#and some research on how to make some diy orchid fertilizer
vvelegrin · 15 days
feeling like a Whole Person tonight despite feeling so tired that i could pass away. that's always nice! i don't care for the alternative (feeling so tired that i could pass away coupled with wanting to pass away).
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yumitsukiyoru · 8 days
Debunking Garden Myths: Unraveling the Science Behind DIY Gardening Tips
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Separating Fact from Fiction in the World of Gardening Advice
Ever wander through social media sites and wonder if you can really propagate roses by inserting cuttings into a tomato? Or if that “magical DIY fertilizer” is real? It’s easy to get lost among the thousands of videos offering “can’t-fail garden tips.”
Just how much scientific research goes into these instant success stories?
The Truth about Banana Peels and Orchids
“Place one piece under the orchid. It will grow 100 branches and bloom all year-round.”
The “piece” referred to here is a banana peel. The recipe involves fermenting a banana peel with molasses in water then using this liquid as a “magic” organic fertilizer.
Banana peels are actually beneficial to the garden when they are added to your compost. No need to slice and dice and wait three weeks for the magic to brew. Just toss the peels into your home compost bin or add to your green can.
Watermelon Rinds: A Trap for Snails, Not a Fertilizer
“Use watermelon peels to make organic liquid fertilizer.”
No magic required: Add watermelon rinds to your compost. Or invert melon rinds and place them in your garden as traps for snails and slugs. Scrape off the accumulated snails and slugs daily and destroy them.
Orchids and Ice Cubes: A Controversial Topic
“Water orchids with ice cubes” and “fertilize your orchids with a solution of rice water and garlic (or ginger).”
Ice cubes continue to be a controversial topic. Many online sites recommend that three ice cubes, once per week, offer the proper amount of moisture and prevent overwatering.
Orchids are tropical plants, and ice cubes can lower their temperature. It has been shown that ice cubes can harm the leaves and lead to crown or root rot over time. Water your plant “weakly weekly.” Once a week, water with half- or quarter-strength balanced, urea-free orchid fertilizer, allowing the water to flow through the pot.
Do not leave the plant sitting in a puddle.
Beware of Salted Pasta Water as a Plant Watering Solution
Numerous social media posts promote using your pasta cooking water to water plants. Most cooks salt their pasta water rather heavily; some chefs say, “Pasta water should be as salty as the sea.” The amount of salt in the water could be unhealthy for your soil and cause wilted or stunted growth. Even in a drought situation, watering plants with heavily salted water is not recommended.
The Myth of "Chemical-Free" Gardening
“Chemical free”
Really? And what would that be? Everything that exists is composed of chemicals — water, air, plants, our bodies — all composed of chemicals.
This term is frequently used in marketing to make us feel secure that the product is healthy, safe, free of toxins, or environmentally friendly. But, it is not chemical-free.
The Ineffectiveness of Natural Weed Control Methods
Random garden advisors recommend “natural” weed control using common household products such as baking soda, vinegar, or dish soap in a solution.
While these mixtures may not contain toxic chemicals, none of these products successfully kill weeds, but they can add a significant amount of sodium to the soil. Mulch garden areas well to inhibit the growth of weeds while also improving soil structure and providing other benefits.
Trusting Science-Based Gardening Advice
Watching videos of interesting characters presenting gardening tales passed down from their grandma or picked from other social media sources can be a fun way to fill the day and plan an “instant” and “magical” garden. Still, there’s a better and more reliable channel. Spend some time on the Marin Master Gardeners’ YouTube channel at youtube.com/c/UCMarinMasterGardeners.
Science-based gardening advice is scripted, fact-checked, staged, filmed, edited, and presented by UC Marin Master Gardeners. Recently released topics include Earth-friendly gardening, advice for planting natives and succulents, and how to attract birds to your garden. More than 30 timely videos will help you learn about the best practices for gardening in our Mediterranean climate.
When it comes to gardening advice, it's important to separate fact from fiction. While social media may be filled with enticing DIY tips and tricks, not all of them are backed by scientific research. From debunking the myth of banana peels as a magical fertilizer to cautioning against using heavily salted pasta water for watering plants, understanding the science behind gardening practices can help you make informed decisions for your garden.
Instead of relying on anecdotal advice, turn to trusted sources like the Marin Master Gardeners’ YouTube channel and their science-based gardening tips. By following evidence-based practices, you can cultivate a thriving garden while avoiding the pitfalls of misinformation.
So the next time you stumble upon a viral gardening video, take a moment to consider the scientific validity behind the claims. Your garden will thank you.
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