#and then i can delete the ttmp2 and zip files and free a bit more space
lesenbyan · 5 months
I was gonna try to write today maybe but then in the process of looking at Aki's glams realized that the folder I thought was my redundant mod folder was actually my penumbra folder and downloading back from my gdrive (where I uploaded it before deleting) and putting back in the right place made the mod show up but penumbra couldn't read the files so then I spent like. 3+hrs going and redownloading every mod that still existed and finding hopeful replacements for ones that don't (over 100 mods downloaded in total fbdnsnddj) and then sorting them back into folders in the penumbra interface so I could find shit again
Luckily, somehow, penumbra did remember what mods were on in what collections and most of the correct settings on those mods. So I don't have several more hours of work ahead of me. But man was that exhausting.
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