#and then my friends facetimed me bc they were getting korean food and missed me
btsqualityy · 4 years
wooooo, so then can I request Contentment Jungkook being on tour and calling his omega bc it’s been too long since they’ve seen each other and they miss being close👀
Jungkook stepped off of the elevator onto the hotel floor where the members’ rooms were, his shoulders sagging from the weight of having just done an almost three hour show.
Unlocking his hotel room and walking inside, he shut the door behind him before throwing his bag onto the floor and toeing his shoes off. He then walked over to the bed, flopping down and pulling his phone out of his pocket. Unlocking it, he immediately went to your contact, pressing the FaceTime button.
“Hello?” You answered as your face popped up onto the screen.
“Hi baby,” Jungkook smiled, making you do the same.
“Hey! How was the show?” You asked. 
“Great, the energy from the crowd was amazing,” He gushed. “What are you up to?”
“I just got out of the shower and got dressed and now I’m gonna go meet my friend for lunch,” you told him and his eyebrows rose in interest.
“Mm, a shower?” He murmured. “I bet you smell so good right now.”
“Well according to you, I always smell good,” you giggled. 
“That you do,” he nodded.
“Speaking of that, you know that I’ve been able to get so much done around here since you’ve been gone,” you revealed. “It’s much easier without you trying to throw me down and fuck me all the time.”
“Aww Omega, I’d never just throw you down. Unless you wanted me to,” he winked, making you groan playfully.
“You’re annoying,” you laughed. “By the way, are you sleeping enough? Eating enough?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged and you glared at him lightly.
“We’re bonded now, remember?” You said. “So you know that I can tell if you’re lying, which you are right now.”
“It’s that strong?” Jungkook wondered.
“Kind of, only if you’re feeling it strongly enough yourself,” you explained. “I’ve been kind of tired and carving certain food, so I figured that it was just a residual feeling from you.”
“It has been hard to sleep, especially after shows because of the adrenaline,” he admitted. “And I miss Korean food.”
“That it explains it then,” you pouted lightly. “I wish I could be there to help you feel better, or at least to scent you.”
“Don’t worry, I still have your sweater,” he replied.
“Good, sleep with it tonight.”
“Yes ma’am,” he teased, making you huff in annoyance.
“Kook, I gotta go, my friend is here,” you announced, looking at him seriously. “Please eat something good and sleep as much as you can.”
“I will Omega, don’t worry,” he assured you.
“I miss you and I love you Alpha,” you smiled, making him do the same. 
“I miss and love you too baby,” he murmured. “More than you know.”
“Text me later, ok?”
“Alright, bye,” Jungkook said.
“Bye Kook.”
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goodrush · 7 years
day 31
Hi friends. People have been giving me shit about my posting decline, and ugh I am sorry but I get tired at night!! I will try harder to be better :(
But I can tell you about many days today! Friday was pretty good. Liam and I got to talk about those companies he asked about. talking to my mentor was really great (and she was on time)! We went to this uber cute Italian place and I got some cheeses, and did a Barry’s class beforehand because I got out of work relatively early! So two Barry’s days in a row and they were both super intense. Even though I ate cheeses and bread that night, I woke up the next morning looking tight af!!! My tummy like was super flat and you could almost see abs. I was truly in shock.
Couldn’t really waste my time checking my self out though, bc boy did I have a wild time on the TRAIN trying to meet this BB banker. I facetimed w E beforehand, which was nice. But trains only leave my town on the weekends every like 2 hours, so I could only get on a 2:08 for a 3pm meeting, which SHOULD have been reasonable. But even though my mom said I would be taken, when I needed to leave, no one was home ??? So my dad had to race back home and get me to the station. Even though he rolled up to the house at literally 2:05, I somehow made it. Then I ran through the transfer station and made an earlier train to NYC than the scheduled transfer. But as SOON as I texted E saying “I’ve had relatively good luck with trains so far, let’s hope it lasts”, my train STOPS on the tracks for 20 minutes. I knew I was gonna be late at this point, so I emailed my guy and he seemed understanding but tbh who really knows. But that’s not ALL. I got to New York and got on the AC subway, as Google maps told me to, but when I got to west 4th, they told me they fucking wouldn’t be servicing spring, canal, or chambers, and I needed to get off and get on an E!!!! So I got off and waited for an E, which finally arrived, but it SKIPPED CHAMBERS AND WENT STRAIGHT TO THE WTC. I was actually embroiled with pure rage and sweat, and had to run back up to the agreed upon coffee shop.
I, a frizzy haired, sweaty, red faced agitated mess, greeted my networker in a daze and sat down. He asked me if I needed water, which I got, and after that the conversation seemed okay. Lasted a healthy 50 minutes, and he said he genuinely wouldn’t hold it against me for being late. So that was good I thought. After we parted ways, I simmered in a juice press with a comfort smoothie and then went to target across the street. I picked out a couple seemingly cute things, and headed downstairs to a dressing room. There were two. Two dressing rooms. And one was closed. And the other one had a line and a woman was in there for over 20 minutes!!!! After we banged on the door and security kicked her out, out she wheels “over 500$ worth of merchandise, guess you don’t want me to buy it then! And I’m so sorry you guys, there’s only one open room, what are you gonna do?” What a late stage capitalism bitch. Disgusting.
Then they found a used pad on the floor of the room, which they picked up, and then the room was ready for use! One top was cute so I bought it. Go me.
Then I walked up to have dinner with T after many reschedulings. But it was fun; she’s so adorable and so fun to talk to. I really hope we remain friends. We talked about work, boys, some crazy friends, uchicago, family, and the future. All good vibes. Our dinner was yummy Korean food, and we hung out for like over four hours! Walked around the WTC too and then she caught a train. What a doll, I honestly love her!
So then I went home, and I felt bad that I was in the city and didnt work out. I should’ve gone in earlier and taken a class at like 1 or something, but I got lazy. I wish I had more discipline :/
So Sunday though was relatively speaking way more chill. I got up at 10:30ish and went practice driving with my dad to Mont, and it was mostly fine except i missed an exit and kinda got rattled and parked badly in front of my house as a result. But I didn’t die! When I headed to Mont to meet @autonoesis for real, it went much better, and I parked great. He brought his friend Erin, which was really fun; she’s super cool. We ate at this SUPER yummy middle eastern brunch place (Joe’s idea!); I got the shakshuka, which was heavenly. After, we went shopping in the cute area, and I got some posters (one of fruits and vegetables), a few books as gifts, and a handmade facial scrub. You can imagine just how bougie this place was but i thrive on it.
Then we parted ways and I drove home, and then M surprise texted me and came over for a bit to chill. We talked about his ex, my ex, our lives, and his race he had that day which he did really well in! I would’ve done it if he’d asked lol. I may have convinced him to see John Mulaney. That shit would be worth it. And he invited me to go to the beach on Sunday… in his Jeep, which I think of as like the beachiest vehicle. I hope he takes the top off the car, or maaaaybe the half doors (?) but that still kinda freaks me out. Then it would be the MOST summery. But if I’m going to the beach, gotta work my butt off (more like my tummy off and my butt on) this week to show off a cute bod. Another motivator is E coming to see me next tuesday (and flying home Sunday)! But the biggest motivator is ME. Gotta keep myself going.
Today I went to work again, which was fine. I made some progress on the two pager, and got a new ballz high score lmao. I think I’m talking on the phone with a trader tomorrow, but he hasn’t emailed back to confirm, so we’ll see. Phone convos always freak me out a bit, so hopefully this one will go well. My lunch salad today was overdressed AGAIN! Definitely getting dressing on the side next time. Then I left at around 6ish for my 6:50 Barry’s class. It was HARD! I think it might be because I didn’t work out on sat or sun, and also the first round was just brutal (20 minutes of floor, THEN 20 minutes of treadmill with incline). But I did order a fuel bar shake. Protein powder tastes weird. And today I got another special treat: my dad came into the city for an unrelated reason and drove me home! So I got back really early.
Tonight at midnight I’m fting my old camp friend from the U.K., so hopefully that goes well/normally. It’s super coincidental that he reached out to me first. We maintain like a 25% friendship, which is enough for me. I’ve also been talking to @gossipmelons a lot more and she’s having a weird time, but I’m tryna support her from across the globe. Sigh just tryna live and all. I’m gonna reach out to this sorority sister and my childhood camp friend’s (a diff one) brother, who we like have a weird friendship with as a family. So hopefully that stuff works out. I’m just trying to chill tonight. Hopefully I get my workout mojo back and my academic/career power.
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