#and the cognative dissonence has been wearing away at him for MILLENIA
mayasaura · 2 years
I am chomping at the bit to find out more about Emperor John. Of all the mysteries still in play, he's the one I'm most invested in. What the fuck is up with him.
Did he really set off the bombs/kill the planet/whatever the fuck happened? If not, then who did? If yes, then why? What is he after? What invasion force is he gathering, where does he intend to take it? Is he just blowing steam about the idea of a second Resurrection, or is that actually one of his goals? What was the first Resurrection? An attempt to save planet Earth, and the human species?
How has he changed in the last ten thousand years? What does that do to a person? Is he capable of forming new attachments? Does he care that he has a kid? Does he care about Harrow when she's not directly in front of him? Did he intentionally engineer imperfect lyctorhood, or did his besties just do that and he decided to roll with it? If he goes into the River or dies does it really put out the sun? If not, is he intentionally lying about that or will he be just as surprised as anyone else? It's not like he would have been able to test it.
Why is he afraid of Alecto? Is he afraid she might hurt him, or is he afraid of what she'll think of him?
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