#and then it was britain who granted them independence lmao
crepegosette · 1 year
Can we get something with Canada and Uruguay? Heard they're similar in historical aspects
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they'd be a funky duo
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peonycats · 1 year
First i love your art
like gimme headcanons , explanation.anything
Im desperate for these two
+ i hope you have a great day♥️♥️
First of all, thank you so much for your words!!! I hope you have a great day too 💞
Second of all, WOO... there's a lot you could write about the two! The following information is mostly by @letttalias so give her the credit 🥳
Prior to the 20th century, neither had particularly strong ties to one another. Iraq wasn't geographically close enough to be acquainted with Jordan's mother Nabataea (likely for the best) and even during the Ottoman era Jordan kept to Syria's side of that arrangement. They were of course aware of each other, Iraq knowing Jordan as "that one quiet kid that hangs around Syria and Palestine and Kuwait likes to pick on," and Jordan better knew Iraq's "general deal" because of Iraq Being a Big Deal Back Then (particularly during the Abbasid Caliphate) and Jordan's nature as a calculating mfer. But beyond that? Didn't have any particularly strong feelings on each other 🤷‍♂️
Now we exit the Ottoman era and enter the Hashemite era, which was a strange time for Jordan, as he found himself isolated from his Levantine neighbors; Syria was grieving Hejaz's death and with it, the death of the Pan-Arab State Dream Team Federation 1.0, Palestine and Lebanon were cut off from him in a way he hadn't ever experienced before (for varying and complex reasons), and things all around just seemed super unstable. For all those factors, Jordan saw value in allying himself with Iraq (which took a few attempts to accomplish), someone who was in a similar situation in him and so a part of him hoped could understand him a little bit better.
However, the Hashemites weren't popular whatsoever in Iraq, and this is really where their differences came out in full force. Jordan is a 🐍 and is more than used to putting aside sentimentality and personal feelings in the pursuit of his own security, but Iraq is less able and willing to do that, placing a higher premium on his own "personhood" (as far as a nation can have that to begin with) So while Jordan saw the Hashemites as a tool to keep himself in Britain's good books and maintaining a degree of independence granted to a western ally/puppet (depending on who you ask) vs the other Levantine states, Iraq saw the Hashemites as a rule imposed by outsiders trying to keep him subjugated and trying to prevent the vision of a wider Arab movement. This difference is the source of a lot of their disagreements and conflicts in the short-lived Arab Federation 💦
But their personal ties during the union? It was probably polite and distant at the best of times. Even if they hadn't had that many prior interactions, Jordan saw Iraq as one of his elders and thus, gave an appropriate level of respect for that, and who can say no to Iraq's cheerful and upbeat personality? They weren't exactly venting hardcore to each other, but they weren't spending a lot of time with each other to begin with, indicating the disconnected nature of the Arab Federation, and so, their relationship remained distant. Maybe they didn't reach the heights of the Syria-Egypt Union (whatever those are), but it also means they didn't really reach its pits.
(One of the exceptions to this distant, cool relationship is Iraq venting to Jordan in his moments of weakness about Kuwait lmao)
Following the coup, things were icy between them to put it mildly; Jordan saw Iraq as "collateral damage" and a victim of his unstable state, and Iraq viewed him as a "callous youngster." Things did eventually calm down the 70s, and their relationship returned to amicability. I still don't think they're particularly close, but they can hang out and chill, and even Jordan these days can acknowledge Iraq's steadfastness in holding to his personal convictions, even if he thinks it's foolish. Iraq probably jokes to Jordan all the time about lightening up "Akhi, I'm the old man here, not you!"
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