#and that middle pic was mid meow
peachychip85000 · 10 months
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dailydianakko · 4 years
Undying Au-Fuck
I woke up the next day in my coffin. I walked out of it and put on some black eyeliner, black eyesharrow, blood-bed lipstick and a black really low-cut leather dress that was all ripped and in stripes so you could see my belly. I was wearing a skull belly ring with black and red diamonds inside it. (Da night before Diana and I rent back to the skull (geddit skull koz im goffik n I like deth). Holbrooke chased Pool away. We flew there on our brooms. Mine was black and the broom-stuff was blood-red. There was lace all over it. Diana had a black MCR boom. We went back to our rooms and we had you-know-what to a Linkin Park song.) Well anyway I went down to the Grate Hall. There all da walls were painted black and da tables were black too. But you fould see that there was pink pant underneath the black pant. And there were pastors of poser bands everywhere, like Ashlee Simpson and the Backstreet Boys. “WTF!” I shouted going to sit next to Lotte Gothic Night’fall 666 and Barbara. L’Ote Gothic Nightfall 666 was wearing a black leather mini with a Good Chraloote t-shirt, black fishnets and black pointy boots. Barbara was wearing a long gothic blak dress with blood red writing that was all lacy and came up to your thighs and black boots and fishnets. Vampire, Dracula and Diana came. We started to talk about who was sexier, Mikey or Gerard Way or Billie Joe Armstrong. The girls joined in cause they were bi. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” Andrew was saying as suddenly a gothic old woman with a black beard and everything came. She was the same one who had chassed away Paul yesterday. She had normal tan skin but she was wearing white foundation and she had died her hare black. “……………….HOOLBROOKE?1!” we all gasped. “WTF?” I shouted angrily. “I thought she was just wearing that to scare Paul!” “Hello everyone.” she said happily. “As u can see I gave the room a makeover. Whjat do u fink about it?” Everyone from the poser table in Gryiffindoor started to cheer. Well we goths just looked at each other all disfusted and shook our heads. We couldn’t believe what a poser he was!1. “BTW you can call me Miranda.” SHE CALLED AS WE LEFT to our classes. “What a fucking poser!” Duana shouted angrily as we we to Transfomation. We were holding hands. Vampire looked really jealous. I could see her crying blood in a gothic way (geddit, way lik Gerard) but I didn’t say anything. “I bet she’s havin a mid-life crisis!” Su’cY shouted. I was so fucking angry. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day we sat angerly finking about Helbrooke. We were so fucking pissed off. Well, I had one thing to look forward too- da MCR concert. It had been postphoned, so we could all go. Anyway, I went to the common room sadly to cut classes. Diana was being all secretive. I asked what it was and she got all mad me and started crying all hot and angsty (rnt sensitve lesbian gurlz r so hot). “No one fucking understands me!1” she shouted angrily as her green and blonde hare went in her big blue eyes like Billie Joe in Boulevard of Borken Dreamz. Shee was wearing black baggy paints, a black MCR t-shirt and a black die. (geddit insted of tie koz im goffik) I was wearing a blak leather low cut top with chains all over it all over it a blak leather mini, black high held boots and a cross belly fing. My hair was al up in a messy relly high bun like Amy Lee in Gong Under. (email me if u wana see da pik) “Accuse me? What about me!” I growled. “Buy-but-but-” she grunted. “You fucking bastard!” I moaned. “No! Wait! It’s not what it fucking looks like!” she shouted. But it was to late. I knew what I herd. I ran to the bathroom angrily, cring. Diana banged on the door. I whipped and whepped as my blody eyeliner streammed down my cheeks and made cool tears down my feces like Benji in the video for Girls and Bois (VALK that is soo our video!). I TOOOK OUT A CIGARETE END STARTED TO smoke pot. Suddenly Avery came. she had appearated. “You gave me a fucking shock!” I shouted angrily dropping my pot. “Wtf do you fink you’re doing in da red team’s room?” Only it wasn’t just Avery. Someone else was with her too! For a second I wanted it 2 b Andrew or maybe Diana but it was HObrooke. “Hey I need to ask you a question.” she said, pulling out her black wanabe-goffik purse. “What are u wearing to the concert?” “U no who MCR r!” I gasped. “No I just saw there was a concert dat a lot of gothz and punx were going 2.” She said. “Anyway Diana has a surprise for u.” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder mini, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. MCR were gong 2 do the concert again, since POOL had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Diana so we could do it again. “Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Picies! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Holbrooke had told us all 2 be careful around het and Nelson since she was a pedo. “No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.”s he growld angrily. “Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally. “Fuker.” She said, gong away. Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Pieces and Nelson were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Finnelan was watching!1 “Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Finnelan ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing the sheep of wuter) but both of them were fuking preps. “WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat) “Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Pisces shouted angrily. “Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed. “You dimwit!.” Nelson began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything. “Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?” “It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my girlfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to holbeook. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Paul, looking extremely fucking hot. “WTF where’d Diana?” I asked him. “Oh she’s bein a fucking bastard. She told me she wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking her hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?” Then….. she showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. She said her rummate constanze had given it 2 her. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘AAKEW’ on it. ……….I gasped. We flew to the concert hall. MCR were there, playing. Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band. I almost had an orgasim. Gerard was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Helena’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Diana, cryin in a corner. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Later we all went in the skull. Diana was crying in da common room. “Duana are u okay?” I asked in a gothic voice. “No I’m not u fuking bitch!”s he shouted angrily. She stated to run out of the place in a suicidal way. I stated to cry cuz I was afraid she would commit suicide. “Its ok Akki.” said Vampire comfortly. “Ill make her feel better.” “U mean you’ll go fuck her wont you!” I shouted angrily. Then I ran 2 get Diana. Vampire came too. “Diana please come!” she began to cry. Tears of blood came down her pail face. I wuz so turned on cuz I love sensitive lesbun gurlz. (if ur a homophone den fuk of!) And then………………………….. we herd sum footsteps! Vampire got out her blak invincibility coke. We both gut under it. We saw the janitor Meenotar there, shouting angrily with a flashlight in his hand. “WHOSE THERE!” he shouted angrily. We saw a rat come. It went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly. “IS ANY1 THERE!” yelled Mr. Menotaur. “No fuck u you preppy little poser sun of a fukcing bich!” Vampire said under her breast in a disgusted way. “EXCUS ME! EXCUS ME WHO SED DAT!” yelled Mr. Norris. Den he heard the rat meow. “RAT is der any1 unda da cloak!” he asked. The Rat nodded. And then……………………….Vampir frenched me! She did it jus as…………………….. Mr. Mentouar was taking of da cloak!1 “WHAT DA-” he yelled but it was 2 late cuz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw Duana crying n bustin in2 tearz and slitting her rists outside of da school. “Diana!” I cried. “R u okay?” “I guess though.” Diana weeped. We went back to our coffins frenching each other. Diana and I decided to watch Lake Placid (c isnt da deprezzin) on the gothic red bed together. As I wuz about 2 put in the video, my eyes rolled up and suddenly I had a vision of something that was happening now. There was a knok on the door and Fafnir and da Mystery of Magic walked into the school!1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All day everyone talked about the Misery of Magic. Well anyway, I woke up the next day. I was in my coffin so I opened the door. I was wearing blak lacey leather pajamas. Then I gasped. Standing in front of me where………………. B;loody Lotta Nighdfall 666, Vampire, Diabolo, Diana, Dracula and Barbara! I opened my crimson eyes. Barbara was wearing a tight black leather top with pictures of bloody roses all over it. Under that she wart a black poofy skirt wit lace on it and black gothic boots that was attached to the top. Vampire was wearing a baggy Simple Plan t-shirt and baggy black pants and Vans. Diana was wearing a black MCR t-shirt and blak jeans and a leather jacket. She looked just likee Gerard Way, and almost as fucking sexy. Vampire looked like Joel Madden. B’loody Lotte Nightf’all 666 was wearing a tight black poofy gothic dress that she had ripped so it showed of all her clearage with a white apron that said ‘bich’ and other swear words and MCR lyrics on it kind of like one dress I had seen Amy Lee wear once. Darkness (who is Avery) was there too. She was weaving a ripped gothic black dress with ripped stuff all over it and a lace-up top thing and black pointy boots. So were Hannah and Wangari. It turns out that Darkness, Diabolo, Hannahs and Wangaru’s dad was a vampire. He committed suicide by slitting his wrists with a razor. He had raped them and stuff before too. They all got so depressed that they became goffik and converted to Stanism. “OMFG” I yielded as I jumped up. “Why the fuck are u all here?” “Akki something is really fucked up.” Duana said. “OK but I need to put my fucking clothes on first.” I shouted angrily. “It’s all right. We have to go now and you look kawaii anyway. Your so fucking beautiful.” Diana said in a sexy voice. “Oh all right.” I said smiling. “But you have to tell me why your being all erective.” “I will I will.” she said. So I just put on some black eyeliner, black lipstick and red eyeshadow and white foundation. Then I came. We all went outside the Lucbh room and looked in from a widow. A fucking prep called Chole from Purple Teeam was standing next to us. She was wearing a pink mini and a Hilary Duff t-shirt so we put up our middle fingers at her. Inside the Great Hall we could see Holbreooke. FAFNIE was there shouting at Hobroooke. Finnelam was there too. “THIS CANNOT BE!” she shouted angrily. “THE SCHOOL MUST BE CLOSED!” “PAUL IS PLANNING TO KILL THE STUDENTS!” yelled Fafrnir. “YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE THE PRINCIPAL ANY LONGER!” yelled Finnelan. “YOU ARE TOO OLD AND YOUR ALZHEIMERS IS DANGEROUS! YOU MUST RETRY OR PAUL WILL KILL YOUR STUDENTS!” “Very well.” Holbrooke said angrily. “Butt we cannot do this. We can’t close the school. There is only one person who is capable of killing Paul and she is in the school. And her name is…………………………………………………………………..Akko Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.” Diana, Hannah, Barbara, Darkness, S’ucky, Vampire and B’loody Lotte Nightfall 666 looked at each other………I gasped.
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millerflintstone · 5 years
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I had kitty cats growing up. My mom started feeding strays after she and my dad divorced so we always had kitties around. I have pics but I’d have to scan them in. My kitty was Silky, a mean calico that probably had a Siamese for a father. She loved me, though. I got her when I was 10 and she lived to be 13. She had a brain tumor that was affecting her balance and vision. This happened while I was away at UNC for college. He took her to the vet and stayed with her when they put her down.
I was without a cat from late 1997 until September of 1999. We lived in MI then. Diva, who was about 1 at the time, was by the dumpsters one evening. I called to her fully expecting her to bolt, but she ran toward me and Unfriendly, followed us to our apartment and ran in when we opened the door. She’s the black and white kitty who is standing up and nestled into me. She was with us 19 years and sadly passed away in December 2018. She was full of personality and sass. Very vocal and chatty. She loved playing and cuddling but as she got more arthritic, she stopped seeking out lap and cuddle time. It’s still kind of weird without her. She was part of the family for so long.
In August 2000, we got Loki from a pet store in Belleville, MI. I can’t remember what we were doing. I had been talking about getting an orange tabby kitten and the local shelters didn’t have any. Loki chewed on Unfriendly’s finger and was the most spirited kitten, so we brought him home. He and Diva bonded immediately. She let him suckle her, even though she wasn’t lactating. That lasted about a year. He was born with bad kidneys and went into renal failure at 6. With treatment, he lived 6 more years. He was my little baby. I could hold him on my shoulder and he’d just hang off it like a rag doll. He talked a lot and loved playing. He was a bit too rough with Diva sometimes, though.  We had an unusual bond to where I could think his name like I was calling him and he’d come running. 
After he passed away, Diva got way more needy. She seemed to like interacting with a neighborhood kitty (who I’m guessing passed away years ago because he stopped coming ‘round). After a year without Loki, I happened upon Gigabyte (her first and only name) at the local Petsmart. She was in the habitat that the Humane Society was using. She was in the bottom middle cage and got my attention by pawing at the window. I saw 9 as her age but thought they surely meant 9 months. She seemed very young and was thin and I didn’t think Diva, who was 14 years old, could tolerate a kitten. When I went looking online for senior kitties, I saw she was listed. We met her the next week and ended up adopting her in mid October 2013. Diva did not like her at all. It took me a couple of years of positive reinforcement, play therapy, and lots of love to get them to a point where Gig didn’t care that she was being yelled at and Diva felt not as threatened by her presence. Edited to add: Gigabyte never picked a fight with Diva. Diva would swat her on the head and yell at her. Gig defended herself by swatting sometimes but she’d usually run away.
Gig did have a hard time being alone in the house after Diva passed away.  She’s a very sweet cat. I like that it looks like she's wearing a mask. Doesn’t meow a lot but will meow more and more now if she wants something. She seems to be fine as an only cat, so I might keep it that way. I’m debating getting her a tiara for her Quinceañera (catceañera?) this year since she’ll be 15. 
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February: Race for a Date
@gfhunklescalendar2017  (UNEDITED)
A/N: The beginning of a year where once a month I post a fic based of this wonderful calendar. This pic by: @sovonight
The Mystery Shack was full of life this February. While it was a bit cold outside it wasn’t too cold inside as the people moved around with boxes of different party supplies. Mabel and Dipper were taking a little bit of time off college to hang out in Gravity Falls with a bit of surprise of their great uncles visiting from exploring around the Indian Ocean.
Stan was content to relax on the couch with his goddaughter in his lap while everyone else worked to decorate the place to Mabel’s tastes. The baby seemed content with this decision.
“Alright party people,” Mabel said as she walked into the room, “And Dipper.”
Her twin in question’s smile slipped off his face at the sudden exclusion for being part of the ‘party people’. Why that joke had become a staple in his family he would never know. He was great at parties…well maybe not this kind of party but still.
“We have less than twelve hours to get this belated Valentine’s Day extravaganza up and running!”
The teenager span where she stood to show off her sparkly, heart covered pink sweater. A few particles of glitter fell off it and landed on the floor.
“I am talking streamers everywhere, heart shaped balloons, a rocking D.J.-,”
Soos gave a cheer from behind his half-way complete set up for tonight’s party. Melody was standing next to him holding the wires. Both of them looked a little lost with the new stuff but Mabel trusted them to figure it out…and Wendy to help them.
“And of course, amazing dates for everyone.”
The repeat of the word came from three people in the room. One being Mabel’s own twin and the other two being the old men who were not aware of this rule.
“Yeah,” Mabel laughed and rolled her eyes, “Dates. You can’t have a Valentine’s Day Extravaganza without a ‘date’. That’d be silly.”
“Yeah, I ain’t going out and looking for a date just to go to a dance in my own home,” Stan said with a frown. The baby in his lap giggling as if in agreement with him.
“Technically this is not your home anymore, Stanley,” Stanford reluctantly pointed out to his brother before looking at his great niece with a frown.
“But I do not see why a date is required to go to an event that we are helping to set up.”
Mabel rolled her eyes again.
“Oh come on,” she laughed, “You are acting like finding a date is going to be hard. Just go out and ask someone. I am sure a bunch of people would say yes.”
“Sweetie, it ain’t that simp-.”
“Meow. Meow. Meow,” Mabel interrupted and put her hand up to stop the old man from continuing with that statement.
“I don’t want to hear anything else about this, Grunkle Stan. Both you and Grunkle Ford are going out and searching for a date. Me and the rest of the party crew will finish setting up.”
Mabel moved over to Stan and took the baby from his lap before he could use the child as an excuse.
“Lee needs to go to nap time anyway.”
The baby laughed at the change of hands. The tiny hands grabbing onto Mabel’s curls and pulling.
“Ow. Ow. So cute and precious-ow.”
Stan and Ford watched as Mabel carried off the baby with a confused frown. Dipper silently walked up between them and watched his sister as well before sighing.
“No use arguing with her,” he said and ignored how he made both of the old men jump, “You better get a move on.”
“What about you? You need a date too,” Stan remarked as he pulled himself up from the couch.
“I…was hoping you would forget about that.”
Stanford patted Dipper’s shoulder with a smirk, “Never.”
“Come on,” Stan grabbed his car keys and smirked, “If we are going to get a date for Mabel’s dance then we are going to do this right.”
Stanley left the house and Stanford moved to follow with a look that read he was not looking forward to whatever his brother considered ‘right’.
“I swear, if you make us dress up…” He grumbled.
Stanford pulled at the sweater vest his brother had thrown out him feeling a little out of place. The fact that his neck was exposed to the chill of the February air was a little weird. At least he wasn’t forced to take off his trench coat.
He could count that as a blessing. He could also count this outfit as a blessing seeing how his twin looked like he stepped out of the 80s disco pictures he had seen when he was trying to catch up on the three decades he had missed. The powder blue shirt and the white suit were an eye catcher, that was for sure, and Stanley seemed to take pride in it.
“I thought I told you I didn’t want to dress up,” Ford sighed, “And where did you even get these?”
“Details, Sixer, details.”
Dipper threw a jacket over the shirt he had been forced to change into as he stepped out of the car and walked over to where to two men where. He was glad he didn’t have to go full out like Stan had made Ford but the dumb graphic t-shirt with a formal suit printed on the front was still ridiculous.
They had driven to the park and were standing out in the cool February air. A lot of people were out in the unusually warm day in the middle of this usually chilly month.
“So,” Dipper asked as he stopped next to them, “What is the plan?”
“The plan is we get someone to say yes to go to the dance so we don’t have to spend the night at McGucket’s.”
Stanford messed with the bottom of the sweater vest. Honestly he wouldn’t mind staying with his old college friend. They could play board games, maybe watch a movie; just avoid the loud crowd of a party in general. Stanford got lost in the idea of having a lazy night in. It seemed more appealing than going out and asking a stranger to go to a dance that his own great niece had put together.
“Yo! Earth to Captain Stanford. We need you to return from the space out mission, ASAP.”
Fingers snapped in front of the older twin’s face and made him come out of his daze. He noticed Dipper was missing and it was just Stanley and himself standing in the parking lot.
“Yes?” Stanford asked confused.
“I sent Dipper up head while you were having your space out,” Stan said and crossed his arms, “Kid seemed to suddenly get an idea for all this and ran off.”
“Oh? Well, maybe I should follow him. Make sure that he is okay or that his idea isn’t-.”
Stan’s hand on his arm stopped Ford from making his retreat to the safety of the car.
“You ain’t getting out of this, bro.”
Stanford sighed as he was dragged into the park by his brother. The two of them watching the patrons for a few moments before Stanley challenged him to get a date before him. With this whole situation as a completion it became a little less of a worrying burden in his head. They both split up with a curt nod and started to look around the park on their own.
Many patrons were subjected to the twins. Both of them going after anyone they deemed they could have a chance with. Stanford’s first approach with a few of them had been shaky as it had been a long time since he had actually tried to get a date with a human entity, and even those interdimensional creatures had been accidental dates that he had not intended on trying to get.
When the nervous approach didn’t seem to work he took to watching Stan across the park as he was slapped by a woman. That was nothing new. He had seen it happen countless times while they were traveling around the world. It was when he was looking away from Stan when he spotted the person he could have a chance with.
Stanford got up and stopped on his way over to them when he noticed a rose lying on the ground. It had probably been thrown there by a rejected valentine. Carefully he picked it up and brushed off the dirt. It seemed to give him a boost of confidence and the man made his way over.
On the other side of the park, Stanley was rubbing his cheek and watching the person that had just slapped him walk away. He did admit to himself that the joke he had made had been a little out there but he doubted it earned him a slap to the face. It hadn’t even been a dirty joke, that person was just too sensitive for his tastes. Still, at this rate he was most likely going to lose this date-race.
That is when Stanley noticed someone walking down the middle path of the park. They seemed to be just perfect to get him into the dance. A one-time date that could work. Stanley fixed the collar of his shirt and started to head over and stopped when he saw some flower poking out of the ground early for the time of year it was. He reached down and grabbed them; making sure to get rid of any roots that came up with the small flowers. Stan put a confident smile on his face and made his way over to the person.
Stanford and Stanley got in front of the person they desired at the exact same time and stopped their walk.
“Hey there, beautiful-.”
“I don’t mean to seem stra-.”
They both froze mid greeting and slowly turned their head to see each other. The person they had been moving towards was the same. The matching shocked expressions turned into glares in an instant.
“What the hell are you doing, Stanford?”
“Obviously I am trying to get a date. You know, the whole point of this crazy mission.”
Stanley laughed, “A date? With the person I saw first? Never thought you would go that low.”
“You saw?” Stanford sputtered and stood up straighter, “Stanley, I was here before you. If I remember correctly, you were getting slapped when I was moving over here.”
Stanley laughed and crossed his arms, “Oh now you were watching me, huh? Trying to find out my super-secret flirting tactics?”
“Why would I take flirting tactics from a guy that hasn’t even held a relationship for an over a year since high school.”
Stanley gasped and took a step back.
“You take that back!”
As the two of them continued their argument the person that had been their ‘object of desire’ slowly backed away and fled the scene.
Stan and Ford arrived back at the Shack covered in dirt from when they had started wrestling in the middle of the park and noticeably dateless. Inside the house pink, red, and white lights were flashing back and forth and the house was shaking with music. They both had stayed out until party time trying to get a date.
They hadn’t even gotten fully up the steps when the door flew open and Mabel was there to greet them.
“Where have you two been?” Mabel said, “I was worried you two got eaten by a big monster or something.”
The teen tried to look like the stern parent but no one that covered in hearts and glitter could ever look stern. Stan still shifted nervously under his gaze and rubbed the back of his neck.
“We were out trying to get dates for your party.”
Mabel seemed to brighten at that, “You were? Did you get one?”
Ford glanced at the floor, “No. It seemed we cannot find anyone compatible to us in Gravity Falls.”
“Or we just keep arguing in front of the possible matches and scaring them off,” Stan laughed weakly.
Mabel looked at her two Grunkles confused before she started laughed. The two old men stared at their great niece confused as she fell into a fit of giggles.
“You guys thought you had to get a date-date?”
“Um…” Ford looked at Stan confused.
“Isn’t that what you told us to do?”
Mabel shook her head, “No. I told you two you had to get a date. Like Dipper got a ‘date’ with Wendy or I got a ‘date’ with Grenda and Candy. Or…or like how McGucket brought his raccoon…”
She stopped and thought about that one, “Actually that last one might be a date-date.”
“So you are saying we were out all day to find a friend to go to this with?” Stan asked in utter disbelief.
“Yeah,” Mabel chirped happily but the smile faded at the confused and utter shock on both her favorite old men’s faces. They seem so shocked and embarrassed that they had wasted a whole day.
Slowly, the teen reached and grabbed their hands.
“Grunkle Stan. Grunkle Ford. Would you two be my date to the dance?”
She looked up at them with wide pleading eyes. The weirdness of the day was behind them as they nodded and let Mabel lead them into the party to dance with their ‘date’.
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