#and that linkin park only has two good albums ❤️
daeluin · 8 months
you understand everything about me when you learn my first "celebrity crush" was mike shinoda
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the-softest-bruise · 2 years
Post your favorite album by 8 artists you like and your favorite song from the album…
I'm counting on the expand post feature, if for some reason it doesn't work out oopsie haha *twirls hair* sorry for not being able to shut up about my questionable taste in music lmao. I have no idea how to add a read more on mobile in the year of the lord two thousand and twenty two
I was tagged by @lagloriana thank you so much! ❤️ (yes of course I wanna do it!! consider me down for getting tagged in anything really, even if it takes me several years to get around to doing it in the end)
I'm tagging @eulenspiegelei @burning-in-this-dark-world @melaninm0nster @maybecomedy (only if you want to of course! also please let me know if anyone wants to be removed from this post, that's no problem) (also!! if anyone wants to be added that shouldn't be a problem either! just lemme know)
Alright here goes, sorry in advance if anyone decides to listen to anything simply because I'm mentioning it here:
1. Lana del Rey / Ultraviolence - Cruel World (i don't know what it is but this song unlocks shrimp emotions in me. Also I'm aware how much she clashes with the rest of this list but she's everything and whenever she releases something new I will listen to it no questions asked. Hope I get to see her live on stage one day ❤️)
2. Alice Cooper / Brutal Planet - Cold Machines (probably not my favorite song by him generally speaking but probably my favorite song on that particular album on which I like every single one of the songs. The only singer on this list I've seen live on stage - twice - and intend to see again, fingers crossed. He means so much to me and my obsession with Your Dad's Music™ is entirely his fault because he started it when I heard Poison for the first time in 2008)
3. Limpbizkit / Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog Flavored Water - My Way (listen, if the music sounds like something that would be played at a small independent skateboard store that sells oversized hoodies it's very likely right up my alley, no matter if it's rap, rock or reggae or a mix of all of these genres)
4. Linkin Park / Meteora - Somewhere I Belong (I'd say I like Hybrid Theory just the same, maybe even more, but it's harder to pick a favorite song on there. One of the bands that means the most to me but that I hardly ever actually listen to anymore)
5. HIM / Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights - Beautiful (I remember so clearly the first time listening to this album in 2005~ish, I got the CD from the library and kept returning it just to immediately borrow it again until I finally bought it from the local record store. Feels like a melancholic summer night just after sundown)
6. Led Zeppelin / Mothership - When The Levee Breaks (yeah that's a Best Of Album, so what. It has all the good shit. Feels like late summer to me and I always listen to it in the car throughout September)
7. Metallica / Black Album - Wherever I May Roam (that's probably a controversial opinion, I know the black album is a breaking point in the band history for some fans. also, I don't necessarily consider myself a die hard fan despite literally owning a t-shirt lol. I do like this album though and have a lot of memories connected to it.)
8. Mötley Crüe (derogatory) (I have been listening to their music A LOT lately while literally thinking they're trash but not being able to fucking stop? I don't know which new mental illness I have discovered in me) / Theater of Pain - Home Sweet Home (here's the thing: Mötley Crüe is not even remotely in my top ten of favorite bands and theater of pain itself is okay I guess? However this fucking song? This FUCKING song?? Yes I DO take you to my heart. Yes I DO feel you in my bones. No I REALLY never feel left all alone when I just take this song. 😭❤️😭❤️✊😔❤️️ I love this song so much I've been considering getting a fucking tattoo of it for well over ten years now, that's how much it means to me. That's long enough to decide about a tattoo, right?? I should do it. Easily in my top five of favorite songs of all times EVER. Play this at my funeral I'm not even kidding)
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