#and use that money to either do short corses
culmaer · 3 months
#nothing is more depressing than working on my cv#because I just don't feel like I have marketable skills#and so many of the writing and research posts I come across on job sites are like ''you'll be working alongside ai''#I even saw a copywriter post that said ''you won't be doing any writing or editing. you job will be to refine and improve ai prompts#so that the ai can more consistently produce the texts we need''#like hello#the person doing that job is literally making themself more obsolete by the day#so here's the plan#I need to take any job that pays vaguely well#and use that money to either do short corses#or save up to go so my masters#that conclusion is inescapable#just. for now I'm still stuck on step 1 : finding a decent job#and (perhaps I'm being too picky) but post covid I do not want to go back into anything in the tourism industry#it's too precarious and honestly just comes down to entertaining rich people which pushes me further left every time i think about it#I considered joining the communist party. but 1) they're still part of the tripartite alliance with the anc... which is a no from me#and 2) communist révolution should spontaneously happen in industrialised countries with surplus wealth when the proletariat arise#south africa does not have surplus wealth nor class consciousness really. it's still filtered through post apartheid racial groupings#which is unhelpful because the black bourgeoisie are not our allies just because they're black#and trying to impose communism in a society without the surplus wealth didn't work out too well throughout the 20th century#so what does that leave you with#parties like cope ? plagued by the same issues as the anc ? no thank you#(I did also study politics btw which is why I've even considered these career paths)#(although I haven't worked in politics or governance since graduation so maybe that doesn't even matter anymore it's been years)#all I want is a job that pays fairly and leaves me with enough free time to do my hobbies#I do not have the grindset I'll admit that#which is why I've enjoyed the art industry#but again. it just comes down to entertaining rich people in the small galleries which is needlessly stressful#and the larger non-commercial galleries and musea aren't hiring atm...#and that's it. rant over I guess since this is the 30th tag
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percy-the-penguin · 3 years
Ok so thanks everyone who encouraged me to do this, love you all
It’s about S!Anne’s struggles with OCD and ADHD and S!Jane struggling with Dyslexia. 
It was a bit rushed so sorry about that and sorry if I get anything about any of these things wrong. I was able to use my own experiences with ADHD and Dyslexia but I did my best with OCD
This has the HC that Anna has OCD
Last names= Swapped
Word count: 1502
TW: None I don’t think, let me know though
Boleyn was sitting on the couch reading. It was a book about Mental illness and she was on the OCD chapter. Cathy had given her the book since she realized how much the queen liked to learn
Boleyn tapped the fingers of her right hand on the armrest of the couch every time she turned the page. Pointer, middle, pointer. She didn’t realize she was doing it. It was just a subconscious habit
When she reached the end of the chapter she shut the book and started thinking as she set the book perfectly centered on the table in front of her
Seymour ran down the stairs, her trusty lighter in hand and signature smirk on her face. She skidded to a stop when she noticed Boleyn sitting on the couch, looking at the closed book in front of her 
“Hey nerd, you know what helps with reading? Opening the book.”
“I am aware of this you uncultured swine. I’m merely pondering on the chapter I just read.”
Boleyn’s watched beeped, signifying it was noon. She took her hair down from the low ponytail it had previously been in
“Okay well what were you reading?” Seymour questioned
“Not something you could grasp.” Boleyn retorted
“I’m smarter then you think, try me.”
“I highly doubt that’s true”
Seymour rolled her eyes and picked up the book after putting her lighter in her pocket. She opened to a random page and started scanning it, attempting to make sense of the jumbled mix of letters and words that she was seeing. She frowned “What’s dysphoria?”
Boleyn stood, walking over to stand on the right of the beheaded
“Firstly, dysphoria is by definition ‘a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.’ secondly, that word is dyslexia, not dysphoria. Lastly, dyslexia is ‘a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.’”
“Can I set this book on fire?” Seymour asked
“No!” Boleyn responded, snatching the book as Seymour pulled out her lighter
“What’re you two up to?” Jane questioned as she walked into the room the two swapped queens were in 
Seymour scowled and grumbled something under her breath. She wasn’t the biggest fan of her counterpart 
“Good afternoon” Boleyn greeted “I was reading when this vermin interrupted me” 
Seymour rolled her eyes “You were not reading”
“I was processing the words on the cover and therefore reading” 
Jane looked at the two with a slightly confused expression on her face “Alright..would either of you like anything?”
“I would like to burn that book” Seymour announced 
“No.” Boleyn responded quickly 
“Erm, lets not” Jane said with an awkward laugh
Seymour sighed “You guys are no fun”
Jane went into the kitchen to make herself some tea
Within the next few days, Cathy had started noticing Seymours struggle with reading and writing along with Boleyns methodic tendencies and hyperfocus 
She approached Seymour first
“Hey” Cathay greeted
Seymour glanced over “Hey.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“There’s nothing stopping you.” Seymour responded
“Fair enough. Do you have Dyslexia?”
Seymour simply shrugged “I don’t know. Is that the reading thingy Boleyn was going on about?”
Cathy nodded and Seymour shrugged again “Don’t know”
They had a short conversation before Cathy asked Seymour to read something which confirmed her theory when Seymour read d’s as b’s, q’s as p’s and constantly switched words and lines. Cathay thanked Seymour and left her so she could do..whatever she was doing.
She went to Boleyn next 
“Hello Catherine” Boleyn looked up “May I help you?”
“I just had a question. You read the book I gave you right?”
Boleyn nodded in confirmation “Yes.”
“Do you think you might have OCD?”
“I believe it could be a possibility, yes.”
Cathy nodded “What about ADHD?”
Boleyn pondered on the question for a moment before responding “That is also a valid theory. I do exhibit the Hyper Focused side of the disorder”
Cathy nodded again “Well if you want to talk to anyone about it, Anna has OCD and Anne has ADHD”
“Thank you.” Boleyn responded politely though the thought of talking to her chaotic counterpart was not appealing 
After a few days, Boleyn got curious so she went to Anna’s room and knocked on the door
“Who is it?” The red queen called 
“Boleyn” the divorced queen responded 
There was silence for a moment before Anna responded 
“Come in”
“Thank you” Boleyn said as she walked into the room, closing the door behind her
“Cathy says you have OCD?”
Anna nodded “Yeah?”
“I do too, self diagnosed of corse but I was wondering if you had any tips to help me cope with the compulsions and, erm..more intrusive thoughts.”
Anna nodded in understanding “I’m not sure how good my advice would be but I can give it a shot”
Boleyn nodded in acceptance and sat down, waiting for Anna to speak 
“First off, never try to stop the thoughts. Nine times out of ten it only makes it worse. Secondly, it’s okay if you slip up with a compulsion. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure if you do. Thirdly, slowly try to lessen the compulsions like if you have a tapping compulsion where you uh..tap a doorframe five times before you go through. Next time try to just do four and repeat that until it feels comfortable. It’s okay if it feels uncomfortable at first, that’s completely normal so don’t push it. Lastly, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask someone for help. It sometimes helps to talk about your thoughts and compulsions and can even lead to good methods of dealing with them. Oh, also, everyone’s OCD is different so if some methods don’t work for you that’s okay. You can find your own methods and do research on what could work.”
Boleyn nodded “Thank you that was quite helpful”
“Happy to help” Anna respond 
“Have a good day.” Boleyn respond before exiting the room, automatically touching the door frame with her right hand as she went
Boleyn took a breath and thought for a moment before deciding to talk to her counterpart against her better judgement 
She walked into Anne’s room. Anne was laying stomach down on the bed, propped up with her elbows as she held a controller and played Halo
“Are you busy?” Boleyn asked 
“Yeah but give me a sec and I’ll be right with you” Anne responded
Boleyn sat down and waited. It took Anne five minutes to get bored of what she was doing so she took out the game and put in another, seemingly forgetting about Boleyn who cleared her throat to get the girls attention
Anne looked over “Oh, right, sorry. What’s up?”
“I was wondering about your ADHD”
Anne shrugged “I have it. No idea what it means.”
“Well what are your symptoms?”
“Uhhh” Anne thought back to when Cathy had talked to her “Hyper, short attention span, fidgeting, impulsive, probably some other stuff. I dunno” 
“That was little help but good to know, thank you” 
“Mhm” Anne had already gone back to the game 
Boleyn rolled her eyes and left
Seymour sighed as she sat on the couch, biting her lip and questioning how the fuck people could read. Parr had suggested the book but Seymour was having great trouble decoding the words. She was about a minute away from burning the stupid book when Cathy came down 
“What’s up?” Cathy asked, seeing the frustration on Seymours face
“I can’t read this stupid ass book” Seymor complained “The words are all jumbled and the letters don’t make sense and I keep skipping lines”
“Have you ever tried an audio book?” Cathy suggested
“Hm?” Seymour asked 
“Its something where someone reads a story and records it. There are a lot of apps for them. It might help you to listen to it as well as read along to keep yourself on track. May I see your phone?”
Seymour looked suspicious but gave Cathy her phone after unlocking it 
Cathy downloaded an audio book app for her and started the subscription with her own money
“Thanks..” Seymour said “Why are you helping me? Do you want something?”
Cathy shook her head “No no, I just enjoy reading and hopefully you will too once you get the hang of it. Reading also leads to better writing so its a win-win” the blue queen smiled “Just remember it can be frustrating but thats okay. Learning no skills are hard but please don’t set anything on fire because of it”
Seymour smirked “I make no promises” 
Cathy laughed a bit
Within the next few days, Seymour was making progress. Cathy had been right, the audiobooks did make a difference and helped her follow along. When she was listening to audio books was the only time she wasn’t chaotic, almost peaceful. Of course she never forgot to add just a bit of mischief to someones day
@ender1821 @arithebroadwayaddict @mega-heir-of-heart
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missingartist · 4 years
The Witchers Mate- Chapter 2
Brightwater was a large town hanging upon the end of the coast, surrounded by an impenetrable forest, a solid defence from the raging war. Yet, the quaint town nestled a busy port that never slept bringing new trader at every hour possible and with it more money and new faces. That was till the attacks started. At first, they were few a far between, a stray villager wandering off in the forest ripped apart by a bear, a dock worker having to be butchered by bandits in the dead of night, a couple of merchants devoured by a pack of wolves. The excuses came in thick and fast; people did not know what to believe. A monster was within the only thing that could attack in the dead of night before slipping back into the darkness unseen. In the last month, 13 people had been attacked at the claws of the creature. Men, women and children, the thing held no prejudiced, it disembowelled any that crossed its path without care or mercy. Even in the light of day, people seemed to hover in the doorways on their houses as they watched their children play, fear ever-present in their mind.
Though the mass of houses and business Adva stared out from a crooked window as she watched children play on the cobbled stones. Bone knuckles seemed to be a favourite, as they giggled on the patch of mud that they had drawn a pitch, they seemed so carefree and light-hearted in the face of so much death, an element that Adva had become far too familiar with. A pained groan broke her thoughts, turning a young girl coughed and spluttered her way to consciousness. The child was one of the latest victims, found barely alive among her family, a father and a heavy pregnancy mother. Adva cooed and shhhhed as the girl began to struggle against the grips of the healing spell. A pale, freckled thing with stringy red hair that looked more like a doll than a child, she hadn’t moved in 3 days since she was bought to the healer’s hut in the dead of night. The victim’s blood was tainted with some toxin, seeping into every cell and draining their energy, teetering them on the edge of death. Adva had filled the room with the heavy incense of rosemary and nettles that burned wildly behind her, a bitter and unpleasant smell, but a necessary one to purify the blood and the body. The damage to the tiny body had been significant- three deep gashes on the side of her body, but they were clean and smooth, easy to bind and tend. The man on the bed next to the small child had not been so lucky; his back had been ripped apart, jiggered and raw. It had taken all three of healers to rescue the man from the grips of death. It took several minutes to calm the child and redress the bandages before Adva tucked her tenderly into the bed.
Sighing, Adva pulled herself up and over to the water butt next to the door and ladle the cold water into her parched mouth.
‘Adva!!!! Vivian sent me to get you! The Witcher arrived! Exciting, isn’t it?’ a bright-eyed woman squicked, sending the wooden ladle clattering to the floor. Adva harshly shushed the women as she pulled the shutter across the makeshift sleeping quarters. Originally, the healer’s hut was abandoned for most of the year, used when a bout of fever or illness passed through which was few and far between. When the devil arrived at their door, the city was not prepared, no official healer and no stock of potions, tinctures or bandages. The people of Brightwater went to either Cersi or Tradi for their aliments, those who could not afford them went to Adva. The hut was now depleted and not fit to house the injured citizen and certainly not with a shrill woman bursting in on her.
‘Very… the sooner this thing is sent back to whatever hole it crawled out of but keep your voice down. It has been a hard night; you wake them, you will kill them.’ Adva scolded lightly.
Nesta of Perth was a good-hearted woman but one too fond of gin and pleasure of men, well as long as they gave her the fee of course. By the smell of it she had already been at the bottle, and the state of hair suggested that she had already been at her other vice. Once upon a time, she had been the daughter of a noble but upon finding the pleasure of the flesh, her life had taken a different turning from the expectation of being a wife and mother. Now she was a whore and a harlot, but a very well paid one at that. Nesta beauty was stunning, a pixie nose on a heart-shaped face, intense green eyes framed by feathered lash toped of the layered locks of mahogany hair. She looked younger than her years, could easily pass for a blushing virgin of 16, her body slender and firm with large breast openly on display in a tight corset dress of fine satin.
‘If they can sleep peacefully through Tradi’s righteous rants and monologues they can sleep through me, getting a little bit excited about this devilishly handsome Witcher. Bela saw him going into the Lord's manor, says he looks like a god, tall and broad. Exactly my type. Let's go see him together.’ Nesta pleaded with an adorable look on her face as she clutched at of Adva’s hands.
‘Anything that breaths is your type. I can’t leave…I need to make sure they are okay.’ The healer spoke softly.
‘It won’t do. Vivian has ordered me to bring you. The Witcher is to stay at the Tavern; I think the Lord doesn’t want any funny business so had paid for everything, even ourselves, Viv need you back… she was angry you weren’t back last night, she wants all of us ready and waiting. I, for one, will only be too happy to supply it, I’m sure he might even be persuaded to have a nibble at you, god knows you can use the coin, I don’t know how you live. Working as a maid, singing and healing are never going to make you have a comfortable life. Why not let Viv auction off your virginity, she might even get that Witcher to buy it, I'm sure he needs to be entertained.’
‘Speak for yourself, if he wants to be entertained, he can do it with the girls that are already there. I have told you and Viv before. Besides I cannot leave, there will be no one to look after them.’ Adva rolled her eyes at her friend, gods she loved her, but they wouldn’t be more different. Nesta sort out the intention of men and Adva avoided them.
The Mahogany whore rolled her eyes and wandered over a large chest of draws and settled upon it, skirts riding immorally high. ‘I thought Tradi was supposed to be taking over from you? How come you still here?’
‘He didn’t turn up, but his only a day late. You know how he doesn’t like to be pulled away from his crafting.’ Adva laughed as she watched her friend dangle her to fit in the air, like the child who watched their mother flit around her kitchen.
‘Well, then it lucky for you Cersi was in the town centre with Viv. She sent Tradi off with a flea in his ear; I saw him matching across the square with a sour expression on his face, not that he has any other expression…’ Nesta laughed, and Adva could not help but join in. Tradi was an unbearable ponce but good at his craft which made him bearable, especially to the recent violent epidemic.
Their merriment was cut short when the door burst open, and a man appeared at the door. A deep stubble graced his face giving him a defined look; some would call him handsome, other beautiful but it was hard to take in his exquisite feature with an ugly look of annoyance that stained his face. Once a prominent sorcerer at the court of powerful kings but no reduced to being a simple town mage, cast off from the guild. Tradi didn’t acknowledge them but marched pas and ripped open the shutters.
‘I take it from Cersi insistent demand that I come a relieve you; you have managed to kill someone. Can we not leave you alone for more than a day before you go running for help. No wonder Lord Fagen refused to send you to Lodge of Sorceresses.’
Adva glanced at Nesta who gave a silent snort as she hopped off the draws and straightened her skirts before grabbing a corse grey cloak and slipping it around the healer's shoulders and raising the hooded against the bitter weather outside.
‘It was soooo nice of you to come and relieve Adva, even though it's your dicking turn, so graceful of you.’ Nesta snapped sarcastically, weaving the healer to the door, ignoring the mages murderous gaze.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nesta walked through the streets of the town, dirt had already covered an inch of her new embroidered dress, as she jumped over a rather large muddy puddle she observed her friend as Adva tugged her grey cloak tighter around her body. It was a shame that she didn’t want to become one of the girls at the tavern, Adva reminded her of the old pictures that her father would collect, classically beautiful, ethereal, Vivien would joke that if one was to look too deeply into Adva eyes, they would drown in the limpid pool lost forever. It was a tale the madam would purr into the ear of travelling merchant to entice them to relieve their pockets of the coin, Sirens of Brightwater she would call them, for Adva she wondered if that was true. Often, late at night, when the toil of the day was done, men snoring safely upstair, balls empty and stomachs full, Nesta would trot downstairs for a nightcap and her and the other girls would sometimes keep Adva company as she tended to positions or prepared balm and ointments for the customers of the tavern. In those nights sometimes she found herself staring into Adva’s eyes finding herself lost, waking only when the spell lifted. Sometimes time she would be talking to the group in the kitchen then find herself in her room, standing in darkness with no idea how she got there and not a drop of gin had passed her lips.
The tavern whore dodged a pie seller as he barged through her calling his wares, the city centre had never seemed so busy, families lined up the street and women leaned out of windows, even the respectable ones seem to be dangerously dangling their assets for all the world to see, Nesta was sure that word of the Witcher rugged good looks would spread fast. For the most part, Adva seemed to be unaware, her hood shielded most of her vision, but something hung heavy in the air, and it was not the pies, something different, an earthy smell, spiced with something Adva could not put her finger on. The young healer followed her friend as she marched with determination through the thickening crowd. With a sigh of relief, Adva pushed her way through to Cersi who stood a fair distance from the podium; she was smiling up at the stand, a genuine smile then lit up her face, a shine that was on equal to the diamonds that adorned her neck.
‘Adva! I am glad to see Tradi final relieved you of your post. Vivian has been frantic with a need for your tender manner. It seems Vivian isn’t as good a cook like you, my dear.’ Cersi beamed as she held her hand out in a greeting.
Adva could not help but smile up at the woman; she had an infectious good nature. But there was an odd edge in her eyes, a deep concern with an unwavering gaze but her curiosity was diverted by Vivian the raven heard temptress.
‘And why should I be? I have made my way in life on my back in the bedroom, not on my feet in the kitchen.’ Vivian bite out appeared through the crowd and standing next to her. ‘Once this wretched place gets of that… thing, the order will be restored and business as usual. How are you, Adva? You look tired.’ Vivian asked tenderly. ‘Soon you’ll be back with us, might even help take some coin from the Witcher.’
Vivian was a middle-aged woman, the bloom of youth had withered and died long ago, but still, she was considered a handsome woman. The fine lines that were carved into her face had not detracted from her beauty. Always wrapped in corn gold cotton, hair curled and placed into an elegant top do — a mother figure to the girls but a first and foremost a businesswoman.
Adva smiled at the women before observing the crowd who were captivated by the podium, nudging each other and whispering, eyes darted toward the wooden structure in the middle of the square. Fagen Brightwater looked on at the crowd, while one of his guards whispered in his ear. Adva eyes glided over to the bulking figure next to the lord; he was clearly several inches taller than the rest of the men, a set of broad shoulders and muscles that strained against leather amour and fitted tight against his body. Tanned skin glowed against the dull figure flowing hair of purest white and glowing amber eyes. A violent vibration took over her mind, and an immense pressure gathered at the bridge of her nose, the feeling overwhelmed her sense to the point she was only slightly aware that Lord Fagen had begun to address the crowd.
Blinking rapidly Adva tried to clear her mind of the dense fog that seems to decent upon her, in slow motion, her eyes followed his eyes as they scanned the hoard of villages with an intense gaze. Pulling her hood down, Adva’s could now see the full figure of the Witcher, as soon as the hood fell the golden orb zeroed in on her as he inhaled deeply, his chest rolling primally. The penetrating scrutiny of the Witcher’s stare forced the curly-haired healer to cast her eyes downward. There was a heavy air that surrounded her that made her dizzy; she felt drunk; her body felt light and lethargic.
‘Adva…. Adva’ a voice called in the distance.
Raising her vibrant aquamarine eyes, they meet the warm brown of Vivian’s eyes. ‘Gods she is dead on her feet. Nesta takes her back to the tavern. Get her to bed straight away. No arguing, she needs to be at her best, the Witcher will be at work tonight, we best be prepared.’
Nesta looked at her friend with a critical eye, she looked half-stunned, it surprised everyone when she led the girl away without any defiance, Adva was too dazed to argue and let herself be led through the crowd without a sound or a glance back at the golden orbs.
‘Interesting.’ Cersi cooed as she continues to watch the Lord give his rousing speech about unity and the promise of the swift and bloody revenge at the hand of Geralt of Rivia, who remained stoic and deep in thought, but the tell-tell signs of deep shock where his wide eyes as he looked on ignoring the confused annoyance of his companion.
‘Interesting? More annoying…Curse that Tradi, if he had followed the agreement Adva wouldn’t be so frazzled she looks like she had been run over by a cart. Look I need to get back, sort this shit storm out, can you keep the Witcher entertain for a couple of hours, take him to the healer's hut, take him to the armoury, take him to the god damn beauty parlour if need be, just keep him out the way till I sort out this shit show.’ Vivian growled as she marched off after the girls.
Cersi rolled her eyes at the furious madam’s panic and continued to watch the Lord's epic speech that finished with a flourish. The crowd cheered and applauded and departed happily singing out their praise and love for the Witcher and Fagen, even the chorus of Toss a Coin to Your Witcher could be heard as the peasants made their way to their home in preparation for the night to come. A night of barring their windows and hiding under the tables.
‘Ahhhh Geralt. Long-time no sees. We have much to discuss.’ Cersi purred brushing invisible threads of her cuff as she smiled at her old friend.
‘Hello pretty lady. I am Jaskier, Geralt’s personal bard. Can I interest you in a drink?’
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aesthyuckic · 5 years
AVENOIR | l.dh - DUO
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(gif not mine - credits to rightful owner)
Genre: High School AU (at beginning) ; Tarot Reader!Witch!Hyuck
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: (for future chapters will bold if in use) belief contradictions, mentions of r*pe, blood, swearing, violence, mentions of abuse, slow but with a purpose
Pairings: Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) x Reader (F)
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PAGE OF PENTACLES - dreams, desire, new opportunities
Later that day, Donghyuck had found himself at work late the evening. The sky turned a granite purple, once that’s usually only seen in summer. It was odd to see it at this time of year but, also quite soothing to him. He sighed to himself as he stood at the front counter of the fast food restaurant that was usually busy but then again it was a weekday. The parking lot as well as the dining area was barren, he noticed. He sighed before looking back out through the huge glass windows.
For some reason, when he looked back up, he saw Cosimia there, with a bike beside her. He froze there as she looked back at him. She was alone and he saw she looked different from earlier today. She wore a pink dress showed a lot more than he had ever seen. The bruise on her neck was gone as well. That’s when he realized it was just a figment of his imagination. He just blinked and suddenly no one was there, no trace either.
He brushed it off with the excuse of not sleeping properly. He wondered why he saw her of all the people he could and would see in hallucinations. After all, he had just met her that day. Though, even after the hallucination, he started to see her more. Donghyuck noticed whenever she was around, could spot her from a distance as well. It’s like after that day it was impossible to unsee her.
The sound of coins on the counter filled his ears as he counted the change he had. Renjun and Mark, two of his best friends, had already payed for their food and were ready to go. Donghyuck cursed under his breath when he realized he didn’t have enough money to get the burrito he ordered. Mark heard this and came over and before he could ask he saw the coins on the counter. The older was quick to hand the cashier some money.
“Thanks,” The younger muttered. “Again.”
“Any time.” The other nodded.
Truth be told, he felt pathetic about not being able to pay for his own food half the time. Despite him having a job and working late hours, he never had money and his friends always had to pay for him. They knew it all went to providing for his siblings and mom and they didn’t have a problem with paying but he still felt bad about it.
He walked out of the Mexican restaurant with his friends, more focused on the food in his hands than anything else. They were ahead of him and already at the Mark’s Hummer. They laughed together talking about the small party they went to together the other night. They hadn’t notice Donghyuck being abnormally quiet that day.
He didn’t mind not being included in the conversation. He was only meant to hear it anyway but he really wasn’t even doing that. He was too lost in his thoughts, which was odd for him when he was with people. His mind dragged on Cosimia for unknown reasons to him, he figured it was the hallucination he experienced.
“Still can’t believe all the dumb shit Yangyang did that night.” Mark tsked. “He just had to get stupid high.”
“Please,” Renjun scoffed. “You would considering you’re the dumbest bitch of them all.”
“Not the one that ended up in the cooler of melting ice though.” Mark retorted.
“At least Yangyang wasn’t the one that ended up in the creek that resulted in an infection the next morning.” Donghyuck butted in.
Mark finally unlocked his car with his keys to which he and the long dark haired boy hopped in. His best friends continued their conversation as the youngest had only put the food in. He still stood outside, ready to get in. Something told him to turn around, he didn’t know why but he trusted his instinct nonetheless. When he looked out toward the street, he saw Cosimia on the other side.
He blinked this time to make sure it wasn’t just another one of those figments again. It wasn’t, it was really her. She looked small with her backpack so full as tear slide down her cheeks. She would wipe her tears away occasionally with the sleeve of her black sweatshirt. Her lips were quite swollen as well. He wondered why she was crying, and why so hard but it really wasn’t any of his business. He felt bad seeing her like that as well. She’d be late to sixth period as lunch was almost over.
“Are you getting in or what?!” Renjun yelled, knocking Donghyuck out of his trance.
“Yeah, sorry...” The other boy mumbled under his breath as he hopped in the car.
The eldest had his hand on the key which sat in the ignition. Donghyuck glanced back at the girl across the street once again before he came back to staring at the key in thd ignition. He hesitated for a moment to say anything about it. Though, when the car started, he finally brought himself to lurch forward.
“Hey, Mark,” Donghyuck said, grabbing the car seat in front of him. “Do you think we can pick up that girl and give her a ride back to school?”
His dark haired friend had followed where he had pointed. His eyes landed on the infamous girl and left him a bit confused. He didn’t take the other boy as someone who would’ve been in cahoots with her.
“The crazy freshmen girl?” Mark questioned.
Donghyuck nodded, gingerly at the other’s expression. He felt weird about what he had asked now and felt the uncomfortable stares coming from his friends penetrate through him like arrows. He really wondered how everyone knew her when she was invisible practically. He knew the name she was called but never knew the face that went with it until the other day. Was it like that for other people? What exactly were the things she said that made her such a topic of pathetic gossip from high schoolers? He didn’t even get that much attention and he was quote-on-quote popular.
“She’s my Biology tutor.” He was quick to find a lie. “I should be nice to her, shouldn’t I?”
“Whatever.” The older rolled his eyes, feeling like giving her a ride was just going out of his way to be nice (which he really didn’t feel was the word to describe the youngest boy).
Nevertheless, Mark still did what Donghyuck asked since, for once, he did it so nicely. His sandy colored Hummer pulling up beside her didn’t seem to frighten her. Rather, it made her panic by the way she tried to dry her tear stained cheeks and blink away the tears left in her eyes for unknown reasons.
Donghyuck scooter over to the opposite of the car and rolled down the window to talk to her, “Would you like a ride back to school?”
He noticed his voice was much softer and calmer than usual, “You’ll be late the way you’re walking.”
“Ah, fuck.” She muttered under her breath, a shakiness still clear in her voice.
As if on queue, a man stepped out from one of the house’s driveways, “¡Cosimia!”
It caught everyone’s attention as they all saw the very tan, greasy looking man standing not far down the street from them. Anger could be seen in his expression, especially his eyes, it seem like they were about to turn red.
“¡Ven acá ahora!” He yelled, veins popped out of his neck and forehead.
Donghyuck was shocked at how calm she had remained in the situation. With what he assumed to be her father looked absolutely terrifying. He started to connect a few things in his mind as well, assuming she was crying because of the man just down the street as well. When she came to look at the boy once more, it was obvious she was trying to hide the fact that she was scared. Despite how calm she seemed and terrified was actually was, it was like she accepted and knew everything.
“It doesn’t look like I’ll be needing it.” She sniffed. “Thanks anyway.”
She ran down the street toward the man who was presumably her father. The boys focused on them and saw them walk into the driveway of the the orange house that sat next the creek. Donghyuck always loved that house for some reason, he thought it was pretty where it sat in the mist of plush green.
They ended up having to drive by the house in the following moments in order to get back on the other side of the road to get back to school. Their attention still focused on the orange house as they went by. For a brief moment they saw Cosimia be dragged up the driveway by her hair and thrown inside the house by her backpack. The door slammed shut, blocking her off from the world. The orange paint looked so inviting but it didn’t seem so nice on the inside from what they had witnessed.
“That explains a lot.” Mark mumbled.
“If she has to deal with that,” Renjun sighed. “No wonder she acts so weird...”
“Her name is Cosimia.” Donghyuck butted in , feeling a random surge of anger corse through him. “You both should really stop calling her ‘the weird freshmen girl’ and act like that’s her only trait. It’s rude, kinda long and she probably doesn’t like it.”
“Do you have a crush on her or something?” Renjun asked.
“No,” He shook his head. “But if she’s going through what we just saw, you think you could at least respect her and make her feel safe at school if she can’t feel it at home.”
“What do you know about respect, Haechan?” The oldest tsked. “You’re an asshole to everyone.”
“I know she deserves it. The only reason I’m an asshole to you guys is because I love you and you know that, so shut up. I’m not an asshole to randoms like you think.”
The car went silent after he leaned back in his car seat with his arms crossed. The atmosphere was still enough to be suffocating for all of them. Renjun and Mark both glanced back at the other boy through the mirror occasionally. It was clear he was pissed off, the look prevalent on his face as he looked out the tinted window. They didn’t understand why he’d be upset either about what they had said. They were all just thankful it was a short ride back to school and they had different classes for the rest of the day. Everything would be better tomorrow, wouldn’t it?
The conversation was forgotten the next day and everything was back to normal between the guys. Though, Donghyuck noticed Cosimia missing from her seat the next day and she was also missing a day after that. He started to wonder about her whenever he saw the empty desk in class. He still remembered the scene in her driveway, vividly. It made him feel anxious thinking about it again as he twirled his pencil in his hand. He wished he would’ve gone through with his thought of checking up on her after school the other day. He even questioned himself for being so worried about a stranger.
“Hey, Donghyuck,” Ms. Nelson called him over once the bell rang.
“Yeah?” He asked as he zipped up his backpack before he threw it over his shoulder.
“Cosimia is tutoring you, right?” She questioned.
“We’re sorting it out... Why?”
“Can you do her a favor and go to her classes and pick up the work she’s missed and bring it to her?”
“I thought that’s why the freshmen got chrome books this year for.”
“Yes, but she hasn’t email any of us. It isn’t like her and we need someone to check up on her.”
He was rather eager to take up the responsibility. His teacher handed him a sheet with teachers and room numbers. At the end of the day, when he collected everything he walked to her house as it wasn’t that far from the school. He could see the top of the orange house from a street down which he focused on.
He was shocked to see her outside when he got there. Her back faced him as her hands clung to the black fencing that blocked the house off from the creek. Her hair was brushed but fizzy. The wind blew it gently. She only wore black shorts and white tank top, it was weird for him to see her in something that revealed more of her skin but the colors seemed to stay the same. Her legs and arms had bruises here and there that ranged in colors. Seeing the ones the color of red wine truly sickened him. She must’ve been freezing.
“You’re lucky my father isn’t here...” She uttered, he didn’t think she knew he was there. “He would beat you to a bloody pulp if he knew you came here.”
Her words sounded threatening but her tone suggested otherwise. It seemed like a warning but not a threatening one, one to protect rather. Donghyuck didn’t really pick up the difference in the moment and still felt panicked at what she said.
He coughed, “I just came to give you your homework.”
“Thanks,” She mumbled.
She still didn’t budge from her spot at the fence though. He felt annoyed by that, her not even turning around to look at him when they talked. He came to stand next to her in hope she’d finally take the papers so he could get out of there. She still didn’t pay any mind to him and stayed focus on the shallow creek below that’d soon get bigger as the rain started to come.
“I’ve always wanted to follow the creek and see where it would take me...” She sighed, softly.
“Don’t be stupid,” He huffed, looking at the creek as well. “Everyone knows it leads out to the bay and into the ocean.”
“But before that,” She muttered. “Where would I go?”
“That’s what maps are for.”
She chuckled, almost inaudibly before she came to smiling. He’d never seen that either, it was refreshing, honestly. She finally came to look at him.
“I like you,” She blurted. “You’re the type of friend I’ve always wanted...”
“We barely know each other.” He reminded her.
“We should run away together.”
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lifeofsrw-blog · 5 years
Being a poor, Ichiban eating, struggling student in Vancouver with an appetite for designer goods can be a recipe for disaster. Especially when there is a sale. I can simply never say no to a steal of a deal. That was the case last week when Tina from Saks Calgary posted that Saks was having a shoe sale. She posted these Givenchy over the knee sock boots that I had been eyeing all season. They were $800 CAD regular and were listed for $320 CAD. That is a deal too good to be true and I could not refuse. I justified the purchase with the following reasons: living in Vancouver a sturdy rainboot is necessary as it rains a lot! I also had been wanting a thigh-high boot forever and it must have been fate this boot went on sale, it was my destiny. The other reason I always default to was that I work very hard and I deserve to treat myself!  So, of course, I made the executive decision that any irresponsible 20 year old would do which was to purchase the boots without trying them on. 
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(Givenchy Storm Sock Over Knee Boots- Jadorecouture.ca)
The boots took a week to arrive, I was ecstatic and eager to get them on my feet. The first thing that I noticed was that the sock material was very rough and corse. I attempted to put the boots on, 30 minutes went by of failed attempts. My hands were developing blisters, I realized they were impossible to get on. The worst part was that the boot section would fit my foot, it was just the corse sock material that was stopping me from living my thigh-high fantasy. My legs are not very big either, I can see this being a problem for more people other than myself. I tried a shoe horn, I rolled them down and tried to get them on that way. No luck. My heart was slowing starting to break. 
The next day Devyn came over determined to assist me in getting the boots on. It took us 40 mins of pain and pushing to get ONE boot on. At this point in time, I realized this dream was never going to happen and it was time to give up. The most tragic part was that the boots were final sale as they were on sale and I could not get my money back. Luckily I work for a luxury consignment store and can resell them through my work. Here is the link to purchase them!
Long story short, I should've gone to Nordstrom and tried the boots on before making such an impulse purchase online. Will I ever learn from my mistakes? Probably not. This truly was a Givenchy heartbreak. 
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stairblog-archive · 6 years
Chris McKinley: Pre-SQUIP
((Penguin: As promised, a somewhat angsty fic for a Somewhat angsty boy :p))
Today fucking sucks. Maybe I should be lighter on it considering today has barely happened… But no, it already fucking sucks. I woke up late, I didn’t eat, I forgot some of my homework. Everything that could possibly go wrong was just stacking up on top of me. It was so streamlined how wrong everything was going, you could make it a children’s book: Chris McKinley and the Never-Ending Nightmare That Was High-School. Sounds like a best-seller to me!
I pushed my way through the School halls, trying to ignore any passing glances. It was a tad difficult, for some reason my presence attracted a lot of attention… Usually not the good kind, either. They were almost like knives, stabbing right into where everything felt like goo and nothing could make it right. I kept my gaze ahead, noticing a familiar hat among the crowd…. Oh thank god. I picked up my pace, catching up with the hat until I could see the familiar face wearing it.
Unfortunately, I crashed into someone. I stumbled back a bit. I didn’t really have the strength to look up at them.
“Sorry.” I said, trying to move along. However, I only found myself being tugged back. The person glared at me, their teeth were gritted.
“You think you can just go around bumbing into people?” They asked.
“N-no… I was just-” I never got to explain myself, I never do.
“Fucking freak!” Suddenly they shoved me. I felt walls on all sides, and realized I was now in an empty locker. The door slammed on my face. I could hear laughing and sneering on the other side of the door. I shook, I probably would have slouched down if not for the much too short space. I covered my ears, letting my rapid breathing and quiet sobs drown out everyone else.
The crowd eventually quieted down and moved on. I heard someone fumbling with the lock and froze. Who was doing that?… My answer came sooner than I thought. The door swung open again, revealing the same hat and face I had been seeking before.
“You okay, Chris?” Roman asked, outstreatching his hand. I grabbed it, pulling myself out.
“No, but what else is new?” I mumbled, wiping my face. Roman didn’t let go of my other hand, and instead guided me down the hall.
“C'mon… we’re gonna be late for class.” He replied. I could tell by his voice alone he was upset. I let out a sigh, following him as best as I could.
“Thanks for um… Letting me out of there.” I said, managing to flash a small smile. Roman smiled back.
“Hey, you would have done the same for me… Transbros for life.”
“Yeah, Transbros for life.”
After this exchange we’d gone to class…. Which ended up being somewhat uneventful. I’m actually a little greatful for that. What had happened in the halls had been bad enough, I don’t think I could stomach another event like that. Luck seemed to be on my side with that, as I managed to go through most of the day without too much trouble. I honestly thought maybe the universe was trying to apologize…
I had Drama after school. I wasn’t really much of a performer, But I took my stagecrew duties very seriously. Hell, it was one of the few times in my day I got to hang out with people who liked me (Aside from my classes with Roman).
Me and Anita were currently trying to pry up a very heavy setpiece. The Drama Club got a budget increase this year, so we were actually able to buy extra materials to make slightly more impressive sets.
“Hey, Chris?” Anita called up. I glanced down from the ladder I was currently standing on. “Do you think you could hold this for a few minutes? They need as many people as possible for this next job.”
“Yeah I got it! Don’t worry.” I called back, tightening my grip. The set was currently being held in place by a Rope-Pulley system. Anita had very securely tied down her own rope, but mine still had to be held manually because there simply wasn’t enough of it (There wasn’t enough in the budget for a longer rope, either).
At first, I was managing pretty well with the rope. In fact I was quite confident that there was no way someone could screw this up… Then I noticed the ladder was starting to tilt. I jerked a little, trying to shove it back into the right direction. But, that backfired, and I only caused it to tilt over in the opposite direction. Then, I lost my footing completely…
This next moment was probably one of the most terrifying of my life, Because I was dangling ten feet off the ground with nothing but a rope that was probably older than I was suspending me as I swayed back and forth. So, natually, I screamed. Suddenly the entire room stopped, and everyone’s attention was stuck onto me.
I saw faces starting to merge and swarm together along with various shouts and yells. Suddenly the room filled with nothing but undecernable noises. I could feel my head grow slightly numb as an indescribable sensation shot through my body…. the old, corse rope started to slip through my hands…
Then I felt an arm pull me in. I looked over. Apparently Anita had managed to position the Ladder upright during this time and had Climbed up to get me. I shakily grabbed one of the wooden steps and gripped it with the strength of… Well, A lanky high-school boy in complete shock. I could see Anita mouthing words but I couldn’t bring myself to make them out. Instead I just let her carefully guide me back to the ground.
I could make out a few whispers now… “Who the fuck left Clumsy Chris alone like that?” “That bozo could have wrecked the whole thing.” “Honestly I kinda wish he fell.” I shook my head, trying to block them out again. Anita kept lightly tugging me along until we were outside the auditorium.
“You okay?” She asked when we were finally outside. I nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Y-yeah… Just kind of…. out of it.” I mumbled. Anita’s expression shifted to concern.
“I think you should head home, Chris… You don’t really look like you’re well enough to work.” She said.
“…Yeah, sure.” I mumbled. Really, I had my suspicion she just didn’t want me to hear anything else the club had to say. And the fact she told me to just wait outside while she got my bag further confirmed this… Or maybe she just didn’t want to be seen with “Chris the Clumsy Fuck-up”, not that I blamed her for that.
I noticed something move next to me. I glanced over, seeing a somewhat unfamiliar person… I wasn’t sure who they were, but I was certain I’d seen them in the halls. I glared.
“What do you want?” I snapped. I didn’t wanna hear any more sneers or gross names today. However, the person merely leaned back.
“I’m gonna be frank with you kid, I’ve been observing you. No offense, but you seem like you could use some assistance with your daily life.” I cocked an eyebrow at them.
“What the hell are you going on about?” I asked. The person smirked.
“I was a lot like you once. A loser, a nobody, a clumsy screw-up. I couldn’t talk to anyone or go anywhere without being looked down upon… Then, I got a SQUIP.”
“A… A Slip? Like, from the consoling office?”
“Not a ‘slip’… a 'SQUIP’. It’s a pill-sized computer, you take it and it implants in your brain and tells you how to live without problems.” I looked at him like he was insane.
“That’s… I’m not sure I believe you… Are, are you high right now?” The guy shrugged.
“No, but I don’t blame you for being sceptical. Look, if you really aren’t sure… My dealer, Roy, works at the Bowling Alley in the mall. Tell him ol’ Dusty sent ya, he’ll hook you up for only $200.” Then, the kid turned around, vanishing as quickly as he came… I had to admit, even considering the people who go to this school, this guy seemed pretty sketchy.
But, his story also seemed… Alluring…
I ended up heading to Roman’s house once I’d gotten my bag. We lived practically next-door to eachother, and I would have had to pass by anyways. I was over there often enough to where I was basically allowed to walk in whenever I wanted uninvited, though I kept my manners in mind when I did show up.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I picked it up and glanced down at it.
Message from Mom: Working Late. You’re on your own for dinner.
I put my phone away, Sighing. This happened way too often, I dunno why I still didn’t expect it to happen. Maybe I could ask Roman for some chips or something…
I entered Roman’s house to find him and Kaede playing Mario Kart. Yoshi was in first, so I assumed Kaede was currently winning. But, at the last second, Baby Luigi (Roman) pulled through and crossed the line first.
“Damn it!” Kaede Groaned.
“Never underestimate the power of a 3 year old.” Roman said with a shrug.
“Did they ever confirm the age for the babies?” I questioned. The two of them jumped in their seats, glancing at me with a look of terror.
“Jesus! Chris, I didn’t hear you come in.” Roman gasped.
“Don’t you have stage crew today?” Kaede asked.
“Uh, Yeah, We had a really productive day and got enough done to end early. I thought I’d pop in since I was passing by anyways.” I explained. I didn’t really want to talk about what really had happened. Though, they seemed to by this well enough. Even Kaede didn’t seem suspicious, and he was good at noticing these things.
“We’re gonna start another round, You wanna play?” Kaede asked. I flashed my first real smile of the day.
“Sure.” I said, taking a seat between the two of them. I played as Iggy Koopa, a personal favorite of mine. We ended up racing for a while. It was nice to forget how bad my day had been for a little bit, though at the same time I felt distracted by that kid’s words… What if he was telling the truth? Sure, $200 was a little pricy for me… But I did have the money. Hell, it was even in my wallet…
Maybe Kaede knew something about this SQUIP thing? He usually knew about sketchy stuff like this, he’s probably at least heard of it. And if he didn’t know about it than maybe the kid actually was just spreading a story.
“Hey are you guys hungry at all? I think I can get my parents to buy us some pizza…” Roman offered. I snapped out of my thoughts.
“Pizza sounds pretty good right about now.” Kaede said, “What about you, Chris?”
“Uh, sure! That’d be great.” I replied. Well, that took care of my food problem. Roman left the room. Me and Kaede sat in silence for a bit.
“So, you wanna tell me why you really came home early?” He asked. I froze, taking in a sharp breath… Yup, there was no getting past Kaede.
“I may have… Accidentally…. fallen off a ladder…. while I was holding a rope… ten feet off the ground.” I mumbled. Kaede’s eyes widened.
“Holy shit, Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah I didn’t get hurt… Just, scared and confused.”
“Confused?” Kaede questioned.
“Yeah um… See, after the whole ordeal this guy named Dusty came up to me and told me about this thing called a SQUIP? He said it was like, a computer or something… You ever heard of it?” I asked. Kaede’s expression changed again. He glanced over to where Roman had left, then turned back.
“Look, don’t go tellin’ Ro about this alright? I’m only telling you because I trust your judgement on this thing,” He explained, “But, yes… I have heard of it. Some of my cousin’s in Japan told me about it once, apparently one of their friends got one. It’s basically a literal 'Chill Pill’. The thing implants in your brain and talks to you, helps you with whatever you task it with.”
“Yeah, Dusty said something like that.” I confirmed.
“Well, Listen, I dunno where… 'Dusty’, got one… But I’d be careful about these things, alright? For all I know, he just coincidentally made up a story to get a couple of bucks outta you. He might just be spewing something he overheard out of context. Plus, I don’t really know that much about it myself… I might be able to get ahold of my extended family and ask them about it but that could take awhile.” I thought more about it. It almost felt like Kaede wasn’t saying everything… But I didn’t pester.
“Well, thanks anyways… And Don’t worry, I won’t go telling-” I froze, noticing Roman just starting to enter the room. I quickly changed my sentances. “Roman! Yo, we still on for Pizza?” I asked.
“Yeah, But we’re only getting one so… What toppings do you guys want?”
“I’m good with anything… EXCEPT Pineapple, alright Chris?” Kaede teased. I gave a look of faux offense.
“Good sir, Fruit was made for Pizza.” I said,“The minute Pizza Parlors start including strawberries, it’s over for you Fluffs.”
“Ew, Gross!” Roman said, “What if I got it half-cheese half-pineapple? Would that please your angst-driven soul?” I thought about it.
“Yeah, that works… The angst is Very pleased with that decision.” I confirmed. Kaede seemed to be okay with this, too. Roman left again, but came back pretty quickly, and we continued our game while we awaited our food.
I left Roman’s house at about 6. He’d probably have let me stay the night if I asked, but I didn’t really want to overstay my welcome. I thought more about this SQUIP thing as I walked… Maybe I could just… try it out for a bit? If it was a computer then that meant I’d have some way of turning it off, right? Unless… It can’t be turned off…
I walked into my room, dropping off my bag. I reached in and pulled out my wallet, starting to count my cash. $250, that was more than enough… Right? I sighed a moment, glancing at some of the posters on my wall. I was seriously considering going for an overpriced tic-tac. This was quite an extreme decision. One poster stared back at me, specifically one of Christian Slater and Winona Ryder. Heathers was a personal favorite film of mine. I had quite a few posters for it around, this one just so happened to have the honor of being the first thing I saw when I woke up… I stared at Slater for a bit longer.
The extreme always seems to make an impression.
Fuck it.
The mall wasn’t too terribly far away. I was able to bike there in no less than 10 minutes, which gave me pleanty of time since most of the stores didn’t start closing until around 9. Plus I was pretty sure the Bowling Alley was open until 11 anyways. I walked through the mall, keeping my hood over my head just in case someone i knew was there. Luckily, I didn’t run into any familiar faces.
I walked into the bowling alley, and upon hearing just how rowdy the place was almost turned back… But my curiousity got the better of me in the end, and I pushed forward. Eventually I reached the counter, where a somewhat spooky looking guy stood.
“What can I do for ya, kid?” He asked.
“I’m looking for a guy named Roy?” I replied. The guy raised an eyebrow.
“That would be me. What brings you here?”
“Um, Well… This guy named Dusty said you could 'hook me up’?” The guy rolled his eyes.
“Fuckin’ Dustin… Alright, I’ll hook you up. But you tell him to pay his tab before I cut him off.” Roy dissappeared after saying this, then reamerged a few minutes later. “You got the cash, right kid?”
I pulled out $200. Roy counted it out, then handed me a little baggy with a pill inside.
“Take it with Mountain Dew, I don’t know why but Mountain Dew is the only thing that activates it. And all sales are final! Don’t go coming back here for a refund! Now, Scram!” He shooed me off. I was kinda happy to leave, what with the noise and all.
I started making my way towards the food court. I stared at the tiny, grey pill as it sat in it’s bag. It was jarring, but something about it also brought comfort… maybe my life was about to get easier.
I bough a single Mountain Dew from one of the machines, and sat myself down. I was a bit hesitant about it now that I was so close… I held the bag up to my face, eyeing the SQUIP.
“Well, little guy, I guess we’re doing this…” I told it. I twisted the cap off the soda, and unzipped the bag.
There was no turning back now…
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foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
"How much does health care insurance cost in America?
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I crashed my vehicle and the auto insurance company will buy it from me. Next car = New Insurance company?
I crashed my vehicle and the auto insurance appraiser said AllState will purchase the vehicle from me because the cost to fix it will be more than what the car is worth. When I buy my next car, should I go with a different auto insurance company because my premium would go up if I stayed with AllState for the new vehicle?""
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Fast Car - With Decent MPG (cheap to insure?)?
Hey All. Looking to buy a new car: Current Car: Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: Fast acceleration car possibly diesel turbo with good MPG if required. Distance to work travelled every day: 50 miles Open to all ideas/thoughts. I know with acceleration/speed comes price and loss of fuel mpg, but I'm sure theres a car that can be flexible under different driving conditions etc... Thanks again everyone, best answer to be choosen ASAP.""
How much should aircraft rental insurance cost for an average small plane?
Just doing some budgeting / planning and wondering what rental insurance runs on small planes? Also, should I get that during my flight training or just once I'm out on my own? The FBO insurance only covers their own planes, not a multi-million dollar jet you bump into as far as I know. I would most likely be renting a Piper Archer II from the 70s, probably a $80,000 plane.""
Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance?
Graduating from college and need affordable health insurance?
Why is car insurance expensive for teens 16-24?
Im in class right now and im doing this paper. i need a couple facts why its expensive for teens
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
How much do you pay in insurance for your Honda Civic?
I'm trying to figure out the price difference between the coupe and sedan. So, let me know the year of the car, whether it's a coupe or not, and your age. Thanks!""
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Insurance on a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse 6cylin?
How much would it cost to insure it i was planning to buy a eclipse im a 16 year old male and I dont want to cost my dad an extra 200 a month i just want to insure the other person not my car (cause the car is 3000 dollars) And i was just wondering cause its important please give me a general monthly payment not 'Its gonna be a lot
Insurance or out-of-pocket?
The bumber and trunk of my new 2006 Honda Civic was hit by someone unknown when my car was parked in a lot. The damage is a sizeable dent. How much will it cost for a repair in the dealership? Is it better to pay it myself or let the insurance do it (worry about increasing insurance rate). Any other ideas will help? Thanks
Bankers home insurance in Florida dog question?
I currently have bankers home insurance for home insurance and wondered if there are any dogs that are not allowed or would cause my insurance bill to go up?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
Car insurance problem..help!!!?
my bf crashed my car and was trying to cover my car with his insurance they said since i gave him permission to drive that i had to cover it.. i callled my insurance they said since he was at fault that i have to cover my own car out of pocket..is there anything else i can do ...
""How much is car insurance in Vancouver, BC Canada?""
Also, the auto plan premium if you are only using the vehicle for school (depending on how far the place is from home), work, shopping, and walking the dog (parks are too far)? I do not live in Vancouver as of yet, but soon will be. I need insurance for my car first.""
Why is insurance so high for me?
Me and my friend are the same age (17) and we were looking at quotes for motorcycle insurance and his was less than 1000 and mine was about 1000- 2000 why is that and what sort of things bring insurance costs up?
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
""What are the cheapest companies to insure me as a 2nd driver on a 1.2 punto (MALE, 19, UK)?
I'm a 19 year old male living in the UK in Birmingham! I passed around a 2 months ago! The cheapest quote I found was 1600 on a comparison site but it's too expensive! Is it worth getting a tracking device and alarm and stuff fitted? How else could I lower my insurance?? Could you recommend any other cars I could get instead of a punto? (no higher than insurance group 5 and no more than 3000) THANKS! =]
Has anybody had Northern Neck Home owners or car Insurance are they good ?
Im thinking about changing insurance and they gave me real good quotes but i have never heard of them
I'm 20 years old looking to purchase insurance?
I'm looking to purchase life, medical , and short term disability insurance I'm new to this so i need to know the basics what do i need to know before purchasing I'm only 20 years old also if you can leave some tips on what are some good affordable insurance companies i was thinking of purchasing short term disability through Aflec basically i need to know the basics what i should look for how much should i pay average a month please help thank you !""
HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!?
I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS""
What is the most affordable small home or cottage insurance company?
I own a home that is 300 sq feet. It's basically a little cottage/studio house. I am looking for a company that will 1) insure a home that small and 2) is affordable. Does anyone have experience with a company they would like to recommend?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deducatable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Why are these insurance policies so different??
I'm currently insured on Yes insurance for a 1.1 litre peugeot 206... I want to change to a 1.8 ford focus and after ringing up the insurers, they claimed it would be an additional 700 on top of my current policy. (if i took out a new policy, it'd be 1800) I then got a whole new quote for elephant.co.uk, who quoted me 900 from new. both are on thid party fire and theft, and both have exactly the same details. Why the 1000 difference?? even on my current insurer who i have been with for 3 months already? thanks""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Insurance problems with car theft?
a friend of mine is an american citizen living in Juarez, Mexico because of his wife is a Mexican citizen that can't cross until her papers are finalized.. So he works here and goes back to Juarez for the night and comes back in the morning.. the other day on his way home.. he stopped at the store and when he walked out.. someone stole his truck.. he called the police and reported a stolen truck but with no info given about himself or the truck, just merely a black suburban... now he's back in the states.. and wants to report it stolen here from a friends house or something... not at a store because walmart has video cameras in their parking lots.. so how can he proceed in doing this.. he doesn't want to cause insurance fraud but he has nothing left besides his truck.. if he tells the insurance company it was stolen across the border, there is no policy on where it was stolen, so Juarez, Mexico is out of their jurisdiction.. how can he do this without getting in trouble.. he's worried about the border itself.. because they snap a photo of you coming into the united states.. but do they snap a photo of you when they get out? any info on what he can do to help his situation would help so much.. thank you""
Do you have to have a valid drivers license to purchase car insurance in Arizona?
I do not have a drivers license, however I do have the money to buy a car. If I buy the car, can I get insurance on it until I do have a drivers license? Could someone else drive it during this time? Would I need to put them on the insurance? What if I was making payments on the car still? I have an opportunity to buy this car now and I would like to, but like I said, I don't have a license. Thanks.""
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
Can i stay on my sister car insurance?
right now i am 18 and living with my sister and i am on her car insurance, but in about 4-5 months i am moving out. Can i stay on her insurance even though i wont be living with her?""
How much does insurance cost for a teenage driver?
So the car would be a scion frs I'm a guy....it's a coupe and with which company would it cost the least I live in Orange County california
How much is automobile commercial insurance?
Vehicle insurance
Need help with choosing an insurance policy.?
I have a friend and I think she doesn't know anything about insurance policy and rely on the insurer to choose it for her. She owns a retail store. She sells items from clothing material to children toys. This year her stock in trade would approximately less than U$ 300,000. What kind of insurance policy would best fit her business? I don't really know much about commercial policy neither so hope you can advice me to advice her. thanks""
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
How do I become a 220/440 insurance agent in FL?
How do I become a 220/440 insurance agent in FL?
Which life insurance company to choose?
I need better life insurance. I am so afraid of something happened to me then my husband or son to have nothing but my debt. Or if something happened to both of us then our son would be left with nothing except enough to cover funeral. I have NO idea which company to even start with. There are sooo many. Metlife, Prudential, Allstate........... I dont even know how much would be a good amount. $100,000....$200,000? Help, I have never done this before. I have just the crumby policy through my employer and its only like $7,000 or $10,000 or something.""
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
18 years old insurance for vw golf group 6 incurance?
Im 18 years old male with no claim bonus, i want to buy VW Golf 05 1.9l tdi group 6 incurance, where can i find cheap insurance ? what is the best company? i can pay like 150 per month maximum. Pls help thanks.""
In the gerber grow up plan life insurance will he get the cash?
If my child has this life insurance and lives to 21 will he get the cash of said life insurance amount if he wishes not to continue to purchase this ? or what happens after that? can someone please explain if the policy holder dies, and the child is still young what will happen the life insurance policy? etc..any information would be appreciated..thanks...""
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
Where can I get cheap kite insurance?
Here's the hypothetical situation. I'm flying my kite at the local park. Then someone's RC plane hits the kite line. The RC plane stalls and falls 100 feet, hitting a soccer player and killing him. Then my kite, which has been cut loose, hits the windshield of a car causing it to have a collision with a pedestrian... So, where can I get insurance to cover a situation like that?""
Car insurance on rentals?
do i have to do the insurance myself or do the rental company do this for me?
""After receiving a check from car insurance company, am I obligated to use the car shop that gave me the quote?""
My car was damaged by hail. I took it to a shop recommended by my insurance company, they gave me a quote, and the car insurance company gave me a check for that amount. Am I obligated to use that same shop that gave me the original quote, or am I allowed to still take it somewhere else that might repair it for less?""
Sprint insurance question.?
Can you only start insurance on your phone when you get it, or can you put insurance on it whenever you want? My phone is acting up and i've been on the contract for a few months now. Can I put insurance on the phone and then have the phone replaced with a new one?""
What is a good dental insurance company?
I am 21 years old and I am currently on my parents health and dental insurance plans. However, I get dropped off of the dental plan when I turn 22 and my birthday is just a month away so basically I am looking for a stand alone dental plan that is affordable. I have looked around but to be honest I don't really have a clue on what I am looking for, what is good, or what is bad. I am not sure if it helps or not but I am looking for something that will help pay for Invisalign, doesn't have to be a lot just something to help with the payments. Any help or information will be greatly appreciated!""
Where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
How much does it cost to get a $1 Million Insurance policy for a film?
Approximately how much would it cost to obtain a $1 Million Dollar Insurance Policy for a feature film shoot? No fancy stunts or explosions, a few car scenes with car mounts, shooting on the RED camera with a 5-ton grip truck. Any ideas? All the websites that give quotes make you fill out a lot of information to obtain a quote from a representative. I just need an estimate.""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Is there a dental insurance college students can go on?
I am a college student without insurance. My college doesn't offer any type of insurance for their students, and my parents do not have dental insurance either, but I was wondering if there is a low cost dental insurance I could go on.""
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
No insurance ticket in texas?
I got a ticket for no insurance. If I get insurance before court will the judge possibly desmiss it? I know some people have had it dismissed by doing that but not sure of circumstances. I had a fender bender accident at age 17 and had no insurance or liscense. Does the offense as a minor count against me now? Or will this be my first offense to the court? I feel so dumb.
How to buy car insurance and get license plate?
I decide to buy a used car but I do not know how I am supposed to buy the insurance and get a plate? My friend told me to get some information about the car, get a quote from the insurance, purchase the insurance and get the place, then go see the seller to complete the trade. Is that correct? If it is, what kind of information do I need to get from the seller to buy insurance? My other friend who bought a car from a dealer said after buying the car he was given a temporary plate, then he went to buy insurance and got the plate later. So can anyone show me step by step how to purchase insurance and get the license plate? Thank you.""
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
About how much will it cost to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?
I recently found out that I am going to be inheriting close to $36,000,000 (after all of the government fees and estate lawyers fees and everything else). I have always wanted a Ferrari or Aston Martin. Please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford it...as stated I am inheriting a lot of money and can easily afford it. I just want to know how much the insurance will cost me for planning purposes. I am a male and will be 20 when I get the money (and then the car)...it is going to apparently take between 9 and 10 months to get everything done for me to have my money. I have a good driving record (been driving for 2 years) and am a student and live in California (Orange County normally but for school I will be in Provo, Utah...studying to be an Accountant :] ). So knowing all of that, approximately how much will it cost me to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?""
Where can I get insurance in New York City?
Hi everyone and thanks for reading, I know it's probably a stupid couple questions but I'm trying to figure this out, perhaps i'm not looking in the right places. Anyway I need to know a couple things: 1) Where can I get health insurance in NEW YORK CITY for my employees? 2) Where can I get insurance again in NYC for my company? Thanks everyone!""
Why does car insurance cost more for males than females?
I'm guessing because we tend to drive more dangerously, but how is that legal being sexist like that?""
Cheap car insurance uk?
My car insurance is due, anyone know the cheapest company to go with? I'm a 19 year old guy with 2 years no claims and no convictions. The cheapest I found on a comparison website was 1300. any help would be appreciated. Thanks""
What to do about car insurance claim?
On wends. I was waiting at a red light and another car wrecked into my car. We pulled over and I called the police and my insurance and all that other fun stuff. He got a ticket and when the cop came back to me he gave me the other guys information. (as in his name, car, and license plates number and thats all.) I called my insurance (State Farm) the next day to see if they had any more information because I thought my insurance was gonna get in contact with his insurance (Titan insurance.) The guy at state farm said that in my policy there is a 500 dollar deductible. (I thought this other guys insurance was supposed to pay for this, not mine.) So I asked the guy that and he said if I wanted to go through his insurance I had to get a hold of them myself. (But isn't the two insurances supposed to get in contact with each other?) The last two days i've been calling titan insurance and state farm trying to figure out what the hell is going on because this titan place seems like they have no clue whats going on and state farm is telling me to go through my policy and none of them have answers to my questions. Why should it go through my insurance if hes the one that hit my car? I've never been in a car wreck before so I'm not sure how all of this is supposed to work so any advice would be good.""
""Which is cheaper for liability insurance, in Alabama: Geico, The General, or 21st Century?""
I am buying a little beater, just need some el cheapo liability..cant compare w/o VIN number, don't have that yet..""
Will my impounded car show up on my insurance?
My car got impounded last night, does that show up or increase my car insurance?""
Can i getmy licence removed and get my vehicle inspected and get my car insurance on the same day?
ok here is the dilemma im a marine stationed at camp lejuene and im going back to new york in a few days. i need to get my license and my registration, inspection and car insurance in a few days(like 3)will my license go right into the system so i can go call my insurance company (usaa) and get insurance on it the same day then go back to the DVM and get the car registration. thxs kinda freaking bout this""
A Vespa is a scooter. What is the average cost of scooter insurance?
A Vespa is a scooter. What is the average cost of scooter insurance?
Homeowner's insurance and lawsuit?
If I was physically assaulted on someones's property by their family member, can I sue homeowner's insurance? The grandson of the homeowner had been drinking and during a discussion he punched me and broke my jaw.""
Is There an Affordable Dental Insurance Plan Available??
I would like to have my teeth worked on however I do not have dental insurance, are there any good ones?""
Can you not buy a car unless you have insurance?
I'm looking at cars now and It seems like I can't but a car or do a title transfer unless I have insurance. So do I have to buy insurance before I even buy a car? My parents don't have insurance themselves...
Insurance question?
do you have to be married to someone to be on their health insurance?
""3-car accident, what will insurance do?""
I was in a 3 car accident, I was the middle car. It's stop and go traffic at a red light, the line is backed up a good way, and the person in front of me stops. I stop behind them, but the man behind me doesn't stop. He hits me and pushes my car into her car. His car seems to be flawless, the vehicle he knocked me into also seems unharmed, maybe a scratch on the bumper (it was like a jeep or explorer, so my car went up under hers a little) and the front of my car is a little messed up. The police will file an accident report, but while I wait, what can I expect? I'm expecting his insurance to cover the repairs to my car, because this was in no way my responsibility, he hit me into her, I was more or less a ragdoll vehicle. Yes, I hit her, but it's not because I'm a bad driver, I cannot control being hit into another vehicle during a line at a red light. And though it was never mentioned (I was a little shaken, my mind wasn't clear), I am almost certain he was on his phone because he was looking down and doing something when I looked back after he hit me. It's too late to mention that, but yeah. Got the registration and insurance for it 3 hours before I wrecked. Had the car a week.""
Define insurance?
what is comprehensive insurance
Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?
im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.""
How much homeowner insurance should I buy?
In other words, how much does it really cost to rebuild this house? My homeowner insurance company insures the dwelling for X, and another company suggests I insure it for 76% of X. So who is right and how do I find out? Another important question -- do most people try to get 100% coverage in case the house is vaporized, or do smart people go for, say, 75% coverage because the entire house probably won't be destroyed? Advice, please.""
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Long Term Disability - Life Insurance?
If you were no longer able to work and went on short and then long term disability from your job and then you die, is your family still eligible for life insurance that you had through your employer?""
How much would it cost to get added to someones insurance policy...?
I need to prove that I have insurance to get my license reinstated. My grandma said I can use her car, but I'm not covered. She has liability insurance for her car. How much would it cost me (18 year old male, inexperienced driver) to get added to her policy. It is a small, older 4 door car. Any idea about how much it would be extra a month for me to be added? Also, would she be able to take me off of the policy whenever she wanted without any kind of fee (like if I tried to get taken off in a month, would they say that she has to pay for 6 months...). Thanks!""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
What is a 20 pay whole life insurance policy?
if you started your insurance policy at the age of 56 how long do you have to pay for your policy to be payed out if you are 74 now
What cars would you recommend for a 17 year old?
Hi, I would like to get a car when I pass my driving lessons. What types of car are cheap, look good, and are of good quality? cars sold in the uk. If anyone has any answers or suggestions, please post an answer, thank you x""
Will my insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance?
Will my collision insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance when I get into an accident while driving that car?
Which is worse on insurance costs or points a DUI or not haveing insurance?
My insurance company has on record that my husband had a DUI 2 years ago, but he didn't I got the paper work to show that it was a driving without insurance charge but I want to know which is worse to the insurance company.""
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
Help with car insurance........................
i am 16 but when i turn 17 i want to pass my driving tests. my worry is car insurance. i want to buy a little car like Peugeot 206 1.4 or something similar but i have checked insurance companies and their quotes are ridiculous so my dad said that if i give him the money to buy the car he can then insure it on his insurance and add me as an additional driver so i can sometimes drive it to my mates or whatever. i have heard of something called fronting and i was just wondering if then we would be doing that or would everything be legal. thanks in advance Matt
Cancelling car insurance?
i recently passed my test, got a car and insurance. i have now found a cheaper car insurance, although i have only been paying for three month, will i be able to cancel the car insurance and go with a cheaper one?""
Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage?
My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?""
What is health Insurance?
I know it is insurance but what does it cover if so and so happens.
What is the cheapest car insurance around?
I still want good coverage but am so confused by all the ads. geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh so many I am a 21 yr old female with a good driving record I have had my license since I was 16. Please help!!
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i am shopping car insurance, any suggestions""
Cheapest car insurance?
who is the cheapest car insurance provider in the uk?I only have one year no claims bonus and I just purchased a vw bora 2.0 and the insurence quotes are pretty high so far
Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania?
Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, ...show more""
""Who are the best car rental company, insurance wise and cost etc London?""
there are so many to choose from, terms conditions insurance etc anyone use them a lot and know the best to use""
What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ?
need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks 
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
I was in a car accident yesterday a very minor one, the damage to my mother in laws BMW was just a cracked head light, and damage to theres was hardly apparent although the man said there was a tiny bump in door and a scratch. what happened was i was leaving a duel carriageway and on the side lane one lane was closed and a cone was in the road i swerved to miss going into work access (plenty of room as cones missing ETC cos of bad weather) then i pulled straight back out into correct lane having dragged the cone and seeming to leave it in work access... although all this happened in matter of seconds when i pulled back out i have hit the car that was originally behind me in the side door he obviously didn't break in time to stop when i swerved... i have a feeling because it was me that hit him that i am at fault? problem is i don't want to really go through insurance as it means both me and my mother in law will lose our no claims and because it was me driving not my mother in law excess is 600 as i am only a named driver.... I would rather just pay for damages if i am at fault than give my mother in law all the hassle...how much do you think it will cost? only thing is when i said this to the man he said he needs to notify insurance anyway and mine which i have been told will lose our no claims anyway... any ideas info please as im quite confused?""
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
What is affordable insurance for nasal fracture (nose broken) in Texas?
i'm looking for insurance that cover foe nasal fracture that i can affort..I live in Texas .. i look for the cost for the doctor, and it is too much to pay put of my pocket without insurance""
Ex husband to pay off car. Who pays insurance?
Since my ex is paying my car off in the divorce shouldn't he be responsible for the full coverage insurance? I cant afford full coverage. If I only get liability should he cover the rest to obtain full coverage? Help!
Best car (insurance wise) for new drivers?
Of the following cars (all old models), which would be cheapest for a new female driver. I haven't started to learn yet but I should be thinking about it in about a year and I should probably get a head start saving. Assuming I'd follow all tips to keep insurance down which would be best? Ford Ka Ford Fiesta Peugeot 206 Peugeot 107 Smart Fortwo Fiat Punto Or do you have better suggestions? Before you tell me, I am WELL AWARE that it will be very expensive.""
How much is car insurance for a range rover sport 2010?
I have a friend how is looking to get a 2st hand range rover sport 2010 but Is worried about the insurance. What is the range of car insurance prices for the basic driver
Where can I get second driver insurance for a 2.0 litre car?
I have just passed my UK driving test (male, 23) and want to get put as a second driver on my dad's insurance, since he's retired and so the car is always free! His insurance company won't insure me saying they won't let new drivers use engines over 2.0l without a years experience. This isn't some racy Ferrari though, it's a 15 year old diesel Peugeot estate. I'm hardly going to go joyriding in it. What insurers will let me drive 2l cars as the second driver?""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
0 notes
what is an admitted insurance quote
"what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
How much can I expect from an insurance settlement for a minor injury/no fault car accident- car was totaled?
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
Is forced placed insurance acceptable when asked if i have insurance ?
gettin new auto insurance
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Car insurance for young men please advise.?
Hey I'm 20 nearly 21 been driving nearly 3 years with no accidents etc . No speeding no nothing , I want a faster car ( fiesta st) 150bhp car . I can afford the car with ease , will my insurence be un affordable ? I can't pay more than 2000 on insurance. Might I add I'm from the uk i""
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
Do you need insurance to get a license in the state of Florida?
I am seventeen years old and still haven't gotten my driver's license. I've been driving with a permit for more than enough time, been to driver's education courses, all that like. My question is this. Must I have insurance to have a Driver's license? Is it possible for me to have the license without insurance?""
Homeowners insurance not renewed?
any insurance underwriters out there....our dog bit an adult neighbor who entered our yard...medical claim filed....agent tells us we wont be renewed....is this typical.....
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?
Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!""
Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance?
Dose any one know how much the insurance would be on a Kawasaki Ninja 500R for someone that is about 18 with no accidents, or speeding tickets and good-ish grades?""
How much should my car insurance go down by after a year?
Female, 18yrs old""
What is the average first year salary for a State Farm agent?
Are additional commissions paid? If so how are they structured.
Do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
What car insurance company would you recommend?
Yeah im 20 years of age and im just going to get my license. Yeah i know...why did i wait so late. But now i want to know what car insurance company would be good. I don't have a huge budget to spend but i do need insurance. HELP ME OUT...
Can you drive someone else's insured car without YOU having your own personal insurance in Ohio?
I'm 17 and i get my license the 26th. My mom is now paying off my car but i do not have insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive hers or anyone else's car that has car ...show more
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
Should I cancel my car insurance policy?
So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.""
Where to find good car insurance for 17 year old boy and a decent car to go with it?
hi im 17 year old boy, just passed my theory test, i have around 1500 for a car, but the insurance is so high, best quotes ive been getting are around 4000 on corsa's and clio's , do u know where i could get cheaper insurance, or an alternative car that will have cheaper insurace, i dont like KA's or micras or cars like that, HELP PLEASE""
Are there any good Websites about Insurance ?
For someone who is newbie in Insurance , Also if it contains cases and Q&A it would be best Does anyone know any ???""
Cheaper car Insurance for 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old male and live in Florida. I have state farm insurance and I was paying 167 a month for minimum car insurance, I have a clean record and I drive a 97 Honda civic. I had a mechanical failure in my car that caused my wheel to fly off while I was driving, I filed a claim and all of a sudden they want 365 a month for minimum coverage, why am I paying so much, 167 already seemed steep to me, I work part time and that basically a week of pay for me. Where can I find insurance that doesnt cost so much? The insurance cost more than my damn car payments did.""
Does car insurance pay sales taxes and destination charge if your brand new car gets damaged?
Does car insurance pay sales taxes and destination charge if your brand new car gets damaged? If your brand new car gets damage totally. what does the insurance company pay for? How long after buying brand new car does the insurance consider it not new any more?
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
Insurance on a 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1?
How much would insurance be on this car? I'm 16, almost 17, in Arizona, by the way. The car has a V8 engine.""
What is the Average Cost of Term Life Insurance?
What is the Average Cost of Term Life Insurance?
Which company I can get cheaper health insurance?and any hospital free or cheaper?
I just moved to Schaumburg, IL. i want to buy an health insurance for my mom,and she is 49 years old. Anyone know where I can get cheaper health insurance? And also is there have any free hospital or cheaper?""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
I was driving without proof of insurance.?
The cop pulled me over for speeding but did not cite me on that charge. He just cited me a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance in my car. I am insured and have a card to prove it. I am a minor in California. Will I have to go to court on my date or can I do it earlier? What will happen to my record? What will I have to go through? thanks
How much did your car insurance drop once you turned 25 yrs old?
Did you save 50%? 25%? Less? I noticed a significant drop when I turned 21 and saved about 40% then. What can I expect next year when I turn 25? Obviously it varies and will depend on if my driving record remains clean....just wanted to get some idea
Car Insurance question: Hitting a deer is 'collision' .. hitting a tree is 'other than collision'?
So, on a Personal Auto Policy (PAP) if you hit a tree it's considered a 'Collision.' .. but if you hit a deer, it's considered 'Other Than Collision.' ... WHY? Is it because trees don't move and deers do?""
""Motorcycle with no License, Insurance, or Registration. ?""
I have a coworker that rides his bike without insurance, a license, and a suspended registration. He's under the impression that, at worst, he'll only be fined. What are the possible consequences if he is stopped by a police officer in the State of California or Oregon?""
Car Insurance Calculator?
Im looking for a car insurance calculator so i can see how much this car would cost to insure should i end up getting it. Im only 17 so calling a car insurance company i would rather stay away from and idk what company my parents are even with But is there a calculator that doesnt require a ton of steps and just lets me put in what car i have and some basic questions about stuff that affects a 17 year old. Calculators i have been looking at ask for like house payments and monthly income ect and im 17. I dont have any of that. So any good and easy calculators to see if this car is too expensive to buy?
How much would it typically cost to replace basically an entire front end of a car?
I was hit by a car shooting out of a drive way and it totaled my buick le sabre. I want to know so that i dont get jipped by his insurance.
About how much do you think my car insurance will cost?
my parents just switched to liberty mutual, I have a car, a blue 99 manual chevy cavalier and I'm 18. I'm trying to figure out how much money from my job I need to save up before I get my license, because I have to pay my own insurance and I've had my permit for a year and a half because I couldn't find a job until last month. I just want a guesstimate please!""
What's some places to check for cheap auto insurance?
I realise that this is not a P&S question, but Cars & Transportation > Insurance & Registration is a deadbeat section. I probably should ask this in R&S since most of you are 12.""
How much is insurance?
how much is insurance for a 1978 corvette stingray?(i want to know how much it is and also if that price is low or not also if i got a older corvette would the insurance go down?) i am 16 but i have a 3.5 gpa im also a guy if that changes anything also my parents insurance is really low.
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
What company has the best auto insurance rates for people with speeding tickets?
Can I change my auto insurance without extra cost.?
I just purchased a vehicle and had to get full coverage insurance. I have been with Safe Auto for over 6months. I changed coverage on 6-24. I have a bill due on July 11. I want to change to a cheaper insurance company would i be able to do this without more charges? Also would I have to pay the bill due on the 11th.
I want to go to school to learn about car insurance.?
How do I find courses or schooling that can teach me about car insurance
Insuring a new driver?
I will be soon getting my license (California), however I will not immediately be purchasing my own car. I am sixteen and I will most likely be driving one of my parents cars in the interim. Now here's my problem. My dad owns and e55 and my mom owns a 328. My mom commutes every day so driving her car is off the table. My dad almost never has to go anywhere in his car as he is currently on disability. The only problem is insuring me on the e55 will cost a fortune. My dad currently has the car insured under State Farm and their quick estimate say's I'd be paying nearly $600 a month. Now, I know there are multiple discounts I can apply for, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm eligible for. Since this would be a shared policy as a part time driver, would it be significantly cheaper? I'm just looking for options here, my dad wants me out of his hair but he also wants me to be paying insurance. I make enough that I could just barely afford $500 a month but that would leave me with no expendable income so.... help. Thanks.""
Best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
im 19 make live in UK where is the best place to get cheap car insurance, any help appreciated""
I'm having trouble trying to get under my dads insurance policy?
I've just gotten my license and found a car I was going to buy so I called my Dad's insurance company to try to get under his policy. However they said I cannot go under his policy because she knows that I will be the primary driver as well as the fact that my dad is already the primary driver for two other cars. Without my dad my insurance rate is around $4500/yr. My dad does not speak english very well so I have to do the calling and talking. What should I say and do so I can get under my dads insurance policy?
Is there a grace period where you don't need insurance after you get your drivers license?
I'm getting my license tomorrow (as long as i pass the test) but I'm not sure when we have time to go to the insurance office to get my name added. The vehicle is insured. Is ...show more
What's an affordable insurance company?
I don't need an agent I just need something somewhat affordable. I'm 17 and the cost is outrageous. I'm looking and Geico seems pretty cheap but does anyone else have any suggestions?
Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!! Im 18.""
Any ideas about how much insurance would be for this car?
I'm thinking about buying a Mitsubishi Eclipse soon. My bro has one and i drove it a few times and loved it. My current insurance company charges me $30 per month on a Loaded 2003 Ford Taurus SES. Any idea what they would charge for a sports car like an 02 5 speed manual Eclipse or Eclipse GT? And yes, i realize i could just call my company and ask them, but they dont have 24/7 calling and i don't wanna wait til tomorrow Lol Thanks in advance!""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
California has had Tort Reform for over 10 years. What impact has this had on Health Insurance prices?
What impact has it had on medical malpractice insurance rates?
Best health insurance for young married parents?
Me and my boyfriend are wanting to get married next year because he'll be graduating high school and it'll be the best time for us I'll still be a junior and we have a young daughter. We will be going to the same college once I graduate plus it has a daycare for our daughter which is great. Once we get married though I know I won't be a single mother anymore so I probably won't qualify for Wic or medicade. So I want to get an idea now for what the best health insurance is for our situation that would be the most affordable since we will be in college and we won't be making a whole lot of money. What is the best and most affordable health insurance for young married parents in college. Also has anyone else been in a similar situation and how did you make it work.
What kind of insurance do I need?
I know nothing about insurance and this past year I've had a few problems which I paid straight out of my pocket. Needless to say it sucked horribly, thankfully my parents were generous enough to help me :) I now need insurance and its almost March 31st. I have a bad habit of procrastinating haha. So I know NOTHING about how insurance works etc. What is Obama care? healthcare.gov? medicaid? covered california? (I live in LA) I dont need Health Care (healthcare.gov) to get insurance like Blue Cross or Anthem right? Why are people paying for healthcare PLUS whatever insurance agency they get like Blue Cross. I currently have NO income, and I havent worked for a year so no taxes lol. I know health care helps with something that involves taxes. I'd like to get insurance and I heard that Medicaid is good for people with no income, but I'm going to have a small income soon. Do I need to contact healthcare.gov or medicaid or coveredca to get insurance with Blue Cross? What do you folks recommend? HELP!!!!! What is the March 31st deadline for? Do I just need to apply by then? And is that deadline for just healthcare/medicaid/coveredca or is it for the actual insurance company like Blue Cross? I'm so confused... Btw, I'm male, 23, live in Cali, currently no income. Thanks folks! :D""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
Is it against the law to drive with out insurance in VA?
Vehicle Insurance
How much will insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much.""
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
How do I cancel my Kaiser Permanente insurance?
A wise person once said you have to be the change you seek in the world. I am a fit young man that is fed up with the current health insurance scheme in the United States and want something like the system that Singapore has. My plan is to cancel my health insurance, save the money in a high yield savings account for emergencies and actually take a nice vacation every now and then. A vacation to a nice country would increase my overall health way more than health insurance. I will also take out catastrophic insurance for just in case I get into something my medical fund can't cover. It makes no sense for me to pay thousands of dollars every year into medical insurance when I haven't been to the doctor in over 2 years. Can I get my money back? My health is fantastic and I try very hard to keep it that way. I hate going to the doctor. The problem is my company is saying I am only allowed to make insurance changes once a year--in June! I think they have some sort of special deal with Kaiser. Is there anything I can do? I love my job and don't want to quit on principle.""
Is anybody looking for affordable health care insurance?
I work with ASSURANT HEALTH, I can get you a free quote just let me know.""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Parents to buy car or insurance?
How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?""
""For my first car i want a jeep wrangler1997, im 16 will the insurance cost more than a 2005 ford fusion?""
i'm a guy, lives in tx""
What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance?
I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance.
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
Life insurance question?
is there a insurance company that deals with people that has had a illness/disability that was before 18 or like started at birth? i forgot the actual word for it.
""Why do all of my car insurance quotes start at 5,000?! (20 years old)?""
Hey, hopefully you can help me. I have been looking at car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) and I had 16 quotes come back to me from different providers, ranging from 5,550 - 9,860!? I have no health or sight problems, no convictions etc... I'm just a simple standard applicant. I am 21 years old in August, female and looking to insure a Ford KA 2000 1,3 living in west midlands. I really expected insurance to be around 1,500 maximum, am I filling in the application wrong?!""
How much will the incurance go up after i start driving?
im 17 and i want to get my license. but my parents are making me pay for the difference in insurance cost. so i was wondering how much it will go up. we have usaa btw
Free term life insurance quote?
How do I get a term life insurance quote online?
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners?
What companies provide auto insurance for adult learners? I am an international student in Ohio. I am older than 21. I get a learner's permit recently and am now looking to buy auto insurance. I am independent and can not be added to other people's policy. I have been searching the Internet, including Yahoo! Answer, for one week to buy auto insurance for adult learners. It seems the majority say I have to be added to other people's policy. Some say I can do it by myself without giving further details. It seems that no insurance companies are willing to give me a quote considering my situation. GEICO is willing to give me a quote one month before I get my DL. Are there some companies that give adult learners' auto insurance? Thanks in advance.""
What Are Some Good Health Insurance Companies?
I used to be a 1099 worker but just recently got switched over to a salary but i still do not have health insurance. Are there any affordable health insurance companies out there that ...show more
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance?
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance? Please suggest me some good options for long term care insurance in Texas.
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
Military car insurance?
Okay so I just graduated boot camp and moved from Texas ( residency) to Virginia. RIght now I have my car insurance through Texas (Geico) and I called them cause I was going to switch it to Virginia and it went up $120 a month!!! I was wondering since im in the military if I can just keep it in my residency state or if I have to switch it where im stationed? Also I am thinking about getting a new car which I would buy here in Virginia so it would have Virginia plates, would I have to switch it then to Virginia insurance? Sorry this is a loaded question but I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me out here and if you have any ideas what I should do , Thanks.""
Where to go for car insurance?
I live in Missouri and plan on getting a new car soon. I need car insurance and would like to know what a good car insurance company would be. I'm single and live on my own and ...show more
Can my health insurance cover it?
My dad went to the dr for a check up and found out that he has slight high blood pressure, so he wants to buy a blood pressure machine so he can monitor it while he tries to bring it down so we have health insurance and was wondering if health insurance would pay for the machine if we bought one""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
Collector Car insuance for 17 year old? Possible?
My 17 year old son wants collector car insurance for his 67 Chevelle that he heavily modified and uses it only for hobby and pleasure. He puts 4,000-4,300 miles a year. We live in California and were wondering if there was a collector car insurance like hagerty, american car collector, etc. that would cover a 18 year old or younger? Any Possible plans? Thanks. PS. He locks it up in our secure garage.""
Any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm?
any Car insurance in boston open past 5pm
Why do red cars go hand in hand with a high auto insurance bill????
Red cars always get a high insurance rate. Not all red cars are sporty or fast so why is this?
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
I don't no where to pay my insurance or how to pay it?
telling me how do i pay my insurance and where do i pay it
How am I supposed to get Medical Insurance if I'm out of work?
I am 59 years of age. I've been out of work since Oct.'012. I live in SC. I have been trying in vain since 012 to get a parttime job. I live alone with my mother. She is 86 ...show more
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
Car insurance so expensive in the uk?
i am 19, i have a K reg 1.6 litre fiat tipo the car is only worth about 120. i have never had any accidents or had any tickets so why does my insurance cost 2600.""
How can a 16 year old get cheaper car insurance?
Since I'm a minor, I guess I have to put my name under my mom's name making her pay so much more because I'm under her name. But, a friend once told me, if I say I live with my older brother, it will become cheaper and it goes under my name. Is that true?""
I got two no proof of insurance tickets?
I got two and Have court for one on the 26th of Sep and the other on the 29th two different vehicles what will happen also when I got my second ticket I got it for speeding... What can I do I have proof of insurance but it is on a different vehicle is there any way I can say I was on my way to changing my insurance to the car I was driving.. I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM 19 years old PLEASE HELP ME IM TURNING 20 on the 28th of August
Car Insurance- Am i covered?
If i drive my uncles car, and i dont have insurance myself am i covered in case of an accident(he has full insurance). hes live in ca and we are in different households. thanks""
Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!
Uninsured driver with no license driving car with insurance hit my car.?
A teenager hit my car. He had no insurance, no license, but he was driving a relative's car that did have insurance. There is no question he is liable, everything seem to be going well. But now there insurance company is telling me they are disputing wheather or not the kid had permission to drive the car. What are the chances I'm gonna get screwed here? And what should I do?""
Will this make my car insurance rates go up?
On Sunday, I was at Home Depot. I came out of the store to discover some ****** hit my car with a metal shopping car, leaving orange paint down the side and a good sized dent. Two witnesses came up to me and gave me a description of the car and the license plate number. I don't want to pay a deductible, I want this jerk to pay for it. If I call my insurance and tell them about it, will my rates go up? How else can I get this guys information to take him to small claims court?""
""After one month, auto insurance gets cancelled?
I changed auto insurance after my other policy lapsed due to direct deposit mix up. I went with State Farm for both vehicles and paid about 20 dollars more per month for a better policy. I got a letter 2 weeks into coverage stating my policies are being cancelled due to not showing 30 days of coverage at the time of purchase. So I guess they can cover me for a month and ditch me? This don't sound right. I have zero tickets and zero wrecks and the same goes for my wife. My agent says the rate will go up from 138.00 per month to 245.00 per month! ! ! ! ! WTF?
Car Insurance?
Can anyone recommend any cheap insurance companies? Thanks in advance. :)
If I upgrade to full coverage insurance can I get previous car accident damages fix?
I have liability and I was in a minor car accident two months ago. I need to upgrade my insurance because the bank than loaned me money for the car requires me to have comprehensive and collision coverage. If I upgrade could I fix the damages to my car?
Health insurance when a baby is born?
Ok me and my fiance are expecting a child sometime in June, now if we are not married by then can i still cover the hospital costs with my insurance or do we have to be married first. Also does anybody know any good (low cost) family insurance that you can pay on per month and be fully covered?""
Math Problems about insurance!!!!???? Urgent?
A- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of buying insurance? 2- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of NOT buying insurance and driving without it?""
How much should i be paying for car insurance.?
im not sure if im over paying or not.. if i pay in full for 6 months up front it will be 700 dollars Im 22, married, and have only 1 speeding ticket that i recieved a year and a half ago.i have nothing else on my record I drive a 2002 eclipse that has been insured for 3 years straight, and i live in a small town with hardly any crime.""
My new job has a waiting period of three months for health insurance but we need medical treatment now!?
My wife has been having serious difficulties with her joints, fatigue, etc. Got bad enough that she ended up losing her job. Doctor told her a couple weeks ago she has rheumatoid ...show more""
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
Auto Insurance Legality!?
I recently applied for a new insurance policy. I was before, on a high risk rate as I had a few past discretions. When they pulled my 3 year abstract they did not turn anything up. I am almost certain that I had a drinking with a G2 charge from over 3 years ago that I thought would remain on my license for 6 years but nothing showed up..... Will this come up at a later date and haunt me? I am worried about legal repercussions Help!""
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
what is an admitted insurance quote
what is an admitted insurance quote
0 notes
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
"How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I have a friend who say he knows a guy who works for a car insurance company and can guarantee cheaper quotes?
Does this sound normal for staff to be able to do this as I have had a similar offer from someone else a while ago. I am just worried that they may set up a policy but when I go to make a claim its not a real policy or something. Please note it is a significant discount as well and he can also get me quotes on cars I wouln't otherwise get insured on as a normal customer All sounds a bit to good to be true!
Im 17 and pregnant where can i get affordable prenatal care in las vegas?
i dont yet have medicaid because my mom needs to take me off of her insurance...i just need to know where i can get either free or affordable prenatal care in las vegas...i dont need ...show more
Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
How do i transfer my brother's car to my name in california?
its a 1974 vw bus. i want it as my car. how much is it to change it to my name? and im 17 how much wud the cheapest insurance be? and the tags are a few months outdated.. wat am i getting into?
What's a good auto insurance company that has a good rating?
I have four cars.... no tickets or claims in years.. I have insurance now, but I think I am paying too much. Only one of them is driven on a daily basis..... the others very infrequently.""
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
How much do health insurance cost?
my bf and i both 20yrs old are both still insured by our parents but ever since he had a brain anyeruism his parents of course took him over n moved him back 2 their home town and we didnt like that cuz he wanted me 2 take care of him & we dont get along with them anyway & because of that we didnt see each other for a long time so to prevent this from happening again we figured we would get our own insurance that covers us. i would like to know who is the best carrier and whats the average price and where could i get more info thats legit?
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
How much is the insurance on a 2010 Mazda?
Im turning 16 soon and im looking for a car. im thinking about a 2010 Mazda 3, 4 door. just looking for how much the insurance will be monthly...rough estimate is good""
Are local insurance companies better than global ones?
I moved to salt lake city not long ago and I m looking to insure my motorcycle for the summer but so far every websites I tried online have prices and monthly rates that are very expansive !! Does anyone know if it is best to get insured with a local insurance company or a big one like progressive ???
""CAR INSURANCE, i live in a bad area and its doubling my quotes.?
I've got a mini 1000 1974 that im restoring and ive lost all motivation to finish it after reciving quotes starting from 7.5k and going up to 18k. Im guessing the reason being is that I live in a F rated area. its a proper s##t hole. Is there anything i can do to help reduce the quotes to a figure that i can realsticly afford. 7.5k is more than im earning.
Am I getting ripped off for car insurance?
Got my car insurance bill. I'm on a family plan with my mom and my sister. We did it because we were told it would save money. I'm in my late 20's, drive an older car(a ...show more""
Car insurance WITHOUT a bank account?
does anyone know where/what car insurance i can get as i can not have a bank acount or debit/credit card. can only pay with cash by monthly installments
Will My Parents Insurance go up?
I'm a g1 driver, got pulled over for speeding, got slapped with a few other tickets, was wondering will my parents insurance go up
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
How much does insurance on a Catamaran cost?
In USD$, what is the average price for insurance on a newer catamaran?""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
""My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in Florida?
Is it higher in different areas
Low priced car to insure and buy?
I'm a 15 year old girl looking for a cheap car that is low to insure for when I turn 16...I live in the us and don't really care for sporty cars... I was think about a volkswagon beetle 03 but idk how much they are or how much it is insure so... Yeah. But please help!!!
Cheap car insurance UK?
any tips to bring the price down? or any insurers going cheap atm? 24 yr old guy 1 yrs no claims citeron saxo desire 03 reg park it on a drive way
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Can anyone tell me about selling insurance as a career?
A friend of the family sales insurance through State Farm. He has offered to mentor me and show me the ropes in the insurance business. I know absalutly nothing about insuarance. Is ita good career? Is it difficult to do? How much money do you make? Im in California. thanks
Help with car insurance?
If my friend financed the car I wanted for me would he have to be the policy holder of the insurance and list me as the main driver. If so, would the monthly payment be based off of me only and not my friend right? Or would he have to also pay for insurance ?""
What kind of lawyer do I against a car insurance company?
I don't have insurance. The insurance company is going after me for damages on the car I didn't do. ie such as a new paint job for the car I backed into. The only damage I did was to the hood and bumper and the insurance company is demanding I pay for a new paint job and all new parts even though this guys car was damaged before I hit it.
""Cheap Insurance, For a 19 year old?""
hi im a typical 19 year old, been driving for 1 year this month. Does anyone know of any Cheap Insurance places, Everything is so expensive! i dont want to be paying more than 50.00 a month! Please help""
Premium return life insurance?
What is the big bennefit of premium return life insurance policies?
How much is car insurance for male teenagers in australia?
i was wondering how much it actually is for a new male driver to get car insurance.....say it was for a v6 holden ute how much would it actually cost...i hear people saying its like ridiculous prices like $10000 a year n stuff like that ...like for full insurance thanks
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I am looking around at car insurance comparison websites, and I want to know if the quotes I'm getting back are reasonable. How much would a reasonable monthly insurance payment be for a UK driver with more than 15yrs experience? Also, how much would it be if you added a newly qualified driver as secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it depends on the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea of what would be a reasonable amount to expect for this, on average.""
Car crash and no insurance?
My partner bought a car he was driving it home but had no insurance. He was driving about 5 mph due to a Traffic jam, he hit the car in front there was little damage to his car. He told the driver he had just bought the car and had no insurance, he said don't worry we will do it between us. My partner told him he will pay for the damage to his car. We received a letter from the drivers insurance to ask to put it in writing that we are willing to pay for the car. A few days later they rang and told us he has put in for whiplash there is no way he could of got whiplash as i was going to slow, no sure what to do please help""
What are three good life insurances in california?
i need specific details about these companies
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Auto insurance ????????
Is it cheap being on my dads auto insurance vs me buying my own. I thinking about getting rid of full coverage.
What is The Age Limit To Use My Medical Insurance?
Hi I'm 20 years old and i want to know what is the age limit medical insurance covers? I hardly use it and now that i need it to have an eye check, I don't know if it will cover me... I reside in California. Thank You!""
Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?""
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
Insurance question after engine blow up?
I was wondering, will insurance pay for damage to a car without being in accident? Let me give you example. What if I was driving on highway and my engine would blow up (not during racing, just cruising around), and I don't have manufacturers warranty anymore. Can I file claim, and will insurance pay for new engine?""
I was driving my firends car and had an accident. Whos insurance covers the wreck? My friends or me?
I was driving my friends car and wrecked it. My insurance says that insurance covers the vehicle not the driver. Is this the opinion of all insurance companies?
Is it possible to get insurance for a couple of months for 18 year old?
I passed my test a couple of months ago and really want to drive for summer, but I can't afford a car at the moment. Is it possible to get insurance on my mums car for a couple of months? as I go away to uni in September, possibly as a named driver? thanks.""
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England?
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England? I am just about to pass my test and don't care if the car looks like a piece of ****. I want it to have cheap car insurance. I'm thinking Peugeot 206 or something but I have no idea about cars? Thanks guys.
Vespa Insurance Help...!?
So I've just got a new Vespa LX50, 2009 - I'm 16 and have a provisional license and CBT. Does anyone know who the cheapest/best insurance providers are for scooters for young people - all the price comparison websites say different things, and that's no good. I'm looking for answers based on pass experience. If you're a young person and ride a moped/scooter - who do you use?? Thanks!""
Can my car insurance start the following month?
My car insurance renewal is up this friday, however i am off on holiday for a month, so will not be driving my car. Can my insurance start in February instead?""
Car health insurance...?
Why does car health insurance not exist I mean if it did then you would just pay a premium and then when you took it to a repair shop the insurance would cover it.
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
Which car insurance companies are cheapest for teen girls?
I am a girl going on 17 years old and I finally just got my license. Now my dad and I are looking for the cheapest plan in the cheapest insurance company to go on for my car insurance. Help?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
My insurance is like $300 a month...help?
I just got a free quote from whipers.com but my insurance is still a little high...what can I do to lower it to like $75 a month or is that not realistic?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida (West Palm Beach)?
I just started college (18yr old), & also this is my first time owning a car. I've never had insurance prior. Bottom line is that I cannot afford to pay $300-$500 a month just for car insurance.""
How do I get rid of my car insurance?
I've got insurance on my car, but I am looking to cancel it. And I would like to cancel it without really having to explain myself to the company, seeing as they will want some sort of proof that I've for instance changed to a different company. I will be moving out the country come autumn, and I can't bring the bills with me for when I move away. It will cost too much, and no one will be driving the car anyway. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can cancel it?""
What car has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old new driver?
looking at cars, i would like something that looks alright like a clio etc""
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
Can you recommend a really inexpensive but still decent car insurance company?
I'm a student on a budget in difficult economic times. I'm Looking for affordable auto insurance in Chicago.
Buying a new car on pay monthly + insurance ?
Hello, I am 17 years old. If I were to buy a new car on pay monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 per month) then does this include road tax and insurance? If not, then what would it cost me in terms of insurance (I live in london, and will keep my car in a locked garage)""
Why have all the cheap car insurance companies disappeared from go compare?
I've finally got a car sorted and logged back into go compare for a quote and all the cheap insurers like elephant and admiral aren't there. The quotes are horrendous, any idea why?""
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
What is a reasonable cost estimate of business insurance for a cottage rental?
Looking to estimate small business insurance for a single unit cottage rental we are purchasing.
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
Can I get fire/theft only car insurance in UK?
I currently pay around 1200 per year insurance on my new car. Recent job change though mean I only use it maybe 3 or 4 times a month, and with one day comprehensive insurance available from dayinsure.com just 11, thought it might save me some money just to insure the car the days I use it... IF theft insurance is cheap enough. When not in use the car is in my garage so not going to cause any third party damage to anyone..""
How can I take the insurance of my car off my parents name?
Okay sooo, my dad has never been a good father figure until i turned 16. I'm now 17 and have a car that i bought and i have the title and loan in my name. He is the co-signer. He also pays the insurance. I have a boyfriend and he doesn't like it when i have a boyfriend. He thinks i'm too young for one. My mom and him are divorced and i live with my mom. She doesn't care that i have a boyfriend and lets me go over to his house and go on dates, etc. He doesn't approve. So he threatened to take my car away if i don't be home when he says. My home is my moms house. I have more of a right to listen to her than i do my dad. She thinks so too. He says since he pays the insurance he should be able to take my car away if he wants to. I offered to pay my own but he won't let me because then he won't have anything to hold over my head. How can i get my own insurance and take it off his name without him knowing until its done?""
How much would u predict the insurance on a 98' eclipse with turbo cost?
i'm looking to buy this car. keep in mind that i'm also 17 years old...and i'm a male...althought i passed drivers ed with an A and i've been driving for almost 4 months with a license..accident free..i need help trying to convince my parents to let me buy this car
Where Can I find good dental insurance?
I need dental insurance that will cover oral surgery, as I have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth.""
Does the owner of the car have to be insured?
I drive my sister's car and my sister lives in a different country. Does my sister have to be insured since she is the owner? I am insured..
Insurance for bmw 328i for a 16 year old?
Can anyone tell me an estimate of how much insurance would be for a 16 year old female for a 2011 or 2012 BMW 328i? I get all A's and B's ( i heard that you get a small discount on insurance for good grades). thank you!
What Are Some Legit Health Insurance Agency?
I've just been told that Mega Health and Life Insurance was a rip off company. (After I've pretty much wasted my time giving them information). Humana is so darn expensive for me. I'm a single mother of two. Working from home, due to my mystery illness. As of now I have no health insurance, but get by/ struggle with Care Link. ( Basically that allows me to make low payments on my medical bills, instead of paying the full amount up front) But I feel because of this method, most doctors aren't being up front with me. I also think this limits me from being honestly tested and checked out for my current on going problems. (I think they see me as a poor person that would never pay the bill off, so why test me?) I just want to get to better....there has to be some Legit and affordable health care out there! HELP!""
Does anyone know this car insurance joke?
I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :)
I'm 17 years old looking for a car with cheap insurance?
I have 3,000 and I'm looking for a manual car that's somewhat fast I don't want a super slow car and I know I can't find a super fast one either but something kinda fast in the price range and not a but load for insurance""
What is some cheap medical insurance?
I am 18 and I live in alabama and I really need to know what some good cheap medical insurance any suggestions?
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Question about insurance policy for teens?
I'm 17 and I have my drivers license. My dad says that I can't carry passengers because our insurance doesn't cover them and won't allow it. However, I find it absurd that there's a insurance policy that prevents you from carrying passengers. Does this exist? I understand that you are not supposed to carry passengers until after 6 months, but he says I can't carry them AT ALL not his rule, its the insurances rule an excuse?""
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
BTW I'M 16 YEARS OLD. Big factor, I know. I know I don't deserv it, I'm too young, yeah, I know. But I don't want any of those answers. Just please answer my question with no complaining about how you didn't get a nice car when you were 16. I just want an estimate. Thanks!""
Insurance Company Policy Number California?
I was rear ended and I obtain the person of interest's driver license, license plate, name, and policy number, but did not get the insurance company's name. I tried calling the suspect and came into her work (subway) to find out the number I was given was incorrect. I tried calling the new number and still no response. I remember seeing that the insurance company was from the Bay Area. The policy number is 1053121297. Could anyone help me connect this policy number format to a company?""
What is the average car insurance for an 18 year old male who is just starting to drive?
I just want to know how much car insurance will cost me i know a lot has to do with the cost such as what type of car and such. I want an estimate because no insurance website has a quote for new drivers.
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today.""
How much is comprehensive insurance for a Kawasaki ninja 250r?
I'm 20, never had a crash nor any fines, am on my graded license (just off l's) have done rider safety courses and have a 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r and live in queensland (australia). i just want to get a general idea of the cost""
Rental car insurance?
Recently, I had a car accident. The car I drove was fine however the back of right bumper of the parked car was cracked and torn off. I was reversing parking and accidentally pushed the gas pedal hard. I talked to the owner of car and he said he will contact his insurance. The car I was driving was a rental car from hertzondemand.( Insurance was covered in the rate) Hertz said I have to submit the collision report from police station. I am seriously horrified of thousands of dollar that I probably have to pay. I do not own a car nor automobile insurance. But I do have an amex gold rewards which has Damage Insurance but I dont think it covers for the car I hit as well. I have been reading XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION under terms and condition over and over again but it gets me more confusing.https://www.hertz247.com/alberta/en-...20of%20Alberta Am I gonna pay for $250 and rest of them will be taken cared by hertz? Can someone clarify XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION?""
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Why has car insurance more than doubled?
I'm 34, have 9 years no claims and a clean licence but my car insurance has gone from 328 last year to over 800 this year. tried all the different company's and cheapest i can get is over 600 by putting my excess up to 500. Know car insurance has risen this year by about 12%(which i could handle) but these figures are through the roof. Can anyone put some light on why it might have risen so high when it is same car and address as last year?""
How much does a Yamaha YZF R125 cost? And how much is insurance/tax per year?
Cheers :)
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
Is insurance expensive for a Motorcycle?
I want to get a 1982 Yamaha Virago and was wondering how much is the insurance? Im 23 years old
I need health insurance. and advice?
i am 20 and want to get affordable good health insurance but i only want to pay like 75$ a month is that reasonable? what should i be expecting to pay and what providers are good?
Low cost car insurance in California?
I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?""
Whats the best car for insurance for a 18 year old?
hey guys, i know its cheaper to go on family insurance however i want to build my no-claims so it will work out better the next year. so could you guys give me a heads up for the best practical car for actual insurance for an 18 year old and whats the best company? Many thanks:D""
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
Do i need business car insurance???????
i have private car insurance but was wondering if i need business insurance because i drive clients to and from places,really need to know if im covered or not asap! thx vic""
Who provides no-inspection home owners insurance?
My house is basically a shell, but we've been conditionally approved for a line of credit to fix the house. We need to have home insurance, but if we go with any of the local insurers we'll be turned down because of the condition of our house. It was built in 1897. Are there reputable online providers of insurance that don't do inspections prior to approval? If so, recommend some.""
I cancel my car insurance because I sold my car.?
I was told by the car insurance company that I have my car insurance that I would have a laspe in my insurance. I was also told that I would not be able to purchase insurance with another company. Why is this? Why should I keep my insurance if I don't have a car and won't be purchasing one for awhile?
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
Car insurance quotes?
I have just spent an endless amount of time on various car insurance sites, which start of with reasonable quotes then you add the bits and pieces on and you end up with ridiculous final costs. I am not insuring a 0-60 in 5 seconds type car but a small 1.4 Honda I am fully aware that any car can cause damage,my wife drives the car,has had no claims or convictions. I have a larger car and the insurance is 50 cheaper than all quotes received so far,which includes breakdown recovery,protected no claims and legal cover. anyone with car insurance advice would be appreciated, these car insurance sites are a pain""
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
0 notes
dfxcorseracing · 7 years
This Article Will Educate You On About Hobbies
A Hobby Is One Thing Everyone Should Have
Do you have a hobby you adore? Is it possible to create things you can utilize? Or will you just enjoy filling your time with something you happen to be enthusiastic about? Are you currently looking for a fresh hobby to experience? Regardless of what you need to do in your leisure time, this post will show you much more about hobbies.
Hiking is a great way to enable you to get out into nature while working yourself healthy. Finding different paths might be a thrilling time. Require a Houston friend, make a picnic lunch, and then hike to a private spot 832-251-7483 to eat.
Biking gives you an awesome opportunity to get fit and hang out with your loved ones. Benefit from the wind blowing by your hair throughout your bike. Biking can be done either off road on on road. A lot of people would rather ride their bikes through mountains, while some prefer riding on level ground.
Fishing is a great hobby if you wish to spend more time outdoors. It is far from physically taxing and you have lots of time to merely relax and savor nature. Consider whether you need to eat whatever you catch. If not, catch and release continues to be a fascinating experience.
Think of hobbies that could make you actual money! Hobbies don’t should only burn holes with your pockets. They can actually fill up your coffers as well. You could check into app development, web development, landscaping, gardening, and many other hobbies where you can create a few bucks.
Should you try to generate income through your hobby? It really is simple, once you earn money doing something that you love, you might be upping your income and generating wealth. If you are able to conserve all the make money from your hobby, then you will be able to perform your hobby at no cost and add more income to go on.
Should you be excited about your hobby, try joining an internet forum to get in touch with other individuals. This really is a great way to meet new people who share your interests. You may also learn new ideas and techniques that you might not have thought of before. A basic search online should reveal an excellent forum for you to join.
If you are searching for something to accomplish, why not use a new hobby? There are numerous options available that you are currently likely to find something that you like. You can try yoga, writing, archery, stamp collecting, reading or a variety of alternative activities to stop your boredom and entertain you.
Writing is amongst the oldest hobbies around. For several years, many people have gathered a pencil and placed their thoughts on paper. Others have allowed their imaginations to run wild. It is actually quite entirely possible that your writing hobby could become an issue that brings in a little extra cash to put in the bank.
There are several good things about enjoying a hobby. A hobby enables you to learn new things after which put in your knowledge after a while. A pastime offers an opportunity to meet new friends with similar interests and talents. A hobby may also help you stay active and a lot more physically fit.
Make use of hobby in an effort to relieve stress and create a calm environment in which to live life. Concentrate on hobbies that take the mind off everyday living circumstances. This will give you with a breather from things that consume your waking hours, and refreshens your perspective on what is important.
Try getting along with others that exactly the same hobby to purchase your supplies in large quantities. This will help to you not only combine a lot of supplies, however it can certainly let you check out newer and more effective stuff for your Texas projects. It also saves everyone lots of money over time.
Be sure you stay well hydrated whilst you enjoy your hobby. If you are playing a game title United States of America of soccer or toiling away on the carpentry project, while you are well hydrated, the brain will operate as expected. You’ll make better decisions and remain safer as you work or play.
Don’t neglect your responsibilities. Hobbies can be a lot of fun and when you’re having a great time, it might be an easy task to keep Junk Cars Houston on when you should do another thing. If you feel just like you are spending a long time to you hobby, try setting a timer and stopping if the timer is completed.
Only do hobbies you enjoy. It might be quite simple being talked into something by someone in your area, only to realize that you don’t benefit from the hobby by any means. In such a circumstance to you personally, get a kind method to bow out. Life is short to enjoy hours doing something you don’t enjoy.
It really is our job to teach you on the numerous hobbies available and ways to better enjoy them. After reading this post, you have to have a greater handle on the pastimes now you can enjoy. Take this data and craft it into a much better approach to spend your spare time.
from DFX Corse Racing http://dfxcorse.com/this-article-will-educate-you-on-about-hobbies/
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