#and the goth brows!! slay!!!
Trad goths had it right with the squared off brows into nose contour thing. Like. It’s such a good shape and it’s distinct enough (at least to someone who knows a tiny bit about makeup styles) that even when you totally change the medium it’s still recognizable. It slays so hard
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thegothicviking · 1 year
I be the heart gangstah, son! 👊
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Robbin' dem hearts one by one! 🫀
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cjoatprehn · 2 months
Alrighty!! I got caught up formatting a little easter egg answer version of this poem for those who are aware of my systemhood. I’m certain not many will click, because I don’t think I told folks in plural aside from my bio.
But! Back at it again with @skylerwitherspoon n’s prompts! Tonight I’ve written a longer one for Prompts 20.
Enjoy! Alt text goes over Discord’s character limit, so let’s see how Tumblr alt text handles it-!
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Oohhhhkay…so not even Tumblr alt text can handle this poem. So I’ll drop the alt text below.
[20. Write a poem about your gender.]
I, Mx. Whisper, have many genders. /
As the idea of it all is a construct of a lack of fluidity. /
I’m the flow the oceans waves. /
The cascading of the waterfalls /
soaking boat riders in a blissful wash. /
I’m the apparition of the Void, /
that’s just a little guy. /
A fuzzy little cat of the darkness. /
I’m the moon and the stars /
that you shoot meteors across. /
I’m the hobbit underneath the grass mounds, /
Gazing up at passerby through a mosaic window on the ceiling. /
I’m the creature living in the closet, /
Scarred and horrifying /
But is quite wholesome that comforts you on scary nights. /
I’m the stink stink just doing their thing in that there corner. /
I’m the cyborg who’s got his eye out for men; /
Feasting on popcorn as tea spills. /
Mischievously pranking children as a fitted sheet monster; /
Only seeking cuddles and tickle matches in dominance. /
I’m the big brother ready to swing and box. /
I’m the stripper bratty to the lot. /
I’m the drag queen that dresses in hot pink hoochie shorts; /
To the funky Mettaton EX theme. /
I’m the man giving a Megan Thee Stallion-worthy booty performance. /
I’m the recluse in the woods. /
Deep in a book, written in Braille. /
I’m the linguist who fascinates herself in the many calligraphic forms. /
I’m the nameless princess who grew to Duchess. /
I’m the mother of your children. /
I’m the warrior leading armies in the night; /
By the glow of my bioluminescent wings en mass. /
Close your eyes and trust in pixie dust. /
Diplomacy is key. /
I’m the erosion manipulated by your corruption. /
I’m the sky clouded over and misty. /
I’m the tears you shed in gold sunlight. /
How soft a pillow, am I, Mama? /
I’m the geeky gadgets of your endeavors. /
I’m the large platforms you wear on your soles. /
I’m the collar adorning your neck. /
I’m the goggles that snap pictures of your fire poses. /
Slaying your competition in your worth, Your Grace! /
I’m the clicking of your mouse. /
I’m the tapping of your keyboard. /
I’m the manager of your chaos, /
Wearing bunny suits and buck teeth. /
I’m the children of the playground. /
I’m the singing of the birds. /
I’m the climbing up trees to read a book about peace. /
Hey look! A sunset! /
The others going home. /
This is our space. /
The children outcasted from the village. /
I’m the reading in your ears. /
I’m the booping of noses. /
I’m the squishing of slime and swishing of tentacles in the ocean. /
I’m the big hoodie that covers your hands; /
Obviously too big but that’s the point. /
I’m the Death that draws near. /
Not literally but ego-wise. /
I’m the owl that escapes your trap. /
I’m the wings beating in the air. /
I’m the heartbeat within your eggs. /
I’m the goth besties with emo girls. /
Alternative is fun, even with the skulls. /
What? They’re great for mixing in. /
I’m the tinking of glasses. /
I’m the foam from your beers. /
I’m the ice in the shaker, /
with your drink being chilled. /
I’m the warmth of the hearth. /
The softness of clouds. /
The sleek of the silk. /
The Jester in your eyes. /
The screams in your mind. /
The turmoil in one party. /
I’m the boy that starts the fight; /
and the girl that finishes it. /
Settle down or take it outside! /
Staying sharp these days, hmm?
I’m the sizzle of hot in cold. /
The chinking of metal. /
The sigh from your chest. /
The sweat dropping from your brow. /
The sailor-born swear of frustration. /
I’m the coin tossed to your butcher. /
I’m the blade holding your fate. /
I’m the hammer that broke the anvil. /
I’m the one who snores deep and loud. /
A hard day at the forge earns you great sleep. /
Even if you’re napping on a customized warhammer. /
It’s comfortable. /
I’m the brood that has seen Death itself. /
I’m the medium who heard all. /
I’m the mirror you dance in. /
You’re doing great with your recitals and practice. /
I’m the dragon breathing fire. /
I’m the prism that facets color. /
I’m your hoard of cherished goods. /
I’m the pen in your hand. /
I’m the hands on your phone. /
I’m the window to the world. /
The bridge between cups. /
I could go on. /
I am no gender. /
I am a system. /
Of flux.
CJOAT | For SkylersPrompts in Escapril 2024
CJOAT Watermarked
I’ll probably post a spoken poetry video for this post…but I’m not pressed about it. I’m going to take my ass to bed. ^^
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Daisy Moonblossom
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"Ice Queen" © Xavier Collette. Accessed at his gallery here
[This is going to be the last of the PCs from the Rise of the Runelords game I post; I'm going to move onto other campaigns, like Curse of the Crimson Throne, Legacy of Fire, and Council of Thieves. Daisy Moonblossom was a very fun character, with her quotes like, "you would be happy if you thought less" and "I didn't think it would kill him; I only thought it would torture him forever!". She told me later that she didn't want to play a healer, she wanted to play a fighter, and so decided to be kind of a brat about it when it was decided by the group that it was "her turn". Everyone loved it anyway. So much so that the same player played her surly goth little sister, Belladonna, in Curse of the Crimson Throne, and the Moonblossom clan has been a recurring name drop in my games, and spawned multiple PCs and NPCs in the games run by @canwefixitnoitsfucked. Here's the original art for Daisy, done by one of the other players in that game:
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Art © Heather F., accessed here
Because of the whole "don't really want to heal" thing, a warpriest was the perfect choice for converting Daisy from D&D 3.5 to Pathfinder 1e. The Icicle Crown was a personal addition to Rise of the Runelords. The art for Lamatar Bayden was so cool, it seemed a shame that he was just a wight (especially up against a 9th level party). So I gave him an artifact, and then Daisy got it, and she got to go from "magical girl inspired" to "full on transformation sequence". The original version used various spells from Spell Compendium, so has been updated for Pathfinder applicability.]
Daisy Moonblossom CR 14 CN Humanoid (cold, human) This woman is short, muscular and beautiful, her arms bearing delicate Varisian tattoos. She appears to be made of ice, with inhumanly pale skin and hair, with a crown of icicles growing out of her brow. She carries an enormous mace in the shape of a rose, and wears the holy symbol of Desna prominently around her neck and on her clothing.
Daisy Moonblossom was born lucky. Although never very smart and with a penchant for solving her problems with violence, she was both charming and perceptive, and was a natural to enter the priesthood of Desna. There, she received training as a warpriest, a traveling crusader to bring dreams and joy to those who needed them, and a pummeling to those who deserved it. And she was able to do all of those things, joining up with a team of adventurers to defend Sandpoint from first a goblin incursion, and then a ghoulish serial killer. Aldern Foxglove, the Skinsaw Man, became obsessed with Daisy. Perhaps this is because she reminded him of his murdered wife, or perhaps because he detected her bloodthirsty streak. Appropriately, she was the one who freed the revenant of his wife, and then bashed Foxglove’s skull in.
On Hook Mountain, Daisy made two discoveries that would change her life. First was the friendship of the star monarch Roramoru, who happily serves her as a mount and confidante to this day. The second was the Icicle Crown, a lost artifact made by the White Witches of Irrisen in centuries past, sitting on the brow of the wight Lamatar Bayden. Daisy didn’t realize its true magical potential when she put it on, thinking it would just protect her against the cold, but it transformed her into a being of elemental ice. As a divine caster, Daisy can use remove curse to take off the crown and resume her human appearance when she needs to, but does so less and less these days.
Rather than explore the dungeons of Runeforge and take the fight to Runelord Karzoug, Daisy chose to remain behind at Jorgenfist to learn more about her Varisian heritage and to help rally an army of giants against Karzoug’s influence. Daisy is considered by many of the giants of the Kodar Mountains to be somewhere between a guardian angel and a bogey, as she will gladly aid giants who play nice and slay those who don’t. The legends that have built around Ice Princess Daisy vary from clan to clan. Some giants claim she is an unusually beautiful cold rider, or maybe a miniature frost giant, or possibly a divine agent of Desna herself. Daisy is happy to keep them guessing.
Although she is a talented healer, Daisy Moonblossom would rather inflict damage than cure it. She usually spends a round or two casting enhancing spells on herself, then wades into melee. If enemies keep their distance, she pelts them with ranged spells cast from the Icicle Crown, or simply uses air walk to close the gap. Daisy isn’t a very skilled combat rider, so although she does use Roramoru’s support, the star monarch typically drops Daisy off rather than carry her into the fray. 
Icicle Crown (minor artifact) When not worn by a creature (occupying the head slot), this appears to be a delicate silver tiara studded with diamonds and sapphires. When put on, it transforms into ice, and transforms the wearer as well, affecting her as per an ice body spell for as long as the crown is worn. The Icicle Crown allows the wearer to cast the following spells with charges, as if it were a staff: Snowball (1 charge) Frigid Touch (1 charge) Wall of Ice (2 charges) Cone of Cold (2 charges) Icy Prison (2 charges) The Icicle Crown has 10 charges, and regains 1d4 charges a day. If its last charge is expended, the Icicle Crown falls off of the wearer’s head and becomes dormant for 30 days. This is the only way to remove the Icicle Crown without the use of remove curse or a similar effect, or the death of its wearer. CL 13th; Weight 4 lbs.
Daisy Moonblossom    CR 14 XP 38,400 Human warpriest of Desna 14 CN Medium humanoid (cold, human) Init +5; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20(+1 Dex, +10 armor) hp 136 (14d8+70) Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +13 Immune ability score damage, blindness, critical hits, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning Defensive Abilities ice body Offense Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. unarmored), burrow 20 ft. (ice only) Melee +1 spell-storing heavy mace +16/+11 (1d10+7) or slam +13 (1d6+3 plus 1 cold) Ranged starknife +11 (1d10+3/x3) Special Attacks channel energy (positive, 5d6, based on fervor), sacred weapon (+3, 14 rounds/day) Spells CL 14th (CL 15th for conjuration), concentration +17 (+21 casting defensively) 5th—flame strike (DC 18), righteous might 4th—air walk, blessing of fervor, divine power, neutralize poison (DC 18) 3rd—communal resist energy, inflict serious wounds (DC 16), magic vestment (cast), prayer, sacred bond 2nd—align weapon, bull’s strength, inflict moderate wounds (DC 15), lesser restoration, owl’s wisdom, spiritual weapon 1st—bless, divine favor (x2), remove fear, shield of faith (x2) 0th—create water, guidance, light, resistance, stabilize Spontaneous casting—cure spells Spell-like Abilities CL 14th, concentration +17 (+21 casting defensively) 3/day—acid splash Statistics Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 16 Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 24 Feats Combat Casting,Dazzling Display (B), Greater Weapon Focus (heavy mace) (B), Improved Initiative, Selective Channel, Shatter Defenses (B), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Spell Focus (conjuration), Trailblazing Channel, Toughness, Varisian Tattoo (conjuration), Weapon Focus (heavy mace) (B), Weapon Specialization (heavy mace) (B) Skills Diplomacy +9, Heal +9, Intimidate +24, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Ride +6, Sense Motive +9 Languages Celestial, Common, Giant, Varisian SQ blessings (10/day, freedom’s shout, liberation, lucky presence, unlucky enemy),fervor (10/day, 5d6),legendary, no breath, sacred armor (+3, 14 minutes/day) Gear 38,400 gp, +1 spell storing heavy mace, starsong mail, Icicle Crown, belt of physical prowess (Str, Con), rod of extend spell, cloak of resistance +1, scroll of speak with dead, wand of cure light wounds (20 charges), 4 starknives, 500 gp worth of diamond dust, 2 gold bracelets (for sacred bond), 2 flasks holy water,15 gp Special Abilities Legendary (Ex) Daisy is built on 25 point buy. In addition to her NPC equipment, she possesses an artifact, the Icicle Crown. These advantages increase her CR by +1.
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bumblebee8211 · 1 year
CC list!
I tried a challenge where I put EA townies on a wheel and spun it to determine the parents of a baby! I got inspiration to do this challenge from @itsqwertyluvs so I recommend that you check out their channel because they are so cool & slay! <3
Mortimer Goth + Nancy Landgraab = Wendy Goth
Download her: blankaurb21 (on the Gallery)
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CC list:
Skin Overlay - https://www.patreon.com/posts/bella-bella-77874740
Eyelashes - https://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2-for-skin-detail-experimental/
Face Kit - https://pyxiidis.tumblr.com/post/171902140901/about-face-skin-details-by-pyxis-a-set-of-subtle
Face Contour - https://www.patreon.com/posts/46553876
EA Eyelash remover - https://kijiko-catfood.com/ea-eyelashes-remover/
Blush with Pores - https://glitchsyndrome.tumblr.com/post/181327085424/i-love-chisamis-blush-and-i-know-someone-else
Hair - https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims4-ts4-moood-81881014
Eyebrows - https://www.patreon.com/posts/gpme-gold-f-g14-35940672
Eyeshadow - https://www.patreon.com/posts/34605726
Eyeliner - https://www.patreon.com/posts/gpme-gold-liner-63398471
Lipstick - https://www.patreon.com/posts/gpme-gold-lips-74115374
Facepaint (Eyes) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/32163641
Ear Piercings - https://www.patreon.com/posts/thunderstruck-84577202
Necklace - https://www.patreon.com/posts/anya-necklace-80669907
Belt - https://www.patreon.com/posts/low-waist-loose-81569214
Belly Piercing - https://www.patreon.com/posts/halo-belly-84370800
Top - https://www.patreon.com/posts/mikayla-fishnet-58161020
Jeans - https://www.patreon.com/posts/low-waist-loose-81569214
Boots - https://www.patreon.com/posts/mmsims-dr-molly-25334773
I hope you enjoy! 🖤🖤🖤
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
coming back to yassified vader ... imagine him in trad goth makeup tho whzhsgxhg i just know he'd look so good omg 😩😩 i might try to draw him when i come home from work shhxsbbs
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xjoonchildx · 3 years
I wanna get in on the list thing, best bangtan eyebrows?
okay so for those of you who do not know, i have a crippling cosmetics addiction. you guys would probably call the police if you saw the actual tower of makeup products in my bathroom, backed up only by the remaining products in my closet. that being said -- i know a little bit about brows, and bangtan has some of the best in the biz.
so let's take a look, shall we?
jeon jungkook
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i mean -- you knew this picture was coming, right? JK embracing his inner goth with this piercing that looks amazing on him ana everything looks amazing on him for fuck's sake and brows cut to the gods by some kind of magic concealer. i love that the actual brow is very light, i'd guess something like an ABH brow wiz or hourglass brow pencil. perfection.
kim taehyung
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this was the first image that came to mind when i thought about tae's brows -- this iconic almost straight brow from the mic drop era. it's so damned aggressive and it suits the attitude of this entire look so well. i would bet dollars to doughnuts they're using brow setting gel because each hair stroke is so pronounced. maybe the glossier boy brow or the ABH brow freeze?
park jimin
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god, i love everything about this look. the straight brow, the subtle tinting to match the hair. love, love, LOVE the feathering at the top of the brow and the soft definition on the tail. this is that styled just enough but not so much that it looks out of place look and honestly, props to the makeup artist you nailed this.
jung hoseok
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not to be dramatic or anything, but this hoseok dynamite VMA look changed my entire life and these brows hurt me on a personal level. i love that they matched the precision of his undercut (sob) and those pointy-ass sideburns that literally give me heart palpitations. these brows are sharper than every knife in your kitchen.
min yoongi
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holy shit, y'all remember shadow yoongi? a long time ago a very stupid woman it's me once said she didn't get the whole deal about headbands and i promise you, she is ready to take all of that back. shadow headband yoongi slayed this entire look and these brows were perfectly styled -- tinted to match his hair exactly and the texture stayed perfectly hair-like despite the (i'm sure) many products that went into this look.
kim seokjin
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yes, i am weak for blonde seokjin -- but specifically i'm weak for dark brow blonde seokjin. also, apparently i'm just into straight brows because yet again we have a very straight shape and these look fucking perfect on this fucking perfect man. big hit stylists win again.
kim namjoon
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argh these are so beautiful and soft i wanna cry. i love the fullness at the front end and the very natural tapered shape to the end. and i also love that they've been tinted just a bit to lighten up and match the entire look. they're so beautifully crafted to his eye shape.
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piduai · 3 years
on december 25th 1866 a family of average money and status enjoyers up in niigata welcome yet another little prince into the world. it could mean nothing (and there's also the fact that noda borrowed the name from a real person), but the name tokushirou has the kanji for "fourth" in it, which is usually reserved for the fourth son. it was common practice for nobles back then to have a bunch of children (real life hijikata had 9 siblings), so him having at least 3 older brothers and god knows how many sisters wouldn't be out of line.
little prince enjoyed a lavish life of wagashi and piano lessons where he learnt beethoven's sonata 23 and probably other foreign pieces, something reserved for the elite. his status perhaps let him dabble in foreign languages as well, giving him an education rich in cultural teachings, which will come in handy in his future job. not as lavish as it could have been, though - in 1868, when prince was tenderly aged just two, daddy tsurumi senior (if that's even his real name) has been severely cucked in an attempt to Keep Japan Great and as a result of not unstanning the shogunate in a timely manner has suffered losses. who knows what he did when the samurai class was abolished, maybe he went into trade <3 if he was as smart as his son, maybe even foreign trade. maybe even with russia. or at some point he just put on a flop act when the family ran out of funds.
regardless of daddy's finances, junior decided to keep the samurai spirit, his bushido somehow landing him in the army. it's unknown how long he lived in russia before meeting his wife, but he knew enough russian to score a hot slavic gf, so honestly, slay? in 1891, aged 25 and with a freaky blonde baby, he meets wilk, his spiritual half-slavic twin. unfortunate for the wife and the baby, for wilk was the last person that they met. sad!
now that tsurumi learnt the taste of human fingers, he decided to adopt his evilsona. either sucking on them fingies like a horse munching on carrots or pathetic human grief should be credited with him going from a cutesy, blob chubby cheeks look to a chad defined facial structure with chiseled cheekbones we don't know, but he complemented the facial reconstruction with lifeless eyes, sexy eyebags, and a pointy villain moustache and invested in hair gel to keep his outgrown locks slicked back. classy as hell. just two years later, aged 27, he's spotted being weird to children in a dojo in sweet home niigata. one of those children happened to be a young 12 years old usami, whose sheer amount of swagger tsurumi could only dream of, but who nevertheless felt himself swayed by thirst towards the recent widower. perhaps it was his kinda goth vibe? who knows. a year later usami (13) flips his lid and murders his bff, which tsurumi covers up and blames on a horse (kinda rude considering they're the same species), which ends up demoting him in the army. but it's okay because, thanks to usami, he learnt that he's sexy enough to manipulate other people's thirst for him in his own gain. very resourceful.
a year later, in 1894, he goes to his first war, where again he rediscovers psychology and comes to #conclusions. in 1895 he comes back to niigata, shares his thots on the human psyche with some random dude, and tells 14 years old usami that he's waiting for him in the army. this places usami as his first, most specialest candy boy.
in 1896, aged 30, he goes to meet his next toy on the death row. he tells him that he's been transferred to the 7th division in hokkaido, and that he'll be headed to russia as an intelligence officer, planning to take the dude along with him. he gets him off death row.
1897-1989 are a blind spot, we have no idea what he did in those years except that he returned to russia and at some point tried to #connect to that dude by hinting at his life story, except he was talking to someone way too dense to get his subtle hints. tragic, truly. before that at some point they went back too niigata, where tsurumi visited his mother's grave. there's no confirmation in the story, but we know that ogata might have also been accompanying him in russia; even if he wasn't, he did somehow meet ogata in this timeframe. maybe someday we'll find out how exactly.
in 1900, aged 34, he's back in japan, and down in kagoshima too, where he meets a 14 years old koito. most probably not incidental, safe to assume he went there with the exact goal of meeting this particular child. tsurumi is very hard-working.
in 1901, aged 35, he comes to tokyo accompanied by his 3 boy toys and threatens another girlboss with a gun in an attempt to keep yuusaku chaste. he meets kikuta, with whom he never really connected because he's into younger, more emotionally dependent and malleable people, but adds him to his collection nevertheless.
in 1902, tsurumi (36) goes to hakodate and orchestrates koito's (16) kidnapping, helped by ts*kishima, ogata and kikuta. usami didn't make the cut for some reason :( maybe he was left behind to guard tsurumi's copious stocks of hair gel at the military base.
judging by his ripped sleeves, he gets reunited with his spiritual twin mere days later. accompanied by usami and kikuta (it's what i call double shifting, or exploiting his employees. told yall he can't fucking stand kikuta), he is witness to the ainu massacre. very eventful week.
a year later koito pays him a visit in asahikawa and expresses his will to join his clique once he's done with school.
the russo-japanese war breaks out in 1904, where tsurumi gets hit by an arrow of fate in the face of a shrapnel while playing his mind games, and ends up losing a bit of his brain at the age of 38 (which only made him stronger and smarter #thegrindisreal). downside is that it ruined his brows and hairline.
in 1906 (age 40) he talks ogata into killing his dad (girlboss) because ogatapapa was his political enemy kind of, his facial hair was gross, and tsurumi's position in the 7th division needed to be strengthened. ogata obliges because they're besties.
the manga timeline starts a year later, in 1907, with tsurumi aged 41.
what comes next? who knows...
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red-becca · 3 years
Too Many Reds
One last oneshot I wanna share before Revin week. I swear, this is the last one-
Anyway, I originally only had plans to do one with a lot of Kevins. Much like @nunukim-182's art. As seen here.
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But then, I got obsessed with an anime with five Reds. Which is Quintessential Quintuplets (Goutobun No Hanayome). Also, I don't just think Red when watching the anime. It is genuinely a good anime that I enjoyed.
That's about it, really. Hope you enjoy this!
"Kev~ Kevin Stoley~ Wake up already, please~" A familiar voice could be heard whispering into Kevin's ear. "Come on, Kevin~ Wake up~"
Kevin made small noises as he squirmed, slowly opening his eyes and seeing his redheaded girlfriend give him a look of concern. "Red? What... What's going on? What happened exactly?"
Red sighed in relief, gently pushing the male's hair back. "Oh, thank goodness that you're okay. No need to call an ambulance for you..."
"Well, none of this would have happened anyway if a certain brute of a lady wasn't so rough with him..." A girl who looked exactly like Red suddenly popped into Kevin's vision, the clear distinction being that she had massive black angel wings and a thorny halo floating above her head. Not to mention, a long flowing black dress and really dark makeup that rivaled the goths' makeup.
"Wait, what?" Was all Kevin could say as he stared at the girl with squinted eyes, still feeling disoriented from waking up.
"Hmph, stop acting all high and mighty! Which you are not, by the way!" Another girl who looked like Red showed herself to the male's vision, her differences this time being that she had on a Viking helmet atop her wild unruly hair that had a few baby braids scattered about and a large battle axe strapped behind her.
"Alright, alright... Girls, I think we should all calm down before we end up scaring Kev off again like last time..." You guessed it, yet another Red clone was with them. This one had clothes resembling that of a pirates, with large gold accessories and a huge scar across her face to go along with the look.
"Oh, shut your mouth! You have no right to boss us around like that! You're not that much older than we are!" Viking Red yells at her, huffing and crossing her arms. "Stop acting like you can easily just be the middle man between the five of us!"
"Hmph! As much as I hate agreeing with such a brute like you, you're right!" Dark Angel Red puts her hands on her hips the turns to Pirate Red. "Don't you ever dare boss us around like that again!"
Pirate Red let out a few nervous laughs as she raises her hands in defeat. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was bossing you around, you two. I just don't like any fighting between us..."
"She is right about one thing, though!" And then, one final Red showed up. She had three tentacle looking aliens wrapped around her along with a clear green visor over her eyes. "Look, Kevin looks really freaked out at us!" The alien points at the male which makes him jump and get even more nervous.
All five Red looks over at him, making him jump again. Viking Red spoke up first and squinted her eyes at him. "And so he does... What the heck, Kev? Why are you looking at us as if you had only just met us? Huh?"
"Because I have just met you!" He yelled out, getting off his girlfriend's lap, if she even was his girlfriend as he was having serious doubts after witnessing to what was right in front of him. "Red! What the fuck?! Why are there like... four more of you?! And who the fuck are you four?!"
"Umm... Kev, there's always been four of me? Hell, you've meet all five of us before..." Normal Red raised a brow at him, giving him a confused look.
Viking Red angrily pouts at his words, her face looking exactly the way Red does whenever she gets angry. "Hmph! Typical of you to forget about us just like that, Stoley..."
Kevin was about to speak up but Pirate Red beat him to it, letting out a few laughs before she spoke. "Well, the stunt you did with him was pretty severe... Maybe it did a number on his noggin there..."
"So, you're saying it's my fault he's like this?! Typical! Always blaming me when something goes wrong with Kevin!" Viking Red huffs, looking away as she crossed her arms.
"There's no point in arguing about him losing his memory now... All we have to do is introduce ourselves to him all over again. That sounds like the most plausible thing to do... What says you, Alien Red?" Normal Red turns to Alien Red who was happily playing and petting with her aliens. "Alien Red?"
"Hmm? Oh! Me!" Alien Red giggles cheekily and rubs the back of her neck then immediately loses the cheery expression. "Well, first off! Call me by my proper title, you peasants! I am a queen by birth!"
"Didn't you technically renounce that title of yours, princess?" Viking Red smirked, glancing over at her before looking away again.
"W-well... Again, I am a queen! And so I did... Because ruling my kingdom became too much to me... But I am still a queen in my heart!" Alien Queen Red gave a proud grin before turning back to Normal Red. "Wait, Red... What was your question again? I forgot..." She giggles shyly and rubbed the back of her neck.
"Typical... Despite being the oldest one here, you are such the airhead..." More giggles could be heard from the alien. "Then again, you got distracted by yet another snarky comment from our dragonslayer who hasn't even slain a dragon herself for years now..."
"Ooh! You just got roasted, girl!" Pirate Red hollered. "And not even by a dragon as you haven't even seen one in ages! Oh! You just got burned again! How does that make you feel, so-called dragonslayer?!"
Dragonslayer Red smirked as she looked down. "Why, just great, really... It gave me the genius thought that if I can't slay a dragon right now, I'll just slay one of you bitches right now!" She grabs her battle axe from behind her back, ready to swing it right to the pirate's neck.
Dark Angel Red sighed as she used some of her dark magic to stop the dragonslayer before she could even get near the pirate. "What is also typical is all four of you acting with literally no class! Like a bunch of children!" She huffs as she lets go of the dragonslayer. "Let's just get the introductions over with already! I'll just do it for us, even!"
She clears her throat before turning to Kevin, giving him a small curtsy. "Greetings, Kevin Stoley. My name is Dark Angel Red... I know it might be pretty obvious with how I look, that is what I'm named. But just to make things clear and all that..." She points to Alien Queen Red.
"Now, you might have heard her name already but I'll still introduce her, either way. Her former Majesty, Alien Queen Rivqah of the planet Cervana. We mostly just call her Alien Queen Red for short."
Alien Queen Red waved at Kevin and he responded with a small wave back, letting out a nervous laugh as he did so.
"Now, here is-" Dragonslayer Red cuts her off, scoffing loudly as she puts her axe back on her back.
"Oh, I'll damn myself to death first before I even think of letting a stuck up bitch like you introduce someone like me..." Dark Angel Red just rolled her eyes in response. "Anyways..." She spits on the ground and crosses her arms before giving Kevin a death glare, making him gulp nervously.
"I'm impressed you managed to forget someone like me... Unlike these whiny girlies..." The other four girls glare at her after she said that. "I have a personality worth remembering..." She proudly said along with a huge grin, a hand on her chest.
"Umm, I think you were supposed to introduce yourself there... Did you forget to?" Alien Queen Red pointed out, making her face go red and the other Reds giggle under their breath.
"I- Uh- Of course not! I was just getting to it and you interrupted me!" She let out another loud huff and crossed her arms again.
"Oh, right! Of course! My mistake, Dragonslayer Red! Go on then!" The alien giggles innocently, a small smile on her face.
"I mean... You fucking ruined my introduction by saying my name there but..." Dragonslayer Red looked over at Kevin and pointed a finger at him. "You heard it, Stoley... The name's Dragonslayer Red and you better not forget it. Got it?"
"G-got it!" Kevin nodded, shakily raising his hand to give a thumbs up.
This, for some strange reason, got the dragonslayer all flustered, making her look away and cover her face with one hand. "D-damnit... Why must you do that?"
"H-huh? D-do what?" The male asked with a confused expression on his face.
"Ugh! Be a nuisance, obviously!" She angrily yelled, growling underneath her breath.
"S-sorry then!" He raised his hands in defeat, this version of Red definitely being his least favorite with how hostile she was to him.
"And there you go again! Such a nuisance!" She huffed, walking away from the small group to clean her axe.
"Uh..." Kevin wanted to approach her and apologize but was scared she would just snap at him again.
"Oh, just ignore Dragonslayer Red, Kev... She's the biggest tsundere between all five of us..." Pirate Red giggled, waving a hand in the air.
"I am not a tsundere!" Dragonslayer Red yelled. "How many times do I have to tell all you girlies that?!"
Pirate Red laughs a bit before turning to Kevin. "Guess it's my turn, hmm? From my get- up, you would assume my name would be something as simple as say... Pirate Red?" Kevin nodded at her question. "Well, wrong! I'm actually Swashbuckler Red! I used to travel far and wide to find booty..." She smirks at Kevin. "Then I found a booty worth staying for~" She finished with a wink.
Normal Red immediately pushes her away before Kevin could say anything more. "I, uh... Hi, Kev... You obviously already know me... I just get called Red... As there's nothing that special about me..." She nervously laughs before clearing her throat. "Anyways..  Kev, after that whole mess, do you remember us now?" Normal Red asked as all five of the girls stood in a line before him.
"Uh... No! Actually, that whole introduction thing didn't help me at all! Look, I didn't hit my head, lose my memory or anything else!" Kevin yelled as he slowly walked back but all five Red simply just walked towards him.
"Hmm... It seems to be that his condition can't be treated by us simply introducing ourselves... I think each of us need to spend more alone time with him and help him remember something about us..." Dark Angel squinted her eyes at him.
"Oh, yes! Sounds the most scientifically accurate way to get better results!" Alien Queen Red happily exclaimed, wrapping her arms around one of his. "I get first dibs on hanging out with him alone!"
"Uh, no..." Normal Red grabbed hold of his other arm. "What makes you have the right to do that? Nothing, right? Therefore, I have the first dibs on getting him alone because-"
"You're his best friend, blah, blah, blah... We know..." Dragonslayer Red groaned and rolled her eyes as she grabbed Kevin by his collar. "That is a shitty excuse, girly. If anything, he should get to know me first seeing as I am the most amazing and cool one between us..."
"Oh, please... You don't even like him. So, why even bother introducing yourself to him, you filthy brute?" Dark Angel Red huffed as she grabbed hold of Kevin's leg.
"W-well..." Dragonslayer Red started getting flustered, shaking her head to get rid of it. "Whatever! What do you care?! This is my life, not yours! I do what I want with it!"
As all the Reds started yelling and fighting over him, Kevin ended up screaming on the top of his lungs. And that was when he woke up from the horrible nightmare he had... Kevin was now back in his bed with a slowly waking up Red beside him.
"Ugh, Kevin... What the heck, sweetie? It's like..." She checks the alarm clock. "3 in the morning... What's with the scream- Ah!" She yelps as the male hugs her. "A hug? Geez, if you wanted to cuddle while we slept, you could have just asked..." She blushed as she hugged back.
"Oh, it's you! It's really you! The one and only you!" He happily exclaimed, hugging her with tears in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah? It is me? And there is only one me? Why are you saying the obvious to me?" She looks down at him with a confused look.
"I..." He chuckled softly as he cuddles up to her. "Okay, this might sound crazy... But I actually ended up having the same nightmare you had a while back..."
Red laughs at this, cuddling him back. "Please... Kevin, we live in South Park... That's the least crazy sounding thing to be said ever..." She kisses the top of his forehead. "But that nightmare made you realize something, right?"
He gave her a nod and a kiss on cheek. "Mhmm, firstly... More than one Red is not Heaven, it is fucking Hell..." Red laughs at him again. "And that... I'm really happy with the one and only Red I have... The perfect Red for me..." He smiled up at her before they went to sleep again.
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amandawhoo · 7 years
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