#and when i woke up again (at a semi normal time) whilst casually stretching my left leg decided to go insane
dentixvoxel · 9 months
absolutely horrible sleep tonight lads, wtf
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
The best kind of spa day - Chapter 2
Here we go! Back at the spa with Lily and Natalie. Chapter two! There will be one more chapter after this. Also, I lied and somehow this chapter is smuttier than the last. Again, some background Jily/O’Darwin. 
Rating: Explicit
CW: Food talk, explicit sex, semi-public sex (aka, there is no one around but they are outside and there is a slim chance they could be caught)
Chapter 1 can be found on my masterlist
And finally…but very importantly…thank you to @lumosinlove for the creation of the most wonderful Natalie Darcy and the sweater weather universe.
The massage therapist was excellent at their job, and neither Lily nor Nat wanted to do anything that afternoon except eat, drink, watch awful movies and cover their faces in the mud masks they had received in their complimentary spa basket. Natalie fell into a champagne induced sleep at some point during ‘Mama Mia!’ and it wasn’t long after that Lily curled into weight resting on her chest and closed her eyes too. 
The next morning Natalie woke first and carefully untangled her limbs from Lily’s. Lily was one of those people that looked pretty when they slept, all soft snores and a gentle smile. Somehow her hair settled around her face in a way that looked effortlessly styled. Natalie took a moment to appreciate the beauty before hauling herself out of the bed with a small groan. Thankfully, her headache was nothing that a glass of water wouldn’t cure. 
It was only 7am, but Natalie had a body clock and a need for routine that had no respect for days off, so she woke up just as her alarm would usually sound, no matter what. She sent good morning texts to Alex and Kasey, before deciding to take advantage of the time she had whilst Lily slept to do her normal yoga practise. Lily wasn’t a fan, preferring the kickboxing classes that allowed her to exercise both her body and her pent up disdain for humanity that her career in social work often caused. 
Natalie was just transitioning out of her cobra pose when she heard a small giggle from the bed. 
“Is something funny?” Natalie smirked, leaving her back arched but turning her head towards the source of the sound. 
“No,” Lily laughed again. “That is just a wonderful sight to wake up to. Those leggings are very flattering.”
Natalie gave up trying to move into her next pose and flipped over to lie on her back. “You know if you would join in, there’s a lot of couple poses we could do?” she said, turning her head to watch Lily lazily stretch out. Her t-shirt rode up revealing an expanse of pale skin that was very tempting. “So, what’s the plan for the day then Lilypad?”
Lily sat up excitedly, clapping her hands together. “Well first I need to check in with James and Harry, but then I thought we could do a picnic breakfast? Maybe play some tennis? And we’re booked in for mani-pedis this afternoon,” she said.
“Sounds perfect,” Natalie approved, her smile turning slightly sheepish. “I need about an hour to film, I found the perfect spot yesterday.” 
“Natttttt,” Lily groaned, throwing the duvet off of herself and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. “You promised no work.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. The gardens here are just too beautiful not to film this new song in. I’ll be an hour tops, I promise,” Natalie apologised, getting to her feet. 
“Kasey’s right you know? You’re a work-a-holic,” Lily huffed, pushing her lip into an over exaggerated pout. 
“Hey, you two can’t gang up on me when you’re not even together,” Natalie protested, stepping into Lily’s space and bracketing her knees in between her legs. “I’ll make it up to you later,” she added, leaning her head down so their forehead’s rested against one another.
“If you’re lucky,” Lily scoffed, but pressed their lips together in a quick kiss before pushing Natalie away lightly and grabbing her phone. “Put the dress on,” she called over her shoulder as she made her way to the bathroom. 
“What dress?” Natalie asked with a laugh. 
“You know what dress!” Lily said, sticking her head back out the bathroom door raising an eyebrow suggestively. 
Natalie rolled her eyes, but went to grab the dress that she knew Lily was talking about. She sniffed her armpits quickly, decided a shower could wait until after they played tennis and set about switching out her clothes. The dress had made the luggage cut as a dinnertime option; it had a plunging neckline and a deep side slit, however the fabric was casual enough that it wouldn't be too out of place on the lawn. Natalie was brushing out her long waves when she heard Lily saying her goodbyes to James and Harry. Minutes later she stepped out of the bathroom, in just her underwear and smelling faintly of mint. 
“Mmm, yeah, that’s the dress,” Lily hummed, her lips curling at the sides. 
“Why do you want me to wear this one so much?” Natalie asked, feeling like there was something she wasn’t being told. She was intuitive like that. 
“I just like it,” Lily replied with a smile that wasn’t reassuring Natalie that she had been wrong. 
Natalie held Lily’s eye contact for a moment but the other woman wasn’t giving anything away. “Sure, sure,” she finally conceded the silent battle. “I’m going to call down and request our breakfast to go.” 
“Thanks, beautiful,” Lily said, a more genuine smile on her lips now. She had pulled a floral romper from one of the drawers and nodded to herself before slipping into it whilst Natalie made the phone call. 
They made it downstairs quickly, Lily batting off the advances that usually delayed their departure with a laugh and a comment about not getting a good spot on the lawn. Their breakfast had been carefully packed in a basket and a jolly employee handed them a blanket as he greeted them good morning.
“Oh, this is a nice view. Let’s sit here,” Natalie said once they had been walking through the grounds for a couple of minutes. Lily declined, offering up an excuse about it not being the perfect location. This happened another two times before Natalie tugged at Lily’s hand, “Lilypad, what’s going on?”
Lily tried to hide her excitement but her eyes were practically shining. “I know the perfect place!” she said, bouncing on her heels. “Trust me, it’s not much longer.”
“Lead the way then,” Natalie shook her head with a fond smile, before letting herself be taken down the path. It felt like they were walking forever, but it was probably only 5 minutes until they came to some trees forming a border along the neatly cut grass.
“Here?” Natalie questioned, looking around. It was as nice a place as any, but they had passed a thousand places like it. 
“Nope,” Lily said, drawing the word out. “We have to go through there,” she added, gesturing to the line of trees. She must have noticed Natalie’s doubting expression because she was quick to reassure her, “I know it seems strange but you're going to love it.”
Natalie hesitated for just a moment but she was always up for an adventure. “Come on then,” she squeezed Lily’s hand and took the lead through the trees. 
“Keep going straight ahead. It’s only a couple of minutes from here,” Lily directed. 
Just as Natalie was about to voice her concerns, the trees thinned out into a clearing. It was obviously still part of the grounds of the spa; the grass whilst not as manicured as the lawn they had just stepped off was still well maintained. The area was surrounded by trees, albeit thinner than the ones they had just passed through and Natalie could see a walking path on the other side of them. 
“I thought we might like a bit of privacy,” Lily whispered, her breath warm against Natalie’s neck.
“Privacy is always good,” Natalie nodded, leaning into the lips pressed on her throat, but they didn’t stay there long. 
Lily shook the blanket out ceremoniously before placing it on the ground. “Let’s see what’s for breakfast then!” she said cheerily. 
“You’re a tease, Mrs. Potter,” Natalie groaned, settling on the blanket next to Lily. 
“Ooo! Pastries,” Lily commented, pulling an array of croissants, chocolate croissants and cinnamon rolls from the basket. She peered inside it again. There was some kind of egg muffin, fruit, and yoghurt, as well as a bottle of orange juice. The sexual tension faded out as Lily spoke casually about a possible upcoming promotion and how Harry was finally looking like he might be ready for potty training. Natalie had all but forgotten the coy comments made earlier as she listened, adding in her stories of the new farmer’s market she had found and the weird new subscriber she had on YouTube. 
Lily was fastidious about tidying each item away after it had been consumed, not that it registered as unusual on Natalie’s radar. Lily had always been a organised person, even more so now that she was used to keeping things out of the hands of a curious toddler. Even when Lily moved the basket to the side, swept a few crumbs away and lay down, Natalie figured she was just getting comfortable. Lily propped herself up on her elbow and patted the space in between them, “Come on.”
Lily scooted forward a bit so their bodies were close together. From here, Natalie could see the specks of copper in her green eyes. They were beautiful, much like the rest of her. 
“Nat!” Lily laughed, “Are you listening to me?” 
Natalie shook her head, not bothering to attempt a lie, “No. Sorry Lilypad, I was getting lost in those eyes of yours.”
Lily laughed again, harder this time. “That is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard,” she said, shoving Natalie’s shoulder. It wasn’t hard but Natalie gave an oof as she fell onto her back. And then Lily was there, so so close, their faces inches apart. 
“Hey beautiful,” Lily breathed, brushing a strand of hair from Natalie’s face. "I knew there was a reason I liked this dress," she hummed, snaking her hand up through the gap in the fabric of Natalie's dress. 
"Lily Potter," Natalie said, giving a fake gasp. "I thought I was the naughty one," she grinned, leaning up to catch Lily's mouth with her own. 
"Well, I can't let you have all the fun now, can I?" Lily smirked, pulling Natalie's lip between her teeth and nipping at it lightly. "There's a present in my pocket for you."
"Oh really? Are you happy to see me?" Natalie teased, huffing out a laugh. She squealed when Lily pinched her thigh, scowling her disapproval. "Hey! You walked right into that,” Natalie defended. 
“Fine, no present for you,” Lily joked, sticking her tongue out playfully. 
“No, no, no,” Natalie objected, tickling Lily just under her ribs where she knew she was particularly sensitive. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Lily with her head thrown back in laughter, “It’s mine, gimme,” Natalie added with a pout. 
“Go on then, left pocket,” Lily allowed.
Natalie reached into the pocket, her eyes widening as her fingers curled around a familiar object. “Is that?” she gasped, although she already knew the answer. The bullet was an old friend.
“I thought we could have some fun. You did say you’d make it up to me, after all,” Lily purred, stroking her fingers up Natalie’s leg until she reached the lace of her underwear.
“May I?” Lily said, her words a whisper against Natalie’s ear. At Natalie’s nod, Lily easily brushed aside the thin fabric, dragging her fingers through the wetness beginning to pool there. She brought her fingers to her mouth and licked at the slick coating them. “You taste so good, Nat. Do you want to taste?”
Natalie groaned and opened her mouth to accept Lily’s fingers, sucking them eagerly. Lily took her fingers away, replacing the digits with her lips. She kissed softly at first and then more insistently, her tongue pressing into Natalie’s mouth eagerly. Natalie could kiss Lily forever, her lips somehow both yielding and eager against her own. 
Lily’s hands were everywhere. First tangled in Natalie’s hair, then dipping under the neckline of her dress, sweeping over her pale skin tantalizing close to her hard nipples, but not close enough. 
“Lilllly,” Natalie whined faintly, arching her back in the hope that it would be enough to get the touch she wanted. 
Lily obliged, caressing her fingers over Natalie’s nipples just so. Before she could savour it, the sensation was gone and Lily was prying the bullet from Natalie’s palm into her own. “Let me take care of you for once,”  Lily breathed.
“You’re always taking care of everybody, Lilypad,” Natalie said, reaching up to caress Lily’s cheek. 
“Not you,” Lily replied, leaning into the touch. “You’re the one I lean on when everything else feels like it’s going to fall down.”
Natalie traced her fingers over the light scattering of freckles on Lily’s face, “I like taking care of the ones I love,” she hummed. 
“I know you do,” Lily said, pressing her lips against Natalie’s jaw, once, twice, three times. “But for now I need you to relax.”
“I am relaxed,” Natalie protested.
Lily licked a stripe down Natalie’s skin until her tongue was pressing against the hollow of her neck. “Not yet you’re not, but you will be,” Lily said, squeezing Natalie’s knee. She shivered as Lily’s hand slid higher, stroking down her hip crease, until at last Lily was pushing aside her underwear once more. “God, you’re soaked,” Lily murmured.
“Let me take these off, bee,” Lily said, tugging at Natalie’s underwear. The nickname was an old one, a shortened version of the ‘Natabee’ that Lily had taken to calling her one night after a few too many cocktails. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”
Natalie lifted her hips, letting Lily slide the underwear down her legs. 
“Hold these for me,” Lily said, her voice far too innocent for the request. 
“Jesus, Lilypad. You’re killing me,” Natalie whined, but she let Lily push the sodden panties into her hand. She must have looked debauched, lying there with her dress bunched around her waist and clasping her underwear, but she was too far gone to care about any semblance of decency at this point. 
"I'm just getting started," Lily teased, drawing Natalie into another kiss. Their tongues were still working against one another when Natalie heard the hum of the vibrator, and seconds later she felt it against her arm. It wasn’t where she was expecting it, but somehow that just made it more erotic. 
Lily broke the kiss, sitting upright so that she could press the vibrator against Natalie’s chest, dragging the toy over her exposed skin, finding each sensitive spot. 
"Please," Natalie groaned low in her throat as Lily pushed the toy against her nipple, making them grow impossibly harder.  
“Patience, ” Lily smirked, tracing the pigmented skin of Natalie's areola. Natalie jerked, unsure of whether she wanted to push into the vibrations or escape them. Just as she thought she was going to go crazy, Lily gave her a few seconds of relief and then the bullet was being dragged along her leg, torturously slow. 
Natalie cried out when finally, Lily brought the tip of the vibrator to Natalie's clit.
“Ssh," Lily giggled, pressing her finger to Natalie’s mouth, "you're going to have to be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”  Not a soul had passed in the 45 minutes they had been here already, and even if they had, with Lily's body shielding Natalie's like it was, it would just look like a heated make-out session. Still, there was an extra thrill in the fact that they were outside.
Lily traced the toy around Natalie's folds, letting it linger at her entrance, before bringing the bullet back to her clit again. She was gentle, just barely stroking over the skin in a lazy pattern. Natalie rocked her hips upward, chasing the vibrations. 
"Christ. Lily, please," Natalie begged, trying to keep her voice measured. 
"Tell me what you want," Lily encouraged, holding the vibrator in place just above Natalie's clit. The sensation was dizzying, making it difficult for Natalie to form a coherent sentence. 
"Your fingers," Natalie gasped. "Your fingers please."
"I'm going to need more than that, Bee," Lily said, dragging the bullet lower and pushing gently at Natalie's entrance for just a few seconds, then returning to her clit. 
"I need you to fuck me," Natalie whimpered, her normal unflappable self no where to be seen.
"That's better. Remember to stay quiet for me now," Lily cooed, keeping the vibrator steady against her and slipping a finger inside her. Natalie grasped her lip between her teeth to stop her from crying out.  
“Good girl,” Lily praised as she added another finger. It wasn’t often that Natalie was on the receiving end of praise and the burst of pride caught her off guard. She hoped she would remember to bring it up later. Lily curled her fingers, finding the spot she was looking for with ease and the thought was ripped from Natalie’s mind. 
“I need more,” Natalie groaned and rocked her hips upwards, fucking herself onto the digits. She was gasping; the world felt like it had slowed and the only thing that mattered was the heat spreading at her core. 
“So greedy,” Lily teased, but she pushed a third finger in alongside the other two, simultaneously turning up the speed on the vibrator. 
“Oh my fuck!” Natalie clamped her hand over her mouth to dull her shouts. She threw her head back, her breathing heavy and Lily’s name a litany on her tongue as Lily doubled down in her efforts. She felt herself begin to clench around the fingers inside her.
“Are you going to come for me, sweet girl?” Lily said, slowly her fingers just enough that Natalie wanted to scream with frustration.
“I didn’t know you were a sadist, Lilypad,” Natalie gasped out, arching her back in an attempt to get more. 
“You’re right, I’d be awful. I’m far too nice,” Lily laughed, sliding her fingers from inside Natalie, turning the vibrator off and dropping it to the side. Natalie was about to give a retort about begging to differ, when suddenly Lily’s mouth was sucking her clit enthusiastically, surrounding it in a wet heat. 
Natalie writhed under Lily’s ministrations, being held in place by firm hands on her thighs. It didn’t take long before her muscles tightened again, recoiling with an electric heat. She thrashed through her orgasm, her jaw dropping open with a silent scream.
Lily pressed her tongue between Natalie’s soaked folds, lazily licking at the wetness she found there until Natalie keened and pushed at her head. Lily took a moment to right Natalie’s clothing before crawling to lay beside her, flicking aside the long forgotten underwear. 
“That was incredible,” Natalie said, pulling Lily closer to her. “I think I might need a nap though.”
Lily swatted at Natalie’s arm playfully, “no, no, no. I was promised a tennis game before we get our mani-pedi done.”
“I promised nothing,” Natalie protested, grabbing Lily’s hand and intertwining their fingers. “Besides, I wasn’t the one that wore me out.”
“How about we rest here for fifteen minutes, then go back to the room to shower and change. We’ll still be able to fit in a game before our appointment and after that, we can film your video and I won’t complain once?” Lily suggested, bringing their joined hands to her mouth to press a kiss to them. 
Natalie laughed, “You drive a hard bargain, Potter. We’ll see.”
“And then this evening, I do believe you said you would introduce me to our double - ended friend,” Lily added with a nonchalance betrayed by a slight blush on her cheeks. She was by no means a prude, but the forwardness was a new experiment, that Natalie happened to be enjoying very much. 
“Fuck, Lilypad,” Natalie grinned, “what has gotten into you? 
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taronfanfic · 4 years
Blue Part 2
It was as though you could still feel every connection between Taron’s palm and your arse cheek when you woke the next morning. Your skin still tingled, and the memories of the pleasure ignited your filthy streak into wanting more hot sex. Taron was sleeping peacefully beside you, flat out on his back with one arm above his head. You pulled the covers down from his body and smiled to yourself at the sight of him naked. He was entirely yours and there were so many things you wanted to do to him. It was the way he’d practically begged you to go back to bed last night that sparked your main plan; you’d make him beg you to let him finish this morning. You pulled the belts from your dressing gowns on the back of the bedroom door and gently knelt straddled over Taron’s torso. The movement was enough to wake him, but not enough to startle him and as he stretched his arms up above his head you took your chance to wrap the belts around his wrists.
“What are you doing?” He groaned sleepily but with a hint of happiness as he was greeted with your breasts right in front of his face when he opened his eyes.
“Stay still a minute, just let me-“ You fought back against his movements as he tried to free himself. “T, please?”
“Oh is this?... I see…” He relaxed instantly and wriggled himself into a comfortable position as you tightened the knots around the bars of the bedframe. “Kinky.” His smirk was too sexy for his own good sometimes and you couldn’t resist leaning in to take his lips against yours.
“I’m still so turned on after last night, I’m gonna ride you for hours.” You declared with a confidence that Taron clearly found arousing.
“Fucking hell, I’m not going to last 5 minutes if you keep talking like that.”
“Oh you will.” You giggled. “Why do you think I’ve tied you up?”
“Babe…” He rolled his eyes.
“No, I mean it. I’m not letting you cum until I’m done… or until you say the safe word.”
“I won’t say it.” He replied arrogantly. “I won’t need to because the sight of you bouncing on me and getting yourself off will be enough.”
“We’ll see…” You teased your fingertip down his cheek and over the corner of his mouth, smiling as he moved to try and nibble you. “So where shall we start?” As you backed yourself lower down his thighs his semi moved into view between your legs and you figured you’d be safe to start with your mouth before he got too turned on. Eye contact was held as you licked around your lips first and then lowered down to his cock. You made sure he was still watching you as you licked up him, wrapped your fingers around his shaft and pushed his tip between your lips. The smugness you felt when he moaned softly and pushed his head back into his pillow was all the encouragement you needed. He was looking up at the ceiling and trying not to swear, his length now fully hard between your lips and against your tongue. The deeper you took him the faster his breaths became. He’d shoot occasional glances down at you and each time you’d make eye contact, watching him swear under his breath. There was one final sign you needed before you’d pull back and leave him on the edge and when his head turned to the side and he tried to move his arms you knew he was close. He loved to have his hands in your hair when you sucked him off, but not today.
“Fuck.” He hissed. “I thought I’d be able to get out of this.”
“Well that’d be no fun.” You replied as you left him on the edge, only returning to lap up the pre-cum that pooled on his tip.
“No, no, come on.” He looked down at you. “That was way too far to just be teasing.”
“Oh, was it?” The sarcasm and innocence was such a power thrill and you loved it. “Maybe next time…”
“You’re actually doing this?”
“Yes Taron!”
“Babe, really? Come on, this isn’t fun for both of us is it?” He started to protest at the position he’d willingly taken at the start and you knew it was all going to plan.
“You can’t tell me you weren’t enjoying that? Look at you!” You stroked up and down his solid erection casually and the reintroduction of contact almost had him losing his train of thought.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He rushed his words, his eyes begging you not to stop again as they flicked between your hand rubbing up and down his cock and your eyes.
“Oh yeah, I see. You mean it wasn’t pleasurable for me.” You let go of his erection and received a low groan of disappointment. “I can have some fun whilst you calm down a little, it’s all good.” You teased your hands up and down his thighs a few times, occasionally caressing higher to his hips and stomach whilst you decided what to do next.
“What’s that pout for?”
“Thinking.” You replied as you knelt up and moved off Taron, laying lazily across your side of the bed so you could reach over and into your bedside drawer.
“If I wasn’t stuck here with my arms tied above my head I’d be all over your arse again.” He mused, looking down at your bum with a filthy hunger.
“Glad you’re enjoying that view, but maybe you’ll prefer the next one more…” As you rolled onto your back and pulled your knees up you turned to give Taron the full show. “This is what I do when you’re not here.”
The low rumble of slow vibrations started up as you switched on your bullet vibrator and dragged it down between your breasts, circling around the right, then left, moving in and across each erect nipple.
“It makes me cum so hard.”
“I can make you cum harder.” Taron replied arrogantly but you lowered your hand between your legs and pressed the tip against your nub before sighing deliberately. “Feels so good.”
“Fucking hell this is hot.” Taron replied. “You should let me use it on you.” The bed rocked as he moved his legs with excitement and you shot your head up to check he hadn’t broken free from the knots you’d tied. “I’m not, I haven’t moved!” You gave him a suspicious side eyed glance before pressing the button on the side of your bullet and changing it to a faster setting.
“Let me have my fun.”
“But I’m so painfully hard, babe.” He whined and you could only smirk.
The vibrations had you tingling and pooling, your back flat out on the bed as you pleasured yourself. Thinking back to the night before was the only memory you needed. The power, the speed, the utter thrill of feeling him pound relentlessly into you from behind until you couldn’t hold on any longer. You pressed the button to get to the fastest setting and held the vibrator firmly against your clit as your orgasm built rapidly. It had your hips lifting away from the mattress, your thighs starting to shake and then you released and jolted with pleasure.
“I was thinking about last night.” You declared as you breathed heavily through your come down.
“What do you normally think about?”
“Fucking me?”
“Being fucked, or you wanking over me, or thinking about me and getting turned on, or… it’s a long list.”
“You should tell me when you’re getting yourself off.” Taron replied.
“Then I’ll be thinking about this moment and I’ll be as hard as I am now.” He glanced between his erection and you, dropping a not so subtle hint that he needed attention. “Probably won’t be able to do anything about it then either.”
“Alright.” You rolled your eyes before moving back to his side and teasing up his length with your vibrator. “How’s that?”
“Ahh, god it’s nice.” He almost hummed with closed eyes and a soft smile. “It’s not you though. I want to feel you around me.”
“How badly?”
“So badly… please?” he begged you with his biggest puppy dog eyes and you couldn’t say no. You could still tease him though.
Only his tip sat in the wet, warmth of your entrance as you held him there with your fingertips. You watched him looking down his body to where you both connected and his eyes were pleading with you to lower your thighs and take his full length inside you.
“Babe, come on.” He was growing in frustration, almost growling at you. “Please?” He begged again and you rewarded him by sinking down and starting up a slow rhythm.
“Oh, that’s it.” You sighed, placing your hands to his chest as you rode him.
“Yes! Fucking finally.” With his legs spread a bit wider and his heels pressed down into the bed he managed to create his own momentum and start to thrust up into you in a bid to take control. The pace was upped for a moment, the freedom and pleasure feeling too good for you to want to withdraw from it either. You needed Taron’s input as much as he craved the feeling of being inside you.
“T, wait a sec,” you paused, lifting off him and leaning up over his body so you could untie the knots from around his wrists. “I need more of you.” He gazed up into your eyes as he lowered his arms, caressing his fingertips down your back to your bum and giving it a firm squeeze.
“This isn’t going to take long, so sorry in advance.”
“We’ve got weeks of lockdown left yet, I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me.” You kissed him passionately as he flipped you down onto your back and then guided himself back into you. The thrust were deep and quick, burning up your insides and leaving you lost for words as you took everything he was giving you.
“Fuck, you feel so good. Such a fucking tease. So sexy.” He panted out from above you as he got himself off in next to no time. You felt him spilling out of you as he continued to thrust through his orgasm and the sensation pushed you so close to the edge.
“Don’t stop!” You cried, reaching down to touch your clit at the same time but having your hand swiftly replaced by Taron’s, his thumb rubbing fast circles against you as his hips started to slow. The sight was heavenly.
“You’re such a hot mess, come on y/n. Let me feel you cum around me.”
“I’m there, fuck.” You sighed as you came apart at his words and touch, writhing beneath him in utter pleasure.
“That’s it.” He waited for you to still and then pulled out, lying down beside you and pulling you straight into his arms. “I thought you’d never let me finish.”
“I thought about saying no…”
“So mean!”
“But I love you too much.” You added with a smile.
“Instantly forgiven.” He left a kiss to your cheek and you knew you were on for a good day.
Taglist: @egerton-sweetie  @amanda-tallmadge @lizziespidiepridie@leanimal90 @anantheminmyheart22 @aynsleywalker​@bohemianrhapsody86​@butterfliesslugswormsandothershi@manners-maketh-taron@livingincompletesilence@marvelmakeuplover@ohsosmutty@misspygmypie  @manners-maketh-a-kingsman@courtmr@baileythepenguin@thomaslefteyebrow@witchymarvelspacecase@samanthasmileys@nellietara @i-cant-remember-my-old-login@wheresmylightinthedark@kurtis-conner@hoe4dior @toky-9101@mayaslifeinabox@fluentlyspeakingtreason @yallyallblanchett@whiskeylipsx@emmaelizabeth2014​ @primaba11erina@fightuntilyoucan@carlita2025 @rocknrollmadden@walking-stressed-mess @dogmom2014 @aberystwythboy
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sonipanda · 7 years
I would like to say a massive thank you to UK Tights for these – we are now in collaboration!!!!
So the first pair I am reviewing for them is these babies I have been eyeing up for a while. If you wish to grab yourself a pair, follow the link > https://www.uktights.com/product/5446/item-m6-easy-line-women-polka-dottie-tights-
Polka dots is the one pair (along with sheers and opaques) that you cannot go wrong with. For those of you who aren’t into patterned tights:
“Start off simple with a pair like this! It’ll help you get more confident in wearing something that adds to your outfit rather than blending in. Baby step does it…”
  My Outfit
Seeing as it’s Friday, I decided to keep it casual and opt for my long jumper and knee high boots! We can’t have too much leg on show at work now can we? Well we can but we got to be sensible! I couldn’t be bothered to dress myself up to the max this morning (all because I woke up late and had 15 minutes to get ready and out the door!)
Crimping my hair adds nicely to the rocky-chic look with the choker too – you can always change the necklace to add bigger earrings if you want to create another look.
My Deets:
Jumper – New Look
Tights – Via UK Tights (link above)
Boots – Deichmann
Choker – Claire’s Accessories
The Review
Now seeing as it’s my first time reviewing Item M6, I’m gonna go all in for you!
Packaging: Very simple, minimal but eye-catching. It does make you wonder what the nylons look like inside. At the back, it gives you the complete lowdown about these and I have to say, I got extremely excited – “Effective compression for light, slender legs. Panty with comfortably soft waistband. Invisible heel, perfect for slingback shoes. Dots pattern, semi-opaque. Easy shaping effect gently shapes the silhouette. Easy wash and go.”
Inside the packaging: I have to say these have got to be some neatly wrapped tights around the cardboard. I took them out carefully (even though it’s 50 denier I don’t want to risk any snagging or pulling) and I found they are supersized! They are so long – I even took a picture of the width of my double bed and it’s nearly the same size! I did think “What the hell?” but then I realised one thing – they’re compression tights!!!
Getting them on: So I started off with a scrunch and roll – oh my god it was the hardest thing ever. I underestimated how strong these are to the point I struggled to get my toes into them! I’ve done compression before, but never as strong as this. This just means they’re some bad ass tights! I ended up pulling slightly too high, so you may need to pinch and push down the leg again a few times until it sits right. Oh and watch out for the anklets here – I only had my silver chain on and still struggled a tad so sharp ones I think you may need to take off for these!
The denier: I love it. I was surprised as they would look like a 40 to me. I love the polka dots on these – they aren’t round ones but diamond-style so a little twist there. I absolutely love that shine they have to them as well – I thought they wouldn’t be considering it didn’t state it on the packaging, but it just adds to the whole look! I am in love with these!!!
What does the compression feel like? I have to say they are super tight at first and it did feel like I was being sucked in by my tights, but after 10 minutes they begin to feel normal. Whilst writing this review, I have to say they feel like any other pair of tights. They don’t feel like they would be compression (the only time is when I have to go and pee – that is when I realise it’s not my usual pair!!!!)
The waistband: now you think compression – “Oh my god it will be so tight on the tummy and bum area. I don’t want to be uncomfortable all day”. Well I can tell you that you would be wrong to think that. I have never been so comfortable! Once again, they feel like any other pair and they’re so comfortable too. No digging into the tummy or anything – it just sits how it’s supposed to!
Around the feet: They are tight to begin with, so maybe long nails won’t be appropriate for a pair like this but otherwise after a while you just get used to it. It feels like they’ve loosened and you’ve got wiggle room, when actually they’re still compressed!
The feel of the tights: I have to say they aren’t as soft as I thought they would be. They are from the feet to the knees but as the thighs are bigger and it stretches the tights, it does stretch and that’s where it starts to feel slightly grainy and rough. Don’t get me wrong you still get the shine, but it’s only when you get up close and personal!
  Overall Thoughts?
I’m flipping in love with these. I have to say it’s got to be the best compression tights I own and I am so glad I gave this brand a go! I love the design of them which can work with so much – casual and smart! The best part is that it keeps my wobbly bits in place to give that toned look to the legs. So no jiggling when you walk – it turns it into a catwalk strut!! Thank you so much UK Tights for my first pair! They were absolutely smashing!
Item M6 Polka Dottie I would like to say a massive thank you to UK Tights for these – we are now in collaboration!!!!
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