#and then tell me i didnt explain why the dogs have tumors (its the radiation. the radiation present throughout the entire story
opiumvampire · 11 months
fuck it broadcast creative frustration:
this is going to sound pretentious as hell so forgive me but i really do feel like people are losing their grasps on literary devices and reading comprehension…. like everything in fiction these days has to be straightforward and immediately explained or it’s a “plothole” or “irrelevant.”
like earlier this week i submitted a story to a couple critique websites about a man who has lived alone in a radioactive exclusion zone for decades and is so mentally degraded that he barely remembers certain elements of human society and is generally an unreliable narrator. and most people are really enjoying it and providing valuable feedback but some people are like “Why do the crops in his garden burn his skin 🤨 you never explain that” (bc of the radiation) “he keeps mentioning that everyone in his town left but you dont explain why” (bc there was a nuclear accident and they evacuated) “why does he remove his face and then have another face underneath 🤨 makes no sense” (BC HE’S WEARING A MASK). i had one guy go “i wasnt expecting the town to be abandoned, you should establish that earlier” BRO THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE STORY IS “I AM THE ONLY ONE LEFT”
anyways i blame cinemasins
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