#and the ones who are doing this for Manipulative Purposes (thats an ayato moment)
wri0thesley · 1 year
Heres a fun fact! Humans do have heats! They’re not as powerful anymore due to society and other shit im to lazy to fully explain but they’re called ovulation ! Its been recorded that men find people going through ovulation more attractive and that it subconsciously makes them horny! Its also when you’re the most fertile and horny too. So for any baby trapping yanderes they should aim for that cycle to guarantee a baby they can also probably tell if it was successful depending on wether their darling got their period right after.
baby trapping is honestly one of the most terrifying yandere concepts for me. maybe it's because of my desire to never carry a child or gender stuff or whatever but . . . fgknbjfng. i don't mind writing or getting asks about it, for the record! - but i'm just saying that i think it's one of the worst and most selfish things for a yandere to do, and it's the one that makes me feel the shiveriest. to bring a whole new life into the world, just to force the person you're obsessed with to stay with you - to be able to gesture to this thing you've created with a 'so you're going to blame them for everything i've done to you?'. fgnjkbfngjk.
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