#and of course the usual conversation about how QPRs are often boiled down to 'really good friends' which just isnt correct
officialgleamstar · 2 months
i do agree, in many ways, that fandom tends to prioritize shipping over like... actually enjoying characters' dynamics and friendships and what makes them unique LMAO but sometimes i see the way people talk about shipping and im like. i feel like you're missing the point here. i don't make and consume mostly romantic (or queerplatonic, but that's a whole other conversation) fanworks because i can't appreciate the characters' friendships. i mostly consume romantic fanworks because the canon already does the characters' friendships so well. if i wanted to see characters be friends, i would go watch the show. they're not kissing each other in the show, and that's why i turn to fanworks for that stuff
now when its media that does not do the friendships well enough, then i am all over the platonic fics, hello kiddads from dungeons and daddies-
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