#and we transmascs are constantly infantilized in one way or another
sheepkebby · 1 year
We put your boyfriend in the fandom and they smolfied him beyond belief. Yeah sorry. They took out all his badass/masculine traits and turned him into a helpless precious baby boy. Yeah, they don't care that he has visible biceps. They're calling him cute and tiny. Yeah they're kinda infantilizing him. Yes I know he's a grown man. I dunno what to tell you dude. Sorry.
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a-polite-melody · 3 months
Is “transandrobabies” really another term people are trying out to deride trans men and mascs speaking on our oppression?
When one of the things we constantly talk about is that we are infantilized to hell and back?
I am… y’know. I wish I could say I was surprised. But at this point I’m not. This is not what genuine criticism of transmasc theory looks like, it’s not ever done a good job being dressed up to pretend that way, and the people coming up with these terms of derision absolutely know what they’re doing.
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constantinoreal · 7 months
Trans men and transmasc folk deserve so much better, always the butt of the joke, on top of being always invisibilized and the medical violence and the infantilization, and a million other things.
It's already bad enough the only way people knows to affirm our gender is to joke about the negative parts of being a man or masculine. Stinky, messy, insensitive, scary, abuser, rapist-Enough!
Even other trans men do this. Openly talking about how they regressed, chose to be less, decided to be boring, etc etc. The rest of transmasc folk don't have to know about your insecurity and self-hatred, sorry to say. A jab at yourself is an jab at the rest of us; I know loving yourself is hard, but learning to not internalize the relentless microviolence everyone else constantly performs on us is also a must.
Because being a man or masculine is not inherently a negative or bad thing, and insisting it is only puts down and erodes the self-steem and self-love of every men, yes, cis included.
So progressive and queer yet so many in the community don't know how to uplift and voice themselves without always putting down another group. It's exhausting.
Do better. You don't even need to become the spokesperson for every transmasculine individual, just stop shitting on masculinity for no good reason or making the same old joke of how stinky we are. People needs to learn for real how to better support and affirm trans men and transmasculine folks.
We won't ever progress if people within the community still have it ingrained that one gender is the good one and the other gender is the bad one. It's a preconceived notion that hurt EVERYONE.
If you are a trans guy or a transmasc individual: You are worthy of love, you didn't choose to be boring or worse, being your truest self can only be positive, your masculinity is beautiful and not an inherent threat to the rest of humanity. I love you
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