#and yea when even the people most vocally claiming anti-fascist ideals (legitimately plastering them on themselves overtly) are SO easy
moodr1ng · 1 year
and the most annoying thing abt seeing those nazi leather fetish pics everywhere when you just want to find like.. leather boots or biker gear or whatever. is every time ppl in the comments fail to notice it in a very like.. idk sort of frightening or isolating way? like i just saw a clearly fetish pic of someone in punk gear with antifascist slogans being stepped on by someone wearing leather boots and fatigues. and in the comments someone was like. "omg i have the same fuck nazis patch!". yeah uh. the reason the person w a nazi username uploaded a pic of someone w that patch getting literally stepped on. like literally being under the boot. is not bc they agree w you. seems like buying some premade patch online did not rly do anything for your ability to spot and not encourage nazis huh
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