#and when ash gets distracted by a thunderbolt that COULD be Pikachu
ryuuseini · 1 year
Working on the Paul essay and i NEVER thought the hardest thing to explain where his actions in episode 3. Like I'm literally having to handwave half of this shit because i have ZERO heterosexual explainations for this, like, your honor, he was just Obsessed!
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doubleddenden · 4 years
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So I got REALLY bored and decided to make a sprite based on another product of my boredom where I made a “what if” design for Ash if he ever came to my fan region, Tauraro. Technically Pikachu too, since he has the region’s gimmick: Type Scarves, which simply add a type or replaces a type of the Pokemon they are attached to with the type of the corresponding scarf, and allows them to learn TM’s that come from those (but are forgotten once removed).
While I was at it, I updated Dray’s sprite and made him a better team, and this would be his “anime” team that’d rival Ash’s. 
Anyway, more info under the cut, and some corrections or updates to previous info already posted. Warning, a very long read.
In this series, this is an alternate timeline where Ash won Kalos and Alola (because he was robbed in Kalos, and he won properly in Alola in this timeline in a proper league and island challenge rather than daycare for a summer) and instead of Journeys, he came to my region, Tauraro. He’s a bit older, like 19 or so (also he’s allowed to age in this alternative timeline), a bit wiser, but he’s still got that slight goofy charm he has now and then- although, Ash is a tad bummed, since he rarely loses these days and most battles tend to end pretty quickly- Hence why he wanted to start over again in a tough region like Tauraro. Sort of think of him like DP or XY Ash in terms of mannerism. He’s here on another gym challenge, and of course there’s shenanigans along the way. He’d also be sort of a rival but more of a big-brother/mentor figure to the in-game best friend rival, Dray. 
So, his team:
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1. Pikachu (Electric/Dark) Obviously Pikachu is here. Pikachu is still pretty spry and a tad more mischievous, but obviously there’s something different here. Pikachu is wearing the item called the Dark Scarf, which has made him into an Electric/Dark type. Thanks to this, in addition to Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, and Iron Tail, Pikachu also knows Dark Pulse. He can combine Thunderbolt and Quick Attack to form Volt Tackle, Dark Pulse and Thunderbolt to make Black Bolt, and Volt Tackle and Dark Pulse to make Dark Volt. Pikachu actually likes this particular scarf more than others, but he has been known to wear an Iron Scarf, an Esper Scarf, and a Wind scarf. 
2. Kyokoglare (Fire/Ghost) (Wolf looking fakemon): Ash was given this Pokemon in its first form (Sparkbark) by the regional professor, Rachel Poincienna. Throughout its evolutions, its virtually remained the same: Hyper, goofy, aggressive to cat Pokemon, likes to chase cars, barks at the slightest noise, and easily influenced by food. He’s a strong boy, and he loves Ash and everyone else he travels with- Even has a soft spot for Team Rocket. Ash himself often finds himself being aggressively licked or hugged by Kyokoglare.
3. Krushtocean (Water/Fighting) (anime crab): Krushtocean in its base form (Crabash) was released by its original trainer because she could not handle how excessive and hard to handle he was. This never left him as he evolved, and in fact got worse. He flexes, he gets into pose contests with random Pokemon, he always shows off in battle and often lets his guard down- Krushtocean is addicted to the spotlight, and its often his own undoing. Ash has to hype up Krushtocean and pose with him in order to properly use him in battle, but he’s otherwise a pretty decent Pokemon to get along with. Krushtocean is often prone to competition with Kyokoglare, but the two work very well together when they get in sync.
4. Gnateon (Bug) (The bug): Ash caught a Tauraran Eevee in the wild, and it evolved pretty quickly into Gnateon after it got ahold of his Scale Scarf. Gnateon is easily distracted by bright lights and flames, and Ash often times finds himself being tackled in the face or receiving a very tight hug from Gnateon when happy. He’s curious and stubborn, but he’s a good boy that brings gifts sometimes- sometimes these gifts belong to other people, and this gets him into trouble. He’s fast and strong, and the fastest Pokemon Ash has ever owned.
5. Globat (Flying/Psychic) (formerly Tauraran Crobat): Tauraran Zubat and its line are naturally very friendly to travelers, so imagine Ash and the gang’s shock when one snuck away under Ash’s vest. It quickly evolved to Globat because of how well Ash took care of it, and it quickly became gifted in hypnosis, mind reading, distraction, and intel gathering, not to mention its ability to shoot lasers. Its a very joyous and affectionate Pokemon that can often be found perched atop its friends or hugging Ash. There’s not a bone of hatred in its body, and it is easily fooled by lies. It loves to snack on sweets, and people are all too happy to give it treats. 
6. Calistaris (Dragon) (The dragon): One of the semi legendary dragons of the region (although its more or less as powerful as a Garchomp or Dragonite). In a time of crisis, this dragon appeared before Ash to save his life from the villain of the region, someone who was chosen by this dragon’s father. Calistaris is actually just as mischievous as the rest of the crew, and chose Ash due to his adventurous spirit. He and Pikachu are practically best friends in a sense. 
Anyway this is the team I’d see Ash having towards the inevitable Pokemon League matches. His direct rival would be with Dray, and yet he’d also be like a big brother/mentor figure to him.
Speaking of.
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Dray, like in the game, starts off very timid and unsure of himself. But underneath all of that hid a righteous hero who wants to make something of himself, like his father: the former champion of the region and now the 8th gym leader of Tauraro. Throughout his journey, he becomes more sure of himself, learns of his strengths and how to build upon them, and his weaknesses and how to improve himself. In the game, he would go on to eventually be chosen by the other psuedo legendary dragon of the region, and also be worthy of becoming champion, and would be the player’s best friend. In the Ashnime, he’d be Ash’s rival and sort of be a newbie he’d help out now and then, and he sort of considers Ash to be like a brother to him after a bit. Still, he sees Ash as a rival to surpass, and the two would eventually meet in the final round of the Pokemon League after all of the story stuff.
1. Typhlosion (Electric/Psychic): Dray had a choice from Tauraro variants of the Johto Starters for his first Pokemon, and he chose Cyndaquil, who evolves just like Dray does from skiddish creature to proud and powerful. Dray and Typhlosion are practically inseparable, and Dray takes it very personally if Typhlosion loses- because it means Dray made a mistake. These two are so close, Typhlosion can make moves before Dray can even issue them with 100% accuracy, and Typhlosion has the power to charge up a small town AND levitate large boulders. He and Ash’s Pikachu get along really well, and have a friendly rivalry very similar to Ash and Dray.
2. Deviclaw (Dark/Ghost) (ghost thing behind him): Dray had extreme luck and yet was also UNLUCKY at the same time and caught the region’s non legendary psuedo legendary in its beginning stage as a Spirisp. Deviclaw was rather weak towards the beginning, and had a negative view towards itself, but with a kind and patient hand, it would eventually become Deviclaw and become one of the strongest members of his team. Deviclaw went from a debby downer to a proud and protective lad, and is especially protective to Dray, viewing him as his savior. Dray used to be scared of the dark and of ghosts, but Deviclaw proved to him that neither are to be feared when you have someone there to protect and to protect you.
3. Frozark (Ice) (Dog): Dray rescued a Pupote from an abusive trainer and gently nursed him back to health. When trapped in a blizzard, Pupote returned this kidness by evolving into one of its three evolutions, Frozark. Frozark is very loyal to Dray and went from skiddish to very calm, collected, and mature, but Frozark is rather prone to demanding pets and treats, or chasing cat Pokemon like Ash’s Kyokoglare. Frozark views Dray and his Pokemon like his pack, and will do everything in his power to keep them safe and make Dray happy. Like Deviclaw and so many of Dray’s other Pokemon, he is very protective of Dray and would go to any lengths to keep him safe, feeling a massive debt towards Dray for being the light in the darkness he needed. 
4. Charizard (Water/Poison): Initially as a Charmander and Charmeleon, it would not listen to him and was very prone to going feral- As Dray made the mistake of thinking that Tauraro Charmander’s line was anywhere near as domesticated as the traditional Kanto breed. Dray still did his best to take care of this monster, even if he was scalded with hot water, poisoned with sulfuric breath, clawed, bitten, or slammed in response. When Dray was confronted by Team Empire’s leader and nearly killed, Charmeleon had a moment of revelation and evolved into Charizard to save Dray’s life. Charizard since then has been somewhat of a tsundere type, but he really does care about Dray and shows it in little ways, and Dray now knows exactly how to bring him out of his wild frenzy. Although not as easily tamed as Kantonian Charizard, Tauraro Charizard are naturally much stronger and more in line with a Mega Evolution in terms of strength, and Dray’s Charizard is no exception. Ash actually helped give Dray pointers in winning Charizard over.
5. Samurott (Fighting/Steel): Dray found it as an Oshawott training after it was exiled by its clan for being too weak. Dray, seeing himself in Oshawott, extended a hand to him, and Oshawott became part of Dray’s team. He was weaker than most, but with hard work, it became a very powerful Samurott that far outclasses any Samurott from his home village, and feels gratitude to Dray for helping him become a better version of himself. Samurott sees himself as Dray’s personal bodyguard, and often breaks out of his ball in order to protect Dray from perceived threats, much like a royal body guard. Although, Tauraro Samurott seems to have a fierce rivalry with traditional Samurott. In addition, it holds somewhat of a rivalry with Ash’s Krushtocean, and holds himself in a way very similar to a very honorable samurai.
6. Dracomeha (Dragon/Fairy) (the dragon in the background): Calistaris’s brother and the other legendary psuedo legendary dragon of Tauraro. When all hope was lost against Team Empire, and everyone had given up, Dray refused to back down. Even with all of his Pokemon decommissioned, even with Ash, his friends, and their Pokemon all against the wall, Dray conquered his own fears and refused to step down and allow Team Empire’s leader to have his way with the world, even if he’d have to fight him bare handed. Dracomeha, the Dragon of Hope as it was once nicknamed, saw the brilliant light of Dray’s heart and chose him to be his new master. Dracomeha can fly as fast as a comet, and it hits with tremendous power. In addition, Dracomeha’s special ability powers up any Pokemon that appears in battle after he goes down. Dracomeha is more mature than Calistaris, and is very gentle to Dray. Although, Dray makes great efforts to treat him just like any other Pokemon he owns, and Dracomeha greatly enjoys the care he gives to him.
I imagine that Ash would win most of their battles, and towards the end of the series Dray would win a few battles. As I said, the two get alone fine with a bit of admiration from Dray to Ash and a bit of a brotherly bond between the two, although Ash will be jealous that Dray is taller than he is despite Ash being two years older than Dray. When Team Empire strikes, these two would end up banding together with their dragons and their teams to take out the leader, Lord Tyrabel, who had already dethroned the previous Champion by force with his own powerful team and his own cosmic dragon- the father of Calistaris and Dracomeha. By the time the league comes up, the two would come to a draw in the final round of the league, where the two have a profound respect and admiration for one another. No hard feelings, no sadness, in fact, the two would laugh with pure excitement from the outcome. Dray would end up joining Ash’s group for one last post league arc around the region where they’d deal with the post game stories (The league of ex champions, the eclipse legendaries, and finally the world turtle). 
Before Ash would eventually leave Tauraro, there would be one last battle between the two, and Dray would eventually win. Ash, having rarely lost a battle in this timeline, would feel overwhelming joy knowing that someone like Dray existed, and he feels a thrill he hasn’t felt in a long time in battling. They would part and shake hands, vowing to battle again some day, somewhere, out there in the great big world.
Yeah it’s cringe, but I mean it’s a fun story and I feel like I would accept Ash losing to someone that was built up from the bottom from the beginning.
While I’m here, I’ll also post some updates to sprites I did, and some individual sprites.
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Top was originally Tauraro Crobat, which was Flying/Fairy, but I decided I could do better with it and went back to edit it. It looks similar to Crobat, but I felt confident enough to designate it as a new species called Globat (listen of Game Freak can get away with Runirigus not being Cofagrigus or Sirfetch’d not being Farfetch’d, I can get away with this). I mainly fixed the ears, added a tail, and removed the blushing cheeks. I might make the wings a bit more jagged eventually, but for now I’m pretty satisfied with it.
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Here’s some individual sprites for Ash and Pikachu. Ash’s outfit was meant to make him look a bit older and more like a seasoned traveler- Although I have no excuse for the leg warmers except that Tauraro is cold and they look cool in this design (somewhat similar to AZ’s). The hat is actually based on a hat I saw him wear in a dream, which is very similar to the Indigo Plateau hat, but with a slightly more jagged yellow triangle thing. The brim was originally going to be a bit more detailed, but as a sprite its a lot harder to pull off.
Pikachu is a simple edit of the Black and White Pikachu sprite with the bandana added, the cheeks recolored, and my added shading style to make it pop a bit more.
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Somehow I don’t have an individual sprite of this prior version of Dray saved, but I can still kill two birds with one stone by showing it off in what was his ORIGINAL team shot. I decided to change Dray’s hair mostly to reflect more how I draw him and edited his jacket shoulder just a tad, and the team I changed up to allow more of my favorite fakemon and variants in for him. Other than that, a lot of pretty similar. Nothing too big.
In addition, Calistaris used to be part electric, but I decided to just make it pure dragon so that the electric type wouldn’t clash with Ash’s Pikachu and that, since it is technically the Player’s dragon, it would impose a “weaker against” scenario vs Dray’s or the Team Empire Leader’s dragons (Dragon Fairy and Dragon Poison). It is the baby boi afterall.
Anyway if you have any questions feel free to ask. If you wanna tell me how much you think I suck, please don’t. This post took a lot longer than I thought it would, but I like how things turned out for the most part.
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Zing! Zap! Togedemaru!
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This was Professor Kukui pretty much giving Ash the run of the house while he’s away.
You don’t need a super-advanced ultrawesome computer to tell this was going to be fun, but you do need one to tell you how it went!
Ash and Pikachu were getting ready for battle training.
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I kept my eye on the birdie because I knew something was going to happen. 
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And I was right.
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Ash juiced his shirt too. I had a gut feeling, so I decided to go with it and tell Ash to do the laundry.
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Kukui’s almost at the Nerd Threshold of Lab Coats here. 
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Kid does his best.
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And he delivers.
Now I could calmly Ash and Pikachu know the washer was going nuts, but fun would that be? A little “panicking” and Ash and Pikachu come running and jumping.
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And crashing into the aquarium. 0<{:>}:
Credit where credit’s due though, kid bounces back quick.
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There he goes!
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The two of them cleaned up and worked up a good appetite.
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He actually eats like that! Boring! (And also kind of weird...) So I decided to go all-in and suggest that he do some real cooking! I told him I watched some cooking shows with Kukui (Don’t tell people we watch cooking shows!) and that it didn’t look that hard. First is gathering the ingredients! Next is dicing them!
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I got an extra-good feeling right here. I said that next was salt and pepper.
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Oh yeah. Next was the flambe!
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And ouila! A culinary masterpiece! (As long as you’re like me and don’t have to eat it,)
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Pikachu wouldn’t go neat it, but Ash dug right in. Threw up all over Pikachu too. Pikachu does what Pikachu does best and threw up electricity over the whole house. 
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...yeah... that ouched a bit.
All the food was gone, so it was time for a shopping trip. (Don’t ask me where Ash got the money...)
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The shopping mall is pretty cool. We saw Togedemaru.
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Togedemaru likes Pikachu. I did my Pokedex thing. Did you know that Togedemaru can’t generate a lot of electricity on its own but-
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It’s true. Also it can roll itself up into a ball.
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I was so busy reading this off that I missed Togedemaru beaning Ash in the face. Ah well.
Oh. Yeah. Sophocles was there too. He wanted ice cream, so Ash got some too.
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I couldn’t tell if this was Brain Freeze or Nerd Poisoning. I leave that as an exercise for the readers.
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He did have this really cool set up though, with this teeny-tiny thing loading up a holographic computer. 
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It looked like a lot of data in that thing so I opened my mouth and asked about it.
Sophocles said I could look at it if he could “analyze” me.
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No way, man! Keep that away from me!
Then stuff happened and something in the mall broke or something and me, Pikachu, and Togedemaru got separated from the humans by a fire shutter. Sophocles found the place where they could fix stuff. I could hear it from the other side, and of course I used my awesomeness to find a map and a shortcut for the three of us. Pikachu was able to jump up easy,
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Togedemaru couldn’t. Pikachu let its tail down a bit for Togedemaru to grab but...
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Togedemaru was gone!
Bzzt! Just little old me carrying Togedemaru up there. Pikachu was all confused, so I had a little fun scare.
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Gotta use those opportunities! 
With that out of the way, we made it onto the roof. The door to the Power Switch Room Whatever was in front of us, but so was Team Rocket!
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Mr. Congeniality greeted us as he always does.
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Pikachu was able to dodge just fine,
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but Togedemaru wasn’t. Mimikyu was about to nail Togedemaru when Pikachu rushed in and took the hit.
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It launched Pikachu clear to the next building over, barely hanging on.
(P.S. Not that Mimikyu attacked me. What am I, chopped liver?)
(P.P.S. Uh, not that you should attack me, of course.)
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Ash and the rest finally showed up. Ash wanted to help Pikachu, but Team Rocket was in the way. That’s when Sophocles got an idea. He got Ash to tell Pikachu to use its Thunderbolt.
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It left Togedemaru buzzzing with energy and rushing at Team Rocket with a powered-up Zing Zap!
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(And don’t say I never do super-important stuff during battles!)
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With Team Rocket distracted (and screaming in pain) Rowlet was able to swoop in and save Pikachu.
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Pikachu charged up, ready to send Team Rocket blasting off...
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When that Bewear appeared. On top of a roof!
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It picked up Team Rocket and went bounding off across the rooftops! That was... new.
So everyone was celebrating, and I was pointing out how Pikachu’s Thunderbolt powered up Togedemaru’s attack (Turns out that’s Togedemaru’s ability - Lightning Rod).
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Then Togedemaru and Pikachu celebrated too. Ash said they made a good team, and then Sophocles pointed out that Togedemaru was a Togedemary! But Ash was just, “A team is a team!”
Heh. I know someone who won’t be playing doubles for a while.
I pointed out the Power Switch Room, Sophocles did his whatever, and the mall was fixed and everyone could go out. But Ash still hadn’t done the shopping and had worked up another appetite.
But then we saw Professor Kukui and he said he’d treat everyone.
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For a guy who wears lab coats, he’s pretty cool.
So that’s what happened then. I’ll tell you more stuff next Rotime, same Bzztumblr!
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