#and watching that content would have fed into what rt wanted. the appearance of change. the appearance of structural reworks.
andromedasummer · 2 years
honestly not even sure how to word my feelings on the rt stuff but i wanna share my thoughts somewhere
i started watching when i was 11/12 years old about 10/11 years ago. to date rt content like rvb and ah was my biggest special interest for a long time, no other thing transfixed me for that long, but it took a lot of hits along the way. i'd say the core of my interest was in 2012/2013 when i was that kid bingeing youtube and then 2016-2018 when i started uni. naturally my viewership waned and waxed but it was when the crunch stuff came out that i started to disconnect, cancelled my first membership and everything went downhill from there. mica and other ex-employees shared their accounts of workplace abuse and racial harrassment in 2020 and i pretty much detached myself, only staying slightly interested because of the promise to do better and fionas presence in the cast. then the stuff with ryan happened and i pretty much stopped watching all their youtube and site stuff. i appreciated their good response to the victims and swift removal of ryan, but i felt the need to take a break and as time went on i found myself more interested in other content. and now with kdin and mica revealing just how incredibly awful their time at rt was, dating all the way back to when i started watching as a kid, and matts firing ive finally found myself reach the end of this slow death of this special interest. only thing i was paying attention to was red web and black box down, which im done with because im done with all of that media conglomerate.
its like. A large chunk of AH were fucking awful people and we are only now learning who and the extent of that awfulness. and while its true those people have changed, they still havent done enough to support those employees who they mistreated. and while i think most of them will as individuals find ways to right these wrongs, ive no interest in being present for it. i would rather spend my time watching media i know isnt produced under exploitation and supporting the income of the ex-employees they once exploited, be that their patreons or independant twitch or youtube channels. im just done
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