#and yes as long as you're polite and don't vent/self dep in my inbox everyone is free to send me asks
What’s your most and least favorite sander sides episode? And why? Can you name something bad about your most favorite and something good about your least favorite?
(I saw your post asking for asks I hope this is fine)
I cannot choose my fave ep 😭 but maybe a tie between Embarrassing Phases and Dealing With Intrusive thoughts. My least fave is definitely I'm in a cartoon though
Embarrassing Phases tackles something I've been anxious for a while, and it does have one of my favorite lines in the series. Though i get why people dislike it cause of the second-hand embarrassment (i think. it's been a while since i rewatched it i should rewatch it)
Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts just introduces remus' character so well and his impact in the mindscape, and how to deal with said thoughts. I can't say anything bad about it honestly?
I'm In A Cartoon is.....eh. The only fun thing about the episode is to see the sides in a cartoonish style, and that was done so much better in fwsa
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