#and the funniest part was..... neither had to feel that pressure to belong.... bc madoc was 100% planning on making them both princesses...
eerna · 1 month
Honestly I was always neutral towards Taryn but your perspective really opened my eyes to some things. Jude is the ideal sword wielding tactician who the reader WANTS to be. But Taryn is more to realistic to what readers would ACTUALLY do, and I think that's where the dislike stems from. Tarn operates by playing the game through assimilating; blending in and adapting to be safe. Making herself small or big depending on when the situation calls for it. Securing herself a marriage that would guarantee her protection and some fortune, even if that backfired in the end. That girl watches and learns and mimics to stay alive because what else can she do?? Die in this place specifically designed to kill her?? People look at Jude as strong because of her kill count but Taryn has that same strength. Having the literal guts to murder someone you gave your heart to, who you bet your life and familial relationships against, only to have them chew your love for them and spit it out like nothing and manipulate you to see it as an act of love takes a lot of strength. Taryn's loneliness and insecurities feed themselves in a torturous loop so its no wonder that she makes poor decisions at times. I haven't read her novella but I'm going too now. Thanks for always being honest on your Book Takes™️ because I really needed to hear a new perspective. Taryn and Suren get such a bad rep for not handling their trauma exactly as Jude, or for not being more like Jude in general, and they deserve just as much love and appreciation!
Anon this was a DELIGHT to read, I agree with it all!!!! Taryn decided not to risk her life and try to win the game by not breaking any rules, and that is 100% what most of us would do. It's the ugly reality!!! You probably wouldn't be the poison-ingesting, sword-swinging, adrenaline-addicted sister, you'd more likely be the terrified one trying not to take one step away from the beaten path!!!!
Always happy to provide my thoughts, even if they are sometimes clownery incarnate, thank you for enjoying them~
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