#and now Storm doesn't even show up again in a future/past timeline
howhow326 · 28 days
These writers really don't give a shit about Storm after all, huh
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Watching Black Sails 3x2
Fighting hard against my urge to keep watching Shameless instead. I know S3 will be... difficult emotionally, and I'm not ready. But this time I'm gonna stay strong (I cannot have any more unfinished shows on my list, by god).
This show is so much more relaxing to watch with subtitles, honestly.
I love ships, but seeing these English warships sure makes me nervous. Also I don't like what Eleanor is doing here, but I still love watching her do it.
So I expected the men to spend their gold on drinks and whores, same as Flint, but what do you mean, you just lost it??
Aww, Max and Jack both looking out for Anne's future. I know they're not really in a poly relationship anymore (although, aren't Anne and Jack still life partners in a way?), but they are way healthier than the setting of this show would have you expect.
"Got to do my part somehow." Silver, is that really you??
"Does that mean we're married?" Awww.
Honestly, seeing Silver's relationship with the rest of the crew develop is delightful, but also kind of scary from his perspective. He never wanted to be a pirate and here he is, relying on these people.
Flint, will you TAKE the fucking canvas in??
I've read books about having to take the sails in in a storm, but seeing it is much scarier.
Oh nice, we're fleshing out Eleanor's timeline. Also tea!
It's really interesting to hear how Eleanor got to where she was at the beginning of season 1.
Okay, Charlestown burning wasn't really Vane's fault. Also I think Flint is way beyond the point where he can be reasoned with (but she might not know that). But yeah, Vane doesn't know when to give up, I'll give her that. So revenge or good counsel? Maybe a little bit of both. Either way, Eleanor for sure hasn't lost sight of her best interests.
Vane working out his frustrations next to the slaves. And here comes another part of his past to rattle him. He looked more relaxed when he thought somebody just wanted to kill him.
Haha, his face in that hug, like 'What the Fuck'.
"They are both dead." So to whom are you lying here, Blackbeard or yourself?
Okay, I expected Vane to be more apologetic, but good for him.
Oof, but Blackbeard implying that he could have killed him and left instead adds layers.
"Ours." Nassau invents communism in the face of the English threat?
God, the Walrus looks like a toy ship out there in the storm.
Is Flint gonna save his ship single-handedly? - Oh FUCK, he's letting the mast go. Well, the top of it.
Nooo, Silver's new friend! God, that's gotta be one of the worst death scenes on TV ever.
"Just exactly how stupid are your men?" "It's hard to say." I'm getting tonal whiplash here. But at least Jack can be relied upon for a little comedic relief, and god knows we need it.
Okay, now I want to know what "Jack trying desperately to join Charles' first crew" looked like. Also that means they've been together for quite a long time - and I assume Anne and Jack were already a package deal back then? God, I really want a timeline for this show, or pre-canon at least.
Vane out there once again defending Jack, and this time we get to see it. He definitely didn't have his back as much in S1. He didn't even try to save him from drowning! (Although maybe he just knew Jack can swim?)
"He's been employing [the gold] to provide for Nassau's defense." Vane stretching the truth a bit. Those are your slaves up there hauling stones!
Interesting that Teach wants to go back in time in regards to Nassau being a savage place, while everybody else seems pretty content with the way it turned out. I can definitely see why Eleanor had to get rid of him.
Vane right now wondering if there isn't a little bit of truth in his old mentor's words.
Love the contrast between the way Anne and Max dress. Also silent communication for the win. Both of them wondering what happened to make Jack change his mind.
God, I love these two so much. Please don't break my heart.
I will never get tired of Flint and Billy.
God, look at Silver's face. They made him care about someone other than himself and look at what it's doing to him now.
Flint, can't you simply tie that steering wheel to something, instead of getting waterboarded by the ocean?
Rogers gets a bit of his backstory revealed, but I don't care, because I've already decided I don't like him.
Ugh, traitors!
Hornigold is not happy to see Eleanor, but I am. Even though she's, potentially, also a traitor.
Hah, as if Flint would let a measly tempest be his doom. He probably threw that flag overboard himself.
At least his crew can't say that he isn't willing do do as much or even more than what he asks of them.
"We are becalmed." Never expected that to sound so scary.
The walrus looks very lonely out there.
Also sorry that these things get ever more longwinded, but I need all these little breaks during watching because otherwise my heart will combust.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
The problem with the idea of future/alternate timeline Lucy coming to meet the time team, or for that matter, to give Flynn the journal, is that if alternate/future Lucy had the ability YEARS ago to go back, why didn't she appear to her own "self" and give her the journal ? It doesn't make sense she'd trust Flynn over herself. But then that is a flaw with the plot of the show. Unless they are going to say alternate versions cannot coexist in the same timeline, which means current Lucy dies.
“It doesn't make sense she'd trust Flynn over herself.”
Mmmm but.... are we sure about that?
First, we still don’t know if the rules about traveling on your own timeline are just to avoid running into yourself (which Lucy definitely could not do if that hadn’t yet been sorted when she went to Flynn the first time) or if those are two separate things. Those are the sorts of questions that will be answered in more depth next season and they’ve already pointed out that it’s impossible by current show standards. That means a twist or revision of those rules is coming to make it possible, even if it hasn’t been invented yet in canon.
Second, Lucy explicitly tells Jiya in 2x08 that knowing the future isn’t a burden she would wish on anyone. That’s why they don’t warn Denise about Rittenhouse and everything else that is going to happen. So why is she going to travel back to herself, drop the “time travel is real and here is everything that’s going to happen” bomb on an unsuspecting historian who is totally unprepared to deal with that, and would probably think she was crazy and/or had just had a strange dream? She also can’t give the journal to herself and then have current Lucy go find Flynn, because a) Flynn is not going to believe her, and b) how the heck would Lucy, a fairly ordinary woman, find an elite ex-NSA asset with years of military and special ops training who has gone off the grid? The only way is for future Lucy to cut out the middle(wo)man and do it herself.
Next, Lucy is not prepared to steal a time machine herself, for all the reasons listed above. She is a civilian with no military training and it’s not like she knows a bunch of henchmen to call up and storm a secure laboratory, or how to go about hunting Rittenhouse members for intel /murder once they do get to the past, or what to do in regard to any of that. That is Flynn’s wheelhouse, that is everything he is good at. LUCY can’t steal the Mothership and go after Rittenhouse and set everything in motion, but FLYNN can. (They’re partners, they need each other, their skills complement each other, they can do together what they can’t do alone -- that’s the whole point of them being “quite the team.”) Likewise, the motto this season is that no one of them can do this alone; they need each other, they are all the other has. Lucy giving the journal to Lucy would defeat that; it would isolate her and put all the responsibility on her. (Plus we don’t know the truth about how she and Flynn are connected in the future. The shipper view is that they’re married, or otherwise deeply involved, but even without that, they are clearly bonded in a very important way that makes him the only person she chooses to trust with this.)
As well, it’s pretty clear that Lucy wrote the journal FOR FLYNN. She left out parts that might influence him too much in one way or another/didn’t give him the full story, but she left in intimate moments/thoughts that allowed him to get to know her and feel a connection to her before they ever met again. She specifically conceives of it as a tool to give HIM, not anyone else, and not just as an innocent memento. There’s a reason he’s the only one who has read it; even current Lucy herself doesn’t know what it says. Whenever she writes the journal, she does it a) to give Flynn the information to set events in motion to take down Rittenhouse, and b) to get to know her. That’s what she wants to do. She wants him. She chose him. We still don’t know why, but that’s important.
So yes. Future Lucy turning up is a bombshell that shakes up/changes the rules of the show, adds a new wrinkle to the time-travel element, and raises more questions for the team, especially since likewise, Future Lucy can’t tell them much more than she told Flynn the first time. We don’t know when she’s come from or what the situation there is. She probably can’t stay long. But she raises the stakes, proves that Flynn has been telling the truth from the start, and heightens Lucy’s importance to defeating Rittenhouse, as the main character and the one who drives the action, and by the sound of all the spoilers to date, vague as they are, I would now be VERY surprised if she didn’t turn up.
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