#and shows the progression of their relationship through recurring themes and yeah i just think it's cool
There are so many amazing things about the line “bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to LA.” First, it’s funny that it actually happened (and you can tell it’s real life because it wasn’t Love Story or Mine or some romantic love song: no. it was Bad Blood 😂), second it’s so sweet to me that he a) remembered it and b) thought to tell Taylor 🥺 and third, the Yoda-esque word order is hilarious (but it works!).
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revasserium · 10 months
Do you have any tips writing childhood friends to lovers? I'm trying to get it sweet and nostalgic but it's just ehhhh not working.
Also do you watch daiya no ace?
ohhh!! i love childhood friends to lovers :)
i guess the biggest thing is to really lean into the "childhood" part -- and i always love writing kids bc the way the look at the world is so "new", right? they're always encountering new things because their world view is literally always expanding. and love to them is such a basic, obvious thing, because (hopefully), they're born into it -- they should know love implicitly from their parents, and so when kids love something, it's a pure, almost overwhelming kind of thing --
think about when you'd love stuff as a kid -- it was your whole fucking world!!! and it's all-consuming bc you don't know any other way to a feel a thing. you only know huge happiness and huge sadness and HUGE HUGE HUGE good and bad things!!! and you don't have the words to explain it all but you feel it. and that's what i love about childhood friends bc the love is so unbiased and unabashed and so, so true.
you can write a love that's the purest form of love, without any ulterior motive or nuance.
in terms of technically writing childhood friends, i like to keep my language simple and the concepts simple. put yourself in the mind of a kid -- you only have so much vocabulary to explain the things around you, so you gotta make do. you can also get away with absolutes, like "momma said its true so it must be true" that kind of thing because to a kid, if an adult and esp a parents says something is true, then it's like... law. so you can play with concepts that way.
and then as you track the development of the childhood and the growth and the friendship, i like to focus on the complication of emotions as the characters learn to process them -- ie, when someone's 7 vs when they're 13, the way they think and feel about a thing is totally different. the feelings of a 13 year old are much more faceted and you can start to have actual conflict.
also, if you're really going for the nostalgia factor, put in repeating jokes! develop it into a theme and then use it as a recurring thing in your fic! there's no better way to show the progression of a relationship than to use literally one or two "stationary" points and show how both characters change in their relationship with "the thing". in haikyuu, for kageyama -- it's the whole "king" thing.
for childhood friends, it could be as simple as sharing icecream -- having that as idk... a way for character A to apologize to reader via offering them icecream. and then build the entire fic around that. then the icecream becomes a metaphor, it becomes something more than itself.
mmmmm let me know if you need more concrete examples, anon! :) i'm happy to try and dig through my own childhood friends to lovers fics to try and illustrate, but yeah! idk if this advice will do you any good but!!! i hope it kinda helps! :D
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This Christmas - A Harry Styles Christmas Series (Prologue)
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Two life long friends. Secretly in love. Home for the holidays. Will they risk everything by telling the other how they feel? Or will they spend another year loving from afar? 
Find out in This Christmas - A Harry Styles Christmas Series Starting December 14th.
It’s the cliche storyline of many movies and romance novels. The whole being secretly in love with your best friend never telling them thing… yeah that one. Except this time around it was a very real thing involving you and your best friend Harry Styles.
You and Harry grew up together living only a few houses down from each other. You two went to the same school together. Your Mum’s were always arranging playdates, so the two of them could hang out. There was never a time when either of you weren’t together. You were the best friends and promised to always be there for each other.
And you were for every heartbreak and every happy moment in time.
But then things changed. It wasn’t just your typical growing up and growing apart thing that happens sometimes with teenagers. It was something much bigger than that. Your best friend went to audition for a little show called X Factor and then technically never really came back.
At least the Harry you once knew never did. Yes, Harry was still Harry, but he was always Harry Styles of One Direction. He was traveling the world, performing in front of thousands of screaming fans, and making millions of dollars. His life had literally changed overnight, which naturally meant you being in his life changed as well.
Of course you two still stayed in touch as best you could, but eventually those moments came less and less frequent. And then a few years later, you moved out of your childhood home, attending University, and Anne moved out of Harry’s. After that your contact with him was almost non existent.
However, in the few times you two crossed paths, either during a trip back home or at one of his shows, it was like no time had passed at all. You two were still just Y/N and Harry. Whenever those moments happened, you were your most happiest and that was when you realized just how in love you were with your best friend.
It took you a really long time to finally admit that to yourself. The problem was that you have always loved Harry, but trying to separate a platonic love and a romantic love was harder than one might think. Upon your realization, you contemplated on sharing your newly discovered information, but you quickly talked yourself out of it.
Now, it’s not that you thought Harry was shallow, but it was hard willing you to put yourself out there when many of his known past relationships were who they were. Plus, the odds of him feeling the same way were practically zero. So, you decided to hide away your feelings in the back of your mind and move on.
Years have passed since then and for some reason, they kept popping back up. So much so that all of your romantic comedy novels you’ve written, the male internet seems to resemble Harry either in looks or personality. Or there’s a recurring theme of friends to lovers in there somewhere. There have been a few theories going amongst fans of your books and Harry’s fans, but none have ever really been proven. It wasn’t like you had planned it out that way, it just happened… and kept happening. Regardless though, you sold a lot of books and had a Netflix film in the works, so it was working for you.
Currently, you are staring at the screen of your computer. More specifically a blank page that should have your current work in progress written on it. You had a deadline to finish your next manuscript by the end of the January and you hadn’t even started on it yet. It wasn’t that you didn’t have an idea for it, it’s just that you didn’t know the plot, the characters, or the setting.
The only thing you did know was that it was going to be a Christmas contemporary novel. Which should be right up your alley especially since it was approaching the Christmas season. You decided you needed to take a quick break and make yourself some hot chocolate. While you waited for it to heat up, you grabbed your favorite Christmas mug down from the cabinet and took out the whipped cream from the fridge.
Just as you poured the hot chocolate into the mug, your phone rang. You quickly retrieved it by your computer, answering it.  
“Hello?” You answered.
“Y/N! Hi, lovely. It’s not too late is it?” The woman on the other end asked.
The woman was none other than Anne.
“Oh, hi Anne,” you smiled. “No, it’s perfect timing. How are you?”
“I’m doing well,” she said. “I just got off the phone with your Mum and she mentioned you weren’t coming home for Christmas this year.”
You sighed holding the bridge of your nose. Leave it up to your mother to not hear everything you told her.
“I did kinda say that,” you said. “But I didn’t mean I wasn’t coming home at all. I’ll be there for Christmas Even through Boxing Day, but I can’t stay my normal time because I really have to finish this book.”
“Well, what if I told you I had the perfect solution to your problem?” She said.
“What? You’re going to write my book for me?” You laughed.
“Oh honey, I’m a terrible writer,” she joked. “But no, I was thinking that maybe you need a change of scenery. I know Gem talks about how when she’s in a bit of a block she needs to get away for a bit.”
“I mean, yeah I’ve done that before,” you said. “I would really love to come home earlier, but let’s be honest my mother and her Christmas mode will not leave me be.”
“Which is why I’m offering you our little guest house in the backyard,” she said.
“You mean the tiny house that is only one room?” You asked.
“That exact one,” she said. “Of course you’d need to use our loo and the kitchen, but it’s heated, as a bed, and a desk perfect for writing.”
She was making a good argument, but you really couldn’t afford any distractions over the next few weeks.
“I don’t know, Anne,” you sighed. “I’m really behind and I can’t risk not finishing it.”
“Y/N, you can’t lock yourself away and write 24/7 either, now can you?” She asked. “Maybe that’s why you’re struggling. You need to get out of your flat in the city and enjoy some fresh air.”
“Why does this sound exactly like the plot of a Hallmark movie?” You groaned, shaking your head.
“Because they get those ideas from somewhere,” she said. “Y/N, you’re a talented writer and I know you’re going to get what you need done either way, but I just thought I’d offer in case you were interested.”
“Okay, let me think over it and I’ll let you know, yeah?” You asked.
“Sounds great. The offer will always be here,” she smiled. “You know you’re like another daughter to me, right?”
“Yes, I know,” you smiled. “I love you, too.”
“I’ll let you get back to writing now and I’ll be looking forward to your call,” she smiled.
By the time the call ended, your hot chocolate had turned into warm chocolate. You placed it in the microwave to warm it up a bit and contemplated Anne’s offer. It was a really good offer, and it wasn’t like she was making any progress on the book here. You took your hotish chocolate into your living room looking out your window as you took a few sips.
Most of your neighbors had already put up their Christmas decorations, while your flat was looking straight up Grinch Mode. Maybe this was your problem. You were so focused on writing a book about Christmas, you weren’t living it. You needed inspiration, time, and space, but most importantly you needed to go home.
Pulling your phone back out, you sent a text to Anne telling her you would be on your way first thing in the morning.
“Okay, Hallmark,” you whispered. “Let’s do this.”
12 Days of Christmas will officially start on December 14th. 
Make sure you look for Part 1 in ONE WEEK. 
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starside-selfships · 4 years
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Tonight was certainly not in my favor for the most part. To bring you up to speed, it was homecoming night for my younger brother, along with his friends, and I was an unpaid chauffeur for them. Whether I said yes or no to my mom, which the latter would result in a scolding, I would still be driving, whether I liked it or not. I had plans to meet up with someone tonight and now, unfortunately, I had to cancel those plans. Wonderful. So much for treating myself. Saying yes to avoid any conflict between my mother and I, I was driving my brother and his group of boys and girls, one of them most likely his significant other, to the nearby high school, the same one where I graduated from, but I don’t think any of that really mattered. Sure, there were going to be people there that recognized me, but it’s not like I planned on going inside to dance or mingle. Don’t get me wrong, I was gussied up for the occasion, but with how tonight was already progressing, going inside to try and get into the groove was not on my agenda. Little did I know that I was going to be completely wrong. 
We were nearing the school as I was in the driver’s seat and I focused on the road as best I could, overhearing the conversation in the back amongst the group of seniors about how my brother was probably going to get laid or something, followed by a roar of laughter. While he was of age, as am I, I didn’t think I would be hit with a strong dose of discomfort hearing those words coming out of their mouths. Yeah, they were in high school so it made sense for them to say stuff like that. Already I began to question this night before my thoughts started to shift towards a particular someone that made my smile return after it had been gone for hours. A demon, or imp rather, down in hell that no one knew, except for a few of my closest friends who I knew could definitely keep a secret, had my heart and more. My smile remained small, but it was genuine, a chuckle eliciting from me as I continued to drive and within seconds of starting to think about him, I noticed my phone vibrating in the front passenger seat out of the corner of my eye. Look, I am, and I quote from one of my favorite content creators, a “good fucking citizen” and I would never risk my life or others because of a single text message. However, this wasn’t a single text. Whoever was trying to reach me was literally trying to nuke my phone for I counted the vibrations from listening closely to them. I didn’t bother picking up my phone so I just counted. 1...2...3...4...5...not even five minutes and I’ve somehow counted 23 and rising text messages being sent to my phone. Was it that urgent or was someone just spamming me with nonsense because I can’t remember the last time I was spammed like that and my memory is on point, not to brag or anything.
Upon pulling into one of the many parking lots of the high school, my brother and his friends began unbuckling themselves from their seats and after setting the SUV into “park”, they all got out one by one, on both sides, putting on their masks. I forgot to mention that this homecoming had a theme, which was “Monster Mash”, so zombies, mummies, your usual batch of monsters from all types of media of course, along with the special monsters that only one or two people only knew and were ready to discuss and talk about at a moment’s notice. As much as I wanted to sit in the car, I knew I was going to have to go in at some point, so earlier today, I decided I was going as a werewolf, picking up a fitting mask from the city’s costume store, but instead of just having a mask and calling it a day, it evolved into something more homemade. I spent several extra hours turning my tux into a more fitting and lycanthrope-themed outfit, dark fur lining the edges and front of my suit, outfitting myself with wolf ears and covering my face in blood to represent claw marks. Thankfully, I remembered that I had an old wolf tail, cleaning it up and hoping that the appearance was pleasing to the eye in some way and to my surprise, it certainly was. Not like anyone was going to care honestly, but you know, what’s wrong with a little bit of effort, even if no one’s going to notice?
“You’re not coming?” My brother questioned as he reached for his mask and was about to head inside with the others, earning a shake of my head as a response.
“We’ll see, you go have fun, okay?” I said, seeing him run off back to this squad and closing the car door as I rested my head on the back of my seat and sigh heavily. Finally, no one could hear or see me cry, the lights on the inside roof of the car beginning to slowly dim, shutting off completely and leaving me in darkness. “Fuck.” I whispered, trying not to choke on my tears thanks to the numerous thoughts clouding my head, many of them were memories of my high school days and how they all just generally sucked. I’m going to spare you of the details, but in short, I was a teacher’s pet who did good, had good grades, and tried so hard not to get caught up in a relationship since, well, at the time I wasn’t into anyone and nor was anyone into me. Looking back at it, I’ve never been hit with an intense pain in my life. But then, my thoughts were interrupted by another vibration. “Alright, who’s trying to nuke my phone?” I told myself as I reached over and grabbed my phone in frustration, turning the screen on and discovering that the imp himself had been sending me a flood of messages, alongside his employees, including the hellhound. “Wait, what?” I was stunned, why was I getting all these messages from I.M.P? Unlocking my phone and going through the wave of texts and images, most of them being from Blitzo, I checked the ones belonging to Millie, Loona, and Moxxie first, working my way up from there.
Millie “Hey Eli!” “Just wanted to say that I hope tonight is great for you and Blitzo!” “He has a really big surprise for you!” “Have fun you two!”
Loona “Elijah” “Heard ya weren’t feeling great” “Shit sucks but Blitz has a surprise for you later tonight” “Ain’t saying shit, but I hope you have fun” “You deserve it, alright?”
Moxxie “Dear Elijah, I certainly hope your night is swell. I overheard from my boss that it wasn’t going as planned and not to spoil anything, but he has a surprise for you later tonight. Have fun!” “p. s it’ll be a nice break from him interfering with my relationship with Millie.”
And now, all that there was left to check was Blitzo, I didn’t bother holding back my tears. Who was going to watch? Most of his texts were pictures of him looking for an outfit, getting help from a smiling Millie, annoyed Moxxie, and a Loona who looked like she didn’t really care. That’s what the realization hit me soon after. I didn’t want to believe it, but I looked through every single text again and yeah, sure enough, it was real. The imp was my date. Blitzo was my homecoming date. Another text, the last one from Blitzo for the night it seemed, sounding ominous of course.
“See ya soon, Eli. XOXO”
My smile returned once again as I regained my thoughts, clearing my head and doing my best to ignore all the negative and previous ones that arrived earlier tonight, replacing all of them with one: the fact that the imp that nearly killed me by accident was my homecoming date. The two of us have talked and spent a lot of time together, but who would’ve thought that he would be the one I would fall for and make my better in a way like this? Yeah, I was into him the most out of everyone at I.M.P. Of course, Millie and Moxxie were married and Loona, I’ll be honest, she was someone who appeared that she wasn’t too keen on dating. Blitzo, on the other hand, ever since the two of us met with him pounced over my body with a double barrel shotgun aimed directly at my face, we’re never been closer. That story about how we met is a real doozy, but it’s certainly for another time.
After waiting a little longer, I finally left the vehicle and locked the doors, stuffing the keys in my pocket and trading it for my phone, holding the mask in my other hand, my body on fire at the constant, recurring thought that wasn’t leaving anytime soon, one that pushed all the others away, a splendid thought that was the only thing I could think of. Before I knew it, I was at the front doors of the school and I followed the couples and groups, most likely students, towards the gym, looking at my phone and expecting a text, but instead, just silence. I guess all I needed to do was wait for him, and that’s what I did as I was greeted with the sound of deep bass rumbling through my body thanks to the booming speakers, along with the bright spotlights that moved around at a rapid pace, mixed with multiple multicolored strobe lights. It was a party alright. With the song that was playing as well, it was a fitting one with the theme. And lost in this party, I assumed, was a neatly dressed imp waiting for me. I walked along the edge of the gym, avoiding the growing crowd of dancers and hoping to possibly run into Blitzo at some point, only to be stopped by, unsurprisingly, one of my high school teachers. 
“Elijah, is that you? Hey kid, what brings you here?!” She asked, leaning against the wall with a drink, a red cup, yes a red cup, and wrapped in a mummy outfit, bandages covering her body, along with one eye while the other was perfectly visible.
“Just chaperoning for my brother and his friends.” I answered, which was half the truth, but how could I explain that I was waiting for my demonic plus one?
“For a chaperone, you fit in right with the crowd, nice outfit! Did you make it yourself?”
 “Yeah, I did actually.”
 “I always knew you were one of the more creative ones in the class and it shows, awesome job!” I found myself getting blushy rather quickly at her compliment, rubbing the back of my head as I continued the conversation and it soon turned into one where my heart began to race rapidly. “So, tell me, do you have a date?” I wanted to lie, but then again, I was unsure of Blitzo was my date, or even if I wanted to say he was to others, so I took a deep breath and tried to make up my mind quickly.
“Yeah, I do, he’s a bit late though, it might be a while before he gets here.”
“Who said I was late?” The imp said, grabbing ahold of my shoulder gently and wanting me to turn around so I did, my eyes meeting his and I could see that his were that wickedly bright yellow, with a hint of red in the middle. Sinister, but always a joy to look at. “Hey, cutie.” I was about to open my mouth to compliment his outfit, resembling Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, from top to bottom, only for my teacher to butt in. This was going to be a joy.
“Oooooh, and who might this be, Elijah?! He must learn from the best because his costume’s amazing!” This was going to be a real interesting night. I was already contemplating on going back to the car.
 “The name’s Blitzo, pronounced Blitz and the O is silent, also known as this handsome guy’s boyfriend.” He said, greeting himself to-
...HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE. Did he just say boyfriend? Was I hearing that correctly? I wasn’t crazy, right?
“The name’s Blitzo, the O is silent, also known as this handsome guy’s boyfriend.” He said, greeting himself to-wait a minute, did he just say boyfriend? Did I hear that correctly? I wasn’t crazy, right?
“Well, Blitzo, it was really nice to meet you. Elijah was, and still is, one of my best students, creative too, you’re a lucky one.”
“Oh, trust me,” He looked over at me, a look that read ‘I love you’, his eyes appearing as if he was going to cry, but his smile was wide. “I know.” He was being completely truthful with her and myself. Not a single word he said was a lie, at least that’s what I believed. Something told me that it was true, every single word was honest and straight from the heart. “Let’s go dance, yeah?” He said softly towards me, earning a soft nod in reply and so, the two of us made our way to the dance floor. I was so nervous to ask him a single question with a plentiful rushing through my head. “Shocked, huh? Don’t be, Elijah. I know the two of us have been together for some time and I may have heard from a little birdie that you were going to be helping out your brother for some dance.” I reminisced on when I remember talking about the homecoming dance and then it hit me.
“Damn it, Angel.”
“C’mon, you missed me. You’re glad she told me too.”
“Yeah, I did. But, like, didn’t you have some more important stuff, like work? And your horse to take care of?”
“Oh, don’t worry. Work’s slow and boring and Moxxie’s watching over her so, I’m free for the night! What better way to spend my night with my new boyfriend too?” He said, pressing his lips against my cheek and sending my heart sky high, my hand on his beginning to clench. “Easy cowboy, it was just a kiss. We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff, you know.” Okay, now he was just trying to get me flustered really early. We made jokes about that stuff, but was he being serious? About all of this?
“I was actually going to ask about that. Do you, like, you’re actually interested in me, right?” He stopped in his tracks and the two of us were halted together, surrounded by multiple dancing groups and couples, I could sense the music that was once pounding in my ears beginning to die out, soon Blitzo’s voice was the only thing I could hear. “All those times we’ve been together, from the day you were in my bed ready to kill me and only to discover you were in the wrong house to all those times we’ve spent in Hell and on the surface, to that one time you were actually full-on naked in my bed and I was nearly caught, you’re being honest with me, right?”
“Elijah,” Blitzo began, reaching for my other hand to hold it tight, gazing into my eyes and I soon lost myself in them, my focus and attention being grabbed and held by him and him alone. “I’m being one hundred percent honest with you. If I killed you, I would’ve missed a chance like this and, god fucking dammit, I’m trying not to cry here.”
“Trust me, I’ve already done that tonight, you’re good.” I joked, the two of us laughing as his claw-like hands gripped mine.
“But yeah, I’m serious. From the bottom of my heart, Elijah. No bullshit. I love you. Yeah, you’re a human and I nearly killed you, but that night I met you and nearly blew your brains out, was probably the fucking day of my whole eternal suffering, as they usually say. That’s, that’s what they say, right?” Hearing that filled my heart with an intense amount of joy and soon, I felt my worries wash away. Who would’ve thought that I would not only fall in love with a demon below the surface of this Earth, but an imp who was not only charming, but skilled at his profession? A professional that was basically assassination. Then again, he just straight up kills anyone he’s paid to kill alongside the other three. “You can cry all you want, okay?” I didn’t want to, especially in front of Blitzo.
“Oh, shut up. I love you too.” I said, earning a nice laugh from him. Moments later, the music shifted from the usual extremely bumping and loud beat into something more mellow, but you could still dance to. A song that people weren’t really a fan of, but for me, and surprisingly Blitzo, it was perfect. To my surprise, the imp knew the damn lyrics.
Oh, don’t you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me. I said, you’re holding back. He said, shut up and dance with me! This demon is my destiny. He said, ooh-ooh-hoo! Shut up and dance with me!
The two of us followed suit and already had the floor so who was gonna stop us? No one was certainly going to stop Blitzo and for me, I was already lost in the moment, I could only see Blitzo and I losing ourselves in the music together, singing and dancing along. No distractions or disturbances as we let loose. Unbeknownst to me, the crowd around us had cleared and it was just me and Blitzo dancing to the beat with a silent audience cheering on a human and his boyfriend, unaware that he was truly a demon. I didn’t care about any of that mess now, I was overjoyed to be dancing with my imp boyfriend under the moving spotlight, the two of us grabbing the attention of all the other costumed people standing by and watching us. It didn’t even feel like they were there.
Deep in his eyes I think I see the future I realize this is my last chance! He took my arm I don’t know how it happened We took the floor and he said…
Oh, don’t you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me I said, you’re holding back He said, shut up and dance with me This demon is my destiny He said, ooh-ooh-hoo! Shut up and dance!
The final chorus continued to play and the two of us were going at it, I could sense and hear quiet cheers and wolf whistles, yet Blitzo’s voice filled my ears and drowned it all out.
Ooh-hoo, shut up and dance with me!
And just like that, the music halted and the two of us were in a bit of a position, me dipping and holding his body down, our eyes locked onto each other, the crowd coming back to life with a roar of an applause. They witnessed everything and as much as I wanted to look around and see everyone, Blitzo kept my face looking directly at his. “Hey, don’t focus on them. It’s okay.” I smiled down at him and nodded, the music shifting back into something more exciting and full of life and sending the crowd’s back onto the floor.
 “I didn’t know you were so good at dancing, Blitzo.” I said, complimenting him on his dancing and wondering where he picked that up, then again, it hit me that he’s been bugging a married couple for Satan knows how long, and he’s been on the surface a few times.
 “You go around, you know some folks, you pick up some new things, learn a few tricks.” There was a small moment of silence. “Alright, I picked it up from Moxx and Mills.” I had a feeling. Right as I was about to say something while bringing back up onto his feet, I was the one to be dipped this time and caught off guard. “Now pucker up, cutie~” And with that, Blitzo kissed me sweetly and passionately, my vision getting blurry as my eyes fluttered and my heart was more soothed and relaxed. I will admit that Blitzo has kissed me on numerous occasions, but this was something he never pulled or did and it was immensely surprisingly and completely satisfying. I didn’t want to ruin the moment at all. In fact, I wanted to make it even better. So I decided to surprise Blitzo with something up my sleeve, slipping my tongue into his mouth and catching him off guard, only for our tongues to collide and intertwine with each other, his claws yanking and gripping me closer to his body, our lips still locked together for a good couple of seconds and right as we finally pulled away, there was an embarrassing amount of saliva attached to my lips and his, a dark blush hitting both our faces. “Well, that was, I wasn’t expecting you to do that.”
“Yeah, wasn’t expecting that kiss either, heh.” The silence between us was high but was soon broken with Blitzo speaking up again.
“Alright, I’m just gonna say it. I know you’re probably thinking it too, are you going to make love to me already or what?” My eyes widened in surprise, my body heating up in response and while I was expecting a lewd comment or question, he was just completely straightforward with it, no hints, or riddles, just straight from the head.
“C-Can we go to the car now, like, right now?” I asked, hoping he could sense the desperateness in my voice, along with the look of lust in my eyes. Yeah, he definitely saw it, without a doubt. That smile of his, how he licked his lips in front of me, shooting a sexy glare at me, tonight was going to be a ride, in more ways than one as Blitzo swiftly picked me up in his arms and carried me towards the car bridal-style, grabbing a few eyeballs as he did.
“Of course~” We soon made our way outside and Blitzo finally set me down, not even bothering to look around if there were any watchers who were late to the party, as if he were planning something.
“Something wrong?” He didn’t reply with a vocal answer, but instead, what came next was what made this entire night probably the best homecoming ever. I’m going to spare the details, but what came next was pretty saucy.
Sometime Later…
I found myself rising out of bed to the sight of several dimmed lights and within seconds, the awareness hit me hard. I wasn’t at home. I was in Blitzo’s home. “Morning, sleepyhead.” The imp to my side greeted, not wearing anything like me as I hid myself under the sheets. I half-expected him to be dressed in some cute horse-themed pjs, but no, he was full-on naked under the sheets, his legs touching mine.
“Hey, Blitzo. I, umm, should I ask how I got here?” I questioned, preparing myself for the story that Blitzo had to tell, this should be good.
“Before you ask, because I have a feeling that’s the first thing you’re thinking about, your brother and his friends are fine. They got home safely and then I brought you down here to rest!” Blitzo explained, my eyes widening in fear at the idea of what he could’ve possibly done.
“For the love of God, Blitzo, please tell me the car’s in one piece. Please tell me no one got hurt.” I begged, shaking in anticipation, and not even hearing the room door open as I turned to see Moxxie come in.
“Actually, I helped drive,” The other imp claimed. “Not to be rude towards your new boyfriend, Elijah, but I had a very strong feeling that if my boss were to drive, it wouldn’t be pleasant. That and he introduced himself and the rest of us to your brother and friends.” Blitzo, you did not. You did fucking not.
“What, they were nice!”
“Sir, excuse my language, but you fucking scared them!” When Moxxie said those words, I didn’t even want to imagine how he scared and possibly scared them for life.
“Oh my God, Blitzo, why…”
“Don’t worry about it, Eli, you’re lucky I didn’t tell them about our little love-making session.”
“Sir, that’s WAY too much information.”
I didn’t know how to feel exactly with my brother knowing about Blitzo and the others, but as the conversation between him and Moxxie continued, I couldn’t help but think about that night, what I experienced with Blitzo and the things we did together, how he confessed his love and then made love to me. It felt unreal to think about knowing that the imp I spent the most time with actually liked me that way. That’s when I smiled and felt really glad that night ended up being in my favor.
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charmandhex · 4 years
Master Post Part 3
So tumblr is a massive nuisance and apparently limits the number of links you can put in a post! So this is probably going to get a little recursive; this post will just deal with 
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So most of the ficlets I put up on tumblr do not have names, which is gonna make this more challenging, so we’ll see how it goes. The Bonds Between Us is an ao3 fic containing a number of canon compliant ficlets centered around the relationships between characters.
The aforementioned Blupjeans spinoff of Pas de Deux. You think enemies to lovers Taakitz is fun; wait until you see enemies to lovers but still very much enemies right now Blupjeans. 
Snow Day. Taako-centric Taakitz fluff with bonus adopted son Ango centered around... a snow day. It should be part of The Bonds Between Us, but apparently is not. I should remedy that.
A Day Off. Blupjeans post canon, just coming off a long day of Reaper shenanigans. It’s pretty fluffy and is in The Bonds Between Us.
What is Left Unsaid. Magnulia, definitely on the angsty side, but I at least think it ends on a happy note. Basically covers first meeting and beyond. Also in The Bonds Between Us; this is going to be a recurring theme.
Sculpture of Flame. SC era Blupjeans pre-Legato. Barry (POV) and Lup go after the Light and shit goes sideways, as it is wont to do. Basically prompted by me thinking Spell Sculpting is the best thing since Fireball. Ditto on The Bonds Between Us; I need an acronym at this point.
Questions and Answers. Ango-centric post canon fun! Basically, people are nosy and ask Angus all the questions, and Taako is basically adopting Angus now. Yes, TBBU.
Fox in the Henhouse. Hurloane! Surprise! Pre-pttm, based around a post (which I linked in a reblog; I don’t want to tag people and subject them to this laundry list.) Basically, Sloane shows up to Hurley’s office. I’m mean and this ends on a fairly angsty, yell-inducing note. TBBU.
The Little Things. Lup-centric fluff, post-canon, centered around her getting her body back. Yes, TBBU.
Takeout in the Astral Plane. Taako POV, about how much Taako loves Kravitz and Taako and Kravitz’s vacation to the Astral Plane. TBBU ficlet.
Scones and Song. Kravitz POV, about how much Kravitz loves Taako. Arguably the counterpart to Takeout in the Astral Plane. TBBU ficlet; are you even surprised at this point?
Cooking Quiche Lorraine. Ren time! Yay Ren! Featuring Ren at Taako’s show and a little bit of her venturing out afterward. There are some Paloma shenanigans, and fuck I forgot how much I love Paloma with a warhammer. TBBU ficlet.
Untitled Lucretia ficlet. Second person POV, centered around the moment she fed her journals to Fisher. It’s more experimental as far as my ficlets go and definitely not TBBU for that reason.
Late Night Research. More Blupjeans pining! Lup POV this time, and Lup finds Barry up sciencing in the middle of the night. TBBU ficlet.
Untitled Taakitz ficlet. This one was inspired from some art by herbgerblin (again, no tagging here, but the art is tagged in the ficlet). Kravitz gets called in the middle of the night, and Taako is groggy but supportive. This one should probably be a TBBU chapter too but isn’t.
Untitled twins ficlet. Going way, WAY back to when the twins were applying into the IPRE mission. Not TBBU, probably will be eventually when I remember to update it again.
Dogs on the Moon. Magnus rushes in! Magnus goes up to talk to Lucretia about a certain infamous policy. Yes, TBBU.
Untitled Lup and Umbra Staff ficlet. Just about how Lup might have come up with the concept for the Umbra Staff. Not a TBBU ficlet.
Pocket pudding fluid mechanics ficlet. Yeah, you read that right. I’m gonna teach you fuckers fluid mechanics whether you like it or not. Taako-centric, majorly sciencey, mildly angsty.
Untitled canon divergent AU part one. Taako inadvertently breaks Lup out of the Umbra Staff early!
Untitled canon divergent AU part two. Lup possesses her brother to start a family reunion! I’m tempted to continue this if there’s interest.
SURPRISE! It’s my one and only Graduation ficlet. Centered around the Firbolg, and it’s nostalgic but sad. Firbolgs live long lives and Druids... Druid.
Redundant master post link.
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theme-park-concepts · 5 years
When you think about it, there has to be something really sophisticated about the storytelling structure of The Carousel of Progress. Not many stories have a recurring cast of characters that essentially relive the same scene over and over again while experiencing no character growth, no real conflict, no real plot, and yet somehow lead to a satisfying conclusion. In fact the point of the "plot" of each scene - if you can even call it a plot - is that everything is perfect, there are no unsolvable problems, and life is pretty great. But, I think, that understanding how this attraction tells it story is actually key to understanding how many attractions, many of the best attractions - especially of the 60s, 70s, and 80s tell their stories.
The carousel of progress is a great example of story that tells itself almost entirely with subtext and an awareness of the context that its audience lives in a different time period than the one depicted. The story depends on a permanent, though subtle, break in the fourth wall. Even though we don't play much of a roll in the events depicted, we are none the less characters in the story that the other characters (well character - father) acknowledge. We actually play a fairly major roll - because even though it's not made explicit with an elaborate justification or plot, and instead through a very presentational formalism, we are essentially playing time travelers visiting the same kind of family in 4 different eras and this is when you can start to break down how the story actually functions.
And it functions because the main characters of the story aren't actually the humans we see, but actually ourselves and, more importantly - the setting. I'd argue that the setting is actually the protagonist of the show. Which is a kind of weird thing to consider but it is the thing which experiences change and growth over the course of the plot.
Traditional stories happen by seeing a main character, the protagonist, go through some sort of change or growth over time. And some fancy stories, say beauty and the beast (someone else pointed this out to me but I don't remember who) separate the main character and protagonist. Belle is the main character, but she is arguably not the protagonist. She's pretty much perfect in the beginning and perfect in the end. The story is of Beast - he's the one that grows and develops over the course of the story. He's the one with the flaw who eventually overcomes that flaw.
And then we get to theme parks, and the carousel of progress - where a new structure emerges. But it's actually pretty similar to the beauty and the beast scenario above.
Enter us. We are the main characters, it's our POV that shapes the story we see. But alas we're not the protagonists. For the purposes of the story - we're perfect. We don't really need to change. We're here to observe the change, perhaps facilitate the change. The SETTING is the protagonist. It is flawed, it needs to change.
And by setting I'm not referring to just the set. The setting is the entire world of the scene of the story. And a 2019 coffee shop is not just demarked as a 2019 coffee shop by the presence of a chalkboard menu and cold brew espresso machine. But also by the numerous laptop toting hipsters waxing Abraham Lincoln beards, the woman in the corner unjamming her manual typewriter, and the guy who just arrived on a unicycle. These characters are part of the setting, and their micro stories make it come alive.
And so we get to the carousel of progress. The first scene we see is a white bread American family circa 1900. Remember the setting itself is the character. And over the course of five minutes it says to us (also characters) "hey isn't this great! Everything is perfect." And we say back (in our heads) - "yeah not really, haha you're so quaint". From our point of view, the setting is flawed. The technology is old and antiquainted and the people are happy with it. They haven't seen the light! And so we move on and the setting moves on, and changes, tries to impress us, and the cycle repeats until we reach a point where the setting (at least when the attraction debuted) can say "wow look how great I am" and we can respond back "yeah actually you're right! You've met and surpassed my expectations" Hell in this way, the audience is in fact the source of the conflict and I daresay a kind of antagonist - in the sense that an antagonist is the motivation for change.
And this conflict, this relationship, between the setting (as a character) and us helps us too. Just as Belle might have learned some new things about life along the way of her journey so have we. When we initially saw the setting - we laughed and said "oh how quaint". But as the setting grows and develops over time and we see patterns repeat - we start to notice those patterns in ourselves and our own lives. The theme of the continual march of progress, and how we don't even know what wonders await us, manifests itself in us as the pattern in the character becomes obvious.
This is how The Carousel of Progress works, and, I think, many other traditional attractions. How the original designers of that age were able to do something so sophisticated, tell a type of story that is so rare - but so full of potential, and do it basically intuitively - damn I don't think I'll ever know that. But, in terms of what's actually happening, by god I think I actually GET it now.
And shout-out to @pureimagineering because his theory of triple perspective storytelling very much helps inform this.
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anchoredtether · 6 years
I started low-key shipping Plance from episode one. And it was partially because of all the hints. I’m a sucker for symbolism so I noticed all of this right off the bat. This quote from a s7 review really stuck out to me:
As we near its confirmed endpoint, those stories are slowly wrapping up. Of those stories, a relationship that I suspected would alter course following season 6, now seems all but inevitable by the time Voltron ends, and it has arguably been on that path all along. [x]
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Endgames are planned from the beginning. You don’t just decide to pair off two characters half way through a show (at least, not a well written one). This means that the writer will show subtle hints and various symbolisms to subconsciously make the idea of the endgame comfortable in our minds. That way, even if the romantic feelings don’t hit til way later, it won’t come as a surprise. This is why certain characters that end up together will always be seen standing next to each other and whatnot, even from the very beginning. 
While I think these hints could be an indicator of Plance being endgame, it’s also interesting to note the interactions between these two in episode one has a much more dramatic impact, one which I don’t think the writers would have created without some kind of greater intent:
The entire show’s plot literally could not have happened without Lance and Pidge’s interactions together in episode one.
And if you’re going to have at least one endgame by the end of a show that doesn’t want to focus on romantic relationships, wouldn’t you want to subtly set them up from the very beginning? (that’s called good writing) And, in a sense, make the whole show’s genesis revolve around their interactions?
If you want to delve into where the Plance seeds began, dive below the cut.
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FIRST OFF BUT NOT TERRIBLY IMPORTANT (and many people have pointed this out already) I think it’s interesting that Pidge blushes at Lance in the very first few moments of the series.
Now I had it spoiled that Pidge was a girl before I started watching Voltron, which meant I was hella confused when they were referring to her as a “him.” So most people might not have caught this since Pidge was believed to be a boy at this point. 
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I think Pidge was physically attracted to Lance from the very beginning. I mean who wouldn’t be with that face? She continues to only ever blush around him or in direct relation to him. This is interesting considering no one else (not even random alien girls) has shown any kind of attraction towards Lance.
Especially considering Pidge gets annoyed with Lance for flirting/showing interest in other girls in episode one and this is a consistent pattern with her for the rest of the series.
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Those smaller points aside, let’s look at the more important bits.
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Episode one begins our characters on their path with Lance and Hunk sneaking out to hit up the town (or something) and Lance notices Pidge. Not only does he notice “him”, but he pursues. Loverboy Lance, who was about to go sneak out to flirt with girls, decided instead to follow a “boy” out of sheer curiosity.
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We find out Pidge is monitoring alien chatter and Lance specifically asks her about Kerberos. While I think this is also to showcase Lance’s strong point of being observant, I think it also shows his interest in Pidge. It is because of this interest that he followed her when he could have snuck out with Hunk.
Shiro’s ship proceeds to crash, and the group goes to save him (and from Lance’s perspective, try to beat Keith to it). The group then figures out the signal of Voltron and finds the Blue Lion.
Mind you, this couldn’t be possible without Lance.
I’ve no doubt that Keith would have saved Shiro himself (Lance, Hunk, and Pidge contributed literally nothing to help) and they would have eventually found the Blue Lion on their own, but Blue wouldn’t choose Keith or Shiro.
Blue chose Lance.
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Lance arguably brought the paladins together because he was the only one who knew each one of them individually, and I think that’s part of the reason Blue chose him to be her paladin. Lance brought them together (both literally and metaphorically) to the Castle of Lions.
Things get interesting when Lance starts flying Blue and the group encounters Galra and has to decide whether to take the mysterious wormhole. To have Lance of all people say that the alien cat ship is speaking to him and letting him know to take the wormhole to who knows where, everyone’s probably royally confused at this point.
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While Lance does ask Shiro, their “senior officer,” what they should do it is ultimately Pidge’s approval that he waits for before proceeding. Lance considers Shiro “his hero” and arguably admires and respects him above everyone else, Hunk is his best friend and a very rational person, but he waits for Pidge’s approval before deciding. 
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Pidge is acting as Lance’s right-hand man here. Which, why would she be? Lance barely knows Pidge at this point, still even thinks she’s a guy. Lance may already know Pidge is a genius but if he’s looking for advice he would have relied on Shiro who has experience with aliens and is the youngest pilot to ever fly on a mission. Why would he take Pidge’s opinion to such high value unless it was supposed to mean something?
I don’t think Lance would have taken the leap if it weren’t for Pidge.
While Lance is continually pegged as the dumb one, I think he’s smart enough to know that if he goes through the wormhole the chances of seeing his family ever again are slim. We all know Lance cares deeply about his family and it’s a recurring theme throughout the series about how much he misses them. Another similarity is that Pidge and Lance alike are the ones most attached to their families. Interesting then, that the one who would miss his family most is the one who flies through the wormhole after the approval from the one who is trying to find her family lost in space.
It’s almost as if they’re trying to say that Lance is making the sacrifice of possibly never seeing his family in order to help Pidge find hers. A kind of sacrifice that you only see amongst the strongest of bonds, even lovers.
I know you’re all probably thinking “what the cheese, Ivy, there’s no way Lance could’ve known those things about Pidge when he still thought she was a guy and she just gave approval because she was determined to find her family!!” That is very possible. But I think this is symbolism on the writers’ part.
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I also think there was a reason for Lance being the only one to not realize Pidge was a girl this whole time. Lance is the most observant one. That is his biggest strength - he notices things others don’t and acts accordingly. He sees things before others do - that is one of the most basic skills for being a sharpshooter. This is reiterated again through Pidge when Lance noticed Kerberos was a berserker button for her.
To have the observant one not notice something as obvious as Pidge being a girl has to mean something. Yeah, it could have just been for comedic effect, but I don’t think that was the entire purpose behind this scene.
What is Lance’s MO? Flirting.
He has never flirted with Pidge. Partially this may be because he thought she was a guy at first, but I think it’s supposed to be symbolic of something else. If Lance and Pidge get together, it’ll show he fell for the girl he never flirted with. It’ll show he fell for the girl who never brought out his lesser qualities. Likewise, Lance doesn’t start flirting with her now that he knows she’s a girl. Seems kind of out of character for him, at least in season one. This shows that Lance valued Pidge as something more than someone to merely flirt with.
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Speaking of flirting-
Many speculate that Pidge shows love through violence. Which, I would argue is probably a safe bet since she’s socially awkward and doesn’t know how to deal with people. Pidge’s version of “flirting” was also in episode one.
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I just find it very interesting that all of these interactions between Lance and Pidge happen in episode one and are pivotal to the group flying away in the Blue Lion and progressing the plot. I think they could have easily had Hunk probe Pidge about Kerberos or have Hunk encourage Lance to make the leap (or even Shiro) but they stuck to each interaction being between Lance and Pidge.
The writers know this and they’re doing it for a reason. The fact that they have these kinds of interactions when Lance still thinks Pidge is a guy only makes these interactions more suspiciously intentional.
So if there’s an endgame that has been in motion since the beginning?
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It’s the boy who was chosen by Blue and the girl who told him to take the leap and enter the wormhole.
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allykat4416 · 5 years
Meme Trip 2k19, Pt. 2
Date: May 18th
Park(s): Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville, KY//Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN
I’ve always loved an underdog story. In a world like today, where most parks of note are owned by Six Flags or Cedar Fair, it’s harder for the “Little Guys” to get their foot in the door. I think that’s actually pretty sad, as some of my favorite parks are these smaller, family-owned establishments like Knoebels’ and Waldameer. I also really like the neglected parks in the big chains like Michigan’s Adventure. I think I’m just weird and salty.
But what about a park with humble roots, snatched up by a large corporation and falling victim to an antagonistic fair board and an economic downturn, only to rise from the ashes better than ever? I don’t know about you guys, but that’s the exact kind of place I stan.
I’ve always high-key wanted to visit Kentucky Kingdom since its 2014 reopening. Ed Hart has fought so hard and poured so much of his heart into reviving this park that it makes me want to cheer for them just because I respect the man so much. Plus, it didn’t hurt that I’ve heard KK has more ejector in two rides than Ohio has in two parks. {Having been, I can confirm that’s true.}
I watched them build Lightning Run. I watched them build Storm Chaser. I watched them troll heavily with everyone before announcing Kentucky Flyer. I watched them do all these things, and I yearned and yearned to go. And now, I’ve finally been.
Going into this trip, I’d always been pulling for Lightning Run. It’s the only ride of its kind in the world, and people tend to overlook that because there’s an RMC in the park. I don’t hate RMC as much as I used to after this trip, but I still incredibly hate how the community treats RMC. I anticipated that I would prefer LR over SC, and that did end up being true. I don’t know if I’m soft on this ride because it’s an underdog in a park that’s already full of underdog energy, if it’s because I love the things we’ve done with her character in our story, or what.
Like me, LRun isn’t a morning person. It wasn’t quite what I had expected it to be on our first ride, and I was honestly a bit sad. Not Steve levels of “wow lmao that sucked” because it was still indeed a great ride, but it wasn’t quite as intense as I thought it was going to be. It got more like what I thought it would be after we’d gone through the park, and we ended up riding it three more times after that initial excursion. I don’t like the term “flojector” but if there’s any two rides that I think have it, it’s LRun and Fury. That makes me feel things I’m not sure I want to feel.
It’s short, sweet, and to the point, never wasting your time and a blast from start to finish. The twists and three hills at the end are a choice finale. S-curves, thick ass, give ‘em whiplash indeed. I believe LRun has my favorite first drop of all time too. (If anything is close, it’s actually on an RMC weirdly enough. But I’ll get to that later.) Good on you, Chance. Build a Hyper GT-X in my backyard, please. I love it.
Kentucky Flyer was a fantastic addition to the park’s lineup. It’s got me even more unironically excited for Oscar’s Wacky Taxi. Something about this ride reminded me greatly of Mystic Timbers, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was exactly. I think the best word to describe this ride is “cute”, but not in a patronizing manner. Fetus Mystic or not, it’s a really fun ride and I can’t wait to see a bunch of new coaster geeks in the area come to the hobby from this being their first coaster. Four for you, Gravity Group. You go, Gravity Group. 
T3 wasn’t as awful as I was anticipating it to be. The lap bars are what sucks, if anything, and the ride does shuffle very noticeably in a few spots. However, the layout isn’t bad and I see why it was cloned so much; if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. I like the cherry red paintjob as well. Just…please do something about the lap bars. I don’t even mind STR or SkyRush’s! But this, this is terrible. 
Thunder Run surprised me. I’d gone in expecting something like Hurler at Carowinds, since it’s just a clone of that ride. I left kind of pissed off that Carowinds doesn’t maintain theirs like that. I do believe there might have been some modifications to the layout because of structural damage when the park was essentially left to rot after 2010. If that’s the case, I understand. But damn, this thing was actually surprisingly good! I’d need a couple of more rides to really say what I think and we had bigger, angrier fish to fry, but that’s all the more reason for a revisit. 
Obligatory comment that Storm Chaser kicks the shit out of Steel Vengeance, not that it’s that hard to do. I’d heard it was running a bit sluggish that day, and I can get that. It wasn’t as violent as I’d anticipated it to be, but it was still typical RMC ejector like what I’d had on WiCy or TwiTim. It’s not Lightning Rod, but if you compare any RMC to LRod, you’re going to be disappointed. At least Stormy, you know, fucking had ejector. The trick-track double-up was really neat, but I think the first drop is every bit as good. It’s like Timbers’ drop only better. It’s weird in that it’s better in the front. That seems to be a recurring thing here. Like sister, like sister I guess. We ended up riding this three times since we liked it so much. 
Roller Skater was also a really cute family credit, and it’s in a beautiful setting. There isn’t a lot else to say about it. It’s just kind of there for the fetus thrill seekers who aren’t quite ready to take flight on KyFly yet.
The park still has some sense of Six Flags, like a stain you can’t really ever scrub out. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing, though. It gives the park more character, and it pays tribute to what its past life used to hold. It’s an interesting park that I’m eager to see grow and hopefully prosper in the years to come. Ed Hart cares so deeply for the place, and it shows.  
There were a couple of other enthusiasts at the park that day, and both Roller Skater and Storm Chaser broke down for them after we had left. I don’t know if coasters have souls, but if they do, I tip my hat to those two for being real pals.
Keeping with the theme of family-owned fun, we split the day between Kentucky and Indiana. In another sense, Holiday World was kind of an underdog in this trip with regards to me. I had visited once in October and utterly hated it. I’d overestimated how much progress I’d made in my path to recovery from a prior relationship, and HW had associations with that ex all over the place [being in Indiana, passing road signs from their hometown, them visiting the park multiple times, yadda-yadda.] I’d also had a tough time because of a member of our party who had invited himself to our excursion. I almost fucking killed him on Voyage’s lift hill. But fuck him, he’s a Steve fanboy.
None of that was the park’s fault. Rude people, jealousy, and awful exes aren’t the Koch family’s doing. But it made Holiday World leave a very, very unpleasant taste in my mouth. There were multiple times during the off-season that I didn’t want to particularly come back to this park. I didn’t think I was ready. While yeah, I did have to avoid looking at some of the interstate signs, I know it’s okay to know your limits. We also kept this park very quiet so no one would be a massive cockgoblin and invite themselves at the last minute.
Raven is, as always has been, a pretty solid ride. Not a lot of good coasters opened in my birth year of 1995, but I think Raven is my favorite of that class. I tried to pay more attention to the ride this visit after hearing about the death on it in 2003 and see where that woman lost her life. I definitely understand why it happened where it did, and it makes me feel awful to say that that’s always been my favorite drop on the ride. I feel like I keep saying it, but Raven is in such a beautiful setting by Lake Rudolph and that adds to an already-fun experience to me.
Legend was slated to be down for the day. It was posted on the sign at the front, we’d heard from multiple enthusiasts that he was a sleepy boy, and even the worker at Taco Bell in Corydon told us it was down when she’d visited the other day. However, during our marathon of another ride, we heard talk of them opening Legend for the last couple of hours. Sure enough, we saw a testing train a few minutes later.
We only got one ride and it hadn’t warmed up, so it wasn’t quite as good as I remembered, but I don’t hold that against him. It still feels like a hybrid between Beast and Mystic. We stan Helixes of Death. Legend was really the only ride I remembered a lot from in October, so maybe he just didn’t have as much to say to me as the others did. I’d blocked a lot more from HW out than I think I anticipated myself to.
Thunderbird is easily the best wing in NA (and I’ve done all 4 now, so I can say that. Checkmate, IG twats.) The launch is always a bunch of fun, and I still adore that slow roll at the end. It’s a lot like Banshee’s with ample hangtime. Can KD get one of these to replace what we lost with Volcano? Pretty please? And the little touches like the flickering lights through the queue as well as the launch barn really make the ride a bit more special. We love a dude.
We also rode Crow’s Nest, because God is dead and Starflyers killed him. Since it was so hot out, the breeze was pretty nice. It was also a fun way to relax, unlike the heart attack I’d had earlier on KK’s Ferris Wheel.
Voyage was better this time. I can understand the hype for this ride a bit more now, even though Casie is the only Voyage fan I actually tolerate. Tell me how it stops in the middle of the ride but still doesn’t fuck over its pacing. Tell me how I believe it’s got 24 seconds of airtime. I remember thinking that the night ride was really good, but I had blocked out nearly everything about this ride. I think my favorite part is the twisted section out in the woods with the 90-degree banking. I also was a fan of the tunnels due to the heat! I’m really glad we slipped to the overflow queue to watch it go through one of the final tunnels. Super neat, and I can definitely agree that it deserved to win those Tickets. Even if the Tickets are a scam.
But my favorite part of Voyage wasn’t even a part of the ride itself. It was standing in the queue, realizing I was in Indiana and it was very, very close to the day it all ended. And then I realized… I was perfectly okay. I was with someone I love doing something I love, and everything was just fine. She didn’t have that power over me anymore. She’s gone in every sense. I’m not too proud to say I started to cry in the station. I don’t know why it happened at Voyage, but that ride had been a sore spot and a point of contention for the past 7 months. If there was anywhere to get to that final stage of healing, I’m glad it was at that park and that ride.
I still don’t like it more than some of the other parks I’ve visited [Knoebels, Dollywood, BGW, etc.] but I do appreciate Holiday World a lot more now. Who could hate a place that offers as much free stuff as they do? And how on earth could I hate a place where I was able to finally let go of this pain? I’m glad we had such a positive experience, and letting go of the leftover hurt from that person and period of my life was a recurring theme the next couple of days. If nothing else, this trip helped me put some of those demons to bed. And maybe that’s my own underdog story. 
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Supernatural: Lebanon (14x13)
Hmm. So I...  Hm. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings to discuss. This is probably going to turn in to quite the review. It's one of those ones where I really don't know how I'm going to fall on the scale when I grade it at the end. I'm just going to start writing, and I'll get to my thoughts through that.
If I were to review this episode by comparing it to the milestone 200th episode, I might look on it with some disfavor. Why? Well, this was an episode centered around the nuclear Winchester family. So, the focus was on Sam, Dean, John, and Mary. And I'm cool with there being an episode focusing on that dynamic, and it's neat that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was able to come back and all that. But the 200th episode managed to focus on the themes of the show as a whole. It focused mostly on Sam and Dean, but it referenced everything from Adam to Destiel to Chuck to the Samulet and so much more. It was an episode that managed to be about the ever-changing, twisting road that is Supernatural over the seasons. This episode, by contrast, was kind of a "taking it back to basics" sort of episode, that encapsulated the original, long past, aims and themes of the show. Not a bad idea for an episode AT ALL. Just an interesting choice for such a big milestone. Barely any Cas, no Jack, no other recurring guests or even mention of them really... it felt like this episode existed in a time capsule, a little bubble that could have landed anywhere in any season and felt just as appropriate. Is that a bad thing? I don't know.
The elephant in the room here is that John Winchester was a demonstrably abusive father. Supernatural demonstrates that, but ever since his death back at the start of Season Two, the show has been inconsistent in how it's treated the memory of this character. It makes perfect sense, and is indeed good, that Sam and Dean themselves would have conflicting emotions. I don't mind that sometimes Dean brings up how awful John was, and other times seems to canonize him as some sort of a saint. That makes sense for his character. I don't mind that Sam has forgiven John for everything and has his own regrets about their tempestuous relationship. But here's where it gets a little more shaky for me. Think about it: from John Winchester's perspective in this episode, he's in 2003. He and Sam are not on speaking terms. He is continuing to emotionally and perhaps physically abuse and manipulate Dean, who idolizes him in an unhealthy way. Sam and Dean can remember their dad with rose colored glasses, but a more interesting, and more real, interpretation of the John Winchester that they should be meeting in this episode would be one that's so full of anger and grief that he lashes out at his two sons and can't accept Sam wanting to do anything outside of the hunting life.
I like that Sam and John had their big apology/reconciliation scene. I like that Sam expresses that he put their arguments aside a long time ago. But what about Dean? The problem is, John is right in the middle of things with Dean - from his perspective, he would have no reason for apologizing. And Dean would never ask for that apology, or express any anger. But Dean deserves to feel that anger. He deserves for his years of perspective to have taught him that his dad wasn't really a good father to him at all. He was, at minimum, neglectful, and Dean doesn't get to confront that in any meaningful way in this episode.
A couple of smaller notes: as I said above, I understand that this episode had a rather narrow focus on the Winchesters, but it did include a few other characters - namely, Cas and Zachariah. If you were going to do the whole timeline being rewritten thing, cool. If you were going to throw in a few cameos, cool. But this is the 300th episode, people! Is Zachariah really the best pull you have? No Bobby? No Naomi? No Charlie? Gabriel? Jody? Nothing? Time is being rewritten! There are so many creative cameos you could have done here, and it could have been brief, and not taken away from the focus on John. Zach just felt like a very odd choice for such a brief reappearance. Also, does killing him mess up the timeline even more? Time travel makes my head hurt.
I liked the random teens at the beginning of the episode, but it felt odd to cram in this story at the start of the episode, and then toss it aside for much of the run-time. There was just a bit too much focus on the kids to discount it as window dressing, and not enough focus to really bring them in to the limelight as characters in their own right.
If I try to tear myself away from reviewing this as a milestone episode, I think I look at it with much more favor. John Winchester has long been a looming presence on this show, and I think the opportunity to focus on him, and more specifically, on his sons' memories and relationships with him, is a great concept for an episode. I personally think John sucks, and I might have wished for him to be treated a bit less kindly by the narrative in this instance. But I'm on Sam and Dean's side, always. I want what's best for them, and a happy family is what they want and totally deserve. I liked seeing that.
For me, I would forgive a hell of a lot of crap for just the moment with Sam and Dean washing up dishes after dinner. That scene for me was the one moment that most made this episode feel like the 300th. It's just Sam and Dean alone, talking about what a shame it is that they'll send John back and he won't remember anything, thus making the whole trip pointless. But Dean points out that as hard as their lives have been, he doesn't want to change anything because then, what would that make them? Dean says he's good with who he is, and with who Sam is too. That is freakin' HUGE. That is a capstone moment for Dean Winchester's character development, and it made me instantly misty-eyed.
Let's do a little check-in with the Cas corner here. Yeah, I might be slightly bummed he wasn't in more of the episode, but there are several things to discuss even so. First of all, Misha killed it with his performance as the back-to-Angel-basics Castiel that we saw. We see the wings, he calls himself an Angel of the Lord, and he kicks the crap out of Sam and Dean. First of all, I'm sure Misha took great satisfaction in that. Second of all, I love the way that Cas is used as a shorthand for everything that's wrong with this changing timeline. Before this moment, Dean was happy to accept the changing universe as recompense for having John back. After this encounter, Sam and Dean both know that things have gone too far. A world where Cas doesn't know them, and tries to kill them, is unacceptable. I also like that Sam and Zachariah paired off for the fight, leaving us with the delicious angst of Dean trying to stop Cas from killing him. (Again. Sheesh). I love that bewildered, heartbroken look on Dean's face when he realizes Cas doesn't know him. And I also love that as the episode ends, the real Cas, our Cas, returns to the bunker, solidifying his place among the core cast of the show, and among the family.
Another thing that I was struggling with a bit in this episode is that the focus was so much on the family, but the family seemed only to include the Winchester four. "Family don't end in blood" is one of the more powerful lines and sentiments from this show's long history. But as the hour progressed, I realized that this core message wasn't being disregarded. Sam and Dean fill John in on everything that he's missed, and they're clear to emphasize that they live in a bunker with an angel and with Lucifer's son. They don't have time to go in to all of the details, but they're sure to fill John in on the state of their family - Sam, Dean, Mary, Cas, Jack. That's family to them now. This important point is re-emphasized again as John has a moment with Dean, lamenting that Dean never got out of the life, and instead was pulled in by John's mission. He says he thought Dean would have a family of his own one day, and Dean instantly responds: "I have a family." This moment is strengthened by his later saying to Sam that he's good with who he is. Yes, he never settled down with a single romantic partner and had babies of his own, but he is not at all dissatisfied or unfulfilled when it comes to a strong family system. It's not just the Winchesters vs. the rest of the world anymore, and that's important to point out.
I know that I earlier said that I had some qualms about the opening sequence with the teens, but I actually really liked the stuff with the pawn shop, the magic items, and Sam and Dean on a regular hunt. It felt a little imbalanced within the pacing of the episode, but I also think it's important to note another key aspect of this story: an homage to the humble beginnings of Supernatural. Sam and Dean are on a simple hunt. They have to burn an item to defeat a ghost. There's a hilarious gag about the ghost of John Wayne Gacy, given Sam's hatred of clowns and fascination with serial killers. It's all very classic Supernatural. It's a sequence that could fit into the show in any season at all. It's also a chance for us to spend some time with Sam and Dean alone, doing what they do best. That was once the only heart of this show that mattered, and it's still one of the most important pieces to the puzzle. We also get John fighting Sam and Dean in the dark, in a nice echo of Sam and Dean's fight in the pilot. All of this serves to show that this 300th episode is about honoring the show's origins, instead of trying to encompass the whole thing. I have conflicting feelings about that, as shown above, but mostly I think it's done really well.
On a smaller note, I love the introduction of the concept that Sam and Dean go about town in Lebanon as the Campbell brothers, and that they've become something of a local legend. That was such a cool idea. I never really thought about their day-to-day reality, but it's cool to think about them being an urban legend, because it kind of brings the show around full circle. From hunting urban legends to becoming one! And the kids describing Cas and Jack was hilarious. Another moment to emphasize that Team Free Will includes all four of the boys.
And now to the performances. Because... holy hell. This episode starts to fall apart a bit if you scrutinize the plot too closely. John Winchester, as I mentioned, is not behaving very John Winchester-y. But this is about Sam and Dean getting closure, and let me tell ya... all four of these actors (Padalecki, Ackles, Morgan, and Smith) were giving it their all, and I felt every one of those heartbreaking, heartwarming moments. I'm going to rapid-fire some of the best things I noticed:
- The way John's voice cracked on the word "Mary" when he heard her voice.
- John and Mary holding hands, and John saying "my girl" to her... instant tears.
- The look on Sam's face when John said "I'm proud of you."
- The hug between John and his two sons, complete with all three of them crying.
- Dean saying "I love you too." Just like... wow. Dude has been throwing the love word around a lot and I am all about it.
- Dean flinching when Sam crushed the pearl.
- Sam saying that he thinks about John a lot and doesn't think about their fights, but thinks instead about not getting to say goodbye.
- Both Sam and John saying "I'm sorry."
- All of the overly sappy yet beautiful shots during the family dinner, of the family laughing, and sharing stories, and eating Winchester Surprise. The fact that this is the ONLY family dinner that they've ever had that way is just heartbreaking. But I'm so happy they got to have it.
Well, what did I tell you? This review is long. I knew it would be. 300 episodes, you guys. Holy crap. And we've got a Season Fifteen coming around the bend. I was really pleased with Jeffrey Dean Morgan's performance, and I thought Jared and Jensen killed it with the emotional material as usual. Are my thoughts conflicted? Yes. But is this one of those episodes that I'll probably go back and watch again? Also yes. It stands out, and it made me emotional. That's kind of all I can ask for.
11 notes · View notes
branlovestowrite · 6 years
Complicating Factors: Chapter 2
This is my work in progress fic, which I have only been posting on fanfiction.net.  After 12 chapters, my muse has fizzled out. I hope by revising & reposting this, I can get inspired again. Your comments and suggestions (chill vibes only!) are welcome and encouraged!
Complicating Factors
Rating: M for language and smut in later chapters
Summary: Emma Swan is a single mother trying to contact her ex and father of her child, Neal Cassidy. While she expected some awkwardness when meeting Neal’s mother, Milah Gold, she never expected the undeniable attraction she feels toward Milah’s younger boyfriend, Killian Jones. No Magic, Modern AU. Captain Swan.
Chapter 1 on Tumblr here or all chapters FF.net
Emma left the boutique and headed to pick up Henry. After not seeing her son for more than a day, she was almost as excited as he was at pickup. He ran up to her and leapt into her arms, giving her a big hug. Emma treasured these moments, knowing he wouldn't be little forever.
Mary Margaret walked up to Emma and Henry with a smile. "Looks like some little boy is happy to see his mommy."
Emma smiled and looked at Henry. "Do you know who she could be talking about?"
"Me!" Henry wore a big grin as he said this.
Emma gave him a kiss on the cheek and set him down on the ground. "You are getting too big to be held, kid."
"David told me he talked to you," Mary Margaret said. "So we'll see you Friday night for dinner?"
"Yep," replied Emma. "What can I bring?"
"Nothing. Just two of my favorite people."
They had this conversation every time she was invited over, so instead of arguing, Emma gave Mary Margaret a hug and gathered Henry's backpack. "Come on, kid. Let's go home."
Back at the apartment, Emma started on dinner, making spaghetti, Henry's favorite meal. She had just started boiling water for the noodles when she heard a knock at the door. Looking through the peephole, she saw her neighbor, Ruby, standing outside. She opened the door and let her in.
Ruby was not only a neighbor, but also Emma's best friend. She was effervescent and one of the most caring and generous people Emma knew. She was also incredibly fun to be around, often saying things that others wouldn't. Ruby had no filter, and Emma loved her honesty.
Ruby had brown hair that fell long down her back. Her eyes were a bright greenish-hazel, and she was perhaps one of the most beautiful women Emma had ever seen, with porcelain skin and an elegant, tall figure. Her fashion sense was impeccable, and she was always pressing Emma to dress more boldly.
Emma and Ruby hugged, and Henry ran up crying "Aunt Ruby!" as he jumped into her arms.
After they settled, Emma resumed preparing dinner, and Ruby sat at the small dining set just off the narrow kitchen. Henry returned to the living room, where he was playing with play dough on the coffee table.
"So," Ruby began, "I couldn't help but notice that you came back later than usual last night, and dressed to the nines. Did you have a date?"
Emma laughed. "I wasn't aware you were stalking me."
Ruby blushed. "Well, not me, but I heard from Mrs. Roberts across the hall. You know how nosy she can be. But you still need to answer me. Were you on a date?"
"Sort of. Mu put my picture up on Tinder to catch a skip. She had me meet him at a bar and keep him occupied until she felt the time was right."
"Oh." Ruby said, her tone deflated. "I was really hoping you might have met someone."
"I don't date. You know this. I did meet a gorgeous guy at the bar, but he's taken."
"Do you know that for sure?"
"Yes," Emma said with a sigh.
"Hmm..." Ruby said, looking at Emma quizzically. "There's more to this story. Go on. Spill."
Emma told Ruby how she met Killian and their enjoyable, but brief conversation. When Ruby heard his profession, she made Emma pause so she could look him up on her phone. She found his faculty profile and fawned over the headshot adorning the page.
"Ding dong! He is gorgeous. And he's British?"
"Yes," Emma replied, "but you haven't heard the rest of the story." She proceeded to tell Ruby about her encounter with Killian that afternoon, and how he was dating Neal's mother. She did not say the word 'Grandma' yet, and asked Ruby to do the same, as she was still trying to determine how to explain this to Henry.
"Wow," Ruby said. "Well, it's a shame he is taken, but major respect to Milah. I've got nothing but love for an older woman dating a hot, younger man. I can only hope I will be as successful in my middle age."
Emma couldn't help but laugh at Ruby's comment. "I think you'd like her. She's possessive of Killian, but in all other ways seems like a nice enough person. She's really excited about meeting Henry. I'm still not sure about it, though. I hardly know anything about her. What if she breaks his heart?"
"So maybe you don't tell him at first that she's Neal's mother? Just introduce her as you would a friend. See how they get along."
"Maybe," Emma said, turning the suggestion over in her mind.
"I don't think it's ever a bad idea for a kid to have more people in their life to love them."
"Killian said she's a good person, but, then again, I barely know him."
"Yeah, but you feel like you can trust him. In fact, I think there a quite a few things you'd like to feel with him."
Emma blushed as she heard the innuendo. "Don't encourage me, Ruby! I don't need to be feeding my attraction to this man."
"I did nothing of the sort," Ruby said with a smirk.
"Bloody bastard!"
Killian paused as he heard Milah's exclamation from inside their apartment. He stood at the door, not sure what kind of situation he was walking into. He and Milah had more than their share of rows in the ten years they'd been together, and he wasn't eager for another. He'd almost decided turn around and leave again, when she flung the door open from inside.
"There you are!" He felt relief when he heard her tone. She was angry, but it was not directed at him.
"Aye," he said, stepping into the apartment closing the door behind him. "I heard your curse from the hallway. Are you alright?"
"Yes," she sighed. "I just tried calling Robert. I told him I needed to find Neal, and he went on a tirade about how I drove our son away and that I never deserved to see him again. I didn't even get a chance to tell him about Henry." She choked on her last words as her tears poured forth.
Her tears prompted Killian to pull her into his arms and rub her back soothingly. "Well, Robert is a bloody bastard. You and I both know that the rift between you two began long before I came into the picture. Neal told me as much. If Robert hadn't been such a controlling jerk, things might have been different."
"But I didn't help things, behaving the way I did. Taking up with my son's friend, behind my husband's back. Maybe this is my fault."
Killian sighed. This was her constant torment. She blamed herself for Neal's disappearance. She said she did not regret meeting Killian or their relationship, but the love they shared was always warring with her desire to see her son again.
"No, love," he said. "It is not your fault. Neal was an adult when he made his choice. And Robert was a cruel father and husband. Leaving him was the best thing you could do for yourself. Look at the life you have built now. You have a successful shop, you're healthier than you've ever been, and you have a roguishly handsome boyfriend." He looked down at her and gave her a wink.
She gave a small laugh through her tears. "You should be with someone like her. Not an old woman past her prime."
He knew she meant Emma. Milah wasn't dumb. She saw the way Killian and Emma looked at one another. Although he couldn't deny the attraction he felt to the young blonde, his heart only belonged to Milah.
"You, darling," he said as he moved his hand to cup her cheek, "are the farthest thing from old. You are brilliant and vivacious and I love you completely." He punctuated this point by giving her a gentle kiss before pulling away to look in her eyes.
The look on Milah's face showed that she was not ready to let this topic go. "I'm 51, Killian. I'm not having any more kids. In fact, as we found out yesterday, I am a grandmother. You should be with someone who can give you children." She pulled away from his embrace and crossed the room. "I know you're attracted to Emma. She could give you the family you've always wanted."
"I only just met the lass. And now you're trying to push me to have children with her?!" His muscles tensed, ready for the inevitable argument. "Why do you always feel like you're not good enough for me?"
"Because I'm not!" She yelled. "You say you're content with just me, but I see the look you get when we see a cute child. You want children of your own someday, and you won't get that with me. And now there's going to be an adorable grandson in my life, which will only make me feel guiltier that I can't give that to you."
"Please, Milah, don't do this. I only want you. You are the love of my life. When I met you, my life began."
She sighed. "I'm sorry. Let's not fight." She'd conceded this time, but Killian knew she was not agreeing with him. This was the recurring theme to their arguments. He felt like he would never be able to convince her that she was all he needed. Her self-loathing would be their undoing.
On Friday morning, Emma dropped Henry off at school and headed to work. She was greeted by Mu and their boss, Leroy. Leroy was the owner of Grumpy's Bail Bonds. He'd named the company after a nickname he'd earned as a child, due to his sullen temper. But anyone who really knew Leroy saw that, underneath his rough exterior, he was a kind man who looked out for those he cared for. This morning, however, he was fully living up to his moniker.
"About time you got here, sister," he said in lieu of a greeting.
"It's 15 minutes before we open. I wasn't aware I needed to arrive any earlier than that."
"You don't, but I need to talk to you, and you know how I hate waiting."
"My apologies," she said as she tucked her purse away in her desk drawer. "What's going on?"
"Grumpy here wants to yell at us for being too good at our jobs," Mu said, handing Emma a mug of coffee.
Emma took in the smell of the strong brew. "OK Leroy, shoot. What's got you riled up today?"
Leroy's face took on a semblance of a smile. Both Emma and Mu knew that he preferred people who wouldn't cower at his gruff manner. "Princess over there is right," he replied. "You two are good at your jobs. That Tinder sting you set up the other night was brilliant. You caught a guy that would have given even some of my toughest agents the slip, and you did it with very little mess."
"Hey!" Mu protested. "Don't call me Princess. And I'm your toughest agent, we both know this."
"You got me, sister, you're a tough one. And blondie here looks like she might give you a run for your money."
"So what's the problem?" Emma asked.
"The problem is that I can't have you writing up contracts and being up front if you're gonna be doing jobs like that. You girls got lucky with this Jack guy, but most skips are smarter than him and will know not to hit on the girl who works for the company they're hiding out from."
"So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that, effective immediately, you are promoted to bond agent. Don't sit up front anymore. Take Mu's office for now, and start looking for a new admin."
"What kind of salary is this new job gonna pay?"
"You work on commission now, sister. But I'll keep you on the payroll as my admin part time, until you get a good rhythm. I know you've got your boy to look after. But find someone as good as you to pick up the slack the rest of the time."
Emma was both excited and anxious about this change of events. She grabbed her purse and the few things she kept at her desk and moved them to the office Mu used occasionally. Mu followed her, carrying the mug of coffee she had given Emma earlier.
"Alright! Drink up, because we have some work to do. I'll stick with you for the first couple of cases, but you'll be out on your own before you know it."
"You know, I never was much of a fan of coffee. I love the smell, but hate the taste. And I think maybe my new job requires something a little more celebratory. Let's go get a hot cocoa."
Mu laughed at her friend. "You can have your hot cocoa with cinnamon. I'll stick with black coffee." She took the mug back from Emma and drank the now tepid brew in one gulp. "Come on. You're buying my next one."
After his fight with Milah Thursday night, Killian slept on the couch, which left a painful crick in his neck Friday morning. He didn't have class on Fridays, but he'd arranged to meet with one of his graduate students, Krista, to discuss her thesis. She worked at a coffee shop downtown, and had emailed the night before to ask if he would be willing to meet her there before her shift began. He occupied a table near the door, waiting for her to arrive, and thumbed through his emails.
Hearing the bell above the door, he looked up to see if Krista had arrived. It was not Krista he saw, but instead Emma Swan. The accusations Milah and thrown at him the night before came flooding back when he saw Emma. She was undoubtedly beautiful, but there was something else about her. A vibrancy that hid behind the high walls she had built for herself. He realized with a start that he saw the same things in Milah when they first met. He felt like a cad at that thought. Was he no better than this, that he would toss her away for a younger woman?
Lost in thought, he wasn't aware he was staring until someone spoke to him. It was not Swan, but rather her companion, a young Asian woman who managed to look very intimidating despite her short stature.
"Hey buddy," she said. "What's with the staring at my friend? I know she's hot, but gawking is one of her turn offs."
Emma blushed, her cheeks turning a delicate pink. Killian couldn't help thinking how lovely she looked when she did that.
"Mu, give him a break," she said. "I know him, sort of. This is Killian Jones."
"Oh, well that changes things." Mu extended her hand. "How you doing? I'm Mu."
Killian gave her hand a shake, noting her firm grip. "Mu? That's unusual."
"Don't get her started," Emma chuckled. "What brings you to this part of town? We're not near the university or Milah's shop."
"I'm actually meeting a student. She works here, and asked me to meet her before her shift to discuss her thesis. I was promised free coffee, but she appears to be running late."
"I don't know if I'd trust you around coffee," Emma quipped.
"I am not normally so clumsy, I assure you."
Killian noticed Mu looking at him skeptically. "It was nice to meet you, British guy, but we need to get our drinks and get back to work. Lots to do today."
"Of course," he replied. "Nice to meet you as well. See you later, Swan."
Emma said nothing, but gave him a tight smile as she turned to pick up her drink from the counter. Her behavior at their parting puzzled Killian exceedingly. Did she realize how he felt about her? Did she perhaps feel the same way? Despite his better judgement, he couldn't help but feel pleased at the thought that he was not the only one feeling this attraction. He sighed. He needed to get this woman out of his head. He had no desire to be unfaithful to Milah, no matter how she may try to push him away.
Saturday morning came sooner than Emma would have liked. She'd spent Friday evening with Mary Margaret and David trying to figure out how to tell Henry who Milah was. They agreed with Ruby's suggestion of not telling Henry right away that Milah was his grandma. The plan made Emma uneasy, however. After her rough childhood and all the lies Neal told her, she detested lying to anyone, even through omission.
But, it was still the best option, so while Henry was watching his cartoons and eating his cereal, Emma stepped into her room and called Milah.
"Hello," Milah said.
"Milah, hi. This is Emma Swan."
"Yes, Emma. Are you and Henry still going to be able to come by today?" Milah's tone betrayed her anxiety.
"Yes, we are still planning on it, but I was hoping to talk with you about that."
"Would you be upset if we went slow and didn't tell Henry right away that you're his grandma? Maybe just introduce you as Milah for now and see how you get along?"
Emma heard Milah take a deep breath. "OK," she said. "I get it. You don't know me, and even though you haven't told me the whole story, I get the impression that my son hurt you badly. If it makes you more comfortable, I'm glad to do it."
"Thank you." Emma's voice resounded with relief.
"Perhaps some other time you and I should have dinner just the two of us and we can talk a little more about Neal. I think we both have stories to share."
"I'd like that."
"I need to go, dear. I have to get down to the shop. See you at 10?"
"Yes, we'll be there."
"Great, see you then," Milah said and then hung up.
Killian walked over to Milah after she hung up. She seemed tense, attempting to restrain her feelings.
"Love?" He asked, tentatively.
"She doesn't want to tell him I'm his grandma. Not right away." Her eyes were cloudy with unshed tears.
"That... that doesn't seem like a very unreasonable request."
"It's not."
"Then what's got you upset?"
"I can't help thinking that this is all my fault. Emma finding me has brought back the guilt over Neal that I've repressed all these years."
"Milah, love... you can't shoulder all the blame."
"No! You don't get to tell me that. If I hadn't been so weak, maybe Neal wouldn't have run off. Maybe I would have been a part of his life when he met Emma. I could have helped care for Henry when he was a baby."
"If circumstances were different, I very much doubt Neal would ever have met Emma."
She sniffled. "I suppose you're right. I just wish I knew what he did to her. And I wish I could get in touch with him."
"Well, if you've had no luck with Robert, perhaps I should pay him a visit."
Milah laughed at that thought. "Don't you dare. He's liable to rip your heart from your chest if you go near him. You know Robert is not a forgiving man."
"Aye, but if it would save you some pain, I'd gladly suffer the consequences."
"You're a good man, Killian Jones."
"If you say so, love." He pocketed his wallet and grabbed his keys. "Well, I best be off. I need to take your car in for service. After that I'll head over to campus and do some grading. Stay out of your hair."
"What? You aren't going to be there with me?"
"I wasn't planning on it. It's not really my place."
"Please, Killian, I need you there. I need you to support me. And I am afraid things will be awkward with Emma if you're not there."
Not as awkward as if I am there, Killian thought, but he did not voice that opinion. "If you truly feel you need me, love, I will be there. But I do need to take your car in for service."
"OK, do that and then come back, please. I'll text you and let you know where we'll be."
He put his arm around her waist and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead. "I will see you soon."
At 10:00, Emma parked the bug outside of the shop. She told Henry they were going to have lunch with a new friend of hers. Despite his young age, Henry loved spending time with adults, and he was excited to meet a new friend. Emma helped him unbuckle and climb out of his car seat. They walked in the shop, Emma keeping a tight grasp on her son's hand, worried he might break something.
Milah spotted them from behind the counter as she was speaking to one of her employees. She smiled and walked over.
Emma smiled down at Henry and said "Henry, this is my friend, Milah."
"Hi," Henry responded in a quiet voice.
"Hello there, Henry," Milah responded. She stuck out her hand and Henry took it, tentatively giving it a shake.
"So," Milah said, turning back to Emma. "There is a very nice park a few blocks down from here. I thought we might go there and play for a bit before we have lunch."
"Sounds great."
"Killian had to take my car for an oil change. Let me just grab my phone and let him know where to meet us."
"Killian is coming?"
"Oh, is that OK? I'm sorry, I should have asked. We live together, and I just figured since you already knew him, it might be nice to have a friendly face around."
"It's fine," Emma replied. "I mean, I don't know him that well. We only met the other day, but I'm ok with him joining us."
"Great," said Milah. Pointing toward the door she asked "shall we?"
Two hours later, Emma, Henry, Milah, and Killian were sitting down to lunch at a small diner near the park. Emma and Henry both ordered a grilled cheese, Emma's with a side of onion rings. As they waited on their food, Henry was pestering Killian with questions about boats. Henry was obsessed with boats and the water.
Milah and Henry got along very well. She played with him on the playground, pushing him on the swing and following him through the castle structure that had a maze of passages. Emma looked on from a nearby bench, satisfied to have a break from shadowing her rambunctious son. Killian sat next to her, and they fell into easy conversation. When Milah and Henry re-emerged, Killian was talking about his time as a sailor, which set Henry off on his current line of questioning.
Milah smiled at Henry, truly enchanted with the boy. Her manner was easier today, showing less of the possessiveness she'd displayed earlier in the week. While Henry and Killian were deep in conversation, Emma turned to Milah.
"Any word on getting in contact with Neal?"
"I tried calling Robert multiple times, but he's not being helpful. I suppose I'm going to have to pay him a visit."
"Is your relationship with your ex husband tense?"
"Yes," Milah sighed. "I was not the best wife." She looked at Killian uneasily. "I was unfaithful. Robert claims my infidelity was why Neal disappeared. I don't deny that I could have been a better mother, but I was not the only one at fault."
"What do you mean?" Emma asked.
Milah sighed again. "Killian," she said, "why don't you show Henry the pictures on the wall back there. There are some big ones of boats he may like."
Henry heard her words and cried out "boats! Yes please?! Can I go see them?!"
Killian looked at the boy who was already pulling him from the booth. "If it's ok with your mum, lad." He pointed to the area Milah referred to, which was clearly visible from their table.
Emma nodded. "That's fine."
"Awesome!" Henry exclaimed. 'Awesome' was his favorite word.
When they were out of earshot, Milah turned to Emma. "Robert wasn't always a lawyer. He used to be a tailor. He was good at his work, but quite cowardly. He'd get shortchanged and swindled by customers all the time, and his business was failing because of it. I married him because I thought I loved him, but I grew to resent him. We were always struggling with money, and I wanted him to stand up for himself.
I think he decided to go to law school because he was tired of being pushed around. Somewhere along the way he became horribly cruel and controlling. It served him well as a lawyer, but the more powerful he got, the more controlling he was, to both Neal and myself. I didn't feel like I could leave him, but I was miserable. I let my misery cloud my judgment."
"Wow," Emma said. "Neal told me he had a crappy home life, but he never gave me any details."
"I miss my son every day, and it hurts me to know that he might have hurt you."
She clearly wanted to Emma to reply with her own confession, but Emma wasn't ready. "He did," she said. "I'll tell you about it another time. Let's not ruin our day."
Milah opened her mouth as if she wanted to ask more, but promptly closed it. "You're right, dear."
Henry and Killian returned soon after, and they all enjoyed their food. Emma had to admit that this diner made one of the best grilled cheeses she'd ever had.
After their meal, Henry was rubbing his eyes. Emma smiled at her little boy. "I think I need to get this one home for a N-A-P."
"Mom," he said, sounding more like a teenager than a 4-year old. "I know that's just another word for nap." He yawned. "I'm not even tired."
"Well I am, kid. And besides, we're having dinner at Roland's house tonight. You don't want to be so tired that you can't play, do you?"
He seemed to consider her point. "OK, but just a short one."
Milah smiled and Killian choked on a laugh at this exchange.
They all stood from the table. Milah kneeled down and held out her hand to Henry. "I am so glad I got to meet you, Henry."
Henry looked at her hand for a moment, and then threw his hands around her neck. She was startled by the hug, but easily returned it. He then pulled away and threw his arms around Killian's legs. He chuckled and leaned down to pat Henry's back.
Emma smiled at her son. He was so affectionate. She loved his big heart. "Thank you, for lunch," she said, turning to Milah. "I'll call you this week and we can talk about what to do next."
"I can't wait," Milah said, beaming at Emma and her son.
Killian laced his hand with Milah's and gave it a squeeze as they watched Emma and Henry walk out of the restaurant.
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serenagaywaterford · 4 years
Anyone who doesn’t think Yvonne is hot, is either blind or has no taste, or both. But they are entitled to their wrong opinion. Although, I’ll say the makeup doesn’t help, especially during that dance. But it’s meant to look ridiculous, just look at Cate’s character too. And I think Sofie is supposed to be distraught during that dance, right from the beginning. So maybe it’s intentional? I remember from Yvonne’s interviews, she said she danced for a long time growing up. 1/
As far as her acting, it was really good. No surprise there, she’s an excellent actress. But so far, still think Serena is her best, she’s just a more nuanced character. Of course, it could change, this is going to be a really meaty role. What are your thoughts on the episode over all? I liked it a lot, although I liked Ameer’s storyline slightly more, Sofie’s feels a little clunky to me. Next episode has potential to be even better though, I am pretty excited. 2/2
Lmao, I agree. They can have their wrong opinion ;)
Yeah, I wasn’t talking about that final dance scene. That one clearly was meant to be awful. She’d just been raped/sexually assaulted in some way so I wouldn’t expect her to be dancing her heart out all hunky dory. I meant like… all the other scenes, lmao. I’m guessing based on the response to me touching a nerve in the Yvonne fandom, that it’s an active choice by Yvonne/the director to be a less than amazing dancer in this to show that they’re preying on a vulnerable person who wants so desperately to be “exceptional”, but really she’s just ordinary. Maybe that’s the point?
Lol, but yeah, Cate’s character was so OTT. But I mean, a bit true to life cos these people often are. She seemed to ham it up a little too much for my liking sometimes, but others she nailed it so well. I actually thought the dude I call Fugly Frogman (Dominic West) did very well in the role as the cult leader man. He was spot on. I watch/read a lot about cults so… I mean that was the most interesting part, personally (but not all of Sofie’s story tbh. Like you, I think Ameer’s story was more interesting overall. I liked it more. It was more impactful and emotional). I don’t wanna go into a huge essay about Sofie in all this cos … yeah, I’m a bit disappointed in some choices and very wary of the way they’re portraying things, and I think they could make more changes to the “true story” it was inspired by. Because yeah, it seemed very blocky and stilted in terms of progression, probably because of the beats they hit that seemed a bit cliched. (Again, I am very aware it’s based on a real story of mental illness BUT there are ways to do it that aren’t so… obvious? I dunno. Like I said in the past, I am incredibly picky about the way TV shows choose to show these types of stories.) But meh, I’ll see how it goes. 
In terms of Stateless as a whole so far? I liked it well enough. It has potential for sure.I cheered when Kate Box appeared cos I think she’s great lol. I actually really like the approach they’re taking to Cam’s story? Like I thought that was good. I’m interested in that cos I mean, it’s pretty predictable where it’s going but still, maybe it won’t? But it’s a necessary exploration of the otherside of the problem (poverty, desensitisation, systemic and institutionalised racism/bigotry). Obviously Ameer’s story is devastating. It did remind me a lot of like all the stories you hear from refugees, down to the letter. (And I’d recommend a background refresher by watching “Go Back To Where You Came From” which YES is a reality show from like 8 years ago, but still somewhat relevant for basic background.) I mean there were 3 moments that got me, one for each character, and that’s probably a good thing it was balanced like that. Actually no, there were 4, and 2 of them were Ameer. 
The first was the boat setup when the cops raided the beach, and the second when he is penniless and begging for food at the market and scavenging everywhere for his daughter. Just those shots of him going through the market, and some people granting him charity but everyone is poor and struggling. I thought it was even more emotional than the final boat scene where he sacrificed himself. For Cam, it was when he was trying to buy diapers and saw all the prison guards drinking. And for Sofie, the final dance was very affecting, but it was the previous scene when Cate Blanchett’s character turns on the music as Sofie is going to her “private session” with Frogman. Like that was just SO ominous. And then the whole session. Like, THAT is how you show rape without actually showing it. It was so well done. (If anybody thinks that’s not what that shitheel of a man did in there, I have a few 100000 personal accounts of cult victims to show you. And it’s an incredibly common theme.) I thought that was Yvonne’s best scene too. Maybe it sounds bad but I thought Sofie’s story was the least engaging so far, even though she had the most amount of development. Also the whole “I’m this upset cos my parent’s love my sister more”? JOIN THE CLUB, GIRL. I was just like, “Really?” Not that parental relationships can’t be incredibly influential in good and bad ways… but. Is she for real? Your parents suck. So do so many people’s. And I do get she’s mentally ill so she doesn’t have the emotional reserves and coping mechanisms necessary to deal with what most of us can just talk about (in therapy) and deal with to a more successful degree. (And that chronic vulnerability and slight disconnect from reality is exactly why she is so attractive to cult leaders and predators.) But I mean… I dunno, focusing on Sofie as the central character and the whole cult thing… I mean the scary part of cults is that most people are “normal” folks, with particular vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to brainwashing, but they’re not generally mentally ill. And if the show wants to make serious commentary about the dissolution of identity and humanity that these detention centres provoke, maybe using someone who already suffers identity issues as their poster girl isn’t the most effective way? It can easily be discarded like, “Well, that doesn’t happen to everyone. She’s just crazy already.” I dunno, I hope the focus shifts off Sofie so much to other stories too, like Ameer and his family/friends. I know Sofie’s is sort of the linchpin to the narrative, but hers is not the most important story imo. 
I am EXCITED AF for Asher Keddie next week. I don’t know how great the character/her story will be, but I really enjoy her as an actress so I’m curious af.
One thing that irritated me?THAT RECURRING RED BALLOON. Like what is this? “It 3″? Like, I get it’s meant to be symbolic imagery or whatever but couldn’t you at least choose a different colour? Yellow? Orange? Black? White? Blue? Green? There are so many options lol. WHY RED? Like… it was just so stupid and unnecessary. I agree that so far Yvonne’s performance here isn’t at the level of hers in THT. But there’s time still. If I had to judge her off THT’s 1x01 I deffo wouldn’t have given her as much praise as I do now. So, it’ll be a finale time decision. So far, I don’t find the character nearly as complex, nor her performance–because she doesn’t need to be when the character is fairly straight forward. She does have some nuance to her acting in Stateless still, but just … something about her understated choices in THT gets me, and I haven’t quite seen that yet. Flickers of it here and there so far in Stateless but not on the same scale. Like I said tho, it’s still really early and her character has a lot of development to do.
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mfmagazine · 5 years
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Gina La Piana
Article by Lauren Weigle
Photo by Steve Kay Photography 
Gina La Piana is definitely a fierce force of nature.  Armed with a gorgeous singing voice, a sultry image, and an amazing acting ability, this woman knows how to work the entertainment circuit.  Making appearances on popular shows like Bones, Everybody Hates Chris, The Mentalist, and many others; her main passion is her craft as an actress.  Although she loves to sing and has success with it, acting is where her heart truly lies… This is why we’ve taken the time to sit down with her and delve a little deeper into what Gina is truly all about… who she is, where she wants to go with her career, and what she really wants in life.
So, acting and singing.  I want to hear about both.  How about we start with the singing?  Can you tell me a little bit about yourself as an artist?
I consider myself an edgy voice for women, as well as a storyteller.  My tendency is to write my music as a journal.  I’m most inspired when I’m in relationships, good or bad.  I’ve written most of my successful pieces from painful experiences.  There was one relationship that is most predominant, which I call the ‘Gray Period’.  That’s when I wrote my most popular material.  A lot of women can relate to and connect with my "agony' so to speak. (She laughs.) But, that's kind of a universal theme. I get thank you notes from people around the world saying they connected to the themes and messages in the music.  It makes me realize just how much “art imitates life” and how we truly want the same things. To be understood, loved, and cherished.  I’ve only done original work.  I’ve never been a cover song artist.  I don’t know how to be.  So, a show like American Idol could have never been a platform for me because it’s important to sing what’s in my heart and what sprung from my truth - the good, bad, and the ugly.
Okay, so you thrive on being original.  What would you say is your signature aesthetic when it comes to your own music?
I am a divine dichotomy of sorts, in that what I do in the US market tends to be more edgy, pop rock, geared towards films and television, while what I do overseas as "Gina Martina" is darker, sexy electronic dance music.  I’ve been called the Jenna Jameson of electronica! (She happily exclaims.) They are all roles for me really, getting to play different characters, and aspects of my personality set to beats.
Well, you’ve been a part of several movie soundtracks.  Would you like to talk about some of your contributions in that area?
I love the collaboration involved when working on a soundtrack.  I love working in a room full of people where we’re all working towards the same visual-auditory goals.  I am a very visual person, so it’s exciting to see a piece of film in front of me, visualizing the story and literally seeing and feeling the music that is poured into the film.  It’s moving art.  It always comes back to storytelling for me.  It’s by far some of my favorite work and I look forward to doing a lot more in the future! I am such a huge fan of guys like Danny Elfman, and Hans Zimmer. What a gift these guys have! To someday be able to work in the same room with them would be a life altering experience for me.
Oh, I’m sure!  With just singing or acting as well?  Do you prefer acting to singing or are the two pretty equal?
To be completely honest with myself, I’d love to do more acting.  Music pays the bills, but my dream is to do series television.  In an ideal world, I would meld both of these facets. And maybe run the whole shebang, Sandra Bullock style.
Aside from your life as a performer, what else do you enjoy?
Eating good food, reading a great book, making love, fun with friends, investing in stock, supporting in the Bella Sera Organization, and travel, travel, travel!!! I am also what you call a spa whore…I love to spa!
Do you have much spare time to let loose and indulge in these things… like your Spa fetish?
I have quite a bit of time to myself; it’s how I set my life up. I created and built my own music company so I can let other people do the heavy lifting and I can take the credit, which allows me the space and time to enjoy my life much more.
Let’s talk about your character on Days of Our Lives.  How did you first land your role on the soap series?
I went in like any other normal casting.  I was hired originally by the lovely Fran Bascom, working at separate times in two smaller characters, (a flight attendant named Daphne and a Nurse called Rosy), whom they found memorable. They eventually brought me in as a more substantial recurring character. Yes, I played three characters in total while on Days of Our Lives.
Wow.  So multiple personalities. (I joke.)  What else?
I have both good and bad things to say about working on a soap opera.  The good: it’s akin to boot camp for actors.  You have to learn so much dialogue so quickly. Every day you have pages and pages of text to memorize and you must be spot on!  They will not accept anything less.  It is like doing theatre on television if that makes sense.  You can make far bigger choices than you could normally in either regular TV or film outside of comedy.  The bad:  I have never worked a job where women were more downright catty and mean.
Wow, that’s horrible.  I guess even soap operas have those catty co-workers.
Yeah, I literally was written off my show because a few of the girls I was working with made me miserable.  I couldn’t continue to subject myself to that much negative energy. No amount of money on Earth is worth the stress to me, and I sincerely mean that.
Well, soap operas have been such classic constants throughout television history.  What are your thoughts on the recent cancellations of the long-running soaps All My Children and One Life to Live?
In my opinion, I think it’s time to move on, because we are living in a different time in history than the era they debuted in.  I mean no disrespect, but these shows have been around since way before I was a gleam in my Father's eye, and we have since progressed in our outlook of entertainment. Viewers are much more sophisticated and looking for more cohesive story lines.
I got ya.  Okay, I’m going to take my cue from you and move on as well. (I laugh.)  Since your days as Gabby Ortiz and even before then, you’ve made appearances on so many popular television shows.  Any memorable ones that stick out in your mind?
Hands down, my favorite experience was on Studio 60.  I got to combine my 3 strengths.  I scored the episode, sang 2 of my original songs on stage, and acted opposite Matthew Perry, and all the while working for the brilliant and gifted Aaron Sorkin. Not to mention, I was directed by the ingenious Tommy Schlamme.  That job just couldn’t have gotten any better!
Okay, tell me about your most recent project Audrey.  What’s the story?
Audrey is a very unique and very funny female-driven comedy.  Taking place in real-time, the story takes us through a little over an hour and a half of a young woman's day as she waits and waits and waits in a restaurant for Gene, her date, to arrive for their critical third date.  As the clock ticks away and Gene is nowhere to be found, 34-year-old Audrey is swept up into a journey through her life as her insecurities and inner demons comically wreak havoc on her. Forced to face her deepest fears by circumstance — both real and unreal —Audrey finds the strength and courage she never imagined she had.
I understand you produced the film?  What made you cross over from actress to producer?
I realized things were changing in the film industry.  More and more celebrities are taking on Television roles, which leaves less work for newer or up and coming actors. I felt I needed to create more vehicles for myself if I want to work in this business.  I like to be in control of my career and not just sit around waiting for the next audition to come.  I wanted to create more vehicles and opportunities to show my strengths.  Hence, I'm playing the quirky impassioned best friend to "Audrey".
What first drew you to the project?
A friend whom I deeply respect and admired brought the project to me.  He was very excited about it, so I came on board.
Well, that’s simple enough.  Any other projects coming up that we should know about?
I’m producing and starring in a film that I wrote called Brit and Brazil.  It’s an independent drama-comedy feature that will give me the opportunity to play a grittier character who turns things around in her life.  I’m most inspired by these types of stories, the underdog, who eventually triumphs and succeeds.  I’m also producing two artists signed to Warner Bros., ages 13 and 15.  The albums couldn’t be more different - One is a rock-electronic record and the other is in the urban-hip hop genre. I like to keep it crazy, the nuttier the better in my opinion. Colorful is key!
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because-cur-non · 7 years
Top 5 scenes/ moments/ sections of dialogue from RF?
I’m gonna answer this under a cut!
1) Mulligan with Hamilton in loco parentis (I love Mulligan.  I love Mulligan having his shit together more than these kids.  Someday I’ll do a bonus thing of when Hamilton was staying with him.  This is honestly maybe my favorite scene in the whole damn thing because I just love Mulligan so much.)
Mulligan was silent while he composed a message neutral enough to sound like it could have come from anyone and sent it.  He pocketed Hamilton’s phone and let him sit quietly for the rest of the ride.  He paid the driver, led the way into his building, and let them into the apartment.  It sounded like one of his flatmates was in his room but otherwise they were alone.  Hamilton dropped his bag on the floor and collapsed face-down on the sofa.
“I hate this,” he moaned.
“We’ll sort it out.  Take off that jacket, the sleeves are too long for you.  I’m gonna hem ‘em while we wait to hear back from ‘im.”
Hamilton dropped the jacket on the ground without getting up.  Mulligan sighed and picked it up, taking it over to the sewing machine on the table.
“Like raising a friggin’ five year old…”
“Fuck off.”
“You gonna throw a tantrum?”
Hamilton raised one hand to flip him off.
“I can’t think, Mulligan,” Hamilton complained as the machine whirred.  “Me.”
“Thanks for implyin’ the rest of us are a buncha idiots,” Mulligan said, his back to him as he worked.
“You know what I mean.”
“So you forgot your keys, big deal.  Said you were sleep deprived anyway.  Too much fuckin’ on vacation?”
“Just once.  Wasn’t that.  That didn’t help.”
Mulligan didn’t say anything, waiting patiently for Hamilton to start up again.
“Maybe I am sick,” he finally said, turning his head to the back of the couch and touching his face.  “He said I felt hot.  I get sick every winter anyway, fuck winter.”  He struggled to take out his dry contacts.  “That must be it.”
“Lovesick, maybe.”  The machine stopped and Mulligan inspected his work, looking over just in time to see Hamilton reach over the armrest and drop the contacts to the carpet.  “Oh, come on, I don’t spit on your floor.”
Hamilton left his arm hanging and Mulligan dropped the jacket on top of him.
“Try that when you’re done whining and tell me how it is.”
“You done whining?”
“I’m getting a beer.  I’d offer you one, but it’s illegal to give alcohol to children.”
“You’re a jackass.”
Mulligan came back into the room, popping the tab on a can of beer.  “You’re being a baby.”
“I fucking lost my work keys and I can’t get into my apartment!”
“That’s not what you’re really complaining about, Hamilton.  I might not be a hotshot genius like you, but I’m not a moron.  Move your legs over.”  Mulligan sat heavily on the couch next to him.  “You like the guy?”
“Yeah.”  Hamilton’s voice was heavily muffled by the couch cushions.
“You like him a lot?”
“Things get a little too real spending that much time with him?”
Hamilton paused.  “Yeah.”
Mulligan patted his leg.  “Suck it up,” he said sympathetically.
2) CVS (First, this is the start of the islands/ocean theme. Second, look at these boys, this is back before they’re all over each other, that hand on the shoulder was Intimate.  Someday I’ll also go through and pull things to show the progression of their sleeping habits.)
Laurens pulled him down, running his thumb over his high cheekbones and then his fingers through his hair.  “You’re gonna get wrinkles,” he teased, “you’ll turn gray.”
“I’d be a silver fox,” Hamilton replied.  “All the girls’ll be lining up at my door.”
“Yeah, I banned you after you made fun of my hair.” Hamilton rolled away from Laurens onto his back.  “It’s like a sauna in the city at this time of year.  I’m melting.”
“I thought you’d be used to it.”
“Trade winds.”  Hamilton waved one hand dismissively in the air above his face.  “And not all of this cement for the heat to just bake you in.”
Laurens propped himself up on his elbow, watching Hamilton’s face.
“I bet winter was a surprise.”
“Ha.  Yeah.  I stepped off that plane and—d’you know what, John?  I saw autumn leaves for the first time in my life.  Squirrels.  CVS, for chrissake.  All this shit that I had this image of in my mind because of course I knew about it, I’d seen it everywhere, and that’s the thing, isn’t it?  No one in New York cares if I went to Gore’s of St. Croix, but I’ve got CVS already engrained somewhere in me and it’s beautiful, the flow of power.  Soft power, John, recognize our maps and naturalize our flora and fauna and without even realizing it your center of balance is off.”
Laurens was quiet and Hamilton tucked his hands behind his head.
“You know what?”
“You’re right, four hours isn’t enough.  I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“That’s not true.”
Hamilton closed his eyes.  Laurens waited for a minute to see if he would say anything else, then lay down once he heard his breathing slow, putting one hand on his shoulder in spite of the heat.
3) Inappropriate sick flirting (Okay this isn’t like a CLASSY option or anything, but I crack myself up every time with Hamilton’s attempt to deflect-by-flirting here and I’m a sucker for sickfic, so.  Shrug.)
Laurens, like Lafayette, woke before his alarm.  He had gotten up late that night to take his headphones off and close his laptop, and then alternated between dozing and playing on his phone for a few hours, not willing to wake Hamilton if he was so soundly asleep.  It wasn’t until he heard the second coughing fit that he got up and pulled on a pair of pants.
“Alex?”  He knocked on the bathroom door.  “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”  He sounded a little strangled.
“Are you sick?”
Hamilton started coughing again.  “I’m fine,” he repeated after a minute.
“Alex, come back to bed.  Do you need something to drink?”
“I have water.”  Laurens could hear him put the mug down on the side of the sink for emphasis.  “And my laptop.  I’m fine.  Go back to sleep.  I don’t want to keep you up.”
“I’m awake now.”  Laurens tried the handle but it was locked.
“I don’t want to make you—”  Hamilton cut himself off, clearing his throat and taking a drink.
“I thought you said you weren’t sick.”
“Said I was fine.”
Laurens sighed.  “Look, if I’m going to get sick the damage is already done.  I have to go in an hour.  Just come back out.  I feel weird talking to you through a door.”
There was a pause, then Hamilton opened the door and stepped out, all false-casualness in sweatpants and a pullover, taking a sip from a university mug.  “Hey, J.  You’re up, I’m up.  What’re the odds.  Wanna fuck?”
Laurens gave him an incredulous look.  “No.”
4) Masculinity (Would you believe I wrote all this shit about gender before thinking critically about gender in my own life?  Like, jeez, it’s one of Hamilton’s main recurring issues and the one I always identified with the most.  Anyway, it was a toss up between this and the argument he has with Laurens at the end of the chapter, but it’s the same deal really.)
“What did I say wrong?”  Lafayette asked.  “I didn’t mean anything bad.  I was teased a lot too, you know, but I’m happy for the two of you.  I like being in a relationship like that.  The closeness, the cuddling…”
“Yeah,” Hamilton said sharply and more directly than he meant to, “‘cause you’re not being treated like the freakin’ girl!”
Lafayette looked at him in surprise and Hamilton, embarrassed, turned away.
“Shit,” he said, walking towards the platform.  “Don’t tell him I said that.  I didn’t mean it like that.”
“John doesn’t think of you as a girl.”
“I know that.”
“Well, if you know that…”
Hamilton didn’t say anything.
“Do you think other people see you that way?”
“Fuck other people.  How should I know what they think?”
“You would make a very bad girl,” Lafayette said.
“Shut up.”
“I don’t think anyone sees it like that except for you.  John certainly doesn’t.”
“I know—look, fine,” Hamilton said, accepting that he was just going to be that annoying guy having a fight on the subway.  He dug a quarter out of his pocket and tossed it into a street performer’s open guitar case to try and balance his karma out.  “So he doesn’t, great.  I feel bad, okay?  I know he doesn’t—I like when—It’s just the way other people react sometimes.  Like I’m…”  Hamilton paused, gesturing helplessly as he tried to find the words.  “…Less than him.  Like with his friends, I liked that on the whole, it was great, I’m glad he had a good time and they were chill.  But there were a couple moments where it was like they were almost making fun of me.”
“They teased me, too,” Lafayette protested.
“Bully for you.”  Hamilton saw Lafayette’s hand twitch towards his pocket and he sighed.  “Go ahead, write that one down.  It’s dated, that’s probably why you haven’t heard it yet.”
Lafayette tucked the box under his arm then took out his notebook and copied the phrase out.
“I know it’s stupid,” Hamilton said, making an effort to lower his voice.  “It shouldn’t matter.  There’s nothing ‘feminine’ about it and even if there was, that’s not a bad thing.  But it’s weird, okay, and I don’t like it.  It’s not about being with him,” he went on after a pause in which they both waited as the train loudly pulled up.  “I just hate being made to feel like less of a man for it.”
Lafayette cocked his head to the side, considering this.  They got into a car and took hold of a pole near the door.
“Fucking bullshit heteronormativity,” Hamilton complained as the car pulled away, taking a step to the side for balance.  “Gender doesn’t function in a void, Lafayette.  In a perfect world none of this would matter and also I’d live in an apartment that didn’t leak heat during the winter.”
Neither of them said anything as the car rattled along to its next stop.
“You know what’s extra bullshit,�� Hamilton started up again as the train stopped.  “I fucked him today.  I should be the one getting all the accolades.  Instead it’s just, oh, look at the little guy, he’s so cute.  Bullshit,” he muttered again, tugging his scarf down.  “Doesn’t always bother me,” he added.  “I dunno, I know you didn’t mean anything by it.  Wasn’t even the tone.  I don’t know.”
“I think you’re very masculine.”
“Thanks.”  Hamilton still sounded sullen.
5) Out (Is it weird to say that I consider this part “a classic”?  This is the thing that got me by far the most amount of comments and, I mean, Laurens earned it.)
“God damn,” Humphreys complained, freshly dressed and sitting next to Laurens on the bench between the rows of lockers and working at a knot in his neck.  He tipped his head to the side so that fine braids slid like a curtain over his hand.  “Don’t get me wrong, Laurens, I don’t want to blow my shoulder out, but you don’t even know how much shit I would have gotten into if I had gotten a month and a half off.”
“Dirty shit,” Tench laughed.  “Go back to your farm, find some of those sheep?”
“Shut up,” Humphreys said, laughing as well.  “That was a business plan.”
“Yeah, the oldest business in the world.  Sam, catch.”  Another player walking by caught his wallet without missing a beat.  “I owe you ten.”  The money was taken and the wallet was tossed back.  Tench dropped it in his bag.
“Anyway, like I was saying, it’s not that I envy you, just those extra six weeks.”
“I hear you,” Tallmadge agreed, coming back from the shower in just a towel.  “It’s hard to visit my girlfriend during the week.  It takes so long to drive down, it’s really only possible on the weekend, but then, okay, so we can’t fool around as much as I’d like.  Not that I’m actually ready for the monastery like our boy Laurens,” he teased, shoving Laurens playfully as he opened his locker.  “How’re you holding up?  I’d have assumed you just weren’t interested if I hadn’t had to listen to you for all these years.”
“Sainthood’s a real lonely road,” Tench added.
“Hey, come on,” Laurens protested, not really thinking about what he was saying, “My boyfriend’s all over me too, I know what it’s like.”
There was actually a moment of stunned silence in the locker room during which time Laurens braced for—
“You aren’t single?  Hey, look, it only took five years!  That means there’s still hope for you yet,” Tallmadge said loudly, slapping a passing first year, the younger of the two Trumbull brothers, hard on the back.  “If you bitch about not getting a date one more time, I’m not stopping your older brother from whaling on you.”
Laurens watched in relieved surprise as various conversations picked back up around him.
“That explains why you haven’t gotten any personal fouls so far this season,” Tench teased him.
“So can we know who it is yet?  Or is it still a secret?”  Tallmadge dropped his towel to change, facing his locker.  “I want to know who tamed the stallion.”
“‘The stallion’?”  Humphreys was packing his bag.  “Oh, come on, and I’m stuck with the sheep?”
“You wrote that paper, you brought this upon yourself,” McHenry said, breaking away from his earlier conversation and pushing up his glasses.  “So who’s the lucky gent?  I’m with Tallmadge, he deserves a Goddamn medal for finally wearing you down.”
“Alex,” Laurens started, caught between embarrassed and incredibly grateful.  “Alexander Hamilton.”
“Hamilton…  The guy with you at the trustee dinner?  Short,” Tench said, gesturing his height.  “Wavy hair?  We went to André’s after.”
“That guy?”  McHenry cut in.  He tugged at the collar to his shirt and glanced down at himself, feeling the tag sticking out in the front.  “Shit.”  His voice was muffled for a second as he pulled it off over his head, flashing well-defined abs and two faint scars curving under his chest, then put it back on.  “He works for the dean, doesn’t he?”
“Secretary to the president,” Laurens said, tentatively bragging a little.
“I thought he was with your roommate?”
“André’s his friend, he said that was just a rumor.”
“Obviously,” Tench rolled his eyes at Tallmadge.  “Know-it-all.”
“Hey, André,” Humphreys called as André, also in a towel and with his hair wet and down in his eyes, showed up.  “Did you know Laurens’ been holding out on us?”
“Uh.”  André looked quickly at Laurens, who stood up.
“All right, all right, that’s enough.”
“So how is it?”  Tench asked, ignoring Laurens’ protests.  “Does he just want it all the time?”
“You said he was all over you,” Tench pushed.  “Did you have to give up your rule?”
Laurens reddened slightly.  “No.”
“What?  So, nothing?  Not at all?”
“All season?”  Tallmadge asked.  “I take it back, he’s the saint, not you.”
“Wait, you did fuck though, didn’t you?  You were together at the dinner, right?”
Laurens, still standing, not sure what was really stopping him from just walking away, felt an excited rush of camaraderie.  “Yeah, we were, and we did.  The night before,” he added before he managed to second guess himself and lose his nerve, “I fucked him so good he cried.”
Another shocked silence, then a delighted whoop of laughter.
“That’s our boy!”  Tallmadge pounded Laurens on the back as he grinned, simultaneously self-conscious and proud.
“Damn,” Humphreys shook his head.  “And here I thought we were going to need to give you a talk about the birds and the bees before you graduated and got sent out into the real world.”
“Maybe we still do,” Tench said.  “Laurens, let me make this brief: you’re a moron.”
Laurens frowned, unsure.  “What?”
“You said it yourself, he’s all over you.  Go take advantage of that opportunity, man!  You’ve waited long enough.”
“I had sex in high school,” Laurens protested weakly.
“Yeah, you know, you told some of us that story,” McHenry pointed out, “and while it sounded like a real great time, half a decade has passed in between.”
“He’s pretty cute,” Tallmadge agreed as Laurens stared at him in disbelief.  “Long eyelashes.”
“Since…  Since when do you check out other guys?”
“Relax, please, I sat next to him in lecture once.  I remember because they friggin’ cast shadows on his face.”
“Uh-huh,” Laurens said, not sure at all about what to do with that.
“You do want to sleep with him, don’t you?”  McHenry asked.  “This isn’t another basil farm incident, is it?”
Laurens looked over at André, who studied the ceiling.
“No, uh,” Laurens said eloquently.  “The sex is—it’s good.  I enjoy it.”
“Then go fuck your boyfriend,” Tench told him, a little louder than Laurens would have preferred.  “Seriously, Laurens!  Did you hit your head when you ripped your shoulder out of its socket?  He wants to, you want to, that grand tradition you thought you were holding to is a bunch of bullshit—no one actually does it.  If you’re so concerned about your stamina then don’t sleep with him the night before the game!  Jesus!”
“His girlfriend’s on study abroad,” André reminded Laurens, nodding his head at Tench.
“Lucky son of a bitch,” Tench muttered, zipping up his bag forcefully and slinging it over his shoulders as he stood.  “Right, I’m starving.  You getting breakfast, Laurens?”
Laurens smiled.  “Sure.  Sounds good.”
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sangwootm8 · 7 years
Sangbum fic rec list
All you sinners stand up and say hallelujah 
I will update this rec list frequently because I like having all my fave fics in one place and sharing is caring, I suppose. In fact, I’m probably updating it as we speak. Message me if there are any fics not listed but you think are worthy to be recced. I’m so thirsty for fic you don’t even understand. This is basically me trying to cope after my chapter 19 tears :^)
Be warned: Nothing squicks me. Absolutely nothing. Please tread cautiously, mind the tags, and take care with what you read. Don’t force yourselves, please.
This list is arranged in no particular order but my absolute favorites are marked with bolded stars.
Stuck by MysticallyKillingSoftly
My own summary: Prison AU. Future fic where Bum and Sangwoo are imprisoned. Bum is relieved to be away from Sangwoo even as he’s being lead to his jail cell. It’s all fine and dandy until he’s face to face with his cellmate. Bum is just. So done. I liked the author’s take on Sangwoo here. He’s a little bit more playful and childish and it’s kinda like Bum is his security blanket. That he hoards violently :^). Anyway, this was a fun read. The series is a WIP as of now but I still like it.
Word count: 1,458
your sickening desire by MartyMiaMatt
Original work summary: An exploration of the themes and dynamics in the relationship between Sangwoo and Bum.The stories can be read as separate pieces in no particular order. There may be recurring elements and references.
Why I like it: I really enjoyed both fics in this series but I enjoyed the first one more. The second one features Sangwoo asking Bum to choke him and Bum is understandably shaken up. He does it though. It’s actually really well done. If that’s your cup of tea, you’d definitely enjoy the second work. This series is not yet complete but every piece can be read as its own standalone complete piece.
Word count: 6,491
Works in Progress
*****The Rabbit and the Fox by firstbornking
Original Work Summary:
“He’s gone. He’s gone… He’s gone!
Bullshit! After all that crawling around… arghhh! That little fucker… he actually ran away? After everything I said? He ignored me?
No. No… there’s no way… he did everything I asked him.”Everything you said…? Everything you asked him…? Yeah, you know we gotta look a little deeper into that, my homicidal compadre.
Set between chapters 10 and 13.
Word count: 15,882 (¾ chapters written)
Why I love this fic to pieces: OOOOOOH BOY I CANNOOOOOOT RAVE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR ENOUGH! Seriously! When I received an email saying that firstbornking wrote a fic for Killing Stalking (Cause I’m subscribed to them obv), i was sh00k. Their characterization is flawless. Sangwoo’s mommy issues really lend themselves to his actions towards Bum. He’s got kind of a childish need to be adored and needed by Bum juxtaposed with his god complex that violently manifests itself. Yet this itself is extremely fragile and it's only held together by Bum's clumsy fingers. Their deliciously disturbing dynamic is handled so well. He’s so wrapped up in Bum at some points that it’s almost sweet in a twisted way. He’s childish at some points and terrifying the whole time. Bum is just so broken and Sangwoo is so wretched and guh. The way they lose themselves in one another really makes it seem like they've lost sight of who they are without the other in the midst of abuse and madness and it's portrayed really really well. The narrative really stabs through your heart. In a really sweetly disturbing way. It's so, so real. One might even say firstbornking kills you softly :^)
Lace by Nyarm **
Original Work Summary: Sangwoo thinks his cute little house guest needs a new outfit. His method for acquiring such things is a little unorthodox, however, which is unfortunate for people who like living.
Why I like it: This is told in Sangwoo’s POV. It feels like sometimes, his thoughts get a little bit longwinded but that’s such a minor issue that you won’t even notice or mind. You really get in his messed up head and hear his messed up thoughts. It’s amazing. And the forced feminization is a plus.
Word count: 8,315
Rose Tinted by darkbrokenreaper ***
Original Work Summary: There is a handsome man who comes into this room every day to check in on Bum and bring him delicious meals. He’s utterly attentive, propping up pillows and tucking in his blankets around him like a protective cocoon. He smiles at Bum and showers him with kisses and affectionate caresses whenever their eyes meet. At night, the man comes into the room and lies down next to him carefully, drawing Bum close into his arms in a loving embrace and they fall asleep wrapped up in each other like that.Bum has absolutely no idea who he is.AKA: Bum has amnesia and Sangwoo sees an opportunity.
Word count: 17,28
Recidivism by iamalivenow
Original Work Summary: Sangwoo wakes up at four in the morning to Bum shaking.Nothing new, really.
Word count: 12,572
Copula by orphan_account **
Word count: 2,617
Warning (contains spoilers for the fic): This fic features Omegaverse with Alpha!Sangwoo and Omega!Bum, mpreg, and an attempt to miscarry. One could also argue that non-con happens between Sangwoo and Bum since Bum is in heat when Sangwoo initiates sexual contact so he can’t consent to 1. having sex and 2. getting knocked up.
Normally, I’m not super into Omegaverse but this one is just too in character for me to pass up. Sangwoo forcefully impregnates Bum since there’s nothing more permanent than parenthood
His Omega Complex by julesver *
Warning: Contains omegaverse. I understand that that AU isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Original Work Summary: In a world full of betas, Yoon Bum always dreamed of being with an alpha, to submit to him and bear his children. Today is the day he’ll meet his alpha, but what’s the worth of an omega when his womb has rotted out from the inside?
Why I like it: This will contain spoilers for the fic but I feel like it should be fine since the author tagged something like Mommy Issues or Mommy Kink somewhere in there but I really love how deep Sangwoo’s mommy issues go in this fic. He literally rapes his mom when he finds her in heat. I just have such a weakness for works that feature Sangwoo’s mommy issues. His actions are incredibly in character
Word count: 2,868
Twisted by ecko *** Can be read as complete
Original Work Summary: The day the police finally came to take him from the house was the day Yoonbum felt a part of himself die.
Word count: 5,596
Multichaptered and Complete
Make You Love Me by GeneralMajorLieutenant
Original Work Summary: “I’ll make you love me. Make you hurt so bad every time you think about me. And I know you think about me a lot. I get it, I got away. Of course you think about me. But I want you to feel what I did. I want you to think about me because you want me around. I want you desperate.“Sangwoo’s jaw dropped slightly, not sure if he was amused by the declaration, angered by it… or impressed.As Bum’s gaze drifted away from the camera and he reached to remove the cheap wig, he sighed, forced a smile, and like a prayer he muttered, “I could have loved you.”
Word count: 14,229
Let’s Kill Tonight by sazann
Original Work Summary:  “Come on, Bum,” Sangwoo urges, his eyes flitting over to a group of young women, “Pick a girl.”
Yoon Bum never wanted to become like Sangwoo. But if his captor loves the way he looks drenched in blood, Bum has no choice but to do whatever it takes to survive.
Word count: 7,503
One shots
Show Me Love by carmen_sandyeggo ****
Original Work Summary: Sangwoo never goes this far. He never makes it personal. Why should he? For him? Him, of all people? He still has yet to understand why Bum has such an effect on him. Which he would never admit. But this, this seems right. After everything, this could unify them to the bitter end.
Why I like it: They literally fuck. Next to Bum’s uncle’s corpse. This fic is greatand I can’t recommend it enough.
Word count: 5,554
i think i’m entitled to your body by dawnstruck ***
Original Work Summary: Yoonbum’s eyes are black mirrors, reflecting Sangwoo’s madness back at him.
Word count: 3,956
Underneath The Blood and Bruises by lisachan
Original Work Summary: He believed he knew what fear was all about. What that dreadful feeling could mean for a person, what it could do to a person.That was, obviously, before he met Sangwoo.
Word count: 3,014
Into the Darkness by Microkitty1313
Original Work Summary: This is for the Killing Stalking event on Lezhin. Koogi is fantastic.This would take place somewhere between after Bum was used to kill the other man and before he got his crutches. Just a glimpse of the everyday happenings within the walls of Sangwoo’s home, and Bum’s prison.
Word count: 3,555
Out of Breath by julesver ***
Original Work Summary: Yoonbum prayed for relief, for gentle hands to turn violent. Sangwoo complied.
Word count: 3,425
Control by julesver **
Original Work Summary: The only times Yoon Bum could feel a resemblance of control was during sex. Today, he pushed the boundaries of his influence to the limit.
Word count: 2,835
A Jealous Lover and a Concussion by YurisSpanx 
Original Work Summary: Sangwoo leaves Bum home alone while he goes out to pick up a new victim. He enjoys his jealousy, but won’t rise to it. Instead, will he fall beneath it? Based on Koogi’s latest picture on Twitter.
Word count: 2,542
Blush by ecko
Original Work Summary:
Sangwoo was always kinder to the pretty ones.
the one where Yoonbum does what he must to secure his own safety.
Word count: 4,001
Unintended Side Effects by tendervittles
Original Work Summary: When his friends dared him to ask the boy who had a crush on him out on a date, Sangwoo had no idea he would end up here…
Word count: 2,304
Ignite by plummuffins
Original Work Summary: basically just smut in a pool of blood
Word count: 2,304
Trying by Rag
Original Work Summary: You’re staring at the ceiling, laying on the stale old cot that Sangwoo keeps on the floor of his spare bedroom for you. Sangwoo is out. You don’t know where he goes, and you know better than to ask. He likes it like this. He likes you on your toes.
Word count: 2,117
Damaged by WiltingGirl
Original Work Summary: Sangwoo catches Bum cutting himself
Word count: 1,424
Live Feed by crookedneighbour
Original Work Summary: Thankfully for Bum, Sangwoo posts to public social media.
Word count: 794
223 notes · View notes
rechief · 7 years
Piper Wrenchley: Character Development Questions (Hard Mode)
(Courtesy of @i-see-light.)
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Piper does have siblings, but one is in his mid-30s and the other is in his early 20s. She’s very close to them both, but neither is in her “age group”.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Piper’s mother is headstrong, stubborn, and much feistier than her daughter, but the two still get along famously.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Piper misses her father every day.
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Discovering her father’s body altered the course her life would take forever. His death was covered by the local news media, so everyone in her neighborhood is aware of the Wrenchley tragedy.
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
A cell phone with a reinforced, water-proof case.
Earbud-style headphones.
Several old, crumpled receipts.
Loose change.
A multitool.
A small wrench.
A pocket flashlight.
A pack of fruit-flavored gum.
A thumb-sized canister of pepper spray.
A ring of keys.
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Not really, but they do trend toward the bizarre and nonsensical.
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Piper has a recurring nightmare about discovering her father’s corpse, which has been described in detail in a piece of fiction I wrote.
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Piper has never, and would never, fire a gun.
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Piper’s status as “The Ultimate Plumber” has brought Wrenchley & Wrenchley Plumbing Co. much more business.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
While Piper is absolutely the sort of person to hang around in an old, faded t-shirt and a pair of shorts at home, most of the work she does necessitates that she wears a lot of protective clothing: overalls, gloves, sometimes a gas mask, thick work boots, etc.
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
The day after her father died, Piper spent all day in her room, under her comforter, worried that someone would come for her next.
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Piper is the most at-home when she’s deep in Brooklyn’s sewer system, alone, fixing an especially difficult plumbing problem while blasting classic rock.
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Blood tends to give her bad flashbacks.
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Piper has trouble with names, but never forgets a face.
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Piper isn’t big on either. She’s the sort of person who loves her job so much that it really doesn’t even feel like work, so that’s what she enjoys doing most.
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Piper progressed from Legos, to Erector Sets, to actual machine shop work very quickly, but she’s always loved building and fixing.
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
As someone who is ambitious, but not especially wise, Piper is most likely to connect with others like herself.
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Piper is fast to make friends, but scared to lose them. This has not, however, ruined any relationships of hers.
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Piper doesn’t really compare herself to others in either way; she isn’t a jealous or self-critical type.
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Speaking generally, Piper is more likely to blame herself than others for a problem in her life.
What does your character like in other people?
Piper appreciates people who are honest, and who generally have a positive outlook on life.
What does your character dislike in other people?
Piper dislikes dishonesty, violence, and convicted felons.
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Surprisingly quick!
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Piper tries earnestly to see the best in people.
How does your character behave around children?
Piper loves kids and is great with them, even if her penchant for showing them how to use power tools can make parents nervous.
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
Confrontation makes Piper uncomfortable, but she takes after her mother in that she can be a surprisingly fierce opponent in an argument.
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Piper abhors violence and would only use it as a last resort.
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Piper has only ever wanted to work at her dad’s -- now her -- plumbing company, and so her dream has come true in a sense.
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
The quickest way to ending your friendship with Piper is revealing that you are an associate or member of a mafia, gang, or other organized crime syndicate.
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
It was the sort of place where most people would be intensely uncomfortable: the cramped bowels of a vast sewer system, dank, rank, dark, and infested with vermin. Piper, however, was perfectly content to trek through muck, saw open rusty pipes, loosen grime-covered bolts, and generally do everything she needed to do to get her job done. Earbuds in and welding mask on, she tunelessly muttered Metallica lyrics under her breath as she soldered a new connection to an old pipe...
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
“Hey,” said the man, “you’re that Wrenchley kid, ain’t’cha?”
“That’s me,” Piper replied, brightly. “Owner’a Wrenchley an’ Wrenchley Plumbin’. You got some kinda issue you need help with?”
“No, I mean, you’re the kid whose dad got killed a few years back, right?”
“Oh.” Piper’s face fell. “Y-Yeah. That’s me, too.”
“That was a real shame,” the man continued. “A real shame.”
Piper never knew what to say to people like this. Yeah? Thanks? I agree?
“I was real sorry to hear about it.”
She wished it would just end.
“Y’know, your dad fixed my ma’s kitchen faucet once, back before...”
She wished he would just leave.
“... great guy, y’know, real pillar’a the community...”
She didn’t want to think about it anymore.
“... must’a been, what, three years ago?”
Four years.
“Anyway, you take care’a yourself, sweetie.”
Don’t call me ‘sweetie’.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Piper is always keen to improve whenever possible.
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
Piper can be stubborn at times, but she also knows, generally, when to fold ‘em and try something else.
How does your character behave around people they like?
Piper seems to have a constantly-sunny disposition when she’s around her friends.
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Piper tries to avoid those who she dislikes.
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
I wouldn’t say Piper is concerned with either.
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Piper is more likely to remove herself from a problem or threat.
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
Piper has endured her fair share of rat, bat, and bug bites. She is regularly tested for diseases common to the plumbing profession, including rabies, tetanus, and Lyme disease. So far, she’s managed to stay clean.
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Piper is exceedingly polite to service staff.
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Piper is big on pulling herself up by her bootstraps.
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Not really.
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
At the age of 14, no, but who knows what the future might bring.
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
It is very easy for Piper to say “I love you” meaningfully; while she can say it without meaning it, she most often does this in a silly or sarcastic context (”You brought me a burrito? I love you”).
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Piper isn’t sure what’ll happen to her post-death, but she hopes to be reunited with her father.
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theseventhhex · 7 years
White Lies Interview
Harry McVeigh, Jack Lawrence-Brown & Charles Cave
Photo by Steve Gullick
On their fourth album, ‘Friends’, Londoners White Lies have loosened up and pursued their love of pop and even dipped in to disco. White Lies haven’t so much abandoned their trademark synth-rock sound as given it a spring clean by having fun exploring new sounds. For many reasons, making ‘Friends’ felt like a fresh start, the trio was temporarily without a label after a bout of record company reorganisation. Rather than re-sign straight away, they decided to start ‘Friends’ under their own steam, without the pressure of a deadline or a budget to blow. Moreover, the changing nature of relationships acts a recurring theme throughout ‘Friends’, a result of the trio nearing 30. The record is further proof of how far the trio are prepared to push themselves - inspiring a completely different atmosphere and a fascinating collocation of moods… We talk to frontman Harry McVeigh about recording in Bryan Ferry’s London studio, having more restraint and Jimi Hendrix…
TSH: The variety of material on ‘Friends’ certainly sets it apart from previous White Lies records. Were you looking to give each song more of an individual identity?
Harry: Yeah, pretty much. I’m not sure if we were looking to do this consciously, but as we were writing, the songs came from a lot of different places and different inspirations. In the past I think we probably have been guilty of trying to bend the songs so that they fit together. From early on with this record we decided to follow the songs through from the beginning and not bend them too much from the first moments of inspiration.
TSH: What was it like to self-produce this time around?
Harry: Well, the self-production aspect was really born out of necessity. We had a good budget to make the record but not a huge one and if we decided to work with one producer, it would have cost too much money. We all felt when we were recording this album that we were ready to self-produce. Four albums in, we felt like we learned enough to do it ourselves. Also, we did work with some amazing people on this record that helped produce different bits. We got to piece it together with the help of James Brown and Ed Buller. I hope that’s how we make another couple of records in the future.
TSH: The record was also formed at Bryan Ferry’s London studio. You were able to use some of Roxy Music’s old synths from their first few albums, which hadn’t been played since the late 70s…
Harry: It was an amazing experience. Apart from Bryan who had used them, yeah, no one else really has. The studio was fantastic and we were really keen to work in London. When the option came up, we just jumped on it. I think we were the first band to work in there, aside from Bryan. I think Prince recorded in there for a night when he was touring London. Overall, it was an offer too good to pass up. It was so inspiring to be surrounded by all of this Roxy Music memorabilia.
TSH: Knowing the studio was designed for Bryan to use; did you feel restricted at all?
Harry: Yeah, in many ways a lot of the work we did in there was quite restricted by how the studio was used in the past. It was filled with gear Bryan loves to use, it was not commercial and not every option is available to you. You know, I quite liked being restricted in that way because when you work with people in an environment like that, you have to come up with creative solutions for some of the things you want to try sonically, which is really fun.
TSH: Does ‘Take It Out On Me’ entail the feeling of time starting to fly?
Harry: Yeah, definitely. It’s interesting that you say that and I like those words of time flying on this record, it’s very true of the subject matter of the record overall. Charles was writing a lot about how one’s relationships with people changes as you get older. It’s funny because as you get older, you don’t see your friends as much as you did when you were younger or in university, not even every weekend. I’ve moved to California and I see my best mates like once or twice a year. It’s really weird as the passage of time that you have with your friends starts to change.
TSH: What was the process like in bringing together ‘Swing’?
Harry: ‘Swing’ actually came about quite slowly and it was one of the songs on the album that we revisited a lot over the writing process. The song was a slow-burner and it started with the riff and verse, the outro we actually pulled from another song that we had recorded. I feel like with this track we always knew what to do and what decisions to take but it was still one of the more challenging tracks to record in the studio as there was a lot to it.
TSH: Do you feel as a band you’re becoming more acceptable of the idea of restraint and simplifying things as much as possible?
Harry: Yeah, I think so. I feel we’ve perhaps come to realise over the records that we’ve made how important it is to write a song that will stand up on its own. When you start from a place that’s really simple or stripped back, you can do much less with it and it will still stand up as a really good song. We’re definitely more restrained now and more picky with what we do with a song. Also, we were guilty on our second record I feel in throwing the kitchen sink at it and chucking as much as we could to fit onto a song. It was great to have the legendary Alan Moulder on board, only he could have made all of our parts work. But, yeah, restraint has taken us a long time to learn, but we’ll definitely use more of it in the future.
TSH: Would you consider your best songwriting to still be ahead of you?
Harry: I especially feel this after making this latest record. I still don’t think we’ve made a record as good as our first album, that’s probably a strange thing to say as I’m talking about getting better as songwriters, but I think there’s just something really hard to capture about the naivety that you have on your first album. It’s a challenge to recreate the type of energy we had on our first release; where everything is new and the naïve decisions turn into something unique, interesting and things that people love about your band. I do feel our best album is ahead of us and I feel our best album will be about pushing the band to do something different in the future.
TSH: Do you maintain the notion of not getting your hopes up too much in the music world because it’s not healthy and it can be a fickle industry?
Harry: Of course, it’s always tricky in this industry. Even now, we’re navigating our band in a certain way, bearing in mind the business side and it’s been 10 years. I do feel after this album especially that we have a more stable foundation than we’ve ever had before. I guess even taking three years to release and album is a risk, you know? Three years is a long time in the music industry and you never know if people are still going to be into your band and into your music. However, it’s nice to see our tour being packed and seeing people stick with us for the foreseeable future, that’s a wonderful feeling.
TSH: Amongst your loyal fans are the Mexican faithful?
Harry: We’ve always done well in Mexico. We shot a couple of videos with an amazing Mexican director named David Pablo and he is quite known in Mexico, I think that got our music a bit more of an audience in the country. We love Mexico and playing there is so much fun. We’re excited to go back. The country’s appreciation of music and how people react to shows there is so full of passion. They have a lot of anglophiles in Mexico, there seems to be a huge appetite for British music.
TSH: You recently got married and moved to San Francisco. How is life panning out for you stateside?
Harry: I’m enjoying it. I’ve settled into life here pretty well. At times, my wife and I are still finding our way. I guess the challenge is to make a whole new set of friends basically. It’s a great city and so different to London in many ways, which was a big part of the reason to move. It’s nice to have new experiences and to get to grips with a new place.
TSH: What goals have you set yourself since your move?
Harry: One of my goals when I moved out here was to become a proficient piano player, that’s something I‘ve been working on quite a lot lately. I try to practise up to four to five hours a day, if I can. It’s incredibly difficult, but I’m enjoying it. I’ve found a great teacher here and it’s good for my musicality in general.
TSH: Does Jimi Hendirx remain your ultimate guitar hero?
Harry: I am a huge fan and have always wanted to play like him. I especially like his track entitled ‘Bold as Love’; I can listen to that track over and over. ‘Voodoo Child’ is amazing too; it’s an obvious choice, but still great. I remember I got the tablature books when I was young and it was one the first songs I wanted to learn how to play.
TSH: What do you hope to stay true to with the band’s progression looking ahead?
Harry: I think it’s very important as a singer to remain true to how I sing. I’ve always had a real thing about being very honest with my voice and the way I sing. When I’m writing, I always think about if I’m comfortable singing a song, as well as the words being sung. It’s a big deal for me because people will always associate my voice with White Lies; therefore I always want honesty behind it. Also, as a band, we’ll always try to push ourselves in terms of songwriting. We’re not afraid to write songs that are seen as or heard as being very poppy or obvious. It’s always a great challenge to write songs that connect and resonate with people, and we’ll never shy away from that.
White Lies - “Don't Want to Feel It All ”
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