#and riku getting absolutely blackout drunk is VERY much a stretch for a canon-typical storyline LOL
stollenwurm-writes · 8 months
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A mix between a tumblr prompt and a deleted scene of sorts from Ship of Theseus. I originally wrote this fic as a stand-alone, but found myself leaning to Ship of Theseus's general timeline. But I opted to leave the scene out, as I didn't find the tonal pitch of the scene to match the rest of the fic, and I felt the circumstances were a bit of a stretch for a fic that I was trying to keep as believable as possible for typical KH canon. However, the themes and intent are very much the same. :) Absolutely can be read as a one-shot, however, as there are no references to any other scenes from other fics (since it was originally just a prompt-writing), and was meant to be an isolated moment anyway.
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