#and she said that hannibal was ‘weirdly attractive’ and immediately pegged him as gay
psychoticwillgraham · 4 months
had mom watch the first two eps of hannibal and when she saw the scene of Will in the classroom she was like ‘that man is a twitchy little asshole, I don’t like him’ and by the end of the first ep she goes ‘never mind I kinda like him. I hope nothing bad happens to him :(‘ and I let out the most evil little chuckle lmao she’s seen it before when it first aired bc she watched it weekly with then 15/16 year old me (mom and grandma watched their own shows but whenever it was hannibal night I’d just go ‘no, we’re fucking watching Hannibal’ so the brainrot has been here this whole time lmao) but completely forgot about what happens except for the angel maker ep. that’s one thing about it that she remembers crystal clear.
now all she wants to do is watch it but tomorrow is the Big Show Day and I’m gonna do some last minute stuff in the morning and put my nails on ahead of time and tape my chest and go to breakfast so there’s no time at all tomorrow/tomorrow night. but as soon as we can on Sunday, we’re picking up at ep 3. looks like we’ve got another one boys 😏
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