#and tbh i am just trading one no job field for another anyway cuz my ass was NOT getting a job in ecology either
mossiestpiglet · 4 months
Made the mistake of reading a reddit thread of a bunch of people talking about how easy and irritatingly unchallenging MLIS programs are and im filled with such dread and preemptive rage. I am not cut out for boredom and bullshit, and i kind of knew i was getting into something that was basically gonna be super easy and just busy work but now that im actually staring it down its so much worse :(
And my coworkers are all so excited for me and supportive and it’s already taking so much work to not sound like a total bitch when they ask me questions. Like no I’m not nervous about grad school because academia is a challenge, I’m nervous because if it isn’t challenging (which it rarely is) the boredom will turn me into a monster.
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