifer is a joke. I don't mind me a goofy threat, it adds a charm to them but also shows that they take so little seriously due to their immense power....not Lucifer. No, that guy just....is a joke. Dude is in his mansion making fucking toy ducks for some reason and just has depression (show said it outright, not even depression is spared from "tell don't show")
He does literally nothing, doesn't seem to WANT to do anything, and no one respects the guy. Nearly all in the Hotel lack fear, intimidation, or admiration for the guy (Pentious is the only one who seems to exhibit admiration of some kind). The closest we got is being uncomfortable. That's it. Then there's his scuffle with Alastor. Tell me why he feels the need to argue with this sucka again? Cause last I checked, Alastor is a mere overlord, and Lucifer is The Devil. Wtf is this randomass rivalry that just...S T A R T S? Why does Lucifer get intimidated or moved by Al? It makes no sense. Lucifer has been alive far longer than humanity itself, but nah this random fuck who looks like he robbed a blood bank got him weeping insecurities? I'm supposed to take this sad excuse of a character seriously? How many of these carbon copy characters will Viv make until I finally end my suffering???
-Wtf is Alastor's deal? Why is he so pressed and annoyed? One moment he is as cool and collected as a cucumber and showing only SLIGHT annoyance (Vox and His song), then he goes to meetings and speaks with people far older, far more experienced, and/or far stronger than he show no interest and he gets pissy? How insecure is he that people not caring where he's gone or thinking his ideas are wack is what leads to his eye twitching and him throwing a random ass cuss. Seriously, THAT'S what got him to swear? That his idea for the hotel's name is stupid? BFFR! You can not be serious right now, THAT'S what gets him going? You'd think with how witty and chill he was in the pilot, he would find a quick and a effective smart-ass comeback, not essentially bitch at The Devil. This makes Alastor look like a thin-skinned wannabe, too cause these minor ass comebacks are why he has lost his edge along with some randomass song number?? And at the end of the day, Al just couldn't be damned anymore to even care by the end of the episode, he doesn't speak with Lucifer or give any stank looks, doesn't speak with Charlie, does NOTHING pertaining to the issues prior, nah, he just stands there and watches after telling Mimzy to go away. Some say he did this to simply piss Lucifer off, but that doesn't make sense (not saying it ain't true, just saying if it is, it's nonsensical). First off, if that were the case, why was he annoyed even BEFORE seeing the guy?
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If he only wanted to get a rise, why is HE getting angry? Trolls usually don't care enough to be this pissed. Second, wtf would he even gain from doing this? What to help push Lucifer to be a better father to Charlie, request by Lilith to Al so that Lucifer can get his act together?? If so, that's the LAZIEST shit I have ever heard. Lucifer is such a joke, he needed a SINNER to get him back on track....
Regardless, this whole father shit by Al comes out of nowhere and ruins the goddamn flow of the episode. Prior to it all, Al has shown NO interest in anyone and has done jack shit. Wtf does he even do? He's done ONE thing so far and that was help for the commercial. Alastor has shown to be completely useless as of now.
-Charlie, why is she treated as tho she isn't a grown ass woman? She's babied to hell and back and despite being the daughter of Lucifer, hasn't shown any of her abilities to help the hotel. So Lucifer can summon shit but not her? Is she that useless? Also, gotta love how she never asks her dad about the Valentino situation to help Angel out. Man...what a great ass friend. She also doesn't find it weird that Al is just suddenly...babying her? She has zero awareness of everything, I guess, which is getting annoying now. You're over 200 years of age (went to high school in the 1800s according to what her comic was about, but guess that's retconned based on what happens in the following episode).
So she doesn't use her abilities to tidy up the place, she doesn't act her damn age, she doesn't do anything to help her sexually assaulted friend. What a damn joke, just like her dad.
-Mimzy shouldn't have been in an episode about Lucifer. Plain and simple. Her character should have been introduced in one of the earlier episodes. Not during fucking this. And we got a repeat of the pilot with Alastor's backstory retold. So they're down to retell his rise to power but not to make at least a proper recap of the events that happened prior? Key word....PROPER.
-Husk caring about Mimzy bringing trouble is actually fucking stupid. Because of the lack of proper build up to him now finding more reason to like the Hotel, it feels forced that he would be worried about what danger Mimzy brought. And on top of that, yeah...ALASTOR IS RIGHT THERE. You know who else is there? LUCIFER. I get it, Lucifer stood by and watched as the Hotel was being swatted, but he also sang a song about providing what Charlie asked for, meaning if she had asked her dad, he woukd be down to help, so WHY TF IS HE WORRIED???? Also , is Charlie just INCAPABLE of fighting for herself?? "She doesn'twanna hurt sinners-" so she had no defensive abilities??? What???? Also, that's a damn lie, she fought Katie Killjoy on live Tv. Are no other damn people capable of protecting the Hotel??? Why did Al need to step in for that? They were just LOAN SHARKS.
Anyway, the scene where Husk is probing Alastor about Mimzy and treating him as a pet is decently paced and the tone was pretty neat, sucks that this feels like their way of showing that Husk is also under a leash like Angel rather than him being treated as a joke, which btw...horrid way to compare the two. Wanna know why? One is subjected to an onslaught of sexual assault whether he was pushing Val's buttons or not, and forced to be assaulted by various men around him, passed around like a thing. The other is Husk, who legit disrespected Alastor and had to push at him to get such humiliation and terror, and guess what....Al still ended up pushing Mimzy away after she did end up bringing trouble, so he did essentially listen to Husk in his own distant way. This is the ONLY TIME we see Al be downright mean to Husk and probably the only time. Angel has been subjected to nothing but horrid assault after assault no matter the situation. So I better not see anyone say, "SEE LOOK, THEY'RE BOTH ABUSED" stfu. Nothing about their situations are even remotely similar. Just cause the chains are the same doesn't mean the users are. EDIT: Ima say this before people act like I excuse this. No, I am not excusing Alastor's actions. I am pointing out what happened on screen. Husk mocked Alastor, Alastor retaliated out of anger(much like how Angel retaliated at Husk in ep 4 after Husk kept arguing and mocking him) by pulling out the chains to shut him up. He didn't even hit Husk. Again, I'm not excusing it, just pointing out how vastly different Husk and Angel's situations are and how one overlord reacts compared to the other....who is a straight-up rapist.
-Both the songs are mid/ok but pulled down by the awful storytelling....shame. I at first was not fond of Lucifer's voice.....it's ok now, I guess. Idk. I'm still not really feeling it, though.
Episode sucked ass
Pacing was all over the place
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moongeonight · 4 months
Crazy employees
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Summary: Alastor feels the need to bother Lucifer for his own satisfaction, he decides that Niffty will do the dirty work.
A/N: I beat writer's block! For now... Tell me if you want a second part of this! (This is a tickle fic!)
(update) here part 2 👉🏼 Crazy employees part 2
It was a normal day at the hotel, Lucifer had decided to stay at Charlie's hotel for a few days to see how everything worked, with the misfortune of having to live with Alastor.
Let's say that Alastor... hated him, And he hated him too, every time they crossed paths for some reason, they exchanged murderous looks.
But it was Alastor who wanted to take the first step in this silent war, since he accidentally saw a scene of Charlie and his dad, he discovered quite valuable information.
he saw that niffty was killing cockroaches and his smile grew wider.
"niffty! Come here!"
The little demon quickly rushed to hear what the radio demon had to say and she replied without hesitation.
"Yes, alastor! What is it? Do you need me to kill more cockroaches?" Niffty said with her usual crazed smile.
"Not this time, I need you to do a job for me, it has to do with Lucifer"
Niffty’s face lights up in excitement, she is easily enticed by the mere mention of Lucifer as she asks with a crazy grin.
“What do you need me to do?”
"Oh, it's something very simple..." Alastor said whispering to her what his little plan was to annoy to that damn of Lucifer...
Niffty’s face lit up again when she heard the plan, She giggled with delight and grabbed her feather duster and said with excitement.
"Alright then! I’m on it!"
Niffty dashed off to get in position to catch Lucifer off-guard, giggling with anticipation for the upcoming caos.
Alastor just laughed as he disappeared into the shadows with a sadistic smile waiting to appreciate the spectacle from afar.
Lucifer was currently resting in a small armchair trying to ignore the annoyance that Alastor had been these days.
Him being annoying was nothing new but he seemed to have upped his assholery in recent days… it was really getting on lucifer’s nerves.
But while he was still in his thoughts, he suddenly feel a little demon snuck up from behind, giggling like a maniac, who gave Lucifer a slight tap on his side using a feather duster.
Lucifer jumps up in a bit of a panic, spinning round to see who was there.
“WHAT IN THE- Oh it’s just you um... Niffty right?….” He seemed to calm down as he sat back down in the chair, resting his head on his fist.
"W-what are you doing here?"
Niffty giggled with mischief, her excitement growing stronger as she spoke, her grin stretched across her face as she replied.
“I was just tidying the room and thought I should say hello!” She replied as if it were obvious, yet the mischievous twinkling in her eye was evident that she had other intentions at hand.
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, staring at Niffty with suspicion as he spoke slowly.
“Niffty… What are you really doing with that feather duster? Because... well it doesn’t look like you’ve done any cleaning at all” He said looking around the room in general.
She smiled in amusement at Lucifer’s suspicions, as he was quite obviously onto her.
“Well, maybe I might have other intentions with this feather duster, maybe something more nefarious!
As she speaks, she gives Lucifer a small little tickle on his side with the feather duster, It wasn’t too strong, but enough to catch him off guard.
Lucifer gasped and laughed as he was tickled. "Hehehey...! N-Niffty what are you-" He was cut off as Niffty continued to tickle him causing him to laugh more.
"Niffty! stohohop...! hehe... Hahahaha! p-plus I don’t think that feather duster is meant to be used on people… hahaha! plehehease put it down!” Lucifer sounded genuinely concerned at the moment.
Niffty couldn’t help but smirk and giggle at Lucifer’s reaction as his attempts to convince her to stop only made her giggle even more.
With him laughing so much, Niffty decided to take advantage of the situation and climb up onto his couch and cling to him with her arms wrapped around him.
“Hmm no no no!, we can’t have you being ticklish! We have to fix that!” She giggled as she began to tickle him even more, using both hands this time on his sides, making sure not to stop.
“WAIT! How is thihihihs supposed to hehehelp me?! Niffty! nononohoho! please st-stop! Hahaha! I’m too ticklish haha! O-oh god… that’s too much! Hehehe please… gasp stop! Hehehehe!”
Lucifer was really trying his best to free himself from niffty’s grasp but when he finally was able to grab her and throw her to the ground, she would just simply go back to climbing on him and continuing to tickle him.
He could feel himself being exhausted from the constant laughter as his breath became heavy.
“N-Niffty… plehehease! Hehe… st-stop! Hahaha! you’re gonna… hehe make… me hahahaha! p-pass out…!”
Niffty didn’t pay any mind as she saw his struggles, she only saw it as part of the fun.
“so ticklish, so much fun!” She giggled as she didn’t let up on the tickling. “Hehe, you’re not getting rid of me just yet!”
She used her now free hand and began to tickl under his arms, adding on to his many spots of ticklishness.
Lucifer let out a giggle of pure desperation as Niffty continued to tickle him until he began to feel his sides becoming sore as he began to squirm more violently.
“Niffty…! oh god HAHAHA!… PLEASE…! HAHAHA! I-I beg you n-not... t-the armpits hehehe…HAHAHAHA! NOT MY ARMPITS!” Lucifer began to laugh hysterically.
The demon simply giggled as she heard Lucifer’s pleas, she found it quite funny how desperate he was.
“Oh oh oh, ticklish armpits are we? Hehe how interesting!” Niffty giggled before wrapping her legs around Lucifer’s side as well, Now with both of his sides tickled mercilessly, his desperate laughs only fueled her excitement.
Lucifer had completely exhausted his voice at this point as Niffty was still doing her usual teasing, His muscles were tense and sore and his breathing heavy as Niffty had continued to tickle and hold onto him.
At this point Lucifer was just asking for help from Charlie or whoever would listen to him so they would take the crazy maid away from him.
Lucifer made a small and desperate squeak of embarrassment as he looked around desperately hoping someone could come and save him from niffty.
"CHAHAHARLIE! HAHAHA! Somebody...!! Plehehease take her off me!!"
suddenly lucifer heard footsteps approaching including slow applause.
"You did well niffty!" It was Alastor with his typical sadistic smile while Niffty smiled back at him and got off Lucifer to go with Alastor.
Lucifer was completely breathless as he took a second to calm himself before looking at alastor, his eyes narrowed as he looked at him.
So niffty was with alastor? ...Oh he was the one who told her to tickle me! That damn son of a bitch!
Lucifer was very obviously annoyed by alastor’s actions and wasn’t letting it slide, He was just about to yell at alastor for what he and niffty did but he was interrupted by niffty happily skipping along by alastor side before waving goodbye
Lucifer looked as niffty waved at him with a cheeky smirk before alastor dragged her away with him laughing the whole way.
"nice laugh your highness"
Lucifer sighed and put a hand to his forehead as he looked at the floor with anger in his eyes, he sat in his armchair in the hotel room just thinking about everything that had happened and was still fuming, he was still so angry at alastor for what he had put him through.
He wasn’t going to just let this slide, he was going to get payback and that’s final.
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questionablemuses · 3 months
ray-the-fanatic asked: [ al to vox uwu some jelly Al >>] Alastor didn't like it despite how things went between them he still wasn't a fan of the attention Vox was getting from that damn moth demon, how they touched him so freely even. A bit of radio static interrupted the conversation and Alastor did his best to play it all off. As he used his cane to push Valentino's hand away from Vox just now. "now now then you get enough time with my old chum," There was something deadly in how Alastor spoke and looked at them when speaking despite the smile on his face. He was clearly annoyed. "why don't you busy yourself with a bug zapper."
Vox still wasn't sure how all of this happened, but Alastor was joining them & so freely too for once. It was like they were old friends again & well, he would have loved that, if he still didn't have feelings for the radio demon. & Yet he was so sure Alastor would just turn him down if he ever brought it up again. 
So, of course he leaned into Valentino's touches, finding it comforting whenever it happened. Huh. Was that ... static coming from Alastor?
Vox merely blinks, watching as he pushes Val's hand away from him with their cane. He opens his mouth to speak, to question what was going on when he promptly closes his mouth as he sees the clear annoyance in Alastor's smile. 
"now now then you get enough time with my old chum,"
Vox stills hearing their tone. His gaze shifts between the two overlords on either side of him, watching as Valentino tenses up. So, Alastor did still think of him as an old friend. Then why the hell was he being so jealous when Val tried to take his hand?
Even if it was kind of attractive ... 
"why don't you busy yourself with a bug zapper."
Okay, he couldn't help the amused snort escaping his lips from that comment, only stopping himself when he catches Valentino's annoyed glare. "Sorry, sorry." He uses a hand to cover his mouth & awkwardly clears his throat.
"Uhm, Val, why don't you go see how Velvette's doing ? & Please, try not to maim anymore of her models ? " He offers the moth a warm, charming smile, silently hoping he gets the hint. 
Thankfully, Val does. 
He sighs once they leave, leaving him alone with Alastor, finally. "Okay, not that I don't appreciate that earlier, what the hell is wrong, Alastor ? Why are you acting so jealous all of a sudden ? " 
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pastellhunny · 4 years
•Under The Red Sky•
Chapter 2. Arrangements
About and hour and a half had past since Alastor handed out the phone books. Charlie called many somewhat suitable places to host a dance but everyone she called declined and mocked her over the phone. At some point Alastors nerves were tested by this disrespect. He found it annoying that no one gave her a chance but then again he didn't really believe her either. All he was there for was a good time, something to soothe his boredom and maybe something extra only if it turns out demons can be rehabilitated. Alastor was snapped out of his thoughts when Husk piped up over at the bar.
"Ugh why are we even doing this no one cares about a stupid dance unless theirs drugs, alcohol or money involved." Husk grumbled.
Just then Nifty jumped up from where she was sitting and smacked Husk lightly. "STOP It! that's not the spirit besides i know someone we can call."
Charlie's attention was definitely grabbed by this, "Who is it?"
"Well she's a friend of Alastors they're quite close so i think she'll be able to hook us up huh Ally!" Nifty rejoiced as she jumped up and down and zoomed around Alastor.
Als smile stretch as he tried to hold back laughter. "Pffft... HAHAHAhah that's a good one you little devil you, there's no way in hell-
"Uhhuh, uhuh, uhhh oh okay so in three days you'll have a place for us? Great! Alastor sends his regards. Thank you!" Charlie ended the call as quickly as Nifty cut Alastor off. "So in three days she'll have a room open for us to host the dance."
"Wha-but wait how- did you- well that's perplexing." Alastor thought to himself, Rosie would never let the princess anywhere near her business. Why in the world would she ever say yes?
"I can't believe you knew someone and you didn't tell me?" Charlie asked as she crossed her arms and he expression turned sad for a moment.
A radio crack came through not before Al shook his head, "No no my dear Rosie can be tough to negotiate with she's not one to accept an offer from such a.. um well undesirable place such as this hotel."
Charlie openeded her mouth to say something but Angel got to it first, "So this means we're gonna need beverages right? WELL i'm off to get alcohol byeee!!!" Angel blurted out as he got up and sped out the door.
"HEY ANGEL NO ALCOHOL YOu idiot!!" Vaggie sighed as she muttered that she'll get him and with that she ran out the door after Angel.
"Ugh" Charlie grumbled as she pinched the space between her eyes just above her nose. "Okay well i guess i'll find a way to get the snacks an-"
"Oh no no no dear that won't be necessary, i'm sure i can find a way to get us something up to Rosies taste." Al said as he pondered how he could get something for the party without needlessly paying for it.
"Wait are you sure i can help you out i am the one hosting the party." Charlie offered with a smug smile.
"Ah i think you mean co hosting i am your business partner after all. No but it won't be needed my darling you can go off and tend to other needs while i take care of it." Al noticed her face soften it made a little radio static crackle through as his smile widened. "Anyways i'll see what i can do my dear." He said as he spun to the door.
Charlie smiled fondly as she watched him exit the hotel. It was confusing why he wanted to help but she deeply appreciated the little things he did just for the hotel and supposedly for his entertainment. She shook her head, "I might as well pick something out to wear."
Vaggie went running down the sidewalk after Angel, "Hey shitlord stop for a goddamn second!"
"Oh so you did follow me then huh?" Angel said as he turned around and stopped with a big smile on his face.
"Yeah ofcourse i- wait did you run out just to get me to follow you?" Vaggie asked out of breath as she caught up to him.
"Well yes and no i did wanna go and gets some booze ya know for ma own purposes but i wanted to talk to you about something." Angel continued as they walked down the street towards the liquor store.
"And what's that." Vaggie said while crossing her arms thinking he was about to make a sex joke or something.
"What do you think similes' game is at the hotel?" He asked with a genuine face of somewhat concern.
Vaggie was surprised by this her eyes widened, she didn't think anyone was suspicious of him other than her. "Honestly i don't know, it could be anything. To tarnash the hotel, to make fun of us, or maybe something even worse."
"What could he do if this whole uh rehabilitation thing were true- well um i mean since it is true." Angel stuttered watching what he said to not upset Vaggie.
Vaggie furrowed her brow in annoyance, "An overlord is hard to read especially the radio demon himself is a whole other story. I know for one thing there's no way he could just be here because he's bored." She said as she bent her fingers into air quotes.
"Idk this place gives me a laugh sometimes! HA" Angel laughed as Vaggie punched him hard in the arm.
Back at the hotel Charlie was deciding what she was gonna wear and what the theme should be. Obviously she decided for it to be Classy since Rosie is an overlord and they tend to have pretty high standards. A tux might be too casual for her since she wears one everyday pretty much, a dress would probably empress and give her a little bit more respect if she can turn heads for a good reason.
Charlie reached into the back of her closet for the dress she wore for her family portrait about a 100 or so years ago. Upon pulling it out a little bit of dust smoked off of it so she patted it down all while coughing. "This should do!" Charlie said with a smile as she went to go change into it.
Once Alastor was out the door he used his shadow ability to pretty much teleport himself directly to Rosies emporium recently was Franklin and Rosie but shamefully the cleansing took Franklin with many other sinful demons. Rosies business is more of like a fashion business her entire building is like one big store with the exception of a ware house with a run way to promote her new designs and outfits she has to sell. Rosie was a type of demon that loves luxury. Her soothing voice with a devilish white sharp smile and sense of fashion says it all.
Alastor teleported to Rosies room within the building. Rosie seemed to have expected him as she was sitting in a velvet chair in the corner of the room with a large smile present on her face. The lights were off which made the void that was her eyes seem even more absent.
"So my dear Rosie why did you accept the damsels cry?" Alastor asked as he spun his radio staff and tapped it on the ground. "Not up to anything devious now are we?" He said truly curious as to why she'd let anyone she didn't know near her business.
"What me oh no no that couldn't ever be me, i just want the publicity. Business honey that's all i need from this." Rosie laughed as she stood and gazed out her window towards the hotel across town. "I mean i have a front row seat, isn't that what you're doing there sugar." Rosie questioned with a smug face.
A crackle sifted through the air as Alastor spoke, "Perhaps my dear but this endeavor has turned out to be quite fun on the contrary, why i've never had this many laughs just watching the sad sap of a hotel crumble." An audio track laugh played behind his voice as he spoke but speaking badly upon charlie's hotel for someone reason made him feel uncomfortable.
Rosie chuckled, "No no i mean what do you really want, i know you Alastor and you never do anything without a reason or" she paused, "for mere boredom Ha." She turned from the window to face him, her shadow casting on his face as she stepped closer to him. "I know you already have a devilish plan brewing inside that head of yours."
Alastor stared at her with his wide smile, "Well if you so much desire to know i suppose i'll tell you."
Rosie leaned forward eager to hear what he was going to dish out.
"Only after the party just to make sure you'll stick to your word Rosie dear." Alastor mused as his crooked smile grew. Rosie laughed in response to this.
"You always were one to see a deal through. Oh and did that princess make a deal with you yet?" Rosie asked as Alastor went to turn around.
"No i'm afraid she's a lot smarter than i thought she's impressed me what can i say Rosie." Al smiled at the thought of how happy Charlie will be to host the party. A charming demon belle she is. "Anyways i best be on my way now i promised Charlie that i'd find a way to get her food for the party and-"
"Oh don't worry sugar i'll have it catered just for you and it'll be up to my taste." Rosie said with a little smirk upon her face as she laughed at the idea of non expensive foods being at the dance. "Consider this as you owe me one, fair enough Ally?"
Alastor furrowed his brow in annoyance he hated her little nickname she gave him Al was far better in his opinion. "Hmm lets make it a deal then." Al said as he leaned forward and extended his arm out to Rosie the green glow illuminating the room and wind seemingly gushing from its illumination. "And don't call me Ally, please." he said with a wide grin.
Rosie smiled softly as she took his hand and gently shook it. The green glow disappeared upon the shake a spark of green electricity swirled and then dissipated into thin air. "Pleasure doing business with you."
"The pleasures mine now if you'll excuse me the misses are expecting me." Al joked but Rosie didn't laugh she just smiled a knowing smile as he teleported back to the hotels front door.
"Hmm he seems a bit off" Rosie thought as she watched him disappear.
Alastor returned back to the hotel in what seemed like minutes though he didn't turn up with anything which may be a surprise to Charlie. But thanks to his shadow he can pretty much cross all the corners of hell in a mere minute at his fastest. This is probably what made him such a good hunter, stealthy and fast just like when he was still among the living he was very cunning. Al rembered his living life for a moment before the thought of the princess creeped into his head. He shook his old memories away and went on his way looking for Charlie.
"Charlie? Oh charlie?!" Al shouted as he crossed the main area of the hotel. "Hmm where has she gone to?" He thought to himself as he made his way up the stairs.
At the hotel everyone has their own room even Alastor has a room. Charlie set it up since she considered him a patron since he did approach her first after all and she found him quite enjoyable to have around. However Al hasn't slept over night in that room once, he has his own place across town so he doesn't see the need. But still the thought is what mattered the most to him, a symbol of their friendship so far and her trust to let an overlord like him sleep over in the same building as her. It made him laugh how naive she was but how nice she was.. she gives anyone a chance. Al smiled fondly at this thought and stopped in his tracks, a little crackle bliped through him. A sigh escaped him as he used his shadow to teleport to the top floor, better to not exhaust any energy.
Charlie's room which was at the top of the hotel, had a balcony and the best view of hell from what he's seen from the outside of the hotel. Al creeped up to the door, it was slightly open, he was about ready to knock but something caught his eye. He peered through the small crack to see golden locks held together by barb wire and a flowy skirt flowed beneath the hair. Al was dead silent as he watched her turn to face the mirror in front of her, giving him a better view of what she looked like from the front. Her skirt had overall straps over her shoulders and begin just below her chest. She wore a white and decorative long sleeve blouse underneath the black skirt. Her legs being the most noticeable, peered out from under the skirt at about knee length. Al was mesmerized by this show of beauty, he had no idea the princess could look so elegant.
Alastors arm was suspended in time hovering just beside the door ready to knock but something kept him from doing so. As he watched the princess more he grew more and more entranced by her flowy movements as she spun and danced in front of the mirror. She looked so happy. Just then radio blips and cracks disrupted the silence the static was somewhat musical and loud. The interferance he can't really control he never understood them but simply they're just attached to his feelings. Something Al could never come to realize or understand on his own.
Charlie(POV) stood in front of her mirror happy with how her old outfit looked. She gave herself a little spin just to see her skirt frilly up and then fall back down. She was even impressed with herself and how she did on her hair, she perfectly recreated the look she made for her old family portrait. Suddenly chills ran up Charlie's spine as loud radio cracks and static came from the door to her room.
"Shit, shit, shit turn off dammit!" Al whispered to himself and fumbled with his staff trying to make the noise shut off. The static lessened and quieted down a little bit the princess already heard him for sure. Al sighed away all his embarrassment still bearing a smile as he knocked on the door. "Charlie, it's me you're business partner! I'm back from my trip my dear!"
There was a pause before the door opened slowly and out peered Charlie's head around the corner. He face covered in a blush and it wasn't just her naturally pink cheeks giving off that affect. "Um how long were you standing there?" She asked as she averted her eyes from him.
"I-" Al stood with his eyes wide open, normally invading privacy was one of his strong suits but for some reason he felt bad for watching her without Charlie knowing. So he did the only thing he could think of. He lied pretty much. "Oh no don't worry darling i just got here." He reassured her.
Her face cleared as she let out a relaxed sigh and opened the door fully to reveal her whole outfit up close. Alastor stared at her for what seemed like an eternity before she got nervous again and looked away.
Charlie brushed a little strand of blond hair out of her face as she spoke. "So um, Al you know Rosie the best is this something that might impress."
Al stood still, still in a daze before slowly opening his mouth to deliver what he had to say. "Oh no it won't impress Rosie hardly any, she's one of the top fashion demons out there, I mean the stuff she wears is top notch!"
To this the lights in charlie's eyes dimmed as her smile turned into a frown. A crackle of static was heard, with something different happening this time it.. hurt? It pained him to see her frown.
"Uh no my dear i.. No i-i didn't mean it like that i-" Al stuttered, he didn't know what to say he humbled his words trying to say something to make her frown go away.
Charlie looked up and met his gaze not before turning away and putting her hand on the door. "No it's okay Al i don't expect to impress such a high and mighty demon anyway. It was worth a shot i guess."
The door slowly moved to shut but Al stuck his foot in between the door and the wall stopping it from closing. "Wait Charlie."
Charlie's head lifted quickly to see Al with what looked like a look of concern told only by his eye brows since all he ever did was smile but even that too looked stressed.
"If i must add.. I think you look wonderful and absolutely stinky. For what it's worth you've impressed me my dear and besides you're never fully dressed without a smile." Al spoke softly as the words left his mouth. Charlie was shocked by the sound of his voice, no radio filtered over it, it was clear and smoothe. She looked up at him and slowly her smile grew before she decided to make a daring move. She held out her hand like she was pressing it up against a flat wall.
Al looked at her perplexed before she took his hand and placed it flat against hers and then wrapped her thumb around his hand and his around her hand. "I know you don't liked to be touched so i'll give you a hug this way."
Alastor was at a complete loss for words, his hand touching hers gave him a sick feeling to his stomach like his guts were about to crawl out of his skin. Her hand was so soft and smooth he almost didn't wanna let go, it was warm to the touch and comforting to say the least. His normal radio static was gone and instead a song from the thirty's filtered in and began to play. Al noticed right away and reluctantly swooped his hand away from hers consequently stopping the music with a what sounded like a record scratch.
Charlie noticed his sudden movement and gave him a free exit ticket fearing she over stepped. "Oh i'm so sorry, i um guess you should probably inform the others to dress classy for this event." She said with a soft yet nervous smile.
Al gratefully took this offer and waved her goodbye before exiting her room and pretty much instantly teleporting to his room at the hotel. The moment he got inside he sat on the velvet red bed, the room came with, with a flop. "What in the world just happened?" Al asked to himself outloud.
His little radio staff responded back to him only with the same song that Al cut off earlier. The thirties love song type of music.
"Oh please i don't need a dance party at the moment. I don't understand did she use some sort of demonic power on me back there or what?!" Al debated deeply, no way as far as he can tell he's much stronger than that charming demoness he'd be able to sense it.
His staff rolloed its single eye, "You know for and overlord you're quite oblivious! Hah" A laugh track crackled through, it's gonna take a lot for Al to figure it out.
part 1 part 3
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