#and then she'd come hopping over and nip me to get me to pet her instead
elliesmainhoe · 13 hours
Sundress Season
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
NSFW imagine • 18+ ONLY
Summary: A picnic date can really only end one way~
Contents: Fluff, feminine reader, kissing, cuteness, hickeys, ✂️✂️✂️, Abby loves your tits, use of pet names (baby, sugar, doll, beautiful).
WC 1.1K
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June was your favourite month by far. The sun beamed down onto the hillside, it's rays setting a gold hue across the grass , the wind still held a crispness to it that was not yet tainted by the humidity of late summer heat but still warm, the flowers began blossoming their buds and petals and the birds started to sing their songs.
You loved it. That's why, when the signs of early summer began showing you immediately knew that you had to celebrate the occasion. And what better way than a picnic with your favourite person in the whole wide world, your wife.
Sandwiches, fruit, lemonade and some homemade cupcakes were packed into a brown wicker basket, along with a cliche red and white chequered blanket to lay on the still slightly dewy grass.
"Are you ready beautiful?" You heard Abby's voice sound out from downstairs, like usual she put on her usual clothes and braided her hair without a bother in the world. You however, showered, did your skincare, dried and styled your hair, applied your make-up, and put on the prettiest dress you owned. A floral blue off the shoulder dress that draped down to your knees.
It was annoying, in all honesty. How effortlessly beautiful she was.
"Yes, Coming!" You yelled back, clipping the clasp on your necklace as you left your bedroom and running down the stairs excitedly. "I've packed all of the food that you told me to- it looks delicious" Abby told you, smiling at your excited form- as you hop up and down.
"Thank you Abs!" You smile in appreciation, grabbing her hand and ushering her out the door. A stupid lovesick smile plastered onto her features as she beamed at the nickname.
The old rust bucket truck purred into action as soon as Abby's key turned in the ignition, hand placed firm on your thigh. Thumb moving in a circular motion- before her arm moved over the back of the leather seat you were sitting in as she reversed out of the drive.
It took about ten minutes to get to the location you had in mind- living in the countryside definitely had its perks for sure. Soft music drifted out the cars speakers, filling in the comfortable silence that fell between you and Abby, the only noise other than the music being your quiet hums.
The riverbank was beautiful, with sound of rushing water, twittering birds and tall trees casting shade on the ground. You laid the chequered blanket by the tree, hoping to be kept out of view from the sun.
Abby kneeled down on the blanket, assisting you by unpacking the basket, humming in approval at the sight of the food. Once she'd emptied the wicker baskets contents she sat down, back resting against the rough bark of the tree.
"c'mere, sugar" she grinned, patting her thigh with a chuckle.
Of course you sat down, smiling sweetly as you picked up a cupcake from the spread of food, licking at the icing, earning an eye roll from Abby.
"Really?" She scoffed, with a smirk on her face.
Her hands grabbed your hips softly, kneading at the plush flesh over the thin fabric of your sundress. Her mouth connected to the naked skin of your collar bone, sucking and kissing leaving purple marks behind in her tentative wake and drawing soft whimpers from your lips.
Soon her mouth had travelled to your neck and then your jaw and then she eventually dipped down to the top of your boobs, her teeth nipping at the soft flesh of your cleavage.
"Aren't ya just so lucky to live in the middle of no where, so your girlfriend can play with your tits whenever the fuck she wants and no one can see ya?- lucky girl" she purred.
Her hands began tugging down the straps of your dress, breasts spilling out from the built-in cups of the floral dress. She left light kisses across the plush of your skin, slowly moving down the valley in-between your breasts before moving back up to slowly suck on your sensitive nipple.
As her tongue rolled over your sensitive bud, you felt her calloused fingers creep up your thigh, pinching at the fat before settling over your clothed cunt. Her fingers brushed over your sensitive spot, still shielded in thin fabric as you gasped at the sensation.
You cried out when her hand left your mound, the sound of a belt unbuckling with a clunk, as you felt Abby move from beneath you, shimmying out from her worn jeans and panties.
In a swift movement, you were now laying flush against the red and white gingham picnic blanket, Abby straddling your hips as her fingers fidgeted with the waistband of your pink panties, asking for permission which you quickly gave with a nod of your head. She tapped on your ass, signalling you to arch up a bit so she could take them off more easily.
"god you have such a beautiful pussy baby- fuck, could stare at it for hours." she hummed, finger creeping down to collect your slick. "All wet for me already baby? haven't even touched your cunt yet? god doll, gon' drive me crazy" she huffed, licking the slick from her fingers like a woman starved.
"fuck baby, you even taste sweet-" she praised, causing an impatient whine to leave your pouted lips. she laughs "alright doll- I hear ya' lift this leg up for me" she instructs patting at your right thigh, as you obediently follow.
she maneuvers so she now hovers on top of you, unclothed cunts centimeters apart from each other before she slowly begins to roll her hips. Moans leaves both of your mouths at the sensation of your clits rubbing together, over and over and over again.
"fuck baby~ God I love those pretty sounds you make~" she whines, head tilting back as your hips buck up into hers at the praise, cunts moving together as Abby grabs your tits in her palms, rolling your nipples in-between her index and thumb.
your hands reach up to cup Abby's cheeks, pulling her down into a sloppy passionate kiss, the bucking of your hips becoming faster as the feeling in your core tightens.
"gon' come abby~ wanna come with you" you whine into her mouth desperately.
"come with me baby- come baby- please" she grunts breathlessly, the moving of her hips becoming sloppier against yours, as the coil inside of you both snaps together, erotic moans leaving both of your lips as you ride out your high, mouths still interlocked in a desperate kiss.
Abby sighs, body lowering bedside you after a few minutes, catching her breath, a cheeky grin plastered on her face as she gazes at you, your tits covered in bites and your thighs coated with her cum.
and all she could think was 'i hope she wears that sundress again'
can you tell I've never scissored someone before? 😞
not proofread
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
once again thanking fandom and fanfiction for providing me distractions and comfort when pretty much everything else reminds me of grief
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The following drabble is 1000% crack! And shouldn't be taken seriously at all.
Inspired by the usual my alphabetaenabler master photo manipulator @talonwillow . A follow up to another drabble in which Draco retains the ability to turn into a ferret
This was definitely the last time he was doing it. 
He was a teacher,  a potions master, a perfectly respected member of society now. He didn’t need to go sneaking about the castle, spying on his fellow professors in the bath. 
But he never stopped thinking about her.  During his waking hours, he thought about her voice, her smile, the bounce of her curls when she walked. In his dreams he thought about her knickers still stashed away in his things. The way her thighs had looked peeking out from under her nightshirt, rubbing together in embarrassment and her arse bent over the desk in jeans before his father bailed him out.  
She'd come to Hogwarts just a year after he had, taking over as the librarian. Maybe being an Auror had just proven to be too stressful, or maybe she wanted a change of scenery- either way, Hermione Granger's presence had driven him to his old ways. She wore poorly-tailored robes, and her hair slicked back into an immaculate bun, not a curl out of place; she was a far cry from the Granger he'd gotten a taste of. 
Sliding behind a tapestry, he closed his eyes and shifted into his ferret self again, having to crawl down his trouser legs to free himself from the pile of clothes, hoping that a student didn't come across them. 
His sharp sense of hearing made the sounds of running water nearby almost thunderous ,and the vibrations carried under his paws. He scampered towards the sound until off-key humming told him what he needed to know for sure. 
Hermione Granger was taking her Saturday night bath. 
Careful not to let his long nails click on the stone floor, he snuck around the circle of sinks until he could see her, stripping off her robes down to her  plain white bra and knickers. For the first time, he could see the  expanse of her back and the freckles that dotted it, and the full curve of her arse, unimpeded by baggy uniforms. 
He sorely wished he was human. A human with a camera, maybe one of those movie things muggles used. 
The overwhelming scent of vanilla wafted through the air as he realized she must have added some oil to her bath. He would get the name of it and buy massive vats of the stuff just to smell it like this every day for the rest of his life. 
The lid fell off the bottle and started to roll his way. Looking around wildly for a place to hide, his animal hindbrain screamed GET THE TOY instead of corroborating on anything useful. 
She turned and looked right at him. Arching his back high, he performed the most threatening war dance he couldn't manage.  Granger just laughed and scooped him up around the middle. 
"You're actually cute like this, Malfoy. " He nipped at her hand in response, then licked the spot out of guilt. She tasted like a vanilla cake, and his human brain became overwhelmingly curious. Holding him to face her at eye level, she ran a finger over the fur between his ears. "Soft too."
She gave another laugh as he nudged her hand to pet him again. 
"So here's what's going to happen. I won’t tell anyone about this if you join me in the bath. You’re probably already naked." He squeaked in response. "Yes, I'll summon your clothes, now hop too." 
She placed him on the stone floor and went to her own effects to summon his clothes. He took one last second to admire her backside from the angle before forcing himself back to normal. 
When he was oriented, he noticed his clothes were folded next to hers with his wand resting on top.Hermione was sinking beneath the water of the tub, sighing a sound that made his cock twitch. 
Not for the first time, Draco wished he wasn't so bloody tall. Bathtubs and mattresses were the enemies and particularly stubborn in transfiguration. As gracefully as he could manage, he carefully joined her, awkwardly folding his legs until the tub magically expanded on its own for him. It was close but not uncomfortable, as the soft skin of her legs brushed against his, making him twitch.  The water just covered her breasts and distorted the light enough to where he couldn't see below it.  
Cinnamon colored eyes examined him thoroughly, cataloging the scars and tattoos dotted across his body. If she had any judgments, she kept them to herself. 
"So was it worth it? Risking another appearance in the paper just to see me?" She pushed a stray curl behind her ear. The heat made her face shine and color rise in her cheeks. 
"Very worth it."
"Must have been some bet then." 
"What? No..there was no betting." He licked his lips nervously. "I acted of my own accord." 
A crimson blush came over her. "Did you? To see me, like this?" 
"No, Granger, I love having a tail, it's a thrilling sensation. Yes to see you. Though I can't see much, I really quite like what I can see." 
She rubbed her thighs together as her lips parted with a soft whine. "Sorry...it's been a moment, and you're not half bad yourself." 
He chuckled quietly. "Not half bad, way to inflate the ego, Granger." 
Leaning forward, she put a hand flat on his chest, and Draco wondered if she could feel his heart pounding wildly in his chest.
 "What I should say, is that this version of you is much more appealing than the other one."  She was so close he could count the freckles under her eyes and see the fleck of gold in her irises. Her eyes were focused on his lips - 
 "Oh shit." Hermione reached over the side of the tub and vanished the water with her wand. 
" Nooooooo Peeves noooo-" Myrtle’s wail bounced off the walls. 
"Do the ferret thing-" she whispered, pulling on her clothes. Draco did as instructed, not having any better ideas that didn't include streaking through the castle. The racket of Peeves tormenting Myrtle with a torrent of water well drowned out any noise they made.  
Once he was a ferret again, Hermione tucked him into her inner robe pocket. Draco curled himself in as small as he could but kept his line of sight on above him. 
Hermione hadn't bothered to put a bra back on and though the view was distorted in black and white, it was still glorious to behold. 
The scraping of stone on stone told him she was on one of the moving staircases, heading up, and up again. His tiny heart thrummed with excitement. 
A heavy door clicked shut, and a light suddenly filled his vision, blinding him temporarily. The air smelled like vanilla, Jasmine, old books, and Hermione. 
"Okay, I brought you back to my room to finish what we started…" 
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