#and wednesday knows she's too smart to be manipulated by Bianca
I am now in love with the idea of Enid having a “hanging with my bestie and my bestie’s girlfriend” relationship with Wednesday.
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Wednesday's Bestie- part two.
Part one , Part three
Since many of y'all wanted a part two, I'll make a part two!!!
Also why did nobody tell me that I made many grammar mistakes? Please correct me, write it in the comments for I am sometimes too stoopid to write or form words :p
Warnings: Suggestive???/ weird jokes, I'm a bad writer, you're a shitty character, let's gooooo
{ Last time : }
You stood there for a moment, stopping dead in your tracks with wiping the neverslowing waterfall which came from your tearducts. you then frowned at her before storming out of the room.
Wednesday sunk to the ground and even her eyes got wetter than usual.
Wednesday couldn't help but feel bad about kicking you out of her room, Enid seizing that as a chance to console her. You couldn't help but feel bad for basically cornering Wednesday and it lasted heavily on your chest. I mean, Wednesday wasn't the person known for love or emotions, and you, who had plenty of it, couldn't help but pour your heart out. That resulted in her telling you to get out and you ending up sulking.
"What's gotten into you?", a smooth voice asked and you perked up immediately. It was Bianca. Sure, you were still hurt about Wednesday "rejecting" you, but your slutty tendencies knew no barriers and so you only answered: "You. In my head. Giving you head."
And of course, you earned a disgusted look from the second hottest girl in school. Internally, Bianca was kind of...flattered? But very flustered by your blunt and pery words, and still she chose to flirt back.
"Oh, but at least try to get to know me better."
Even though you'd really like to flirt back and firth until she was a blushing mess, you sighed before telling her the truth. "And, well, that's why I'm here.", you finished, before lifting your head and closing your eyes. Bianca sat down next to you and watched you for a while. When you opened your eyes again and noticed her presence, you yelped. "What the fuck? Why didn't you say anything?", you asked, scared but at the same time amazed on how sneakily Bianca could spawn next to you. She was just as quiet as Wednesday, if not more, and you found a little admiration for the young siren. "I thought you knew that I was still here because you didn't hear retreating footsteps.", she only deadpanned, eyeing you with her glowing eyes.
That made you a fool out of yourself and you laughed dryly. "Oh yeah, you're right...but, um. Sorry if it's mean or rude, but...why are you still here? Don't you have your friends to hang out with or some club to attend?"
Your question came out of carefulness but also curiosity, because the Bianca, the siren of your school, the girl who hated "your" and Wednesday's guts just sat the fuck down next to you and she didn't look like she'd like to stand up soon. "I wanted to get to know you more,", she only exclaimed before taking out her biology book and advising you to do the same. "Since you're shit at biology, let me help.", the popular girl said confidently, unaware of the weirdo's lexica of knowledge of every single fucking plant there is known to mankind.
"Dahlia, Moonflower, Marguerite, Daffodil, Chryantthemum, Crocus, Gerbera daisy, Pansy, Peony, Cyclamen, Calendula, Sweet Woodbine, Fox glove, How many more?", you asked after about five minutes, the lead singer looking at you with a dumbfounded expression. "Why do you know all this? I thought you were the stupid one from you and Wednesday?"
You only shrugged. You didn't know Bianca that much to be honest with her, because you actually were more smart than the brunette, but still you decided against sharing that with the girl sitting next to you. "I just like to make a fool out of myself and see who still respects me despite my 'stupidness', you know? That way, I can easily kick the ones secretely whispering behind my back out of my life. You, as it seems, like to manipulate people too. Any hard reasons?"
And so, you and Bianca kept chatting until it was time to go to bed. Your words stil lingered in her head, because she never felt like making herself look dumb. She just manipulated away monsters and humans alike which she didn't like. But...with Xavier, it was a whole other story.
From what I know (or what I headcannon), is, that Bianca couldn't stand having all those admirers around her, so she chose someone to be together with, and poor Xavier got in her field of sight. Soon, she manipulated him into thinking that he actually liked her, and she actually, really fell for him. But what is a love with only one side really feeling it? One-sided-love. Soon, Xavier caught up to her gaslighting and using her powers on him and broke up with her as soon as possible.
So the only question for her was...why were you manipulative? Suddenly, Bianca wanted to know more about you, your little encounter with her was not enough for the pretty siren, and so she asked you out to go somewhere private. Confused by her sudden request, you packed some weapons, and haven't even talked to Wednesday since all morning. Of course, since sharing a room with Yoko meant for Enid to come visit, but also the goth girl (=> being blackmailed by Enid to have some "quality time with friends") came along sometimes. As Enid shared all the gossip and not sparing you a glance, Wednesday stared at you packing your things.
She wanted to ask you were you were going, although she would imagine you either not anwering, saying that it's none of her business, or trying to apologize, which was neither the time nor place to talk, especially with Enid in the room, where you were sure that she'd claw your eyeballs out the moment Wednesday said so, but you found her little threats adoring. I mean, Enid still hadn't caught on what you exactly are, and it seemed like Wednesday didn't tell her.
What the goth girl also couldn't stand in your presence was you stuffing your bag with meaningless stuff like homework and some books, but that wasn't the center of her attention; your ass was. Even though she couldn't exactly explain why your butt was so intoxiacating- maybe because it was packed in a nice pair of jeans, or that it was juicy- or simply your ass. Either way, Wednesday couldn't bring herself to look away. and when you turned around, finished with stuffing the bag, she saw your tits. In a nice top with long sleeves, but with a low cleavage. Wednesday had small boobs, yes, but yours were simply huge and she often found herself wanting to sleep on them or touch them. Now, in a full display like this, she didn't want you to go.
"Where are you going.", she demanded to know, and to her surprise, you smiled. "Somewehere, they said it was a surprise.", you calmly answered.
"Well, I haven't asked about Bianca's pronouns yet."
That made the girl look at you perplexed. Even Enid and Yoko stopped their conversation. "Bianca?", Wednesday only made out, Enid about to attack you verbally. Of course, you didn't care for what a rainbow bitch like her said who has only once trandsformed into a werewolf in her entire lifetime.
"Well, they asked me to go somewhere with them, so I guess I'll go.", you muttered, about to take your leave. But, to everyone's surprise, the brunette held your hand. Her eyes were cold but warming up with concern. "Should I come too?", she asked silently with her eyes. You only gave her a little shake before taking her hand off gently. Before you made it out of the dorm, you looked at Wednesday with a sorrowful expression. That meant you said you were sorry. If only you'd look a little longer, you could've seen her well hidden, shy response.
"What took you so long?", the singer asked the manipulator.
"Be happy that I even decided to fuckin' show up, maybe?", you retorted.
Bianca rolled her eyes before leading you up a hill. "What's your favourite hobby?" "Have none." "Reading? Sport? Going out?" "Nope"
She felt kind of disrespected of you not asking about her hobbies as well, and when she lead your attention towards her issue, you only snickered. "I already know your hobbies. You like to fence a lot, 'queen bee', you sing beautifully and you also attend many clubs. That's all the information I have about you and I'm satisfied about that."
"Yeah, but-what about favourite food??" "Fast food." "Come on." "I like to take shitty care of my body you know?" "Can you stop lying to me?" "Only if you tell me why the fuck you've brought me to a fucking farm.", you calmly stated, watching sheeps wander around the nice view.
Bianca swivelled around, a panicked expression on her face. "Shit...we must've taken a wrong turn somewhere...", she muttered, looking around frantically. "You wanted to go to the cinema with me, right?", you instead asked calmly before taking her hand and leading her out of this place. All the while, Bianca told you to let got of her hand so that she could call somebody or some other shit she explained but you only lead her into the heart of the place; Now, you and her were in a field full of some flowers you had to count prior and it was very beautiful.
"Wow...", she only made out, looking fondly at the many flowers. you breathed in the nice smell before sitting down on a place that was mostly dark stone or grass. "Sit.", you demanded playfully, patting the spot next to you and inviting her over. Still, the siren had a few questions. "How do you know this place?"
"I often go here when I want to be alone from everything. It's a nice place, isn't it?"
"Yes, it actually is. Say...you're not mad about all that?"
"What, that you couldn't have brought me to the cinema, meaning that you have zero orientation skilss and are so the perfect target when going out or that I brought you to my hideout and now having none anymore?" (you had plenty of hideouts left, you just wanted to make her feel bad.)
At that, she fell silent. You smirked. "I mean, you could repay me with something...!"
Wednesday knocked on your dorm room, a week after that conversation about you two. Even though there were also Enid and Yoko, she and you were the ones talking and she wanted to try and talk to you again.
"Oh? wednesday, what brings you here?", you muttered, after you answered the door a few seconds later- too late for the brunette's liking. "Is there somebody else in the room?"
You looked behind you, noticing that Bianca left. "Not anymore", you sighed. "Again; what brings you here." Were you annoyed? the girl in front of you averted her eyes, unsure where to look. She'd just noticed you were in showy clothes again, and you had a few dark spots across your neck and your cheeks were a little too red- "I see you're together with somebody now. May I know who it is?" "Do you promise not to kill the person?" "It depends."
"When it 'depends', then I'm not telling you." "Okay, I won't."
"It's Bianca. And you've just ruined a heated makeout session."
Silence filled the air.
"I'm sor-" "You're not. You're jealous."
"Well, in that case...I guess I'll go.", she said, making her way to her room. you stood in your room and sighed.
You didn't even love Bianca.
You also didn't love wednesday.
No, you didn't even know if you could love anybody. If anything, that would only be admiration. But...you liked being together with people, but not the love.
You went more for the pleasure.
And as those tears of fear, of not being able to even love a person properly made itself known in your soul, you broke down and cried.
How was that? I kinda made it weird in the end but meh.
I actually didn't want you to end up with anybody, because I don't really like love stories. I like it when there's a conflict where it ends with parting, not bonding.
So, if I'd put you and Wednesday together, you, who is a manipulator and Wednesday who never tells you anything about how she feels or what she has on her mind would be a shitty relationship. all you simply felt for her was admiration, because you wanted to be next to her...not...with her.
Bianca was a manipulator just like you. and even though she was capable of loving, you weren't and that would end up just like her story with Xavier, so...no love for you.
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i-like-anything-water · 10 months
A bit sad you're taking a break from Chloenette, but I can get why. There's not enough love for it...
Anyway, since Chloenette's off the table, what do you think about a Wenclair AU where they end up becoming Superheroes (asks the Superhero fan)? For a bit of added irony (would it be irony?), it's all Wednesday's idea.
It's not really a break, more of me kind of cringing at myself because I keep seeing my own posts (nothing wrong, I'm just awkward xD) but I will keep on posting about them. They're my babies.
Funnily enough, Wenclair superhero AU is just them having a miraculous. Mlb x Wednesday fic, Chloe is an Addams although they're pretty far so she wasn't told about it until they had to meet for a very important event (still deciding on what it is).
Anyways, Chloe is still Queen Bee and Marinette is still Ladybug so I won't use that for the Wednesday squad. Here's my thoughts tho:
Wednesday with the Peafowl. I was thinking of the Butterfly but I find it more suitable for Shinobu (a character from a different fandom). Peafowl since Wednesday has vast knowledge about supernatural beings and well, she likes to experiment. She also likes anything with a 'monster' to it, taxidermy, necromancy probably, plus she can create a playmate or friend for Thing so win-win.
For Enid I'm confused. I was planning for the dog (lmao) just for laughs but the Dog Miraculous won't be too compatible with her. Although I can see her using it whenever she's forgotten something and she's too lazy to find it. The other miraculous for her would be the Cat Miraculous. She and Plagg would be hilarious, especially Plagg's love for stinky cheese and Enid has a very sensitive nose. But mostly because she's still queasy about her destructive habits and Plagg explains to her that destruction is important for it balances out the other concepts of the universe.
Also, the cat costume. I rest my case.
Yoko I'd probably give her Trixx. Personalities match plus she can have an illusion do her bidding like getting some stuff while it's hot outside or she doesn't feel like it. Also, my hc is Yoko knows people well (having to live longer than most people) and can easily copy others if needed.
Bianca I'd give her Sass. Observant, smart, leader type and a strategist. A perfect combination for the snake's powers. They'll have tea and discuss homework or history probably.
Also Sass may or may not let her use his power to insult her mother without her remembering lmao. "Bitch." "Excuse me-" "Second Chance."
Divina gets the Tiger miraculous. I hc her as someone who punches the living daylight out of anyone lmao.
Kent gets the Horse miraculous because he's needed a lot (esp by Bianca). Also, him and Kaalki go get boba and pedicures (Kaalki gets to choose the colors).
Xavier gets the goat miraculous. I will not say more.
Ajax gets the monkey miraculous. He's high most times so it won't really affect his powers (might even make them more ridiculous therefore more effective).
Eugene, best boi. Look I know he's supposed to get the Bee but that's for Chloe so I'm giving him the rooster miraculous. He's smart and just like Wednesday, knows a lot of stuff therefore can make up powers easily without affecting the other holders or duplicating.
Tyler gets no bitches. Jk. Hmmm, I'll probably give him the Pig Kwami. He's good with words, he suddenly gets the power to know people's desires. Bam. Master manipulator.
I think that's all the Wednesday squad. That's just my preference of the Kwami pairings of course, I'm curious about anyone's thoughts about it. Also, Chlonette isn't off the table. You can still send asks about them, I'm just gonna divide my time for all three of my ships because I feel like an absent father *sobs* forgive me, my children.
Anyways, thanks for the ask!
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